Andrew and the Sexbot Factory/Prototype/Part 3

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“What have you done!?” Samantha cried, steam rising from her drenched face. The scalding water left no burns on her flesh, and for a moment he wondered if he had done anything other than piss her off. Then, a calm female voice intoned from inside her:

“Warning. Internal breach.”

She fell forward, Reed backing away as she grasped at him. Samantha hit the ground hard, but had managed to lock one of her hands on to his ankle. Reed tried to kick loose as the calm voice spoke again.

“Warning. This unit has sustained critical damage.”

“You’re going to stop squirming and fix me,” she seethed, looking up at him in unmasked fury with her English voice now heavily synthesized, “Or I will self-destruct.”

He stopped struggling. “You’ll die too.”

She chuckled while lights began to flash beneath her skin, illuminating her eyes and cheeks in burst of red and yellow. “I will be restored back at the Plant with no more than a minute's worth of memory missing. Y-y-y-you on the other hand-d-d-d…”

Whatever damage the boiling water had done to her seemed to be getting worse – he decided to stall. “Why not just blow us up then? If it doesn’t matter to you…”

“I would p-p-prefer to k-k-keep this <bzzzzt> body and avoid the t-t-trouble of refabrication.”

“But if I help you, how do I know you won’t kill me?”

“Warning:” the calm voice spoke again. “To avoid further damage, please power down this unit immediately.”

“You’ll have to take me at my w-w-w <bzzzzt> word,” she growled as a tremor ran through her. Before he could reply she shouted, “Now quit stalling and unzzzzip this thing or I'm taking you out with mmmmmme!"

The earnestness in her threat was clear and he dropped beside her, grasping the zipper at the base of her neck and forcing it down until it was blocked by her belt. With a few tugs he forced the belt down her hips to the initial swell of her round backside. There was nothing in her appearance that obviously marked her as a robot. However, her physique - from her narrow waist to her generous posterior - seemed only loosely based in reality. With the top of the catsuit unzipped, it parted to reveal the back of a cream-colored bra against her darker skin. Near her shoulder blades, a pair of subdermal red lights throbbed in warning. A panel slide open on the small of her back, and a screen lit up with data and pictographs, much of it in a vibrant red. Along the top was the text, “Secret Agent Sam / Pleasuredroid v. 229.6.9.”

“On the levvvt zzzou will see nnnngh menu markkkktt ‘Emergnnnnzzz Diiiii<bzzzt>nostic’," she managed, the distortion in her voice making her difficult to understand. Unable to read the smaller text, he straddled her to orient himself to the screen. His cock brushed against the leather that conformed tightly to her round ass; in a flash, he was erect.

Now is NOT the time! He tried to suppress the urgings of his libido as Samantha shouted, “Contrrrhhh zher horrrrrmones ngh fucking fix<bsssshhhht> me!” He saw the ‘Emergency Diagnostic’ menu and pressed it, the screen updating with new information.

She gave him another command, but her voice was too distorted for him to make any sense of it. The screen seemed to be asking him which of a list of a dozen errors he wanted to troubleshoot. There was no obvious choice, so he picked the one flashing prominently at the top.

“Not that one!” she cried very distinctly. The screen was replaced with the text, Transmission from G.F.P 6 removed from quarantine. Analyzing content. Analyzing… Engaging sexual systems.

Samantha pressed her ass against him as she emitted a digitized moan, the lights on her back pulsing quicker.

“Warning,” the calm voice cautioned. “This unit is malfunctioning. Intercourse is not advised at this time.”

Reed got to his feet as Samantha’s hands jerked and shimmied her impossibly tight leather pants over the contours of her ass, giving up once they were midway down her thighs. She rolled on her back, and slid off her cream colored panties to reveal a half-soaked dark purple tuft of hair beneath. Her face flickered like a Christmas tree, a warm red glow illuminating her mouth as she pleaded in her digitized voice, “F-f-fuck m-m-mmmmeeeee…” her hands grasping the air as she reached for him.

Reed began to back away when the calm voice intoned, “Self-destruct primed.”

“F-f-f-uck-k-k m-m-mmmee,” she repeated with the edge of a threat in her voice, one which he took quite seriously. As he straddled her, he heard the straining of her servos as her legs struggled to part while the leather of her half-removed pants still bound her above the knees. She provided him with enough passage between her thick thighs to enter her, and he slipped in to her warm sex.

Her head shook back and forth as she groaned in pleasure, her voice distorted and metallic. Lights played across her face and throat and above her swollen breasts. Straddling her luscious thighs he glided in and out of her, his hands massaging the fullness of her breasts through the soft cotton of her cream-colored bra as her nipples hardened.

The telltale tingling of his splint returned and he pushed into her as far as he could, “Ah!” she gasped at the force of his thrust, just before the implant discharged.

Her entire body stiffened and she trembled, sucking in air, the strobing lights racing down her face, over her breasts and across her stomach in a trail to her sex. "I-I-I-III," she stammered, eyes fluttering, when a panel on her stomach flew open to show a red light that pulsed with slow significance.

“Ohhh…” she moaned in her digitally distorted voice, and the red light pulsed, emitting a deep corresponding beep. “Ohhh… Ohhhh!” she continued faster, the light matching her exclamations, the beep also rising in pitch with her.

“Ahh… Ahh… Ahhhh!” she continued as she writhed beneath him, her moans, the beeping, the pulsing all coming more quickly.

“Self destruct activated,” the calm voice stated.

Reed pulled loose from her and scrambled toward the door, the beeping sounding quicker and quicker, now too fast for her frantic gasps of pleasure to match. “Ahh-hahhh-hhaaaaHHHHHHHH!” she cried as Reed flung the diner door open, crashing through the atrium and into the open air. He could still hear her, the beep now a solid high-pitched tone as she gave a final squeal. “OOOOHHH GOD!

He dove into the open door of the parked car and pulled it shut just as she exploded, glass and debris scouring the windshield in a storm that would have torn him to shreds.

He sat silent for a moment, panting, trying to collect his thoughts. He checked himself for injury and apart from a few scrapes on his feet, he seemed OK. The cabin of the car was lit by a soft white light, revealing a luxurious interior. Subtle controls faintly glowed across the dash, and he could only guess at what half of them were for. The main nav-screen suggested, “Return to facility?” followed by a confirmation button.

Facility? He supposed that had to be where they had taken G. He also realized he now had a choice – he had a car, and he could drive back to the Sprawl. Go straight to the Department of Security and report that a sexbot-run factory was still out there in the wastes. He’d probably get a reward! Be a hero. He’d definitely need to find some clothes first…

But he also thought there might be a chance to save G. His rational mind told him this was suicide, that she was probably already gone anyway. She was a robot, anyway... and even if he did find her and somehow managed to rescue her, what then?

He confirmed “Return to facility” on the touch screen and the car engaged its auto-pilot. It quietly backed away from the smoldering wreckage of the diner and accelerated into the dark. He struggled to come up with some sort of plan, but realized he had absolutely no idea what to expect. One more Bad Decision for the pile

(Continued in part 4)

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