Andrew and the Sexbot Factory/Prototype/Part 2

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The strangeness of her pussy – its uniformity, its ‘grip’, its even texture – did not deter Reed in the slightest as he thrust in and out of her, G approving in gasps and squeals. When he felt a familiar tingling coming on, he feared his splint would inevitably ruin this for both of them. “Brace yourself!” he warned, and gave her a deep push just as the implant discharged.

“AHHHHHH!” G cried rapturously, arching her back as she clutched the railing of the pool table. Her eyes flooded the room with a pale blue light, and after trembling in ecstasy she went slack, collapsing on the green felt of the pool table. The lamps of her eyes flickered and dimmed, and steam hissed from between segmented folds along her back.

“G?” Reed asked, and she grunted a wordless reply, pushing herself up with her hands and bucking against his hips in anxious, eager thrusts. “More!” she squealed, “Again!”

Reed had no way of controlling the splint’s erratic shocking, but when he felt another tingling coming on, he turned her head to meet his and kissed her fully on the mouth. As he thrust into her again, he found her hips and hindquarters had grown even softer, allowing his cock deeper inside of her when the splint sparked a second time. Her eyes strobed with a blinding light and he felt another burst of steam erupt from her back against his chest.

“Warning,” her internal female voice calmly intoned. “Sexual systems are not calibrated…”

“Over… hahhhh… ride!” she panted and resumed her frantic bucking.

“Warning. Fluid levels…”

“Over… nnggh… ride!” She climbed on to the table and pulled Reed after her, their new position allowed him still deeper inside of her.

“Warning. Heat levels…”

“Over… fucking…. ride! Hahhhhh!” she panted, and he saw her ass was now glowing, two orbs of white that burst with light at every impact. He ran his hands over the plate that defined her bosom and it nearly exploded into two radiant white breasts, brilliant lanterns tipped in soft pink.

The glow radiated from her waist and chest, spreading across her until her whole body had shifted from gray to white, firm to soft. Massaging her breasts and providing a climactic squeeze, he plunged into her and then erupted inside as the splint sparked furiously with each convulsing spurt of his manhood, and he was met by a wash of fluid from her.

G’s mouth hung open with only bursts of distorted static sounding from her, her tongue lolling to one side as light poured from her eyes, her mouth, radiating especially from her round breasts and her compressed backside. Panels sprang open on her back and glowing-hot machinery burst forth in vast clouds of steam amidst a confusion of warning light and sounds. She froze in the thrall of ecstasy, trembling, pulsing with light, until she finally dimmed, wavered and collapsed, her falling form leaving contrails of steam. Reed caught her before she collided with the table and then, exhausted, fell beside her.

“Why didn’t you warn me…” she breathed, “…about your electric dick? I almost fried myself on that thing!”

“I tried – “ he began, but she just shook her head, smiling.

“Too easy,” she admonished, and drew him close. The rain abated and the only sound in the room was the still heating kettle.

“Told you that would take forever,” Reed whispered teasingly.

“Trust me, you lasted well short of forever…” she began, when two sets of headlights flooded the diner from outside, then dimmed.

“Oh fuck,” she exclaimed, springing from the table. “I think I might’ve transmitted that last… episode to just about everyone in the area.”

“What? Why would you do that!?” Reed looked nervously at the dark shapes of two cars outside. A door on each swung open.

“It’s not like I meant to!” she cried. “It was overwhelming, I was venting, I just… apparently I’m noisy when I climax!” Two silhouettes approached the same door Reed had used.

G faced the entrance and squared herself. “They can stick their ‘retrospective’ up their ass,” she said through clenched teeth, “I am not going back with them.” The two silhouettes resolved into women as they moved through the ruined atrium. Reed got down from the pool table and grabbed an old iron skillet, stepping in front of G.

“They’re not taking you,” he said, his mind screaming this was had to be the worst Bad Decision of his yet.

“Reed…” G started, and the door swung open. The first through was a female robot in what appeared to be form-fitting polished black plastic plating – similar to G’s but heavier. Reed first thought she wore some featureless mask, but realized that wasn’t the case – she simply had no face, only a smooth black surface that, despite the absence of eyes, seemed to stare unwavering at them. After her came a caramel-skinned woman in a skin-tight leather cat suit, a utility belt tied buckled over broad hips. She wore her purple hair in a long braid that hung over her shoulder and followed the swell of her substantial breasts. Reed couldn’t place her ethnicity. When she spoke, it was with a cultured English accent, her speech precise and tinged with malice.

“So this is where you’ve been hiding,” the purple-haired woman purred, her sharp features twisting into a mirthless smile.

“Reed, I take it all back - I’m going with them.” Reed hesitated, and G continued urgently, “Seriously, these two 'bots will kill you. I mean, maybe if it was one of the maids or the cheerleaders or something, but these two…”

“Who’s the human?” the robot with the English accent asked, amused. The faceless robot approached slowly but deliberately. In a flash, a blade sprung from her wrist and she caught the handle, holding it delicately in her hand.

G tore the skillet from Reed’s hand and threw it on the floor, quickly saying, “I’ll go with you – quietly – as long as you leave him alone!”

“Prix?” the English robot spoke.

“Yes. Samantha.” answered the faceless robot flatly, her voice a vaguely feminine synthesized growl.

“Leave the human be and collect the G.F.P 6.”

“Acknowledged.” The faceless robot (Prix?) fluidly slipped the blade back into her wrist. G stepped to meet her, a full head shorter. “And it’s G.F.P. 6a,” G corrected, “Like sex-UNNGH!“ G groaned as Prix violently bent her forward, one hand wrenching open a plate on her back and punching some internal control. G abruptly went silent and limp. Prix hefted G over her shoulder and turned to leave.

“Bring her to Nightingale for her retrospective,” Samantha said, still watching Reed.

“You can’t!” he blurted.

She cocked an eyebrow. “We can’t?” As Prix made her exit, Samantha sauntered toward him, her tall heels clicking against worn tile. There was a slow menace in her walk, her cold smile still on her lips. He knew with certainty she did not intend to honor G’s request. “What exactly has our little 6 been telling you?” The headlights of one of the vehicles outside flared to life, quickly backed away, and sped off.

“She said you’re… building others like her, running experiments on them, and then killing them.”

“Killing?” Samantha stopped a few feet from him. “Awfully dramatic language, especially coming from a human. Really, ‘refining’ would be more appropriate in her context. In yours, however…”

The kettle beside him began to emit a low whistle. “She also mentioned something about hot liquids not being good for her.”

Samantha looked confused. “Now why would…”

His grabbed the kettle, swinging it in a broad arc toward her head. In a flash, her hand was up to block it, and in that split second Reed clearly saw the condescending smirk on her face. The kettle collided with her hand and shattered, drenching her in scalding water.

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