The Reprogramming

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Chun-li sits in a meeting room. She is being briefed on her next mission, with a group of stern older men surrounding her. The day's tasks entail infiltrating Shadaloo headquarters, in order to gain any information they can use to take them down. It took a long time to finally find what building Shadaloo is using, so this mission is of the utmost importance. She is listening closely, but she always doubted the use of these physical meetings. She is a cyborg, with numerous enhancements. She is considerably more robot than human at this point. And whenever she is sent on a mission, all of the mission data is uploaded to her, and she is able to scan and understand it in an instant. These meetings are a slight waste of time. A formality more than anything. But if it makes the organisation feel more secure, there isn’t much of a reason to make a fuss. She works for interpol, and has been for most of her life. Chun-li is heavily in line with the ideals of interpol, but is motivated more strongly for a hatred of Shadaloo, due to its leader M. Bison. Chun-li is all too familiar with the horrible deeds of Shadaloo, and seeks revenge for her late father Dorai. She will do anything to hinder any further damage Shadaloo can cause. And she will not stop at anything to see that the people who caused her family so much pain will be brought to justice.

Once the meeting is over, she can finally begin. She has no need of equipment, due to her body containing more uses than any external tool. So just armed with her robotically enhanced body, she makes her way to the base. Once she arrives, she finds the same abandoned looking office building that she saw in the mission briefing. It seems quite unassuming. She jumps over the rusted gate that guards the building and starts to patrol the perimeter. She quickly darts to the corner as she begins to pick up some nearby footsteps. It seems there is a pair of soldiers wandering the area. This was never mentioned in her mission briefing, so it seems even this section is slightly guarded. After a secondary scan of the area, there aren’t any security cameras or surveillance systems. The best way to handle the situation will be to swiftly take them out. Luckily, when she disposes of Shadaloo soldiers, it's more of an issue for them to hide the bodies, than it is for interpol. So she readies herself for action. Since she has discerned that there are only two of them, it shouldn’t be too hard.

She begins by scaling the building a little, gaining some height. As she stands atop a slight indentation for a window, she clings to the wall. She hopes to catch them by surprise by coming from above. She watches and waits as the two men get closer and closer. They seem quite engrossed in the conversation they are having so their focus is certainly not on reviewing the area. She will be hidden up here.. Chun-li decides to see if she can wait and listen in, in case there is anything in their idle chat. “Yeah, so I was stationed at the armoury until just recently. The times didn’t match up with my new schedule so I requested a change and ended up here.” One of the men says. “Ahh ok. Yeah it's rare new people join this line up. We are usually considered the least useful haha.” The other responds.

Well, finding out that there is an armoury might be something. But Chun-li acknowledges that it was already very likely the case. They are a start of the art crime organisation, it would be weird if they didn’t have weapons. She waits around a little longer, but the conversation drifts to their usual after work hobbies. She gives up any hope of them discussing some crucial intel, and decides to take action. She takes a chip of the splintered wood next to her and throws it just out of sight into the bushes. The two soldiers react to the sound. One moves to investigate, while the other looks around the area to cover him. She drops down and lands on his shoulders, covering his mouth with her hands. She wraps her legs around his neck. Once she has a firm grip, she twists the lower half of her body in a full rotation, as she keeps her eyes on the other man. He turns upon hearing all of the commotion, only to see CHun-li take out his partner while maintaining eye contact. He begins to panic, and she uses that moment to jump off of the first man to kick the gun out of the hand of the other. He stumbles back and falls down to the floor behind him. She moves quickly, preventing him from alerting anyone else. She kicks at his neck with enough force to knock him out instantly.

Now that the two men have been dealt with, Chun-li decides to pick up the pace. There is a high chance that they are supposed to regularly do radio check-ins. She will have to get in before anyone knows something is up. She runs by the side of the house.She finds the broken window she was looking for and she slips in otherwise unnoticed.

At first the inside matches the outside. It clearly hasn’t been used in a long time. It is hard to believe that it could be in use by the most sophisticated and highly advanced criminal organisations out there. According to the info they gathered from a deserter, they operate underground. They have many access points to the actual base, but those are all more heavily guarded and won’t be an option. But they found that an old ventilation system hasn’t been blocked and still provides a route inside. She locates the vent and removes the screws.

She has no need for a screwdriver, as her cybernetic enhancements allow her hand to trade out for a multitool that makes quick use of the bolts holding the metal grating in place. She climbs in, shifting her joints to move fluidly through the small space without needing to worry about human limitations. She finds her way through the ventilation systems, using the pre-loaded floor plans in her retinal display to guide her.

She would have simply hacked into the servers from a larger distance, but it seems they were heavily protected. Interpol wasn’t exactly sure how they were able to achieve it, but it was impossible to breach their systems outside of a specific range. Chun-Li needed to be inside to do anything. As she keeps moving through, she can hear the hustle and bustle of a more populated area. Seems she has finally entered Shadaloo’s true base. She stops and quiets down as she passes by an opening in the ventilation system. She sees some random people walking by, even noticing F.A.N.G making his way down the hall and barking orders. Finally they pass, leaving Chun-Li free to continue. Eventually she made her way to a storage room that rarely gets patrolled. She stickers her arms out through the exit of the vent, bends them to provide leverage and pulls herself out. She lands to the floor, and her backwards arms rotate back into place.

She begins to perouse the contents of the room, seeing if she can find any information that may be useful. After finding a few documents, she scans them all. The information within is about various shipment dates and locations. It could be how they attain a lot of their resources off the grid, but it's not definitive enough to rely on. She downloads the scans to her data bank and continues. Little of the rest is of note, so she carefully checks through the window of the door for guards, and heads into the hall. She sneaks through the corridors looking for a data centre. She locates a few rooms but all useless for her purposes. Eventually she stumbles into a server room. She skillfully avoids the gaze of the security cameras. Finally she is close enough to one of the server blocks to plug in by wire. And she finds what she was looking for. A security access key. This will not grant her the ability to see their most sensitive files, but a little bit of hacking can help there. She just needed entrance to their local network.

She has a sophisticated computer in her brain which helps control a lot of her internal programming. But it also allows for her to connect to an external system. It is integral for any sort of hacking. She shifts her focus from her display modules and begins to break into the Shadaloo network. At first the security systems are overwhelming but she is able to sift through them without too much issue. All the layers of firewalls aren’t particularly difficult to crack, they just take a lot of time. Chun-li is a little suspicious at the lack of difficulty, but assumes nothing of it.

Eventually however, she starts to realise her pace is slowing. Processes that should be instant start to lag for a few seconds each. It is dragging out the process exponentially, so she attempts to disconnect. As she does so, and returns her focus to her eyes, she notices the issue persists. Her videos movements feel laboured and sluggish, like something is interrupting every micro process happening in her complicated cybernetic body. Her worry spikes as some visual glitches start to litter her sight. Even her thoughts start to slow. She holds her hand against her head as she stumbles.

She does an internal check and sees all of her files being flooded with junk data, corrupted files, and all sorts of things that are gumming up her system. Her astronomically high ram is maxed out in mere minutes and struggling to keep up. Despite her ability to think slowing more and more, she manages to piece together that this must be some form of protection or retaliation from shadaloo. They know she is here. And she fell for their trap. She musters as much strength as she can, and tries to stand back up. Each movement is stressed and strained. It's hard to keep her mind on this goal as it keeps splitting its attention, drifting away. She doesn’t know what she can do but she just needs to escape. But her pitiful last stand comes to a close all too soon. Her sight blinks out, leaving her in the dark. Her body loses its sensitivity as all her sensations glitch and break. She is just left in a hunk of metal as her mind fogs up more and more. But eventually, even that follows.

Shadaloo grunt workers make their way to the server room to grab the lifeless metal that makes up Chun-Li’s form. It was easy to locate her once they had access to her internal GPS system through the virus. They slowly drag her to an elevator, before delving deep into a secure underground bunker, to where the researchers and scientists do their work. They secure her body to a padded table, and wheel her into a lab. The room is filled with men wearing white coats. Once in the middle of the room, the two soldiers stand by the door to act as guards. Someone who appears to be the lead scientist approaches Chun-li. While he does, the team brings over all sorts of machines, equipment, and the like. He carefully studies the lining of her mechanical body, seeing where each part connects. He gently feels synthetic skin layering the cool steel underneath it.

“Well, we finally have her. Now let's turn her into our soldier~” He says with a small grin, before grabbing the closest tool on the table. They pull off her clothes and rotate the table to hold her vertically. Her well rounded chest is on full display, with shockingly realistic detail. Her pussy has also had considerable care to be visually appeasing. They connect some wires into sockets found behind a small cover mechanism on her neck. This allows them to run her software on their sophisticated computers to better reprogram her. They find schematics detailing all the internal systems found within her cybernetic body. This includes all of her different visual options, such as night vision and a heat sensor. They find a lot of her original biological components are emulated in numerous ways, allowing for sex.

They get to work on her, rebuilding some of her outer mechanical shell as the others continue to hack away at her operating system. They add a lot of robotics to her head. They start with some antenna they attach to her head. They disguise it to look similar to the white hair coverings she used to wear over her hair buns. They allow for better external control over her, and will allow them to remotely rewrite her programming if Interpol ever tries to hack her and restore her default settings.

They add a lining of metal along the back of her head from their newly made antennae. They fall down all the way to her lower back, in parallel. Next they further update her visual design with a retractable visor, made out of a sleek black glass. After the new work, there are now more visually metallic and robotic parts attached to her.

But the majority of work ends up being on the software side, as they meddle with her complicated interlocking digital systems. It takes a day or two of work. Some of the scientists speculate that Interpol is probably worrying about her condition, but they aren’t able to do anything without her. Finally, it seems that all the work is done, and they are ready to test boot. A higher ranking Shadaloo member is there to spectate and witness their newest project. They run the command, hear the whirring pistons and joints inside of as she starts up, before her eyes switch on with consciousness. “Hello.” She says quite plainly. “We have created a more compliant base personality for her, but right now she is in a passive mode. She will only respond to any commands we give her without any agency of her own.” The head scientist explains. “Hm, interesting. Please continue, Dr. Levin.” The man responds, clinically. “We have set up a few base test commands to see if everything is working clearly. First, she will get dressed.” Dr. Levin says, before giving a signal to another man standing behind the terminal. After a moment of typing, the restraints holding Chun-li in place release, and she drops to one knee in front of where she was held. She raises and moves to the right of her, where a pile of clothes is being kept.

She slowly starts to put on what she finds, starting with a corset. She wraps the piece around her waist and pulls it tight. It slightly contorts her body to a more hourglass shame, accentuating her breasts and hips. “You can see despite her metallic insides, her body is still quite malleable just like our own. The designers who worked on her put lots of effort into making her appear normal. But she is still capable of impossible robotic movement. A best of both worlds if you will” Dr. Levin says. The officer nods wordlessly, keeping his attention on her. She begins to then pull on a bright red latex catsuit. It fits her perfectly due to being custom made. A faint outline of the corset can be seen underneath, but it doesn’t stick out. After that, she grabs some boots of the same material. They creep all the way up to her thighs, slightly overlapping with the catsuit, disappearing underneath. She bends over, her robotic joins allowing for a strange to watch ease of rotation at her waist. The catsuit barely folds at all, compressing and stretching well to match her inhuman flexibility. “We designed the suit to be able to stretch extremely far, so no matter what movements she makes, it will always cling to her like normal” One of the scientists in the back explains. He gets a small grunt of affirmation in response. There are some gauntlets to use as weapons, but she is instructed not to put them on just yet as there is no need.

Finally, to cap off the dress up sequence, she grabs a studded collar with the Shadaloo brand in the middle, marking their ownership over her. “I see. It seems we do have pretty good control. Set her to the more reactive mode, I want to see what she is like when she has a mind.” The man commands, and the scientist behind the terminal quickly gets it running. There is a slight flinch in her body as it jolts awake. “Hello sir!” She says before saluting the officer. “Hello Chun-li. How are you feeling?” He asks her, his brows furrowing as he focuses. “My joints still feel a little stiff from inactivity, but otherwise I feel alright. Mission ready.” She says, as she tests loosens up a bit. Her arms do a full 360 spin at the elbow, then again at the shoulders.

“What are your feelings on Shadaloo?” The man asks her. “The organisation is my masters, and my purpose is to serve them in accordance with their orders.” She replies. There is a relaxation in her voice, no longer the sharper, monotone she displays when set to purely follow orders. “I see. But how do you feel about us? Do you think we are just?” He continues. “I don’t understand the question.” She says, sincere confusion in her voice. “She hasn’t been programmed to interpret any moral considerations of her orders. She literally doesn’t have the capacity to consider it, or to care.” Another scientist in the room says. They all seem eager to share their work to the officer. “Hm. I see. Well this seems like good work. And about the other settings requested by the higher ups?” He asks, finally turning his head away from her to face Dr. Levin.

“Ah yes! We were told to remove any inhibitions she has, and even implement some demos and programs designed to humiliate her, yes?” Dr. Levin responds, a sick glee in his voice. “That's correct. Both to demoralise Interpol, but also for numerous officers' desire to toy with her.” The man says with a grin. “Here, let’s cue up a little demonstration of the program.” The scientist by the terminal says, along with a flurry of keyboard presses. Chun-li shivers once more, and her body returns to a more default stance. A sultry smile falls on her face, as she gazes into the eyes of the officer. A sensual song begins to play on some hidden speakers. She slowly bends over, and begins to undo the laces on her boots, while using her arms to frame her chest. Each of her movements follows the pace of the song. She flings them off and turns around, her back curved and ass on proud display. The sound of her zip being undone can be heard as she faces the other way. A piece of cloth gets flung to the side, her corset she expertly removed while keeping her catsuit in place.

She rotates her torso to face the men, while keeping her ass as it is for a few seconds. Her catsuit is opened down to the waist, but it still clings to her body. Her nipples are still just barely covered, but now a significant part of her chest is exposed. She sways her hips to the beat and begins a seductive dance. Her long legs strut across the metallic floor, she runs her hands down her chest, spilling down to her waist and rounding to her ass. She spins her body, always giving a lingering view of her figure. As she does so, she manipulates her cybernetic body to inhumanly enhance the movements. Using further rotation and contorting her body, she is able to produce an almost magical effect. It is quite dazzling, and it successfully entrances all of the men in the room.

It is only then that she begins to reveal more of her body. She grasps each side of her catsuit. After a gentle tug, it begins to fall down the sides of her body, still clinging to her waist but leaving her torso exposed. Her chest looks considerably more dazzling now due to the pageantry, then the stark naked body that was being tinkered with before. She squeezes her arms together, grasping her hands in an almost schoolgirl-like pose. Her breasts squish in a pleasant way, bounding with excitement. After letting the men take a long hard look at her, she continues her dance. The music picks up in pace as she moves around more. She does a little hop and falls into the splits, before slowly bringing her legs together to raise back up. Finally she starts to peel off the last of her catsuit. She faces the men and shows off every bit of her long, powerful legs. Once she removes the suit, she stands with crossed legs to maintain an illusion of chastity, which only makes the provocative image more exciting. Then, she spreads her legs and lets the men watch everything, Moving from her waist, letting them get a long look at her ass and her pristine, bald pussy. She backs her ass up, raising gracefully like a swan. She finishes her dance and gives a little bow. She takes her normal standing pose, with her arms on her hips, and her muscular thighs apart. It is certainly not modest.

“Quite impressive. Did you have to choreograph it or is it based on her own mind to build the dance?” The man asks. Dr. Levin is quick to respond. “Yes, so we didn’t design the dance ourselves. We can make her follow any instructions we give. We let her old brain figure out what the instruction means and how to do it. But we use our new programming to remove any considerations of why she should. She just obeys.” He says, quite proud of himself. “I see. That certainly seems like an efficient method. Good work. Can you continue your display of these modes?” The officer says.

The scientist nods and gives a sign to the man at the terminal. Chun-li whirs to attention again, and waltzes over to a nearby storage locker. She grabs a few items of lingerie. She returns to where she was previously standing and begins to put them on. She starts with a black lace bra that hugs her tits beautifully. Once that is done she reaches down and slowly slides on a pair of pantyhose. They reach high up her thighs and perfectly accentuate her legs. She reaches over once more to grab a pair of matching black panties, and some garters to connect the two articles of clothing. Once she is fully dressed up, she gives a little spin. “T-this outfit was picked as per my request” Dr. Levin says as he adjusts his glasses. “Now, we can show off her… attendance mode. I think the higher ups will get a lot of use out of this.” He says.

After another round of tapping at a keyboard, the program starts. Her eyes gain a faint pink hue. Her expression changes ever so slightly. Her smile is a little sharper, a little more directed. A little more excited. “How are you feeling Chun-li?” Dr. Levin asks. “Oh I'm feeling great~ doctor… Though I am a little cold…” She says, holding herself. “If only one of you big strong men could come over here and keep me warm~” She says with a wink.

There is a moment of hesitation in the room, as Chun-li eagerly awaits a response. The officer looks over to Dr. Levin, seeking some sort of confirmation. “Y-yes! By all means go ahead and enjoy.” He says. The officer approaches her and places his hand around her waist. “Oh~! Seems we have a taker… What is your name, handsome?” Chun-li says to him with an excited blush. “My name is Officer Douglas.” He says quite sternly. “Well hi there Dougy~ You must be an important man if you are an officer, huh? You must be so stressed… so pent up…” She says with a devilish grin. “I would be more than happy to help loosen you up a bit~” She says as she brings him closer.

He doesn’t respond but instead grabs her chin with his hand, and brings her in for a kiss. At first she seems momentarily startled, but she quickly melts in his hands and kisses him back. He breaks away, keeping her face in his hand. “I have control here. Don’t forget that.” He says. “Y-Yes sir.” She says, her blush bigger than before. He brings her back in to continue making out with her. His hands start to explore the rest of her body, running over the curves of her body. Grabbing a firm handful of her ass. Appreciating the softness despite the robotic interior. He breaks away once more, and gestures to get on her knees.

She does as she is told, and looks up at him. And just as she meets his gaze, his cock is released from his underwear and falls onto her face. Resting on her, making a mockery of the once powerful woman. She feels his cock throb. “You know what to do.” Douglas says. She does. She moves her head back a little, letting his cock fall in front of her. She leans in and gives the tip of it a kiss. She holds his cock in place, and places her lips around the head of his cock. She tastes the faint saltiness of his sweat as she begins to move her mouth back and forth, taking in slightly more of his cock each time.

“She has a couple of adjustable settings. Some like a more amateur lover, but you might like her at her best.” Dr. Levin tells him. “Sure, let's give this slut a try.” Douglas says between partially satisfied grunts. It only takes a moment for the new settings to kick in. She takes his cock all the way down to the base of the shaft. She can feel his cock twitching in response. She pulls the cock out of her mouth, a little spit dripping down her lip. A stray pube is on her cheek. “To think the pride and joy of Interpol has now been reduced to this.” Douglas laughs. He grabs hold of her head, gripping the antennas. He brings her forward and places his dick between her lips. And once her mouth opens, he slides it in nice and deep. Moving his hips, fucking her face like a sex toy. She moans to the rhythm of his thrusts, loving the feel of his cock down her throat. Being on her knees for him. Being used like this.

Douglas finally has had his fill of her mouth, and pulls his cock out of her. “It’s convenient that she doesn’t need to pause to take any breaks or breaths. She is perfect to fuck.” Douglas says looking back at Dr. Levin. The doctor seems proud of his work. “Its time to go to the next step Chun-li” He says to her. She still seems a little dazed, but her body moves on its own. After a moment she regains her posture as she stands. She raises her leg high onto his shoulder, keeping the other firmly on the ground. Her sexy yoga pose pleases douglas. She reaches down and slightly moves her panties to the side. He jumps at the chance, and readies his cock against her pussy. He slides against it, teasing her all the way. Then his cock enters her, parting her pussy lips. His hips press into hers as he finds his way deeper inside of her. All that the scientists behind them can see is Douglas pressing himself into her, and her dangling foot over his shoulder. Gently swinging with each moan and movement made.

They watch as he esculates in speed, pounding into her, orchestrating each of her humiliating moans. She is at his whim. And Douglas just can’t get enough of it. Degrading this woman that had so much power. That was such a threat to the organisation he partly runs. But now, he has won. The excitement runs through his veins, fueling him. He fucks Chun-li, enjoying each feminine yelp and moan that he elicits out of her. The feeling is invigorating. He pounds and pounds, fucks her. And as all of his feelings and power come together, he unloads inside of her. Pumping rope after rope of cum inside of her. She clings to him as he does. Once he is done, he lets out a satisfied sigh. He pulls his cock out of her, and cum leaks out onto the floor. “Lick me clean” He demands, and she follows. Her knees plant into the cum on the floor, and she uses her mouth to lap up every last drop of cum.

“I had my fun with her. But there is no reason to not extend that courtesy to you all. Think of it as a… reward! For all of your hard work.” Douglas says, as he does his pants back up. He heads towards the exit. “Enjoy the new company toy, gentlemen” He says as he walks out of the room. The scientists turn their attention back to Chun-li. She stays on her knees, and opens her mouth seductively, waiting for the next man to come up and take their turn on her.

Dr. Levin takes the opportunity presented in front of him. He moves up to her, unbuckling his belt on his way. Her eyes light up, still presenting a faint pink hue. Her promiscuity painted on her expression. The doctor reaches her, cock in hand. She doesn't need any verbal command to know what to do. She juts forward, ogling the twitching cock in front of her. Then without a moment's notice, she pounces on him, and eagerly sucks his cock. She looks up at him, meeting his stare as his dick vanishes inside of her mouth in a hypnotic fashion. Her tongue runs along his shaft, teasing the tip of his cock as the two align. Her technique is absolutely mesmerising. Despite Dr. Levin's intimate knowledge with the back end programming allowing for all of this to take place, it is another thing to witness the beauty of it in motion.

Soon enough some of the other scientists gather up the courage to join in, surrounding her. Each of their dicks in hand. Some of them start jacking off, waiting for their turn. The others have the luck to experience her fingers gingerly milk them as she continues to attend to Dr. Levin. She briefly stands up upon Dr. Levins orders, and he gets on the floor. She is instructed to ride him, which she does eagerly. She places her hands on his chest as he uses his hand to guide his cock inside of her inviting pussy. Soon enough she has found a pleasant rhythm to bounce on his dick. Both of her hands and her mouth are occupied with a few more men. It was a moment of debauchery and pure bliss.

The bukkake continued for quite a while. Her water proof wiring is put to the test as each load lands on her, covering her before she gets ready to take the next. Her Lingerie gets peeled off of her, thrown to the side as the rest of her body is used by the men. And all the way through it, her moans are heard as they bounce off of the wall. They pump her synthetic body full of their cum, over and over again. Just as one man loses his energy, another has taken the time to regain his and continue. The sex continues for what feels like days. But eventually everyone is wrung completely dry. Chun-li has fulfilled her directive, and returns to her passive mode, awaiting orders. It takes a bit for Dr. Levin recovers from the dizzying event, but eventually comes to his senses.

“A-ah, Chun… Well, go get dressed and make your way to the briefing room. I’m told they had a mission ready for once you were up and operational. Go check it out.” He says as he dressed himself. Finding his clothes in the mess on the floor. Chun-li whirs to life and does the same. Though her garments are significantly more striking than the pile of white lab coats and blue jeans. She pulls the corset tight to her body. Slides into the skin-tight red catsuit. She pulls on her long leather boots, matching the scarlet red of her suit. She clicks on the spiked choker, and puts on her gauntlets. She is mission ready. She dutifully heads to the briefing room, using the updated spatial data preloaded into her system by the scientists.

She opens the door, and finds a meeting room with a large projector screen. A number of men in suits are lounging around, drinking coffee, and idling discussing all too precious details of their organisation. They spring to attention at her presence. “I received the message that you were ready 2 hours ago. Seems everyone had a lot of fun… Surprised you don’t stink.” The man at the head of the table says. “I have a self cleaning function for that very reason sir.” She says. He takes another long sip of his coffee. “Those scientists thought of everything, huh? Sit down, let's get started everybody.” She takes the only seat available at the end of the table, and the projector beams to life.

She sits and listens as the men start to discuss their plan. She is informed that they are looking for some counter-espionage Into Interpol. Chun-li will go undercover, pretending to have successfully completed her mission. “You will then get as much information on how much Interpol knows of Shadaloo, and send it over. If you are discovered, then you have to destroy as much information they might have as possible and come back to the Shadaloo base.” The man at the head of the table says, showing slides with graphs covering different concern areas, and a priority list for information. “Luckily, we were able to gain a lot of useful intelligence by mining your database once we first captured you” He says, glaring at her. Chun-li sits and listens. She doesn’t care about the way they mined her brain for each and every line of code and saved data. She doesn’t have the ability to care. She is simply focused on following whatever her current directive is. Complete the mission, pleasure the people in front of her, follow orders. That is all she can consider. And she likes that. Her pleasure centres are wired to feel satisfaction at doing what she is told.

Once the briefing is over, a shorter man takes her to what seems like a garage. She is presented with a customary motorcycle they have made for her, reaching blistering speeds only really controllable by the computer she is. “It's some pretty special equipment, you better put it to good use” The man says, with a slight crassness in his voice. She barely even registers it. After putting on her bright red matching helmet, she hops onto the bike. She straddles the seat, revs the engine, and shoots onto the underground road. After navigating some secret pathways she finds herself back out on the surface. She is off to complete her next mission, and whatever missions follow. She is ready.

To be continued in #Exotic Striptease

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