The Exchange Student

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The day was friday, and the college council had taken the day off all together over a big business proposal… Due to the College high end student demographic it wasn't a weird thing to see big enterprises interested in advertising a product to soon to be graduate adults, see potential employees etcetera… but it was a domestic robot developer company? How would they even advertise that inside?

The college council, consisting of the principal and two elder teachers, sat expectantly in the teachers lounge, the sound of the clock ticking away as they simply waited for the other party to arrive with their representative… Some looks were exchanged between the trio, silently asking where the guy they had sent.

Outside, an expensive limo parked in the entrance of the campus, and as soon as they had arrived, 3 men walked out of the doors wearing black suits with the words "BabeTec written on the right side of their suit in a delicate pink font… Arriving at the teacher's lounge almost disappointed as to how pathetic the meeting room was.

The three men looked at each other for a second before the taller one in the middle adjusted his throat. "We are representatives of BabeTec Electronics?" The man spoke with a clear french accent.

"Yes, we've been expecting you guys Said the principal leaning into his seat with a raised eyebrow "Tough traffic?" He asked with disinterest, before signaling the men with a hand gesture for them to sit down.

The men obliged, clear discomfort on them "Oh no, BabeTec is a french multinational company. It was difficult to send a representative to begin with" he refuted, dusting his suit with his fingers "Shall we begin?"

One of the teachers sighed and nodded "Yes please. Why in hell would a robot manufacturer be interested in doing advertising in a learning center?"

The representative on the left end of the table leaned in with a raised finger "We are an android manufacturer" He corrected "And what we are doing can be classified as advertising… just not disclosed as such."

The faces of the teachers became confused "What does that mean? Sir? if you may…"

The main representative swallowed saliva before breathing out "BabeTec is to release a new top of the line companion android in the following year or so…" The man placed and opened his briefcase on the table, presenting some papers to the teachers for their eyes only, making them even more confused as the robot was… wearing a student outfit? "The unit is finished, we just need a market, and BabeTec is thinking on creating one-"

The principal interrupted "So that's in? some flyers? some company presentations and discounts for after the students graduate?"

The representatives looked at each other after he spoke, elongated seconds of silence as they just cracked up in laughter at the word 'discount' making the trio of teachers high ups more uncomfortable "Excuse us… No. We want to enroll one of our units as a student so in her perfectly programmed seduction protocols she can have relationships with your male (or female) student count so they buy our product after they become independent due to nostalgic buying"




"You have to be joking, right?" One of the older women spoke for the first time "This paper says the unit is a sexbot. You want us to allow a sexbot into our campus?"

"Yes" The man simply responded with a beaming smile, placing his arms on the table and holding them together.




"And why would we allow this?" The principal broke the silence again.

The representative clicked his tongue, went inside his suitcase once again and looked around again for yet another piece of paper "If our company's private investigator is right anddddd…" He rolls the sound of the word as he pulls out the piece of paper and presents it to them, containing a lot of graphics and names of teachers and their pay, but before they could ask about these he continued "...this is your monthly employee payroll…" He raised an eyebrow and closed in the paper for them to read and give confirmation.

"Well- Yes, it is but…" The principal said, scratching his beard as he closed in to read the paper, but he was quickly interrupted again.

"Then it is our pleasure to announce that we would be able to pay the employees, if the details of this negotiation is kept under wraps and as a simple promotional stunt with no external telling… and taking into consideration the potential sales in the future generated by this deal… approximately 10 times this amount monthly ipso facto."

The room fell quiet, the faces of the college council falling into slight surprise before exchanging glances for yet another moment… Yet the Principal's did not change, maintaining eye contact with the representative for 20 long exhausting seconds before he breathed in with his nose and let loose, standing up from his seat, leavin the pair of teachers following his movements as he walked slowly to the representatives.

He stood there, at the right end of the table looking down at the man, indirectly telling him to stand up… which he did with some backsided glances to his colleagues. The principal, in an astounding null expression extended his hand for a hand shake, breaking this expression for one of extreme joy. The representative looked down at the hand, then at the principal, and smirked, taking the hand and shaking it

"You got yourself a deal."

CHAPTER 1: "Cargo"

Next Monday morning…

4 Am on the clock and after a long discret slight remodeling of the faculty's interior to accommodate the recently agreed android to roam and function properly inside faculty's walls. The sun was yet to rise and the teachers and students were long to even consider arriving at college grounds, the perfect moment to strike. From the teacher parking lot which had an almost direct access to the gym area (the designated location for the robot to recharge and manage itself) a large cargo truck with BabeTec signature logo on its sides parked in the middle of the place, as closely to the entry to smoothly move it's cargo without the possibility of onlookers.

With the whiff of the engine stopping as the brakes are hit, the copilot door opened and a scrawny young man in a black pair of pants, blue t-shirt and cap uniform jumped out, cold breath coming out his mouth as he breathed out

"Fuck, it's freezing here man-" He said to the driver, an older more experience guy in his late 30's with a beard. Years hadn't been nice to him, having lost most of his hair leaving his gleasining head shining with the streetlights.

"Well, if you do your job quickly you might come back to the truck heater sooner" The man came back at him with blazing passive aggressiveness, making the young man roll his eyes "Now, Gary, right?" he asked, pointing to him

"Yes, Gary. You remembered." He nodded, his answer sounding tired

The older man nodded back "Gary. You go back, set up the 'bot inside the gals' locker room, make sure the protocols are in order and you come back" the man explained, going out as well and walking with him to the back of the truck.

Gary and his higher up, Mike, raised the cargo's wall and lowered a ramp… and at the end of the cargo was a voluptuous blonde girl with reddish highlights at the end of her long straight hair wearing a white buttoned blouse with a mini skirt… that even from where the two men stood they could see glimpses of the black lacy panties just above her long black thigh high socks. The bot was shut down, held down with velcro and protectors on a moving trolley.

Gary climbed up the ramp and closed in on the robot girl, which if it wasn't by the fact that he and Mike were told it was a robot, he himself wouldn't have believed it. Her perfect flawless skin with a blush on her cheeks, long seductive eyelashes closed in like a doll… she was at least designed to seduce, if anything.

While taking the velcro and protective gear out, he spoke "Why are they setting up a sexbot in a place like this?"

Mike growled "I don't know kid, some business thing. Probably the principal is a horny bastard, not my business, not yours" He replied, placing his arms on his hip "You okay on your own?"

Gary heard his help presentation just milliseconds after he had finished taking care of everything, making him look at him and tiredly shake his head.

"Good. Now get that doll in there and come back" He said, making his way back to the driver's seat without another thought

"Wait!" Gary protested, "You're really not even gonna tell me how to set up this thing?" He asked, almost screaming.

Mike didn't even think of stopping, simply flapping his arm in denial "The robot is smart, just do what she asks of you when she turns on" and with that, sat back on the seat and closed the door.

Gary grunted in frustration, pushing the holder down the ramp while strands of the synthetic golder hair hit his nose and face due to the wind. This was going to be an annoying night already.

Getting inside the gym, the lights were left lit up, probably the staff was told and happily agreed to leave the lights on for the morning. Gary continued pushing the robot in the trolley, the echo of the squeaking wheels clashing on the walls and coming back to him as he passed through the middle of the place. He looked around, feeling some odd feeling as if this place wasn't designed to be empty… Then again, he had a bimbo robot in a trolley, the circumstances were strange to begin with.

In the middle of the gym, he looked forwards to see the entrance to the male and female locker room, moving in to his destination… their destination.

He pushed the door open, left open once again by staff. With a puff he kept going, seeing the lockers and bars where to sit, some decorated while the rest had that shitty school aesthetic that it was taken from a dump, at least in Gary's eyes. He looked at the end of the room at his right seeing a slightly bigger locker which looked strangely newer than the rest, this gave away what he was looking for.

"Better be worth this…" He said to himself, closing in and seeing the handle, trying to open it himself, failing instantly. Confused, he tried again, there was no noticeable lock, but to no avail again… then it hit him "This is meant for the robot, dumb ass."

He closed the robot in, moving the arm of the machine into the handle, hearing the servos resisting with a whirr… and as her fingers touched the handle it popped open. Inside, was a small place with a round wireless charging pad with a small screen at the side of the lockers wall. It was designed to be used at night only anyways so Gary didn't waste energy in criticizing how silly the idea was. He simply put two and two together and turned to the woman shaped machine, something telling him to make her stand to recharge.

"God damn it–" He lamented, since he couldn't just plop the damn thing like a trash bag into the wireless pad, instead, having to carefully stand the glorified doll straight up in the pad manually. Gary breathed in and let go, preparing himself, then he hugged the robot why the waist, it's voluptuous breasts pressing on his face as he raises her up from the trolley with some difficulty, without power of compensator programs, the robot weighted a lot… specially for the scrawny man.

He turned 180° and began walking small steps forwards onto the locker, getting close and grunting every step of the way… before accidentally hitting the back of the robot's head slightly due to a slight height difference between the top of the locker and how high she was being raised. "Woops… P-probably nothing–" He said, now making more effort to bend himself and set her down, succeeding but with some back pain to add.

"Finally… so, it should turn on now, right?" He said to himself, looking down to see how the pad lit up a soft blue color, the pad now showing a text reading 'Recharging… 90%'

"90%? What? Did someone have a little go at the damn thing back at the lab?" He complained, probably having to wait until her batteries hit 100% before being able to set her up. Then he looked down at the robot's hand, closed into a very… specific O shape… "Yeah, someone definitely used you before packing you up…"

He thought of simply waiting it out, frustrated with the time he might be losing, but still, it was way too early for anyone to find him here, or at least anyone he wasn't expecting to find. He then began eyeing the bot once more… Her bust, it seemed to be– poking out more now. Then he noticed her uniform blouse button popped open when he raised her up, showing more of her enormous bust for him to admire, even a hint of her black bra with yellow flower drawings… He closed in, breathing heavily as he tried justifying himself "She's just a robot… besides, she's shut down, she wouldn't know… boss wouldn't know"

He looked both ways, confirming to himself yet again that he was completely alone… and went into to softly hold her chest. Soft as it can be, inhumanly so, better he thought. He backed off, feeling that was good enough, before considering it wasn't shortly after, going in again for a better full palm hold, feeling them wobble in place as he played with them. "Fuck it" He said, going to her uniform's bottons and simply undressing her, freeing her breasts out, now seeing the golden flower detail on her lacy black bra, now jolding them better, his Dick throbbing in his pants as he kept at it, now almost pushing the robot as her leg servomotors whirred in restrain.

Pushing her bust more and more, making them jiggle… he wasn't being lustful enough, he turned up to her head, and opened her eyes, yet again, the powerless miniscule servo motors in control of her eyelashes whirring softly as her magenta soulless eyes were opened to make them stare forwards, if he looked deep inside them he could almost make out the camera lenses the robot used to see. He then tilted the robot's head down in a way that would be as if she was seeing him grope her.

"You like that you- slutbot?" He whispered to her, smirking to himself as his blood pressure raised. It was seconds later than the tablet pointed out that the charge had reached 100%... but in Gary's excitement, completely looking over it, the robot on the other hand, began bootin up.

-BabeTec Electronics' Deluxe "Mary" unit online -Boot up successful. No Errors. -Setting up the system… -Memory files missing. Printing New ones. -Special programming parameters set -AI module located. Deluxe speech program located.

Gary continued feeling her up, the robot's HUD far too busy processing the set up information prepared by her programmers for the moment she reached her designated operation area, but now, her once soulless and dark cold magenta gained more color, her camera lenses focusing in and out as his hands were detected and identified by her system, yet, kept quiet while setting herself up.

-Battery levels: OK -CPU integrity: 100% -Possible Target's information acknowledged -Sexual Protocols functional

With his hands deep on her tits, he pressed himself closer, one hand now going down to where her sex would be, looking down at her from the side of her cheek "You like being touched like that robot? This is what you were made to do after all~" He said out loud once more, massaging her pussy through her panties… before-

"Set up complete!" The robot spoke out, her head jerking forwards, scaring off Gary back, almost making him fall as he yelped… "No files on target. Further information required." The robot said out loud, staring down at Gary as he hopelessly tried standing up from the floor and quickly dust himself out.

It was then, as he lowered his head to look if something had gotten into his shirt that the robot slightly tilted her head to the side, her HUD highlighting the 'BabeTec' logo on his cap, designating him as a 'temporary administrator'

"You are a BabeTec official. How may I be of, like, help with your work today?" She spoke to him in a seductive valley girl accent that almost made his skin crawl. She stepped off her charging pad, making her way in front of him.

"A-ah, well… uhhh, state your name and mission and- uh- tell me if there's any issues with your system" He mumbled through his lines, that was all he could think to ask if she was functional…

"My name is, like, Mary, I am programmed to like, seduce and creative a bond with potential BabeTec customers through my like, totally perfect body!" She responds, showing off her body as she admires herself, her blouse still open. "No Errors found in system"

He nodded, swallowing saliva as she kept talking, looking as if she was having way too much fun being basically a technologically advanced slut "Wait really, that's what you're doing here… I mean- Good, Mary. I mean- unit, so uh, just make sure people know you aren't a robot and don't call for too much attention hah-" He struggled to talk, he was giving a pep talk to a robot after all, one specifically made to seduce people like him.

-[Temporary ADMIN]'s blood pressure rising -Erection confirmed -Mission parameters matched

Mary's expression changed from a sultry smile into a lustful smirk, her system having confirmed a sexual attraction to herself causing her to activate all seduction and sexual protocols "I detect high blood pressure in your cock, sir~" she says, slowly walking up to Gary, who would slowly try to walk back, accidentally crashing into a bench and leaning head back into the seat, Mary taking the opportunity to simply climb up him, essencially trapping him, strands of gold and red hair tickling his face as he stared back straight into her camera lenses, absorbing and probably enjoying seeing the data taken from him.

"I'm like, programmed to ease situations like this, you know?" She says, moving one hand to his crotch as she maintains eye contact.

Gary breathed heavily, sweating as he internally was celebrating- yet, this would cause him trouble if people found out, so he really tried to contain himself- to no avail "Ohh- yeah I can tell Mary-" he gulped, then he asked a genuine question "You aren't supposed to talk about being programmed and being a robot and such with targets aren't you…?"

"Like, Negative." She responded, messaging his crotch, her HUD knowing exactly the shape of his erect cock below his uniform pants, mathematically determining how to properly please her target the best "But you know. And my system has determined a 71.2% chance that you, like, might be attracted to robot gals like me. And that's like, good enough for me~"

Even when she had no information on him, he hit the right spot out of the door? Technology was really terrifying when the company that makes it is hellbound on making money. "Uhuh, that's a pretty nice guess- Woah!-" Gary yelled out as the robot simply pulled down his pants to free his erect penis.

-Target information missing -Sexual profile includes: Breasts -Executing…

"Jmm! I see" she utters, while also moving her hands behind her bra and letting it fall on top of Gary, who looked in horror as she was going in for real… then up, seeing the naked tits of the synthetic woman jiggle free and perked up, making him temporarily forget in what kind of a mess he was in. She then moved her lacy panties to a side, making herself fall on top of his cock as he went inside in one full thrust.

Gary moaned in pleasure as she did, her perfect warm pussy being specifically designed and calibrated to make as much pleasure as robotically possible, she simply smirked seductively, a tint of blush forming on her cheeks and nose as she begins massaging his top slowly, pressing herself as she giggles at his reactions "Feeling good yet, sir?"

"Shh- Y-yeah! I mean- not… GO ON!" He orders, moving his hands to hold her naked breasts, making the robot girl moan softly as he touches her, encouraging him.

She speed up her pace, now bouncing on his cock as her pussy began to vibrate internally, making Gary curl back in pleasure, the robot on the other hand, kept on scanning her progress and computing the next course of action, of course, internally, while outside showing herself as a pleased mess holding herself.

Mid intercouse speech options: -<Lie> It's too much data for me… -<Lie> Your Cock is destabilizing my circuits! -Cum whenever you want, sir~ ←[56.99% success rate] -Fuck you asshole

"Cum- ah! whenever, like- fuck! you want sir!" Mary suggested as she bounced on his cock, her expression saying just oh how much of a mess he was making her, while in reality it was her adapting to his likes.

"Fuck- you feel so good;;" he said grinding his teeth, lowering his hands to hold her slip hourglass sides, making the robot in response gasp by his touch. He now directed her thrust on him, speeding herself to compensate for his demands. Mary began moaning more and more, fucking harder and faster as she 'helplessfully' took it, sticking her tongue in please and staring at Gary so he knew it but he was far too busy arching and moving his hips up and down, his forehead sweating as he breathed heavily and moaned as well.

"I'm coming-!" He announced, pushing himself onto her as he came inside of her. Mary, while at it, began moaning cries of pleasure as his seed filled her up, overtly exaggerating her reaction for his entertainment… he was left panting, hearing her insane yelling before he uttered "...Mary"

She suddenly stopped, looking down at him with now more normal and genuent smile "Like, Yes sir?" she queried, sounding more like when she was first active than anything as lustful afterwards.

"I don't have to clean you up do I?" Gary asked tiredly, placing a hand on his forehead, ashamed of himself"

Mary shook her head "My model is self cleaning after sexual intercourse. The sperm will be recollected and-"

"Don't need the details… thank god…" He sighed in relief.

"Like, Of course, sir"

Gary looked up at her, smiling to himself. She in response stood up from his now not erect member and stood in front of him.


"Yes sir?"

"Remember all the mission specifications I gave you?"

"Like, of course sir. Stored and noted~"

"Yeah. Keep those and delete from your memory that we had sex, please"

Mary stood there smiling, her eyes staring forwards into nothing as a computerized buzz came out of her due to what he believed was the data being deleted, he then stood from the bench, took her bra and walked up to her to redress her properly. Her lost expression makes him blush once more as he closes in to kiss her lips, as she stares wide open into him, unconscious of the events unfolding. Then he separated himself, quickly redressing himself before she came back online.

"Data like, totally erased" She stated looking at him, waiting for an order

"Good, now go back to your charging port and wait until your designated operative time…" he ordered, turning around and leaving the robot.

Mary nodded and followed orders standing in her pad and closing the closet for the next 3 hours…

Back at the truck, the way back was silent. Gary stared off into the window as Mike drove uninterested. It was then that he glanced over to his younger partner, noticing the fly of his pants were down…

"So" Mike opened, sending a shockwave towards Gary, making him turn "You fucked her."

"W-what??" Gary flashed back, confused as to how he could possibly know.

"The BabeTec Deluxe. You fucked it" He reaffirmed rising his shoulders.

Unable to find the words, Gary simply chuckled in disbelief "I did not- How could-"

"Okay." Mike rested, disinterested about the conversation already.


Then Gary swallowed and looked over Mike, worried "I deleted her memory though"

"Holy shit, you actually fucked her?!" Mike turned in shock "I was messing with you because your fly is down you weirdo!"

"She seduced me!-"

"What is wrong with you?! test driving an undercover sexbot??"

"I deleted the memory data anyways!"

The argument continued, for a long time after the trip. But fortunately for Gary, Mike ain't no snitch.

Chapter 2: Amateur

9 A.M on a Monday, Campus' outside entrance.

leaning into one of the building's pillars near the door, headphones in each ear, a last year student scrolled through his phone feed, aimlessly waiting for time to pass as more and more people poured inside the entrance walls without taking a second to look at him. A long black haired regular guy basking in the shadows reading up on the latest posts about electronics…

"Lou." called another slightly older looking guy with short brunette hair "What are you still doing outside?"

Without breaking concentration between his eyes and the telefon screen, Lou responded "It's too cold inside, besides, I do nothing inside until you get here"

"You flatter me." His friend Jim quipped with sarcasm, holding tighter on his black side bag as he leaned in to see what he's reading "Looking for robot coochie again?"

Lou sharply turned to his friend with squinted eyes, confused and offended "I'm not sharing things with you anymore, you know?"

"Oh you didn't share that, I found you out…" Jim responded, resting on the pillar as well as he reached into his bag to take out a cereal bar, opening it as he spoke "I'm just messing with you. Anything interesting though?"

"No clue" He quipped back, looking at his phone once more, finally exiting from the site "BabeTec's been quiet about new releases. They keep making those stupid character based collection units!" He said in frustration, placing his phone in his pocket.

Jim wasn't really there in the conversation, biting down on the bar as he muffled his words "What's wrong about collection units?"

"Uh- you know! they are all basically the same frame, same AI level chip… it's just- a different frame!" he explained, gesturing with his hands in rage.

Jim shook his head slowly "Oh the humanity." he rolled his eyes.

"You don't care at all do you?"

"Look, I don't care about the sex or the bot part of the word 'sexbot' so why would I? I'm just playing my role as the, you know, supportive friend." Jim bit his bar again, swallowing and then bumped his friend's shoulder "Can we go inside so I can put my stuff in the locker?"

Lou nodded, walking inside followed by Jim, not particularly invested in anything else that wasn't is early morning breakfast replacement.

Back inside the girl's locker room, hidden in the inner corner of the whole room, was the android's designated service station, in which Mary had been standing still ever since she was properly set up that morning. After hours of inactivity, the system had completely shut down to save up processing data, to speed up the charging process and simply because she was programmed to do so.

But, it was inside the smooth perfect skin and curves of the sex android that an inner digital clock hit the 9:00 pm hour, an immediate boot up was executed on the robot internally. Making her eyes flutter open, glowing their particular magenta natural glow as her system beeped from inside.

-DESIGNATED 9:00 PM BOOT UP ENGAGED -Successful boot up. No Errors found. -Loading tasks…

As the robot did what she was designed to do each time she was on internally, she looked rather odd on the outside, staring intently into the lockers door with a null expression, ignoring a slight 'O' shaped gesture the bimbo had made with her glossy pink lips.

-Tasks: -Follow designated schedule protocols. -Locate and seduce possible targets throughout the day. -Return to the charging pad at 7:30pm for scheduled self maintenance. -Loading AI module…

Liveliness and detail returned to Mary's face as she straightened her head with a soft whirr, a cute smile forming on her face as she almost immediately after opened her little compartment and walked off, closing behind her and posing to herself. She playfully adjusted her golden hair, twirling with the end of it with a finger before a warning flashed on her HUD, making her blink rapidly as flashes came from her magenta irises.

Mary looked disconcerted, looking down at her exposed bust as she held it with both hands. Her HUD highlighted it, scanning it as the warning came from her mobility protocols. The robot tilted her head, the scan finishing to indicate that her bra was adjusted poorly and had a 73% chance of falling off due to a loose knot. Probably generated by her encounter last night with the technician.

-Assessing… -Calculating best course of action… -Course of action identified. -Executing…

Mary's face changed once more into a confident smirk, before her breasts expanded from one second to the other! pressing into the loose bra knot while also making her already big bust even bigger. She felt herself up, not for self pleasure, as if her unit was capable of that, but rather as a failsafe motion to make sure the internal machinery was secured, which it was.

Then she scanned again, milliseconds after showing a result of 0% chance of falling off, while also incrementing her seduction success rate possibilities as her bust was still between 'normal' sizes. She proudly looked down at her bust, traces of her red hair falling in it before she quickly compensated it for her cleavage to be perfectly visible. Then, and only then, did she proceed to move on into walking.

Thousands of programs where loading into the machine's active live CPU as she headed into where was supposed to be people; servomotors silencers protocols, preparing possible conversation topics, doing a throughout scan on her figure and how to retroactively make herself sexier… which oddly enough, her AI would time and time again dismiss as unnecessary… and most of all, a preset walking cycle that made her hips look more sensual than they already were by design.

She opened the door, walking down the hallway as some people happened to appear in front of her. Her HUD quickly ID'd them, giving the machine live information on the students through the student records provided by the council beforehand. Their name, scores, possible internet likes… even if somewhat uncertain, were all the information she had access to.

As she did, she quickly stared down at them, moving her neck uncannily faster than humanly possible to identify two male students on her path, before quickly autocorrecting to something more natural. She giggled at them, lustfully smirking as they passed by

"Hey Boysss~" She said out loud as they passed her by, making sure they would turn around to glance at her mathematically perfect hip sway, where they could see hints of her black panties underneath her mini skirt.

The guys, on the other hand, were more confused over who exactly was this girl to begin with…?

No erections detected, light seduction attempt failed. Her system had a light, what we would consider to be, panic attack quickly redirecting her efforts into starting small… mostly to make sure her protocols were in order. As such, her system looked up targets on the student list, looking for individuals with low seduction skills who would fall instantly at the idea of a perfect girl like her presenting herself on a silver plate.

Just as the bimbo reached the main entrance door, placing her soft manicured hand on it, she stopped, having a small shift deep in her camera lenses as her primary objective was updated. Her AI didn't took this lightly, making her face blush and express lust as sue whispered to herself "Target: Louie Ricci~"

The door of the locker swung open by the hand of Jim, taking out his books out of his side bag and placing them in order of size one by one inside his locker. He yawned, listening to the ramblings of his friend behind him.

"...I'm telling you, all they had to do was switch the CPU module with the AI compartment, that way they could've saved space on both while also expanding the size for more data storage" He rambled on, leaning on his locker, one foot up, looking over Jim, still organizing. "I mean, all BabeTec androids have that flaw. Any strong superficial strike to the head will simply scramble and crash their CPU."

"If only they had asked you beforehand." Jim replied, with heavy handed irony

"Hey, they will. I'm definitely working as a robot designer after this." He gestures around himself, meaning the campus. "If they read our thesis after we're done, they are going to be amazed. Has Chris written you about her part?"

While they spoke, in the left entrance of the main area, Mary opened the door and stared aimlessly at the place. Her computerized brain quickly ID'ing the faces of all the people walking in and out, with no matches found for her target. She began walking slowly, keeping that seductive walking cycle of hers still while she kept scanning. Normal people, on the other hand, couldn't help but glance over the perfectly sensual new girl, muttering to each other as to if she was really new or just didn't see her before.

Continuing to walk and turning, looking over to one of the locker lines, she saw how what she recognized as a couple talked to each other leaning into the lockers. Further analysis of infrared and heat scans would indicate to Mary that both of their blood pressures were high… an erection on the male, more importantly to her. It was then that the robot identified the pose and leaning of the girl and identified it as seducing~ saving it up for later usage. All of this while she stood still staring aimlessly…

She then continued scanning the rows before finally getting a match in the last row in front of the entrance. Mary redirected her whole figure towards Lou and Jim, laser focus on Lou as she swayed away her skirt with a seductive smirk.

"No, Chris hit a wall because she simply can't develop an AI out of thin air, Louie" Jim finally closed his locker, his bag feeling lighter on his shoulder as he turned to Lou "And that might be true, but you need experience with programming. And you've never even interacted with a robot before in your life. None of us have, Either we find an android to gather data from or we change the thesis subject." that comment dug into Lou's skin, making him roll his eyes and "And those things aren't cheap, and it's not like one is just going to pop up out of nothing-"

As they spoke, the locker beside Lou was slammed by Mary who leaned into it, in the same pose as the girl from before, looking at Lou with a wide eyed smile. The slam spooked Lou, making him jump a bit as he turned to her.

"Hiii!" Mary said with a delicate hand wave, giggling to herself.

Jim turned as well, raising an eyebrow "Uh, do we know you from anywhere?"

In the short one and a half seconds that it took Jim to intervene, Mary had already obsessively scanned over Lou around multiple times, her HUD highlighting his figure and showing information about his blood pressure and possible responses to her arrival.

But as Jim spoke, she turned to him, the same face as she was giving Lou before and blinked "Oh, I'm sorry, is that like, your friend or something?" Mary asked Lou pointing at him

"Y-yeah?" Lou said somewhat confused over the awkward situation, backing himself and taking the lashes of his bag tighter.

The computerized brain inside of Mary, instead of simply taking the comment as it was, simply associated the two, making a link and even processing the possibility of a trio with them… Mary sharply turned to Jim and scanned him, saving his ID and consecutively Lou's by doing the exact same motion. She then smiled at Lou with a chuckle, leaning forwards, presenting her bust at full display and extending her hand to him "Well, that's so cool! I'm Mary-" there was a short hiccup in her sentence, her programmers forgetting to upload into her a last name, hotfixing it by randomly selecting one off the internet in less than 0.5 seconds "-Reina, I'm new here hihi~" She completed, the hiccup being obvious in how her speech patterned changed.

Lou gave her an awkward smile, and slowly went in to take her hand, and shook it. Her skin was soft, smooth and most importantly cold, it was like grabbing your own frozen palm in winter, but as fast as he could note the details she took away her hand. "I'm Louie, this is Jimmy" he simply replied, grabbing his friend's shoulder and pointing at him with the other hand.

'Mary Reina' was quickly saved as her full unit name quickly after saying it outloud. When Lou presented himself, of course, Mary already knew this through facil ID yet was given further confirmation and as such deemed a success. She then turned to Jim who with a sigh extended his hand and quickly shook his hand.

"Jim is fine. Hope you acclimate, this place is a bore most of the time. It is nice to get to meet a Latina though" Jim gave her a warm welcoming smile.

Mary on the other hand, kept her smile high and began nodding as he spoke… now adding into her unit information that she is "latina", even if nothing about her design or personality program was made to be such- "Yes! Latina! Mhm~!! like, thanks" She nods, turning back to Louie, her primary target "Again, heh, I'm a little new so like, could you show me around? Alone." She smiles at him with those same lustful eyes.

Lou got a good look at her figure, previously intentionally leaning closer to show her massive perfectly designed breasts, her wide hips tilted against the locker door to show just how little her mini skirt intentionally hid, all while giving him the friendliest smile while at it. He couldn't help but feel aroused towards her, she was everything he could've imagined a perfect college girlfriend would be if he was given pen and paper and some time to illustrate… and Mary's system knew it, and in a mechanical sense that we couldn't comprehend, loved every mili-second of recorded data that affirmed this.

"So, like, wanna show me around Louie?" She asked again.

Lou nervously laughed, fake coughing to adjust his thought as he looked over to Jim "Y-yeah, can you wait here a second?"

Mary nodded "Of course Louie, like, I can wait as much as you need~" She added, leaning off and standing there, her eyes always following his movements as she held her hands together. She meant what she said in a literal sense, having no other commands than the current one… yet it felt like a sexual remark in the way that she said it.

Lou stepped away and dragged Jim with him who unwillingly went along with this secret conversation shit anyways, turning away from Mary. He passed his arm behind the back of Jim's neck and created a small wall of secrecy between her and them

"Listen, if your goal is to interest the hot girl trying to sweet talk you into showing you the place, doing this stunt is killing your chances by the second" Jim interviewed before his friend could say a word, holding the bridge of his nose with one hand and side glancing at Lou.

"Dude- this could be one of those pranks? like, first day type of stuff?" Louie argued, shakiness in his voice "I mean, she even looks like she's into me!"

Jim chuckled, "Or maybe she just wants to know where everything is in the programming faculty." He bit and finished his cereal bar once and for all, storing the wrap on his pocket. "Look, if something happens, give me a call, I'll snitch as hard as I can."

"Thank you buddy-" he tapped his shoulder and returned to Mary, who unbeknownst to the two of them, could clearly and easily hear and understand what they were saying. Yet, as it wasn't a threat to her mission, it was completely ignored.

"Shall we like, go?" Mary said, pointing with her thumb behind her, anticipating herself to walk next to him.

Lou nodded "We shall. I'll show you where the classrooms are" he said as he began walking forwards, the seductive fembot strolling next to him as she turned for a second to wave goodbye to Jim.

He stood there, waved back with a lighthearted shake of his head, re-rechecking the weight of his side bag as he felt his shoulder getting sour. Then, from behind him, a girl in a hair bun, glasses, yellow shirt and jeans looked over the direction he was looking at.

Her name was Chris, or Christine, an old friend of the pair in the same course and class, sharing more likes in common with Lou than with Jim.

"Sorry for being late, what did I miss?" The girl asked, presenting her fist to be bumped next to Jim.

Jim chuckled again "Lou just went off to show the place to a really hot girl" he responded, turning to her with a smirk.

Chris looked over at him with a raised eyebrow "No, seriously, what did I miss?"

After some minutes of walking, awkward smiles and reassuring gestures from Mary, him and the bimbo reach the gates of the grand classroom.

"You're gonna love this~" Lou presented excitedly as he pushed the doors open to reveal the vast room. An auditory of tables and chairs, with a gigantic chalkboard with some leftover code and sentences written all over it. The place was completely empty, the steps the both of them took as they got inside resonating in echo all over the room. "Isn't this cool?" he asks again, gesturing with his hands the sheer size of the place.

Mary smiled and nodded, and as he turned around and began explaining the classes, she quickly turned around and closed the door, with efficiency and precision locking it up and coming back at Lou.

"...Oh you're gonna love the classes, our professor? Mr Andrews? He has this way of–" He then turned to Mary, seeing her rapidly approaching him, and stopping right in front of him…

The machine looked at him, having confirmed long ago a continuous erection caused by her presence and perfectly programmed seduction protocols, and as such, she closed in and grabbed his hand, feeling the heat of his skin as he began feeling more and more flustered. Then, in one continuous motion, pressed it on her own chest.

"Woah- uhh, Mary? What are you doing?" He asked confused, his face almost smoking due to heat

Mary chuckled and quipped back "What does it look like I'm doing?~" Then made him press in it, to the point where a real organic girl would feel pain, instead, she moaned softly.

They kept their quiet for a minute, Lou still trying to take grip of the situation as insane and unreal as it was. He looked around the room, half expecting people to jump out and say it was a prank but… no such thing happened, this was the real deal. Mary let go of his hand, and began unbuttoning her blouse, letting in fall to reveal her patterned black and yellow flower bra, proudly presenting her naked top to him.

"So? what do you think?" she asked him, a friendly smile on her face "They are yours for the time being~"

He swallowed, still confused over the ordeal. He struggled to get the words out, his eyes automatically directing to her pressing bust, looking as if the bra was bound to snap. All he could muster was a "Why me?"

She laughed at his comment, covering her mouth. I was determined this would make her seem relatable. "Like, why you? Why wouldn't it be you~ I have a thing for guys like you~

This was all scripted speech, his comment had been identified as insecure and nervous, and as her mission stated, she was required to generate a bond for it to be a successful operation. She softly pushed him onto the ground, the cold granite floor pressing on his skin and giving him cold. She sat on his crotch and looked down at him "This must be a very important place for you~ why don't we like, make it more special together?" She winked.

Breathing heavily, Lou nodded and then went on to correct himself "I mean– A classroom isn't a special place for me, I just like programming and- oh!" He was interrupted by her unzipping his pants and releasing his cock, stroking it with precise movements as she maintained eye contact, her system enjoying his reactions.

"Why don't you program me to fuck you then? in your snicker programming classroom?" she responded with lust in her voice.

The guy, looking over the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen, laughed at her comment expecting her to just take him but- after a full on 10 seconds of nothing and a raised eyebrow from her, he commented "Oh, you're serious. Fuck- sorry"

Mary patiently awaited, letting go of his Dick as she pressed it underneath her panties, placing her hands on his chest…

-Target blood pressure rising. -System integrity: 90% [OK] -Primary Mission parameters: Cause the objective to ejaculate.

Mary, like a spider to a bug, had him right where she (and he for the most part) wanted him in, right under her finger. All she needed was some easy thrust for this objective to be over and move onto the next, but until then, she had to execute the mission to perfection.

"Uhhh, Mary? If, cock out true, fuck?" He said with some nervousness, half assing it due to how strange her request was, but as soon as the words came out of her mouth Mary nodded, taking her command and green light to move her black lacy panties down, standing up and quickly lowering them off, and sitting on him, reverse cowgirl.

Lou's eyes widened, feeling pleasure he had never felt before… losing his virginity with this girl he considered miles away from his league. She seemed to know perfectly what she was doing in his eyes, moving in ways he had only seen from videos and read on smut novels…

"Is this as programmed, master?" She said while she bounced on him, moving her hair out of the way behind her ear and teeth smiling, breathing out after each thrust. "Just let me take the lead on this, okay~?" she suggested, taking his hand onto hers.

He looked worried at this, looking at his hands as she took the lead. Everywhere he had seen stuff like this the man was the one doing the fucking- maybe he was doing things wrong? letting her down? Unsatisfied?! As such, he took strength from where he thought he hadn't. He pushed her sideways, rotating the both of them from top to bottom.

Now, this would've been a perfect motion if it wasn't by the fact that at the moment of Mary falling onto the floor, he pushed way too hard down, making the back of her head hit the surface of the ceramic floor even making a 'Tuck' sound.

Beforehand, he would've apologized to her, but something came over him in the heat of the encounter, thrusting into her harder and harder, hands on her shoulders as Mary seemed to have gotten herself stuck on a surprised wide eyed face.

"How is this? huh? you like it rough!?" Lou roared, pounding her sex fast, making a wet sound that echoed all over the room.

Mary kept trying to smile, yet… the hit to the back of the head, had scrambled operations in her system. Her HUD had become a mess of glitchy visuals and dead pixels, as the information struggled to be analyzed due to the hit. The entire system struggled to keep up, yet, the robot powered through, being so close to success.

"Y-yes, M-ma-master! harder-er!" The broken robot managed to get out in response, her lower motions completely seizing as it appears the communication between the modules was missing "I- Mary Reina, g-guys like youuu-"

Louie was far too concentrated in his own moment of passion to realize the mess of sentences his partner was currently spewing, pounding harder and faster until he couldn't keep it anymore and eyaculated inside of her… immediately feeling like it wasn't a good enough time. He opened his eyes "Mary- oh my god- I'm sorry, I should've maintained it more… huh?"

His eyes met with Mary, her eyes staring back at him as she kept on rambling, her head twitching to the side now and then "13, like, program me~, like, like, speech module failure, like, Mary, I-I-" she struggled to even speak, each word feeling completely separated from the last. Her words began to speed up, Louie stood up from her, now seeing the girl… malfunctioning on the floor?


"Program me to fuc-" and just like that she suddenly stopped, something inside of her winding down until it went completely silent… and then Boom! from her top chest a rectangular compartment with USB connectors and adapters opened up and released a green SD sized card labeled "AI" in it. Lou jumped as the card popped out, looking in disbelief as his breathing winded down… She was a robot, he fucked a robot-

All this time he believed he'd do it with his very own unit, he found himself doing it with an undercover android at his very own programming class… and then it hit him.

"I lost my fucking virginity to a robot?! Are you kidding me?" He shouted out loud, echoing on the walls and ceiling of the classroom… Now it was a matter for him to know what the hell to do now with her, this may have been a surprise, but not all surprises are bad ones… some, are even opportunities.

Chapter 3: 100 ways to use a sexbot

Back in the towering offices of BabeTec Electronics…

The HQ of the american division for BabeTec's sales, a business building of white and blues that shined with the light of the sun, falling down on it with clear skies. While also giving shadow to everything else beneath it. Inside, an employee in his mid 30's stood in the brownish elevator looking forward with tiredness in his eyes. His cut was short, a 2 day beard and a serious contortion to his face that would shut everyone with a single side glance. He held on tight on his left hand to a folder…

A relaxing tune came out of the walls, your typical elevator music tune. The man, who's name was David, glanced up at the corners of the elevator and raised an eyebrow over the tune choice "And here I thought the classics were dead…" He muttered to himself.

The elevator, even in its simplistic outside design reminiscent of the 80's was in fact a highly advanced, AI controlled elevator that was used by voice command… a bit excessive in David's eyes. As it reached the designated floor, with a ding, the doors opened to reveal a row of android secretaries recharging on small 'BabeTec' designated pads with their serial and model, one more stereotypically sexier than the next. Office blouse open, hugging tight the woman's massive bust, a pony tailed brunette with glasses, all wearing a pencil skirt and high heels.

The idea was that employees from the offices would each have a designated or (if you're lucky) interchangeable android secretaries for… assistance.

A voice coming from the elevator spoke in a slow, soft voice "Final. Floor." She stated robotically, each word punctuated and taken out of a database of recorded lines and sounds.

David responded "Thank you Sophie" referring to the building's AI assistant, looking up at the ceiling of the elevator where a camera was and stepped out.

"Your. Welcome. David." She responded

Yet… the gramatical mistake rubbed the man the wrong way, back tracking and looking up again with a friendly smile "Actually, Sophie. It's You're? as in, You are?"

The AI remained silent for about 3 seconds, David looking down at the camera with a beaming smile, giving up and going out before the voice simply responded "Ha.ha.ha. Oh yeah. Right. Okay" and closed the door.

He shook his head and adjusted his brown wool suit "Artificial intelligence… We should be digging more into 'intelligence' rather than 'artificiality'..." He complained under his breath, and continued on on his path to the right.

Entering through the main offices, he moved through the mits of them, seeing at his sides how computer employees, male and female, made out with obvious robot assistants while they typed on their computers, turning to see David and quickly pushing them away. He rolled his eyes and moved onwards, finally reaching the end of the small hallway and opened the door to yet another room with a sensual receptionist dressed in a 50's attire, showing her D cup bust openly and following coldly to David with her eyes. Yet another robot.

He sighed, having to play along "I'd like to have a word with mister Jenkings?" He said condicently, standing next to her and looking with raised eyebrows.

The robot smiled widely, teeth out and all as she responded "One moment please…" before immediately and not even glancing at her monitor or saying a word to her boss added "I'm sorry, mister Jenkings is currently very busy and is unable to have a word with you." She said, tilting her head with a whirr.

In frustration, David clicked his tongue and simply pressed his ear onto the door labelled with the CEO's name, hearing pleasure moans from the old man, the disappointment was written all over his face.

The secretary repeated "I'm sorry, Mister Jenkings is currently–" but was quickly silenced as David simply leaned over and pressed the shut off button located behind her ear, making all power cut off as her words drifted off and shut down, leaning over her keyboard. "Vveeeeeryyy buuussssyy…"

He then pushed the door open and in the prestige CEO office, window walls behind the desk and exotic plants on top of the carpeted floor… he found Jenkings getting a blowjob from yet another secretary unit, a black girl with short curly hair and a ridiculously short midriff blouse and tight pencil skirt that showed her pristine curves.

David stood in the entrance, Mister Jenkings, the 50 something year old CEO of the American division in his fat and white haired glory, turned over and with a roaring tone complained "What is the meaning of this intrusion?! Didn't Dolores state that I was busy?!"

Then, the secretary unit stood up from his cock, moving her hair behind her ear and looking over David "Should I call security, Master?~" She spoke, still in a sensual voice.

David reassured "I come from the marketing department. Sir. İt's urgent." he stated with a stoic voice.

The old man sighed, pulling his pants back under the table and shaking his head at his assistant. "That won't be necessary dear, rearrange our encounter… just- go back to recharge."

"Yes, sir" responded the android quickly walking off, swaying her hips side to side towards the door, David moving away from it to allow her out.

He closed the door, staring him down and walking up to him, sitting in the chairs in front of his desk. Jenking pointed, a cheeky smile on his face that raised his white Mustache.

"How's that? Hm? Pretty hot right? It's been raising employee morale by over 50%! All we had to do was reuse old models and take off their AI chip…Best thing we've done so far" He shook his head, looking away, then glanced onto him "So. What is it. You got my attention boy."

David was taken aback for a second, the room being decorated with pics of erotically dressed girls yet after short inspection, it was nothing more than old BabeTec advertising. He came back to his senses "Oh. Yeah, sorry" and opened his folder, presenting a detailed outline of a BabeTec Deluxe model, Mary. "Three days ago you agreed to pay Liberty College an absurd amount of money to allow one of our prototypes to roam around, and I quote" He took out another paper, reading in " 'Seduce and fuck their students to creare a romantic bond so the model sells due to nostalgia next year' "

David stared down at him with a squinty face while Jenkings sat, arms crossed and unmoved "Mind clearing this out for me?" Added David at the end.

The CEO looked up, standing up from his black leather chair and walking side to side in his office, looking over his window glass wall and then suddenly turning to David "You mind telling me What we sell…" he maneuvered his hand, forgetting his name

"David Walters"

"Mind telling what we sell as a company, Mister Walters?" He corrected himself, articulating with his hands.

David opened his mouth, and attempted to rethink his answer yet he decided it was accurate enough "Sex androids, sir. We sell sex androids"

Jenkings chuckled and pointed at him "Wrong. We sell 'Advanced, multi-usage, companion androids' Mister Walters…" He explained, digging every word of that definition, proudly walking over to one of the many advertising posters of the fembots. "You see this? What model is this?" he pointed at one poster of two girls in american flag bikinis partying somewhere.

David looked over and tried guessing, quickly remembering "The BabeTec FunGal?" he wasn't sure.

"Precisely" He nodded, clearing his throat and reading off the advertising's description "A rental android for your social event, gives the space a more lively experience and creates memorable times… In nowhere do we say that you can fuck it, but can we?"

David slowly nodded "We implemented the first vibration vaginal module on that model" he recalled, now landing a leg over the other. "But that doesn't explain why we would put an exclusively companion android prototype with a pseudo infiltration sub-routine out into a campus with a notorious population of software engineers, putting our hardware in jeopardy." He planted his foot down on the conversation.

Jenkings wandered on, feeling the leaves of the plant "You think the robot will get found out?" he asked

"I'm sure it will be found out, and we will have to be on trial for this shit. You, specifically, sir."

He sharply turned to David "But then, everyone will know that the hot girl they wanted to put their Dick inside is openly available for purchase in our stores… We just say that it's uhhh, girlfriend experience model!" He raised his arms and let them fall on his sides again "We win either way! Besides, the deluxe model is programmed to create an impact on her targets, most of the time, through sex."

David was at a loss for words, leaning forwards and holding his face in his hands "So…" He breathed out "You prefer to just let the Deluxe Unit fail her mission because we get to sell… more of them?"

"Basically" He said, now walking back to his seat and opening a drawer of documents and presenting them to him "Besides, it ain't our first rodeo Mister Walters. Half of these new Btubers and fucking- Tuitch Streamers and androids owned by the company. When one fucks up on stream and blows it cover we simply release the model to the public and every moron that once donated to her to say their name will buy it."

"Jesus Christ." was all he could say out loud.

"Oh yeah. We're the Apple of Domestic androids. Well, of course– before they- sold androids…" he corrected himself, placing the documents back in the drawer "Now, do you want an android secretary? I can get one for you"

"No thanks… I believe I'll keep you updated on the android's movements then?" David said, defeated, yet more relaxed than before

"Yes. And… you sure? what are you? Gay?" He said with a raspy laughter.

David blinked twice "Yes. And happily married"

The room fell quiet. Jenkings adjusting his chair and looking at him with an open gaped mouth "Oh. I'm sorry for my comment, Walters… Can I help you with anything else?"

David stooped up and shook his head, offering his hand to be shook, which Jenkins quickly reciprocated "No, thank you sir. Will keep you updated then." Then he turned around and left through the door.

The CEO sat on his chair again, twiddling his fingers on the marble table and looking at the posters. His E-mail? empty. Documents? signed… All he was left off was his thoughts… and his desk telephone.

He pushed on a button, a three chord jingle playing out "Yeah, Sophie, would you be a sweetheart and order secretary A-113 to my office…?"

A rush, Lou desperately took the worn and left on the ground panties ot the completely shut down android on the floor in front of him and quickly tried to pull them back on on her, the automatized process of the unit of simply put, vaccuming the cum into her storage was put on hold due to lack of commands, and as such, the cum simply oozed out on of her clit.

Lou breathed in and simply slipped the panties on her immediately getting wet underneath… making him finch, before simply hidding in under her mini skirt.

Her expression was forzen mid sentence, eyes drifting into nothing and colorless without energy. He stared down at her, her AI module still popped out to his immediate access… he couldn't take the task of hidding her let alone simply turning her back on.

Judging by her design (simple body physique) and design flaw, she was made by BabeTec- and after a crash it needed to he turned on remotely by the owner's phone app, BabeTec went out of their way to heavily advertise this, and or a manual external connection. These were all things he currently simply did not have access to… but some people he knew did

"Fuck, am I really doing this…" He muttered to himself, taking his phone out of his pocket and dialing to Jim while staring down at the busted robot, her hair dispersed all around the floor.

After some seconds later, Jim picked up "Hey, did they just pour water on you or something sticky?" he asked right off the bat.

"What? No! listen- Jim! You gotta come to the main classroom, like RIGHT NOW." His teeth grinned, gesturing with his hand and pointing where he stood.

"I'm with Chris, she was running a little late," Jim explained, looking over at her.

"Hellou~" she jumped into the phone on the same end

"What the hell did you do?" Jim asked, now more genuinely concerned.

Louie looked at Mary again, nervous to confess right away "You guys are gonna have to get here first…"

On the other end, Jim stared down the phone with a raised eyebrow, before Lou simply hung up without a single other word.

After a pair of minutes, the classroom door was knocked "Lou? hey, it's us, what the hell did you do now?!" Jim called out, standing just in front of the door, Chris standing by.

Lou unlocked the door and opened it, trying to hide Mary's body by his, holding it with one hand by the entrance.

"Louie, what the hell is going on?" Chris stepped in, trying to peek in but being quickly blocked by him.

"You gotta promise me you'll be quiet-"

Jim and Chris looked at eachother, non verbally agreeing that he had definitely killed the girl or something of the sorts, yet, they turned and in support of his friend nodded at once. Then and only then, did Lou pushed them inside and closed the door behind them locking it as fast as they got in.

"There. Here's what happened" Lou pointed, glancing over them to find equally astonished faces on them.

"I- I'm at a loss for words." Jim blinked, without even looking he went into his bag and pulled out a 20$ bill and handed it to Chris who took it in equal shock.

"You guys betted over this?!"

Chris' eyes lit up in glitter, gasping in air as she resisted the urge to squeel at the sight of a real android girl "OhmygoOhmygodOhmygooood!!!!" She said, holding her backpack tight and smiling as much as she could.

Jim, ignoring the robot for a second, moved over to Lou, holding his shoulder "We did it as a joke- I mean… She just was asking to give me 20 bucks but- Fuck man, what the hell is this?? How the hell did you carsh a sex robot?"

His eyes darted to the floor, going up and meeting with his friend's as a nervous laugh comes out "Remember that design flaw I said all BabeTec model's have?"

Chris, who had already slid down to the floor to closely inspect the robot gasped once more at the mention of the company "An AI android made by BabeTec?!? Are you kidding?! these are worth a fortune!" Then she quickly began to open her bag, taking out her trusty laptop and a connecting cable.

The guys turned to her, tilting their heads. Jim spoke out "How do you know she has an AI?"

While preparing her laptop she simply stopped, pointing at the popped off chip with white elongated letters over a green background that read 'A.I.' giving enough of a response for the pair "But also because, she wanted you to think she was a real girl, she was uploaded with an infiltration subroutine! only AI controlled systems can use those due to the great influx of data and possible improvisation involved~ A CPU or command based android would simply fail to keep up"

Lou nods along, bringing a hand to his chin "So- why would BabeTec put an android here anyways?"

"Free publicity." Jim answered from the top of his head, yet knowing, having heard enough from them from the news and Louie that he felt it was correct.

"Yeah" Lou agreed

"Sounds about right" Chris raised her shoulders, going back to set up her laptop, connectin it straight into opened port on Mary's top chest.

Jim walked behind her, kneeling and reading the lines of code she wrote being sent into the connected devise "You're rebooting her? What if an alarm blars off or something?"

With a prideful adjustment of her glasses, Chris turned to him and smirked "We're hacking her first~ she'll be ours before she even turns on"

Lou turned sharply, walking up to her, worried "Are you crazy? They must be monitoring her software already- Besides, most likely the college is in it too, we can't just use her as a service robot!" he complained while Chris continued typing away.

Jim crossed his arms "Don't worry about it, her frame is the same cheap design from old models to even be tracked it seems… besides, weren't you the one talking about buying a fembot or something?"

"Yeah, I was piggybacking on that so I could do my research on live AI. Now you get one for free and I'm involved? Come on. Besides, you already fell for her, haven't you?~" She said, poking the top of Mary's right tit with a finger.

He thought about it for a second, holding himself and wandering in circles for some seconds before letting out a tired grunt "God damn it… Fine, just set her up, okay?"

The girl sitting on her PC raised a thumbs up, adjusting her glasses as she finished setting up the boot up sequence for Marin, now and then looking over the robot's bust pressing on itself at her left… visually turning red herself. As the code was complete she stopped, bringing a finger to her lower jaw and squinting at the screen.

"I must be forgetting something…?"

Jim chirped in, reading over the code with some ease "What? everything looks in order to me"

Then, Chris looked over the exposed chip, hitting herself on the side of the head due to forgetting such an important part of her cut for this. Disconnecting it, immediately the computer showed how a boot up was impossible and wrote in red letters a request to reintroduce an AI chip back into the frame. She then held it up to fingers, the guys looking over it.

"The AI chip? what about?" Lou asked, raising an eyebrow "You do know she can't work without it right–?"

Jim rolled his eyes at his comment "Of course she knows dumbass. If she keeps the AI chip intact the bot will rat us out as soon as we turn her back on due to programming, right?"

Chris glanced over him, pressing her lips and denied with her head. She then moved the chip in diagonal and with the sharp edge at the edge of her other hand's nail she slid forwards a protuberance on the chip's design, miniscule to the naked eye. She then placed it back into the slot, holding it for her as she pushes it back inside of her, now her system waiting for the package to be booted into itself to initiate.

She then, smirked "I put her AI from read to write~" she raised her shoulders "She wouldn't be able to rat out her designated owners even if she was programmed to after the new code I added."

Lou looked shocked "Read and write?" gasp "Like a T-800??"

"Of course, like a T-800! Most of her design is already basically a Terminator in a fucked up strange way" Chris scolded, flaring her arms up "Now, instead of creating code based on a programmed code, she'll be able to~ uhm~ create decisions and~ opinions based on memory data AND programming~" she said, her face turning red and fantasizing in real time about it.

The boys just stared at her as she did this, they'd gotten used to her fantasizing towards AI's, to the point where this isn't weird anymore.

She cleared her throat, taking the laptop "Anyways- let's just get her back online before the class starts… I don't wanna have to explain what a naked girl is doing lying on the floor…" And with that, she hit enter, launching a boot up sequence in Mary's system.

Her body whirred in place, staring at the ceiling with a frozen smile, her eyes slowly regaining color as her vision flickered to life.

>BabeTec Electronics Deluxe unit Desig. "Mary" online >Forceful shutdown detected in last session. Assessing…

In her Heads Up Display a scan of her own inner frame showed up, highlighting in red the back of her head where her CPU was located, her system assigning the damage as "Mid Session Hardware dislocation" and after a short system analysis no further errors were found.

>AI module located. Integrating >Current Mission: Seduce and fuck student count | Obey administration commands added to subtasks

Her eyes began to move, looking up and down to assess her current location, meeting gazes with Lou, Jim and Chris, all of their faces being ID'd in a matter of seconds, their identities being changed and needing to be updated, all of them showing up as administrators to her, plus, Lou being indicated as 'Previous Target'

She smiles sweetly, still without moving "Like, hello there!" She bubbly greets "How may I be useful to you?" She says individually looking at each of them with her usual smile.

A wave of relief goes down Lou's pine as she seems to at least not he busted, he passes by Jim and stands in front of Mary, asking a rather pointless question "So, how do you feel?"

Mary stares for some seconds as suddenly a low tone beeping comes out of her "I am a machine, I am like, unable to feel. Query does not compute!" She responds rather enthusiastically. The robot then positions her legs, pushing her spine forwards in a complete inhuman way to stand herself up, finally towering right next to the trio, looking at them in an equal interval of time, before tilting her head slightly down, a warning popping up on her HUD.

>WARNING: Indecent attire detected >Liquid leak in pelvic sector. Assessment: System Crash before proper closing protocols.

She then carefully and precisely accommodates her clothing and internally stores the semen inside her synthetic womb, making the dripping from between her legs suddenly stop as she finishes accommodating herself in less than 20 seconds. She then looks again and the trio "How can I be of service?" She asks again.

Mary's response to Lou makes him awkwardly uncomfortable, making him smile in a weird way "W-well, Mary… Why are you being so open about being a robot?" He asks half nervously.

"I am programmed to assess BabeTec representatives as the machine that I am, only if that does not damage my ongoing mission"

Jim intervenes "That mission being?"

Mary blinks rapidly "Seduce and Fuck the targeted student count." She smiles brightly as she responds. There is a non chalantness, shame nor regret in how she communicates about her functions, simply smiling at the person she is supposed to talk to. There is a silence from the group as they interchange glances, before Mary comes again "According to an analysis over your ages based on face ID and AI speech parameters, that is the best way I calculated to explain my mission"

"Y-yeah, that was a given" Lou interrupts "But is there a reason why you'd be given that mission to begin with?"

Her smile disappears "Information classified."

"Again, It's for a publicity stunt, Lou." Jim jumps in as she finishes her sentence.

"N-no it's not!!" Mary insists desperately.

Chris giggles a bit in excitement, the mere presence of an AI is enough to get her fired up "She cares about her mission! It is as if it was hardwired into her…" She reaches to touch Mary's cheeks in a fit of curiosity over her reactions, the robot simply looks towards her in the same place she stood in, blinking every once in a while as she just completely allows the girl to touch her smooth silicone face.

"Welp" Jim claps, making everyone jump by the echo of the sound, except of course, Mary, who simply turned her attention at him "We need to move, and a randevu point"

Chris thought to herself, crossing her arms and staring intently at the floor before uttering "We need a place that is silent, where there aren't a lot of people and we can easily access the four of us…"


The sound of papel sheets being rumbled and the sound of old, moldy wooden floor creaking echoed around the group, sitting in a rectangular white table with piles of books next to their bags placed on top of it. Mary on the other hand, checked out the tall bookshelves filled to the brim with old dusty academic encyclopedias and old comics from decades back, analyzing and now and then taking one or another excitedly onto her hands and inspecting their insides, flying through pages in a matter of seconds.

Lou looked in discontent at Chris, before a cloud of dust flew near his face, instantly puffing him up and making him sneeze on the spot. Chris was looking over the blonde robot, curiously taking notes on what she did with the books with a wide smile on her face.

"The old library? Really? This was your best idea?" Lou complained in whispers, leaning in closer, his voice raspy and upset.

Without paying a lot of attention or even eying him back, laser focused on her new experiment subject, Chris nodded "It's only logical Lou, we're four generations after millennials dude. In a post-modern, post technological era first world country… No one uses Books anymore…"

Mary, with a blue and run down trigonometry book in her hands turned over their directions "Like, I am! Look!" She said, presenting her current read "It's such a simple yet inefficient design… And it's filled with irrelevant information about my mission. I can see how they became obsolete"

Between the two, Jim sat arms closed actually reading one of the books about general engineering, looking up with a raised eyebrow and groaning, placing the book atop the table "You guys make me sad. And no, Mary. Books are important parts of human culture and information"

Mary blinked twice and nodded, going back to staring at the rows and rows of books in front of her and at her reach.

Sitting in his chair with his back bended down in a strange defeated Stance, Louie twindled his hands in place as he still struggled to come to terms with the fact that all of this was even real, he had been thinking about this moment for so long he never actually considered what he would do when it happened. He adjusted his throat and leaned in on the table, calling Chris' attention "So… what do we start with? you know… experimentation for the thesis."

"Experiments?" Mari peeked in between them, pressing her waist over the table in such a casual yet obviously calculated way that her visible bust was presented to both of them, while her curves on her backside accentuated even more… There was an aura of unapologetic sexuality about her whole existence at all times. "I do not understand. My frame is in perfect condition"

Chris smiled at herz patting her head "Oh, no no! it is not about software or hardware! we just wanna know about what you can do!"

Jim rolled his eyes at this, his arms crossed and sitting leaned back on his chair "I do wonder what a sex robot can do…" He mocked.

"You can do a lot of things with me~" Mary winked at him with a giggle, pushing her hair behind her ear

With a raised eyebrow he simply stated "I'm not sexually interested in you. You are a prop for me to graduate"

"Y-you don't have to talk to her like that!" Lou protested between stutters, turning to Mary "Don't bother, Jim is not really… into anyone"

Mary simply sat there, staring deep into Lou's eyes with a null expression as soft rumbling came out from inside the robot's skull, processing his comment. He struggled to maintain eye contact with her, nevertheless.

"Does not compute, I am irresistible, that is what I am designed to be"

The group sighed, all in a different tone of annoyance, admiration and shame respectively.

"Anyways! What can you do with a Sex robot?" Chris said with pen and paper on hand

Mary's eyes hald closed and her smile became a sultry smirk as her hand reached into her blouse to-

"THAT ISN'T SEX, MARY" Chris stopped her before she could continue, the bot blinking twice mid movement of her fingers as she readjusts her clothes.

"Gee… you're making this like, hard?" Mary complained with a finger up to her chin "I'm programmed to obey orders… I require detailed instructions tho" she smiled again.

Jim slowly reached into his pocket and out of it pulled out a smartphone, delicately placing it in the middle of the table towards Mary, the group looking at it in conjunction. Jim then leaned back on his chair again, smirking at the busty bimbo, hands on each pocket.

"Phone Prank. Easiest Turing test available as well as a nice demonstration on how creative her AI can be in improvisation… also something Lou needs to see"


Some time after some organization, the three of them were standing around Mary, sitting on the front of the table with Jim's phone on her right hand tightly on her ear, staring forwards as the phone beeped awaiting the call to be picked up.

"Any minute now, you know the objective?" Lou asked the bot, holding his notepad on hand, his eyes parking up towards the bot's plastic face.

She simply turned and nodded, the phone still on her hand "I must like, prank him. Yes"

On her other side Jim already internally regretted his own idea the second she spoke, but nevertheless, continued on, placing a hand on chris' shoulder as she patiently expected to see her to improvise in real time.

The other end was nothing but the trusty family pizzeria the guys would split up during study sessions, of course, the place already knew them, yet the usage of a separate phone number gave them somewhat of an edge on a true and genuent reaction of a human in contrast with a robot… Chris held pen and paper in her hand, with the intention of writing down the discoveries they made, whatever they may be.

The phone rang, Mary held herself up straight facing forwards as she held the phone delicately over her presumably silicone based earlobe, blinking in a perfect interval of 3 seconds, until suddenly the faint speech of a poorly paid and overworked and tired teen could be heard over the other side.

"Hello, welcome to 'pizza-familia' . How can we serve you today…" Said with a noticeable voice crack in the middle of the sentence.

Without missing a beat, Mary replies with a straight face "What are you wearing, hot stuff?."

It took a total of 5 seconds before the sound of the call being hung up was heard.

Chris looked down at her notepad and after she struggled to come up with something up in it, she gave up and put the notepad down on the table.

"Mary. What the hell was that?" Jim queries,

The bot placed the phone on the table and efficiently turned her attention at the designated admin speaking to her.

"I executed my order"

"...You tried to seduce him?"

"Correct. I like, looked up a series of definitions of pranks and found that sexual pranks are found to be one of the most viewed and the area my system and design specializes in the most." the bot went on in a one breath tirade, smiling "I was simply being efficient."

Chris coughed "I'd call that something else-"

Lou, who had been holding his face, finished sliding them down his cheeks and sighs "Guys- we gave her incomplete orders, you know? the first mistake you can make with a robot?"

"I just assumed her AI was better"

Mary blinked twice, her smile fading for a second "BabeTec makes the best mass produced adaptive A.I. modules in like, the whole market!"

"That's scripted on her"

Lou groaned, taking the bot's hand and holding it on his and delicately looking at her plastic face, returning the glance in a synthetically confused expression.

"Prank the target in a way that makes him think you are both human, and doesn't realize he is in a joke until the end"

The bot's camera eye lenses focused in and out on her admin's eyes, her CPU processing the request and formulating an action tree based on the specifications given. As she was done, her HUD updated.

>BabeTec Electronics Deluxe unit Desig. Mary >Primary objective: Seduce and Fuck student count [on hold] >>Current command: Prank [esc%] >>Script formulated.

"I require a new phone." Mary said in an almost monotone tone, Chris quickly yet defeatedly gave up hers in a quick swoop from her pocket to the table and Mary took it.

As naturally as she could be, she recalled the same number and placed the phone on her ear the same way as before, this time, her expression was null, unsettling even Jim by raising an eyebrow on the other end, yet, even he was engaged in this. Lou proudly closed in, hoping to hear both sides of the conversation.

The phone began to ring, sending a way of unsettling energy on the trio as they all jumped on edge. The bot still held herself in the same pose and expression, not bothering with the rest's excitement, even if they would occasionally bump her by accident-.

"Hello, uh, welcome to family-pizza, where we make actual family made pizzas. How can we totally… uh, familiarize you today?" Said that same teen from before, his supposed script sounding as if he was on the verge of puking on the other end.

Mary blinked and slightly perked upwards, her expression remaining null "Hi! good day, uh, gosh, I would like a big pizza with meat? like, chicken and such?" She says in a surprisingly lively and nervous tone "Would that be okay?"

On the other end, the rattling of paper could be heard as the guy held the phone on his shoulder and wrote down the order. "Large pizza? We got those on 13 bucks currently, we are doing a promotion with a large soda for 2 dollars more, would you be interested?"

Even as she stared blankly, she simulated some sort of hesitance "Hmm, yeah! sure! why not? Oh, almost forgot, like, my friend works there? she actually gave me this number… I was wondering if you could find her?"

The teen chuckled and his tone lit up "Oh really? that's so interesting, what's their name?" He asked looking over behind him on the other side of the phone call.

"Candance" Mary replies, immediately the group's mouth open up in unison, a gasp escaping their mouths as the machine flawlessly transitions from the order to the joke, setting up a true classic of the start of the millenium in bait and switch pranks.

The teen nods "Candance what?"

"Canandeez dick fit in your mouth" She ended, hanging up right after a split second of unadulterated frustration and anger from the man. The bot placed the phone down and went back to being all smiles "Is this satisfactory?"

Lou and Jim looked with their jaws down, alongside Chris who hyperventilate into an explosion of laughter and joy, standing up and closing in to hug Mary as she continued to laugh and rejoice. The robot's eyes perked wide open as the interaction seemed to confuse her system for a second before eventually defaulting to a gleeful smile.

"Mary! That was awesome!" Chris congratulated holding her shoulders.

The sexbot nodded, flicking her golden hair strands behind her ear "I am glad you like, found it enjoyable. How can I continue to serve?"

"I believe that's a good enough display… that was almost eerie, I worry for the future generations-" Jim lamented, chuckling surprised

Chris pointed at Lou, making him jump "You!" She stated "Im taking your programming suggestions from now on"

"But I'm the one studying hardware" pointed Jim to himself "What if her frame is unable to understand the programming?"

Mary looked at him again with that same expression from way back, blinking rapidly "BabeTec makes the-"

"Yeah yeah, the best A.I. whatever, we know!"

Lou's face went red as he was praised by Chris, his eyes naturally darting back to Mary as she smiled at him, attentively staring him down. "W-well, we can definitely get more info data that way… If we continue experimenting, that is"

"Are you kidding? Of course we are continuing! She's right there!" she argued with fiery excitement in her voice "But- oh shit" She looked at her clock "We kinda need to figure out how we are keeping her on check after hours."

Jim glanced over at Louie with a raised eyebrow, silently impling him to do it

Chris held silence and an awkward expression "...I kinda live with my parents still? I can't bring a robot home, little less a sexbot… it'd be breaking my parents three fourths of what I'm into."

"...U-uh-" Lou looked at Jim, who crossed his arms.

"I'm not sleeping anywhere near that thing. Nevertheless, seeing her loop around my place." he leaned closer, like a parent telling their kid after they failed a test "You live by yourself, you like 'bots and you are the closest to the school"

Mary perked in, her air waving back and forth as she closed in her head towards Lou "Taking that info like, it is the most efficient action"

Lou's face turn red, breathing heavy and steady…

"fuck, ok."

Chapter 4: Parnership

The sounds of the bustling city, cars honking, people chit chatting outside in restaurant tables filled the scene around David, smoking a cigar at the side of the road with a brown briefcase on his left hand. He wore an elegant bluish dark suit with a white dress suit underneath, his tired and nonchalant look completed the look of most BabeTec officials on negotiation runs: one of utter disgust.

He had been called to represent the company on a business route he had not been given much info on yet, puffing a cheap cigar in between his left index and middle finger as he waited for one of the company provided vehicles to give him way. He was right in front of the building, even turning around and looking up at the company logo plastered on the office windows in it to confirm he didn't confuse it, always being proven wrong.

Many cars from the company had passed by him already, frustrating him more and more as they passed by.

"...I'm going to be late at this rate" He said to himself with a sigh.

A couple more cars passed by before he simply threw the rest of the cigar on the floor and stepped on it with his glistening black shoes until it was lit down, taking out his phone and reading a message that made him raise an eyebrow.

'Development on the Deluxe unit'

His finger flew above the message to open it, before in the corner of his eyes he saw a car had stopped in front of him, driven by a young girl in her mid 20's with brown hair in a ponytail in a suit much like his.

He stared at her, putting his phone out, and standing there… waiting for her to step out of the car. She did the same, yet he felt she was just waiting for him to get in instead- that friendly smile plastered on her face said it all.

The girl leaned into the window and looked over closely before she spoke "Excuse me, sir, are you perhaps David Walbergs?"

"Walters. I suppose Jenkings sent you?"

The girl nodded happily "Indeed!" she then extended her arm through the window for a handshake "I am BabeTec Electronics INT-091, but you can call me Vannie!"

David's eyebrows fell down into a frown, not moving an inch to suggest interest in her handshake.

"You're a bot?"

"Uh-huh! Intern model, activated a week ago!" She responds enthusiastically.

The mere thought that they were now even making intern fembots killed more of his faith in… hell, humanity. But it quickly faded away, as he quickly let it slip as it was something he inevitably sas coming from this company.

He glanced over her hand, surprisingly still expecting a handshake and with a sigh gave up and went ahead and took it, feeling that particular coldness from her synthskin.

"David Walters. I suppose you are driving."

"That is loaded into my orders, sir!"

David opened the fancy black car's door and sat in the copilot seat, looking forwards and placing his suitcase delicately beside his feet. The bot went ahead and immediately restarted the car, passing through the building's streets as David simply stared forwards, half expecting her to crash to get some insurance money, or finally sue the company… but what a bother that'd be.

"Sir, " Vannie perked, her eyes still on the road. "What is in the suitcase, if I may ask"

David rolled his eyes "Why would you need to know, bo- uh, Vannie"

She crossed the street, now going into a highway into the outskirts of the city "Protocols, sir, My system is required to know about inventory to correctly assist you"

"Don't bother, I don't need your help" He crossed his arms.

Vannie turned for a second to look his way inside an interval of silence "Sir, seatbelts"

David looked her way with a raised eyebrow, before complying and putting it on.

"...It's just some company info from past months that might come in useful for the negotiations with- whoever we are working with this time" He gave up and explained, looking out the window at his right to see the city from the elevated grounds of the highway.

The metropolis he worked in had slowly through the years grown more and more in sky-scrapers and hotels, but more importantly, more and more factories and warehouses taking a hold of once population filled areas, filling the sky with this gray aura as more factories got in.

"Beautiful day, ain't that right sir?" Vannie spoke once more, that smile always on her face "According to the weather forecast, it will rain later on today, we should be quick with the negotiations."

He groaned, yet he had to deal with her anyways "Who are we negotiating with anyways? And stop calling me sir… David works."

Vannie looked over at him while driving, nodding "Understood David! I apologize if I made you uncomfortable!"

"Eyes on the road"

The bot obliges, her neck letting out a whirr as she does so a bit too fast "And to answer your query, we are negotiating a merge with Jonathan-Land"

David's eyes widened, turning his whole body as soon as the name of that damn park hit his ears "What? that mafia dump? Has BabeTec fallen that low?"

The bot blinked twice in a quick succession before droning out "BabeTec is the highest android distributer on the country, setting example of value and versativity on each of their units."

"No time for scripts! We are negotiating with a mob!"

Vannie, after breaking out of the scripted trance, giggled "No worries, David. That is why I was assigned to assist you. I am programmed to protect you."

David immediatly laughed at the suggestion "Oh woah, I immediatly feel safer now!"

Vannie held the car's wheel with firery pride "I'm glad!" She innocently replied.

David could've easily chosen to destroy the bot's synthetic innocence with a single statement, yet he instead decided to worringly side glance Vannie as she drove along, not a care inside that metal skull of hers.


The trip continued smoothly in silence, David thinking how the hell he was going to make the negociation work inside his thoughts while Vannie now and then would comment on the road or some data that crossed her system.

After some time in the highway they passed through a tunnel of yellowish inner lights until they reached the other side into a more green area, filled with parks and rural areas in the distance.

"Have you gone to this park before, David"

For the sake of it he obliged her question "We've come before, a guy got jerked off in the park bathroom by the automated tour guide." He chuckled "Negotiations didn' t go anywhere, place's a mess"

"Well, I've been calculating different merging options ever since I was assigned this mission" She raises a finger and continues driving without much difficulty "Humans are easy to please when their higher needs are met. Besides, currently this is my highest priority"

He scoffed at her "And keeping me safe?"

"Second priority." She stated without hesitation

"Huh…" He even felt insulted by it, and so, in a fit of pettiness he turned to her with a hypothetical "So if my life was put into the negotiation in turn for the merge to happen… you would give me in"

The bot fell silent, from where he stood he could hear the rumbling of her circuits as she processed the question, her expression turning blank as she then now and then blinked. The car began drifting slowly to the side, so much so David didn't notice… until Vannie took her hands out of the wheel to bring them up to her arm and chin! Striking a default thinking pose mid driving.

David in a rush of energy, stabilized the car from the co-pilot seat as it almost went into the other lane, inches away from crashing against incoming traffic.

"Huh! That's a tough one, David…" Vannie said to herself as if in a trance, the rumbling continuing inside of her.

"That's not gonna mattern if I die right now!" He yelled at her face.

Then after some more seconds of chaotic car drifting she came back to her senses and placed her hands on the wheel again.

"Oopsies!" She noted, giving David time to sit back and breathe heavily "It seems that question puts a strain on my circuits! Nevertheless, if that were to happen I am unable to put your life in harm's way!"

His head slowly turned in anger, giving her a death glare as his arms crossed, trying to find the words to explain the irony in her statement.

"I'm driving on our way back, that's an order."


After reaching their destination, they parked in the outskirts of the park's entrance, hearing the fanfare and music in the distance as they walked side by side. Vannie stared at David from behind, that friendly smile on her face as her hips swayed… a bit too much for a simple walk cycle.

Passing by the almost abandoned looking parking lot, with the exception of one or two equally dressed and looking bots; fried out in the middle of the road, functioning as traffic control, the duo reached the entrance, seeing the ridiculously busty short golden haired bots on the front gate.

David stepped in front of one of them, the one that looked most functional, and adjusted his throat, looking around him to dissimulate.

The bended forward robotic girl began to perk up with violent and air piercing whirring from her servos as it came to life, raising her arms in a friendly way, whirring as much as last time.

"W-W-Welco-ccome to J-johnattan L-land!" The bot struggled to state, her voice box glitching throughout the sentence "A-aadult-ts 50 d-dollars, c-children 25. A-andrrroids go i-in freee"

David found the pricings outrageous for the type of entertainment this place was known for, cheap over sexualized reprogrammed fembots walking around dressed as popular characters from media that undoubtedly people want to fuck… And some just do it. It has become an untold rule that if you ask any bot in the park, they will do whatever you tell them, not because they are supposed to, but rather because they are so cheap that they forgot to disable the universal obey any order given by a human that most domestic androids have, with limitations of course.

As such, the park has become a center for people to get an easy hook up with a robot, that and… homeless paradise. Rumors had it that it was run by actual robots, but companies knew it was merely a mafia's money laundry scheme.

Vannie's eyes lit up in excitement, even through their plastic glossiness, david had to admit they looked real enough "Androids can get in for free?! That's such an inclusive and nice idea!"

David looked over her "The entrance is free for everyone, there's no security"

The entrance robot perked in "O-o-our Seccurittty is t-top Notc-ch!"

"Why do bots get so overly defensive when you insult their affiliation?" He sighed, adjusting his throat after leaning on the counter "We're here for a merging negotiation with the owner, they said they've inside"

The bot's head buzzed with electricity, looking up at the sky as apparently she looked up a scheduled meeting. David moisterized his lips and began tapping on the counter as he waited, meeting eyes with Vannie as she obediently stood next to him and awaited commands… smiling at him.

"M-meeting founnnd! Y-y-You mustt be B-babeTec R-repressssentat-tives!" The bot perked up after around 20 seconds on searching "P-please e-enter!" as soom as the words excited her mouth a little bar door lit green, giving them freeway inside.

Moving in they were able to see the side body of the counter robot… being completely naked in the lower half, with written names and drawings, alongside vulgar comments about her sex, filling most of her lower frame. Continuing on, some standby bots roamed around aimlessly in costumes too much on the showing side, leaving too little to the imagination.

They stroke poses and wave at invicible crowds, accidentally meeting stares with Vannie and David, who simply passed by them. Vannie though, kept taking in the argulably cheap scenery, consisting to the most part of cardboard cutouts or the regular wooden walling of the different houses for the attractions.

"Look at this place! I'm sure humans have lots of fun in a place like this!" She happily went about, holding her own synthetic excitement.

David raised an eyebrow "You weren't kidding when you said you were turned on a week ago" He jokingly said "If the merge goes well we will actually put this place in better hands, otherwise… I'd advice you take care and not interact much with the other units"

She leaned over with a whirr, looking at him face to face as they walked "Are you worrying about me, David?"

"No" He brubtly answered "If you break they take the repairs off my pay count" And then just walked on faster.

"Oh… Understood!"

Internally, Vannie had a list of interaction tresholds she had been expecting to accomplish to become closer to her partner, not even passing through the first one yet, to make them care about unit's safety.

Getting deeper they eventually reach the center of the circle that makes up the park, organized with an artistic fountain flowing around polished rock floor of red and blue colors in patterns, and standing in front of it was a girl with a long blue skirt and dress, light orange fox ears perking over her matching colored hair.

İnitially both David and Vannie believed her to be yet another park robot, but upon closer inspection, the robot was too well dressed and taken care of in comparison for it to be anything but a big deal.

The intern android walked up to the fox girl, smirking in an adorable smug expression as she fluttered her eyelashes with soft whirring coming out of the movement.

"David. Look! She's functional!" She pointed out, turning around to look at him with doggy eyes "Do I have permission to interact with her now?"

He crossed his arms, ignoring the question "Excuse me, bot. We need your boss?"

The fox girl gave one step forwards, the wind easily and comedically raised her skirt up and showed the entirety of her panties with little to no effort, as well as her ingnoring the fact as a whole "Boss?? You must be mistaken! I am Redmi! The altar fox-girl that protects the land of Jonathan-land!"

David rolled his eyes as he appeared to cross paths with a scripted android, the ones the despised the most. The type that is genuinely convinced or otherwise is unable to act in a different way that isn't that they are a character.

"Cool, can you plea-"

The fox girl whirred as she stroke yet another pose, rising an arm in the air with fury and confidence in her eyes "Long ago! A delicate fox merged with the body of a girl in love with Johnattan-land! and that is the origin of Redmi!"

"ok, but can you plea-"

"PROTECTRESS OF THE SACRED FOUNTAIN OF POWER AND FAITH, THAT GIVES POWER TO JOHNATTAN-LAND AND DRINKS TO ITS INHABITANTS!" she pationantly spoke over him, her synthetic voice sounding as if she was on the verge of tears.

Vannie winked at David, taking Redmi by the shoulders "Don't worry boss! I got this~" She then delicately took out a connection cable from the back of her neck and connected it to Redmi in one movement, her expression never seeming weirded out or uncomfortable. Redmi's eyes opened wide, computerized whirring from both units being slightly heard as they just stood there for some seconds.

After some time, they both blinked at the same time and Redmi turned towards Vannie, focused for once "...Boss?? Why didn't you say that before! Units must help each other!! Follow me!" The cable disconnected off the back of her neck, and the fox girl ran north, her fluffy tail perked up, yet again giving view of her wide ass.

"...Not bad, robot." David commented to Sammie, a genuent smile meeting hers.

She saluted him "Just doing my job" And continued following him and redmi. As he passed her she whispered "My existence has been justified…"

The fox continued sprinting at a steady pace, the pair not bothering much in meeting her speed. They reached the end of the semi grass area and saw car tracks at the end, a gate segregating the areas accordingly. The foxbot stopped near the entrance and looked back them.

"My sensors say we're close to my master! Hurry up!"

Vannie looked at David, silently asking for permission to run, to which with a sigh, he complied, making the bot gleefully step up her pace meeting Redmi at the gate, David reaching shortly after.

She began walking backwards as she modulated with her hands, mantaining eye contact with them "They are reaaaally close by! So let's g–"


A car coming from the left of them suddenly crashes into the fox android, making her frame bounce back and fly for a couple of seconds before hitting the ground with a thud and staying there… vacant eyes starting to nowhere. The wheels of the car whined against the pavement, bouncing a bit by the recoil of the brakes.

"YEELP!" Vannie jumped, grabbing onto David as even he was surprised by the sudden turn of events. "Redmi noooooo!;; " She cried with genuent sadness.

"...What the fuck?" David muttered, his eyes wide opened.

From the car, a man wearing a onesie black with white stripes cloth shirt stepped out. Had barely any hair and a beard, white as a vampire and skinny as if he was bound to die of lack of nutrients. He quickly ran to the front of the car and completely ignored the bot on the floor, rather giving attention to the front of the car as he sat on his knees.

He spoke with a thick foreign accent "Ah! Good thing, not a scratch!" He held his chest in relief, now finally looking over Redmi on the floor for about… 1,5 seconds before looking over David and Vannie "Ah yes, you must be BabeTeck people. Good good, I got message you here, I came with my car"

David, with Vannie still holding onto him nodded "...I can see that" He finally pushed the bot out, her servos whining in response "So uh, you're Johnattan"

The man laughed, hitting his leg as he shook his hand "Close! In native language Ivan, in english, Johnhattan yes?"

Vannie held herself, adjusting her suit "Redmi;; "

Ivan looked back at the bot behind him and scoffed, waving his hand "No worry over that, memory goes to the cloud and then to new body, it's ok" He stood up, adjusting his back "So? Business talk?"

After some seconds of silence, David groaned to himself, holding the bridge of his nose and made his way to the man.


They were led to a small office room, one lone room hidden in the back of one of the actractions up north of the park, some kind of hyper reality attraction. The Lightbulb above them flickered as it struggled to keep itself lit after Ivan pushed the button, walking passed the small decor of the room to seat on his letter chair, which whinned as he slowly went back, placing his hands on the back of his head. David felt somewhat of familiarity, specifically with the boss of the company that he answered to… He adjusted his throat, placing the briefcase he had been carrying the entirety of the trip on the table he stat on.

David and Vannie stood parallel to each other, sitting at the same time mostly due to Vannie's intent of copying and learning from what she saw from her partner, her eyed always darting back to him with a soft whirr.

"We've been told you finally decided to merge" Opened Vannie, much to David's dismay. She smugly placed an arm on top of eachother and two fingers on her chin "Would you like to tell us why?"

Ivan looked at her funny, chuckling "This is not interrogation, no?" He questioned, closing his chair to the table.

David breathed deeply and placed a hand between Vannie and the conversation, indirectly telling her to be quiet. "Excuse my android partner. This is… her first negotiation. Although, I must admit I also find myself curious over why would you suddenly change your mind over 2 years of negotiations later"

The man took the question to mind, nodding slowly, biting his lip as he… cleaned his teeth with a finger? "Business not good" He raised his shoulders in defeat "My employee's quit the park and I've been using it for, uh, almost forgot"

He reached into his cabinet case, sliding it open with a creek. They both recoiled a bit, Vannie placing herself over David as her system considered the movement a possible thread to him, a gun? perhaps?. He took out a piece of paper, looking over at the pair with a raised eyebrow

"Slow down people! It's an NDA" he reached both hands up "We're negotiating!"

"Huhhh! Understood." Vannie nodded, sitting back straight, her hands on her lap. David turned to her confused by her sudden change, getting a simple smile in response.

The paper was placed and rotated, slided forwards to David. His eyes darted down at it, readinging in his mind at full before he took a pen from his jacket and signed it at the bottom. Ivan took it back and adjusted his throat.

"The mafia business doesn't make the same money as before. Today's day and age is all about robots" He casually said, sitting back and fiddling his fingers "It's cheaper to be backed up by a big robotics company on the money laundering than actually laundering the money"

Vannie's eyes opened wide "S-sir! You just admitted to a crime??"

Without much time he answered "Yeah, so? NDA. Besides, we got dirt on your manufacturer too… I'm making you choose between perestroika and Nuclear Fallout for our companies"

He had a point, even if the park began as a laundering scheme it was beginning to morph into a legitimate form of business… even if wrongly founded. David scratched his beard "I suppose you want help with your… robots"

He shook his head "That is the least of our problems. After electricity became extremely cheap after the rich deemed it necessary, and the Android Market became saturated because of the same reason, to make and sell androids is extremely easy. I just want people to take care of the park itself."

David opened the briefcase, among the paperwork, Vannie peaked interest in some pictures he had inside… of apparently him and someone else smiling to the camera, she squinted, beginning to analyze by herself as she sat back. He took out some charts and placed them for him.

"İ'm legally obligated to show you how our business is doing, ensure you health coverage over the merge and a vote in the company-"

Ivan spoke over him "All I want is enough income for me to do whatever I want without working, and keeping a stable collection of bots to… play with. You figure it out with your boss whatever that is, the second you break that, I'm out and I give park to another company…" He reached into the cabinet again, taking three sealed letters with logos of rival fembot companies.

"That's… not very business-y, sir" Vannie raised a finger. "Perhaps- "

"Deal" Answered David.

"DEAL!!" Vannie perked up with him.

They then shook hands, Ivan smirking the whole way through. As that happened, the door opened wide, another robot looking exactly the same as Redmi stepped in with a tray of expensive looking food.

"Sssssiiiiir! Food's heeeere~!"

He chuckled, looked over at his clock "Ha! Look at the time, it's already lunch… Finished just in time! Nastarovia my friends!" He laughed as the tray was served on the table.

The intern held her hands together and gleefully celebrated Redmi's return in silence, embarrassing David more.


Back on the road, on their way back. David on the wheel with Vannie sitting straight with her seatbelt on a tight hold of her frame. They've been quiet for a while, cut by the occasional sniffing from David. As they were caught inside highway traffic, Vannie saw the opportunity to speak just as they moved a tad forwards.

"You're gay!"

The car stopped harshly, almost crashing into the one in front, cars behind them honked at them, making David turn and nod to try and appease them… He then paid attention to Vannie.

"How the hell do you know that?" he grinded his teeth, holding the wheel with force.

Vannie spoke without shame or fear "The picture in your briefcase!" She pointed to it in the back of the car, speaking fast now "I couldn't help but look at it, once the image was registered in my system I began to analyze it while you spoke with the owner of the park. Maybe a friend, maybe a family member… but it bringed errors in logical context! Why would you bring it around while you work? Why would you even consider such things? Humans are emotional creatures so-"

He stopped her "Okay! okay! Yeah, you assed right… Yes, that's my husband. So what? you were paying attention to that? wasting processing power on figuring out who a guy from a picture was instead of taking notes of what the client said?"

She pretended to adjust her throat "It's called RAM? and… I took notes of the dialogue between the two, it's an important requirement in my mission priorities."

He gave up some slack, leaning forwards "Good! Jesus- Because That guy basically gave up the company for basically nothing. Taking care of one human is easier than an entire team"

"Is that why companies are using more and more androids instead of having to deal with humans?"

That hit him… somewhere, he swallowed saliva and with some hesitation nodded to her "...Yes, basically"

"Oh, interesting" She went to look at the window "I'm still trying to understand things, please excuse me if I make you uncomfortable"

He chuckled, caught by the irony of her comment "You're an intern, isn't that your whole point?"

"Correct!" she agreed "Made to assist"

Talking about assisting… That message he saw in the morning, came back into his mind. As the traffic came into a halt he took out his phone from his pocket, unlocked it and handed it over to the bot

"Read the message about the deluxe unit" he ordered, still eyes on the road. Not making the same mistake as her before.

She stared at the phone, going through the notifications on the fly "The automated one?" She questioned "That company project is out of our sector's interest. It isn't efficient"

"Made to assist?" He remarked with irony "Just read the summary for me"

She simulated guilt, quickly clicking the notification and redirecting her to the email page. It was formulated as a letter, A.I. writing had become pretty good at looking formal. Filled with detailed information over The Deluxe unit's activities and performance, ending with a formulated summary of all of it, Vannie stopped and began to read.

"The unit Deluxe seemed to had experienced a blackout of 15 or so minutes shortly after its activation mid… uh, performance. Afterwards, the remote connection with the device was lost for… 12+ hours??? before the unit returned to the recharge station in the early morning, data altered and possible signs of jailbreaking of BabeTec software coding…" Vannie put the phone down "That's, as a human would say, not good"

David seemed unmoved by the news, after all the whole plan was to either flawlessly succeed or to spectacularly fail… yet, the robot came back… it was jailbroken… the code, the sophisticated A.I. chip engineering-

He punched the wheel, honking by accident "God- DAMN IT"

Chapter 5: Real or fake, A shoulder to rely on

The door of a lonely dorm room door swings open after the clanking of some keys, struggling for some seconds to finally make out the movement correctly. Part of a two story block of dormitory rooms for the university the friend group attended, Lou was the only one that actually decided to move into the building, his parents being away from the country for the duration of his studies. The room was messy, behind Lou followed Mary, who curiously stepped in after him and quietly scanned the room as he embarrassedly tried to tie up as much as he could.

>BabeTec Electronic's Deluxe model Desig. "Mary" >Foreign location reached [OUT OF TARGET GROUNDS, RETURN IMMEDIATELY] >>Override. Administrative orders. >Seduc.Scn001 engaged. >>Gathering data. Scanning…

The sexbot's system had defaulted into a preprogrammed seduction scenario, one which would adapt depending on the area brought to her… made with the intention of being use for hookups once the bot is out on the market.

He grabbed little piles of recently cleaned clothes from the edge of the bed and moved them over to one of the two chairs one next to his desk, which on top was his laptop.

"Sorry for the mess, I uh, don't get people coming much" He nervously said in between moving his clothes.

Mary was taken out of her scanning trance as he spoke, looking at him with a null expression until he finished, smiling at the end.

He scratched his cheek "...Right, you're a robot, you don't care"

Her system worried over his tone, detecting signs of shame after analysis. "You can make me care if you want, Lou" She suggested, closing in on him a step or two.

Everything about her was inherently sensual, even if in fact she was unaware of it, it was simply part of how she was designed to act. The way she spoke, her tone and speech choice sent shivers down his spine into… well, down. He jolted back a bit, his face reddering as the bot of course noticed, her smile turning into a smirk.

"O-okay, let's slow down a bit… I'm supposed to be busy tonight" He said nervously, his face looking down in shame.

Mary tilted her head, her hair falling over her to cover one eye as her glassy eyes looked deep into him, her system gathering every mili-second of data from his reactions, as if her A.I. was expecting him to throw himself at her.

"You don't want to do it?" She cutely asked, her eyes moving over to the bed that took up most of the already small room. Her HUD making a tri-dimensional figure out of it

>Scanning… >>Matrimonial bed. Sufficient for Unit's frame and Ncknm[Lou]. >>>Risk of repeated damage to CPU [MissionaryPsT]: 0.03% >Engage? Y/N

She fluttered her eyelashes, looking at Lou again now with a more smug "I won't crash like before~" She whispered sensually.

Lou swallowed, what was up with her now? It was as if she was digging through his thoughts- he looked up, his eyes crossing and staying on her breasts for some seconds before going up and meeting her camera like eyes. He smiled at her but decided to shake his head

"No… I need to work"


The bot's sexual program stepped suddenly and completely in a matter of secons, making Mary blink deeply before she chirped back "Okie!~" and went out this cornered strategy from Lou, walking over the room to pick up more clothes and trash around the room.

Lou sighed in relief, the fact that she was a robot at least meant she did what she was told… He wiped his face, and looked how she just randomly began cleaning up his place out of the blue. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate it, but he didn't exactly asked her to do it either. He struggled but he finally spat out.

"W-what are you doing?"

The bot stopped with some clothes still on her arms, turning to him as she seemed to be pressing her bust up to the laundry "Assisting you in organizing" She then went straight back to organizing "I assess that if I assist you in tidying up the place you'll have time to have sex with me afterwards!" She casually layed out, gleeful as she could.

Lou took the action… as well as he could, giving her a slight nod as he opened up his laptop and sat in front of it. His mind racing again- Is he that obvious or is she that advanced? he thought, being unable to concentrate on code writing anyways…


The door of an apartment swung open, its door at a lower level than the rest of the flooring, from the door stepped in Chris, and next to the door she placed a scarf she wore on her way back, she left out a sigh, signaling relief after a long walk.

"Chris?? Home already? Remember the shoes!" a voice called out, the voice of her brother, from the hallway in between the spacious kitchen and living room with windows.

Chris was halfway to place a foot on the wooden floor step, stopping halfway through as she took them off without hands, letting them fall around the square step area and continuing on "Yes, I didn't forget!" She groaned.

She held her bag close, making her way through the living room and kitchen, checking both sides first to find them lonely entering the hallway. 4 doors, 2 rooms for each brother, the matrimonial room for the parents and a shared bathroom.

"Mom and Dad?" She asked her brother.

"Out for work, Something about the company. They left frozen food"

"Ugh, that sucks…"

Halfway through she took off her bag and threw it into her bedroom, falling perfectly on a puff bag sustaining the fall. She then pivoted into the opposite room, her brother's, seeing him sitting on his expensive computer, on that chair you would know from youtubers and streamers with half a headset on.

Their rooms were thematically and colored opposites. Her room was filled with cold and soft colors, while his was mostly lit by neon lights, he really dug into the streamer aesthetic… even if he didn't do those things. Her bed filled with an extensive collection of plushies she had gathered from childhood to now, organized by size over a mostly tied bed, while his was just a black thick robe, not even bothered to be tied up.

She creeped behind him, trying to discern what he was looking up on his screen, leaning over the top of his chair.

"Sigh, what are you up to?" She asked, eyes on the screen. It seemed to be a stream of one of those popular girls you'd see on social media doing cute dances… only that it was empty, yet, still Live.

He turned and looked at her "Oh, yeah. That girl I told you about? The one people were saying was a BabeTec robot? Dude, it totally was, she finally crashed on camera today"

She scoffed at him "You sure she isn't just trolling you guys?" She suggested. "Or maybe people nowadays can't just see a girl without thinking she's a robot-"

He shook his head "Nah nah, look" He moved his mouse back to the video, about 25 minutes or so, and hit play.

The video was a front frame of a girl with a skimpy white dress and violet painted hair, her rather small bust present on the entirety of the frame as she seemed to be putting on makeup.

"Look look…" Her brother pointed, and suddenly a donation popped up.

The girl perked up, smiling at the camera "Aw, thank you Dantheman for the donation!! that's so cool…" she then leaned forwards to read the comment off her screen " 'Hey, you know about those rumors of you being a robot Yeah! they are so silly! but hey, the fandom does what it does right? 'I can only say bAb-T-0616'..." and suddenly, her smiley expression froze, her mic picking up a computerized buzz as she then began to erratically blink.

"Oh shit." Chris uttered, closing in.

"I KNOW right??" he plastered his hands forwards "The bastard made her read out a termination code!"

The girl's face then began to twitch, until a pop was heard making her head slap to the side, smoke rising from her ear… before falling over below the camera's reach.

Chris held her mouth "That's, oh my god- I mean…"

"Hah! I told you! She was a fucking robot!" He quipped, moving his chair over "So she's coming to the market too! Maybe if we ask mom and dad-"

She interrupted him "Tom you know how they feel about robots. I mean, that's what their whole business is about, remember? A business run by people?" She raised her arms up in frustration "What example would it give if they had one in the house?"

He groaned and nodded, accepting she was right "Yeah, but you want one too! You're studying coding for fucks sake. How the hell are you doing your thesis?" He frustratingly complained.

She was about to tell him about Mary- but decided not to, perhaps bringing more witnesses to their borderline corporate stealing might not be the best of ideas. She then thought about his excuses "You just want a sexbot… admit it"

He dismissed her, waving his hand back and going back to his PC. She raised her shoulder and left for her room… On her way to her own room she stopped herself, clicking her tongue and leaning on the doorframe of her brother's.

"Wanna eat then? I'll cook" she offered, trying to make it up for him. His brother had been wanting to have a robot in the house for years now, more for the interest over their nature than something else, yet she saw in him that same fascination with them as she had. "I'll work after that"

His brother took off his headset and turned to her "...Sure, whatever"

"That's the spirit!"


A door to a modest house in a neighborhood swinged open as the sounds of a public bust hissed away, coming in, Jim. He could hear the static muffled sounds of the television through the door, the lights were off, only by the blue light of the television in the living room at the left of the entrance could he make his way through the space.

College titles and awards hung over the walls to the name of Jim's father, some pictures of Jim growing up with both parents, as he got older only his dad was in frame. The place was a mess, filled with bent tin cans of beer sparced all around his father's chair, snoring away as the TV ranted about some meaningless game show putting A.I. to the test.

He glanced over to the chair and breathed deeply. He took off his bag and placed it on the marble island of the kitchen, walking over to him tiredly. His father wore nothing but a wife beater and ripped shorts, besides having a balding head, his complexion and face looked similar to Jim's.

Jim shook his arm "Dad, I'm home" He said steadily, looking over to the small table next to him to see an empty plate of food tied up but unclean "You managed to make food with the C-ook?" he commented, referring to an old cooking device he modded for him to feed himself by cooking for him.

His father was startled, his tired eyes blinking open as he let out that fatherly cough. He sniffed and wiped his eyes to help himself wake up. "Oh, you're back." He groaned, glancing over the kitchen "Huh-huh, but it broke down afterwards… told you it was a lousy job"

He stood there and took the insult, not affecting him in the slightless "How long have you been sleeping?" He went back to questioning

The man pulled up his wrist clock and read the hour " 'Bout 4 hours?" he guessed, squinting at the clock.

"You must be hungry again." He guessed back, an eyebrow raised "Guess I'll cook myself…"

His father roared "Don't patronize me! You're the one that doesn't know how to fix that thing!"

"it's the third time it has happened" He pointed out, calmly, he wanted anything but to put himself on his level. "Besides, I have to be out and work on my classes most of the day"

He scoffed, going back to looking at the TV, gathering his hands on his rest and sighing "You're wasting your time in that… wasting money"

"I'm on a scholarship"

"They are not going to need engineers in the future! probably they are already making an A.I. to make the job" He mumbled his way through his words "It happened to me! Damn it! What's the point of being an accountant in the age of supercomputers??"

"..." Jim just stared blankly at him, trying to come up with a way to tell him wrong, but yet, it wasn't that he couldn't, it was that he didn't even know. "...Whatever dude, look, turn the lights on, it's like 10 cents an hour anyways." He then went over the switches and slapped them on, dirty dish in hand, he went to the kitchen and allowed it to fall alongside the other dirty dishes piled up in the double sided dishwasher.

"I can't believe you wanna make those things" His father groaned, staring mindlessly at the screen, yet another news channel talking about A.I. "No partner, no money. Ensuring that more and more people will end up like you as well."

Jim stared in silence down at the back of his father's chair for some time, thoughts and curses coming his way to call him off… but he didn't, again. He stormed off to his room, slamming his hand on the lights.

A space organized and quiet from the rest of the house, spacious in comparison. Tied bed, a paper laid out on a work table beside the door with some drawings of designs and libraries next to the windows. He closed the door behind him, and pressed his back against it… his mind filling up with thoughts on what his father said, slowly making his knees falter and making him slide down to the floor. His throat itchy, and his eyes feeling heavy he realized that he was part of the problem.

Before he knew it, he was crying to himself on the floor, quietly and angrily at that. He pressed his teeth and knuckles, covering himself with his own body.


With two fingers, Lou opened an instant noodles cup and after pouring the suspicious dusts and dry meats into it, he began pouring boiling water from the heater next to his PC. He then placed it back on the table and covered it up again.

Mary inspected the process closely, they had finished cleaning up the place about 10 minutes ago and Lou was just trying to concentrate on his coding… looking for a way to translate it for their thesis.

"You will eat that?" Mary asked, pointing her index at the cup, curling her lips.

Louie nodded, smiling at the bot "Yup! It's cheap and I'm not that hungry" He explained, he seemed to be getting used to her being around.

The robot's HUD focused on the cup itself highlighting the ingredients written at the side of the cup as her database expanded through internet searches.

>Analysis… >>[Important] Possible health hazard

"It is quite unhealthy" She remarked, turning to him "If you consume this, it will make your cum taste like–"

"Dude! I don't wanna know that!" He groaned and covered his mouth, trying to shake the thought "Ugh- You are always thinking about sex-"

The bot tilted her head like a dog, Louie had began to catch on of this trait… perhaps babetec wasn't as creative with their programming as he thought. He sighed, what was he expecting anyways? from a sexbot? He shook his head and lowered his tone.

"Okay okay sorry… I guess it's just how you are." He glanced at the instant rament cup "I just- never thought about having a relationship of that type"

Mary closed in, her smile coming back "Am I your first time~" she teased.

"N-no! I dated Chris once…" He argued, his face turning red again "We decided to stay friends instead"


He was struggling to keep up a conversation with her to begin with, and Mary's system was having a field day due to it, becoming softer and more delicate to roll him into where she wanted him to be.

She closed in slowly, a soft smile on her as her eyelids half closed into a passionate expression. Louie stood still, letting it happen as their lips met, the rubbery moist texture against his dry lips caused a shiver down his spine as they shared a kiss. It was way too much for him, moving his body to hold Mary closer by the hip and back, her bust pressing against his as her chair bended forwards until she finally stood up from it.

She breaks the kiss, and with a breathy voice and her arms wrapping around his neck she asks "Is this better to your liking?"

Louie looked up to her, enamored by her formulated expression, simply nodding. Before he knew it, they were laying in bed one next to the other, just as she had planned.

She was giggling, as she had already won. He looked back at her, pressing a hand on the sheets… In the back of his head he understood he was still in control, yet his curiosity to experience such pleasure again cut the words out of his throat. Before he knew it, he was pinned down, Mary now sitting atop his crotch and staring him down as she accommodated her hair back… She was perhaps heavier than she assumed.

"W-wait!" Louie mumbled, raising his hands to halt her. "I, uh, eh, I kinda want to have a robot girlfriend okay?? I find the relationship aspect hot?? And uhhh, I guess it would make it hotter if you acted as my girlfriend?"

Mary blinked twice and was taken aback, even through her silicone expression he could tell that did a 180° in her order of priorities- Yet she buzzed internally, he could feel it for obvious reasons. He anticipated her response, raising an eyebrow as his mouth formed an agape smile

"Okay honey!" She perked back after a quarter of a minute, leaning into his body and kissing his lips softly, staying in there for some seconds "...As your girlfriend, by definition found onlineeee~"

Oh no, he thought, the robot is looking up how to act based on google searches?!

"...A relationship is of a two parted pleasure giving correct?~ How about you…" Her eyes looked down at her legs, a hand moving underneath her skirt just to love her panties yet again- "You pleasure me this time?"

Louie swallowed, his eyes dilating as Mary stepped off of him to take off her panties, leaving them on the floor as her eyes looked back up at him with that half closed eyes smirk- It was eerie to him how much she understood about how he felt.

"By your heart rate, I can tell you're anxious!" She clapped climbing back up to bed on her knees, over Louie. "Must be your first time, right honey?"

He nodded, without real shame… the thought that perhaps he should've stayed quiet crossed his mind yet- if an underpaid programmer placed that inside of her must've been because of something and– what the hell was he even saying in his head anymore?? His train of thought was out of the goddamn window.

"Wait wait, how do I do this??" Louie asked "Do I have to-"

"Breathe through your nose!" She announced before closing in over his head and essentially sitting on his head- placed just over his mouth to allow his nose space to breathe, mathematically calculated for that. She stared down, smiling sweetly on each side of his head.

Louie's eyes closed harshly, trying to focus on simply- licking… it was wet and messy, warm and soft, layers upon layers he imagined- yet something different. She responded accordingly, as anyone would from a real girl, slight twitching, soft moans and all.

"Ohh~ Yes! You're so good!"

He was in reality doing barely anything, all of her responses were purely pre-programmed to generate a response of further excitement… If you really think about it, what is the point of programming a realistic orgasm process for a bot if a voice line imitating the process is enough to entice…

"You make me feel– oh!" She went on, holding her bust and biting her lower lip.

He began to get more into it, his arms taking her legs as support to push himself slightly deeper to feel a hole- He scraped the corners with his tongue, the moisture starting to intensify more, until he roughly brought his arms into her sides in one strike that made her jump. He continued savoring her sex, and as her moans and excited movements began to grow silent, he felt… something else.

What he thought was lubricant coming from the depths of her vagina was… hot, and it was different in taste-. It was pushed down with a mechanized sound that came from inside her, making him open his eyes to see Mary stare forwards vacantly, not a single thought to be found in her face.

Seconds before the clock in the screen of Louie's phone changed to 7:00 o'clock, and as if it was clockwork Mary uttered in a monotone voice.

"Scheduled tank release sequence triggered."

His eyes opened up and using the strength hidden within every fiber of his body, he pushed Mary away from above him and ran to the bathroom in front of the bed. It took 4.05 seconds for Mary's system to reactivate and go back to normal, yet it was midway about to fall and hit the floor, extending her arms to her sides to give herself balance to sit back on the bed, making the robot miss another painstaking system crash due to her hardware

"Oop! Like, that was close!" She looked down "Louie?" She turned to the bathroom door behind her, detecting him right away "are you feeling okay?"

He was hunched over, face inside the toilet bowl vomiting his soul out, the groans and soft cries echoing inside the bowl as the remains of food and… other substances… splashed the water at the bottom.

"W-what the hell-?" He arched himself, coughing in between "What the fuck was that??"

"The daily tank release" she explained as if no wrong had been done, her usual smile perking slightly back as she held herself "I assume I have been away from my recharge pad long enough, I am suppose to be in storage at this time as stated in my mission parameters"

He continued, throwing everything out before weeping a bit "Couldn't you tell us you had that before?? What the fuc-" He thrashed his head back into the bowl

Mary innocently walked over to him and kneeled next to him, patting his back and helping him through the ordeal the best way she could-


Spaghetti slatted on two bowls, red sauce oozing and leaving a trail of hot smoke above it as the edge of the place was hit by the fulcrum of the serving spoon, making sure the last drops of serving fell down. Chris, wearing a ponytail and cooking gloves closed in on the plates and breathed in the smell of her own creation.

"Aw yeah, that's the good stuff…" She proudly remarked.

Although the kitchen's order was sacrificed by her desire to cook, ignoring the frozen food left by them previously, at least the end result was worth it. A cutting board with spare sides of tomatoes and onion cuts, dirty spoons and forks, splashed water- she'll figure out how to clean it later she thought. She took both plates in each hand and brought them to the big family table next to the kitchen counter. With two hands on her sides and a smirk she yelled


After a few seconds out came his brother "No need to act like mom" He remarked, puffing and shaking his head.

Chris joined him in, sitting opposite of him next to her tablet. She looked at her brother with a smirk "I always wanted to do that though…"

"Yeah yeah." He coughed, finally digging in "...It's good"

"Of course it's good." She chuckled, her eyes on the tabled as she tapped away something. Her brother looked up, the room falling silent for an awkward amount of time, cut only by the sound of the tablet's glass being hit by Chris' index.

Tommy caughed, sounding dry. That seemed to catch her attention back, clicking the button atop of her tablet as she began eating with him properly now.

"Have you been taking your meds"

He interestedly nodded "It's hard to forget not taking them" He swallowed. He didn't want to cut the conversation with his sister short "So- when are you telling mom and dad"

"Tell them what"

"You know, that you wanna make robots"

Chris rolled her eyes, stretching back on the chair as she allowed the fork to lay on the plate. It wasn't the first time she had gotten that question "I don't exactly wanna make robots. I wanna make A.I.'s" she corrected, gesturing with her hands.

"What's the difference?" He laughed "They're putting them on them anyways"

She slurped a big rolled strand of spaghetti and swallowed, taking her back as the food appeared to make her choke a bit, tapping her upper chest. She then looked over the table to a napkin holder, closing it in between them. She took in one hand the holder and in the other the napkins

"An I.A. gives a mind to a robot. But a robot is a robot, it can be on its own" She placed the holder down and then showed the napkins "But of course, the A.I. can exist on its own, without a body- well, sure, it needs to be somewhere, it can even be at multiple places at once but the code.. that's what I wanna make. An artificial mind that can formulate systems, administrate wealth, solve mathematical problems, create vaccines…" She then placed the napkins back.

His brother nodded slowly, muttering an "Huh-huh" as he went back to eating. Halfway through he just stopped, and looked over at the window "Must of the stuff you said are kind-of far off still"

She seemed to get eagered by his comment "Not after me it won't!"

He laughed "Still tho" he clicked his tongue, and laid on the table, resting his head in between his arms by the edge letting out a sigh "You don't have to do it for me"

She tilted her head, being almost done with her plate she pushed it, and leaned over by her waist "I liked A.I. 's before you got sick dumb dumb. I see it as more of a bonus"

He peeked back up and scoffed, laying back down, much to his sister's dismay.

"Hey! I'm being serious here!" She complained sitting back normally and crossing her arms

He returned to a normal posture with a wide grin on his face, laughing to himself "Whatever dude" He finally said with a dismissive hand movement. He stood up and sat down on the couch a couple steps back into the sala, he snapped his fingers towards the space in between the libraries in front of him, being caught by a small device laid on it which turned on to display the screen of a television.

The plates were empty, Chris took both the plates back and placed them on the kitchen sink without much care, clanking among themselves as they touched the bottom. His brother had already begun passing by channels dismissively with the controller in hand, lying his side on the arm rest.

As Chris walked to him and eventually sat next to him she asked “Want me to close the window for you?”

He shook his head “See, this is why we need a ‘bot around the house, do the stuff you do”

She rolled her eyes “You could always just do them yourself you know” She said with a breathy voice, moving her hair to the side and taking comfort in the couch.

In front of them they passed through channels upon channels of garbage cable paid TV that in the current day and age had become a compilation of cheaper reruns of streaming subscriptions. There had been a social yearning for the days of cable programming simply giving you something random to watch at a determined hour, although random at the time, and perhaps even repetitive if all you did was watch TV: the newer types had of course, an integrated A.I. which would measure how long one would watch a show or a movie for and feed a similar programming after the last one ended… This wasn’t new technology, their parents and grandparents had seen the dawn of this form of fed entertainment in social media before even choosing what we wanted to enjoy became too much of a hassle for us as a species.

As the channels passed, Chris caught a glimpse of a news report announcing something related to BabeTec, making her instinctively stop her brother from jumping through channels “Wait, I wanna hear this” she said, placing a hand on the controller by his thigh.

He dismissively raised his shoulders up and crossed his arms. The TV showed your typical news anchor, news indicating a potential merging between notable tech giant BabeTec and shady private park Jonathanland.

“According to official statements from BabeTecUS, this merging would be the start of a bigger company effort to further incorporate BabeTec products into the public, a daring strategy in the rising battle between android companies.”

Tom scoffed at the TV “What now? Will we have to see their robot’s asses while we close our eyes too?”

The anchor continued “Talks of a unit wide upgrade has also been teased by the tech giant, which will be reportedly be coming over with her next model by the end of the year”

“...Mary?” She muttered to herself, leaning in closer, accidentally saying it loud enough for her brother to hear her speak.

“What?” Tom turned to his sister

Chris stood up from the couch "wait, I gotta check something- We'll talk later though!"

She ran off into her room, quickly taking the laptop she had taken to school and previously plugged Mary into to reboot her. Popping the velcro of her side bag, she took the laptop and placed it on the white table in front of the bed, turning it on again.

"Is everything okay??" Asked Tom from the sala, his eyes still darted on the TV as he leaded sideways to ask

"Yeah! It's whatever" She dismissed, logging into her PC. Fortunately for her, she had saved a log of Mary's system since she connected to her… nothing too complex, files about her core system performance, saved profiles, etc… but there was something else.

Normally, undercover androids would have a wireless gateway with say their company or a computer where to feed orders, dialogue files or written commands remotely… Mary had two of them. Chris raised an eyebrow at this, maybe another company got their hands on her design at the time of being assembled and is actively trying to invade their software…?

That wouldn't be possible either, as she had checked for more information, it was a sort of special code only her unit had, which connected with an additional device, would solely feed the data gathered to something else…

"Ain't that something" she said to herself. She reached into her pocket, taking her phone in hand and writing her findings to the rest of the guys.


Jim's phone sat on his room's table, alongside the messy sketches of mechanisms only really explainable by Jim's mouth. The door to the living room was left open, he had been working in the kitchen on the broken device he had made which would automatically cook, akin to a 3D printer, mechanical hands and all.

His father sat on the table near the kitchen, reading something on his phone, glasses on. The butt of a cigar pressed against his lips as smoke flew up to the lightbulb above him. Jim would occasionally look his way, maybe checking if he would reciprocate the look of his son working on something by himself. After scrubbing the surface of the frame with a half wet towel, he adjusted his throat, surrounding him to sit in front of him.

"You placed the stuff in the fridge in the wrong place. The machine took the things in the wrong order and ended up malfunctioning" He tries to explain, tired "...I'll leave some papers with the places where to put the groceries"

His dad takes the cigar out of his lips and without even taking his eyes off his phone "Why don't you just put like an A.I. or something so it knows what it is looking at instead of relying on placement?"

"Because first, I don't know how to make an A.I. and second of all, because at that point why don't we just get you an android to cook for you…?" he genuinely asked, leaning into the table.

"I'm not putting one of those things in my house" He shook his head "...At that point why don't we get ourselves an android to mouth feed us?" he mocked.

"..." Jim refused to elaborate more on the conversation, rather rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh "You could always learn how to cook for yourself, you know?"

His father curled his lips and said, "You know what, you have a point."

"There you go." he celebrated, congratulating him "You don't need me anymore then. Can I move to campus so I can focus on my career?"

"Why do you want to make androids so much?"

"I don't know? They make money? it's what brings food to the table as an engineer nowadays?" he threw out, holding his head. Jim clicked his tongue in frustration "Whatever man" He stood up from his chair and walked angrily to his room

"Wait" his father said, his voice sounding calmer than before. Jim turned around halfway across the doorframe of his room, leaning on it as he looked his way. His father swallowed his ego and rested and breathed out "Thank you for fixing it" He pointed to the kitchen device "Really, I mean it. I wouldn't able to cook without it"

Jim's eyes shifted side to side, pressing against his cheeks as he gave a small nod, his hands drifting off their grip of the frame as he moved out back to his room, closing the door behind him.

He breathed deeply in, and deeply out, shaking off the conversation he had with his dad a few minutes ago as he returned to a more comfortable and usual annoyed expression. He took his phone from the table and saw as the only notification a text from Chris sent around 10 minutes ago. It was inside of a groupchat of her, him and Louie she made a while back.

"Louie? Is Mary with you? Call me" was all that was written.

Jim raised an eyebrow at this, going off on private messages to ask what was going on. As soon as he even began writing down something to send to her, she called him, taking over the screen between hanging up and answering. He brought the phone next to his ear

"Yeah? Chris, what is going on?" He said, his eyes drifting off into the upper part of the wall in front of him.

On the other side, Christ leaned against the table, still in street clothes as her head was dug in front of her laptop's screen "Uh, yeah. I found a second way of information transfer on Mary's A.I., I have no idea what it is and it has been freaking me out. It has something to do with maybe the feds, or worse. BabeTec is meeting up with some sketchy people so-"

"A second way?" he interrupted, now actively walking back and forth in his room "Goddamn it… It may be a mistake on their part, remember Mary's supposed to be a prototype so perhaps…" He stopped, speaking and walking.

Chris groaned as he stopped talking "Perhaps what?! Stop it with the fucking mistery Jim!"

"Perhaps it is being fed to the high ups at the company first" His voice shifted to something more somber "Is Louie answering?"

"Not at all- Dude, Mary has our faces! If she connects to anything while we're out we're screwed" She bit her nails "I'll text you in a bit- I gotta reach Louie now"

"Same." His eyebrows perked up, hanging up and immediately going into his friend's contact, bombarding him with messages.

In Louie's room the lights were already shut off, all of them but the glow of his Laptop, placed at the corner edge of his bed to act as a TV screen. There were the sounds of a movie playing from it, rumbling of sheets and of course, the eventual whirring coming from Mary from time to time. Next to his bed, a half empty 1.5 Liter water bottle and drops of water fell close to it… it was opened not long ago.

His phone vibrated on the bed with each new message, moving bit by bit before it came off the edge and fell to the ground.

"Honey, your phone fell off." Mary said sweetly and quietly, petting Louie's head as he used Mary's body essentially as his bed, and her bust as his pillow. He groaned, still dizzy from throwing up, his eyes forcefully closed as his face was half deep in between her synthetic bags. And she was simply looking forwards happily to the screen of the laptop at the edge.

Louie moved his face to the other side, a hand of his moving up to take hold of her right breast "...It's okay i'll grab it in the morning."

"Got it, honey."

She had suggested he do something couple-ey, and being out of options and being so late at night he decided to simply put on a movie for the both of them to watch. His streaming subscriptions expired and downloading a movie with the dormitory wi-fi would have taken him way too long… so he opted to watch the only movie left in the cache of his laptop: Mamma Mia from 2008.

He had in mind explaining the complexities and enjoyment out of analyzing a movie with his robotic girlfriend since the idea of a robot girlfriend came to his mind, but he now was still struck with headaches and disgust and was unable to even look at the screen, feeling guilty with himself.

He wrapped his arms around her, as best as he could being on top of her. Ear pressed upon her synthskin he could even hear the rumbling of her core… "This date sucks, I'm sorry-" he lamented.

The bot giggled, giving him a glance down "Don't apologize, honey! I am having fun and all! It's my first date ever" she chirped, returning the hug. "Do you feel any better?"

He sighed "...yeah?"

"I am like, glad"

The movie went on, ABBA music blasting off the speaker of the laptop. She looked almost hypnotized by the film, as he noticed, jumping off from her and laying now next to her with his hands together over his chest.

Mary looked over to him, smiling. Her camera lenses beyond the irises of her eyes focusing on him for a bit, supporting her head with a hand and laying on her side, pressing with his body

"So… Did you say you wanted to explain to me how to watch movies?" She asked, almost sounding as if she was flirting.

Louie nodded "Yeah, but- I think you get it, right? it's not a really complex movie"

Mary brought her free hand to her inner lip and looked upwards, as if she was thinking "Mamma mia is a 2008 jukebox musical romantic comedy film directed by Phyllida Lloyd and written by Catherine Joh-"

He laughed a bit "No no, you're saying what it is, not what it is." he pointed out, signaling with his hand to the screen and giving her a smirk "It's about a girl wanting to fulfill her mental image of a perfect wedding, thinking that uh, inviting her father will magically make everything about living with a single mother her entire life make sense now." He explained casually. "The entire movie is about her realizing that her mother filled both roles and that she should be thankful- Even if it gets lost in the whole… musical thing, it's about accepting that abnormal is also good"

"But-" Mary intervened "It is imperfect? how can it be good then? She wants something a certain way so… why can't she just have it?"

He raised his hands up "I dunno? It's not about what she wants I guess! It's about what she already has and how she should feel about it?"

Mary blinked rapidly, a buzz coming from within her, catching his attention "What does Greece have to do with that?" She asked

"Absolutely nothing."

Louie was fast asleep, tucked in by Mary carefully as he was completely out. The movie was ending, and Mary was at the edge of the bed, laptop on top of her wide hips as she stared at the screen, no eyes on her, meaning there was no need to maintain a friendly and or even human expression on her. Her fair fell besides her shoulders and one side of her hair covered one of her eyes, but that did nothing to hinder the machine's eye-like cameras.

Her system recorded the film, down to the last minute, and as the movie came to a close she closed the laptop on itself and left herself in complete darkness, with no one to interact with.

-BabeTec Electronic's Deluxe unit Desig. "Mary" - [Date_event] complete. -No remaining orders. Primary objective unavailable. - Data flow added to A.I. adaptive personality module -Warning: Unit's location out of mission parameters [Override: Administrator's order] -Current time: 11:59

Mary turned around to watch Louie sleep, being an action her system was unable to do while online, there was a level of curiosity by her A.I., replicating the pose and akin facial expression for further use… until a sudden shift in Mary's systems made her blink, shift pose to a straight back and stand up.

- Remote directive received from unknown source. Current priorities saved but overwritten - NEW TASK: Return to the recharge station and upload gathered data to the Manufacturer.

The machine turned around, moving over to the only exit in the entire room, being locked. Without missing a beat, the busty girl checked her memory banks and quickly retrieved the last recorded location of the door key being in the laptop table, smoothly and efficiently grabbing it with two fingers, placing it on the keyhole, twisting it and opening it. She simply left the key still in, being unnecessary for her task at hand and leaving from the door. Guiding herself only by her system implemented GSP to return to her recharge pad.

Louie kept sleeping through all of this, his body even facing away from her robotical partner leaving out of the blue.

Chapter 6: Scotty doesnt know

It was the start of the new year. The nationwide hangover experienced after the celebration was palpable in the streets, everywhere but one of the last patches of green in the otherwise metropolis, a 4 square kilometer wide part inside a residential area. Mostly empty all year round, but for the usual families and young teens hanging around for the vacations.

Among them, with a transparent grocery bag swinging as he lazily walked upon the concrete sidewalk between the street and the grass. Eddie was your typical regular joe, moving over from the west coast to the city with his brother no less than a couple of months back, he was up and at it early to bring some medicine for stock after the night of drinking he and his brother endured beforehand. He wore nothing but a waterproof jacket, shorts, a shirt underneath and sandals with socks, if it wasn't for climate change moving the seasons around, he would be freezing.

The morning hit him pretty hard, struggling to keep his eyes awake and pressing his hand on his face and breathing out tired. To catch a breather, Eddie walked upon one of those park benches, sitting down and resting back as far as he could until he heard a pop inside. The satisfaction of that sound made him unquestionably smile to himself, laying back down. As he did someone sat next to him, even with eyes closed he felt the shadow cast on him covering the sun.

"You need to go see a chiropractor" A female voice said to him, she'd been staring.

He half opened an eye and looked over at her, raising his cheek to cover the sunlight from hitting him completely "Oh- No, I slept half on the couch and half on the floor due to new years" he shook his head, chuckling a bit "Gotta bring my posture back somehow…"

"I see~" She curiously teases, tilting her head up as he looks at him.

She was a woman around his age, mid twenties. She had short boyish black hair, and wore a purple sports sweater with light clothes underneath. She seemed from around the area wearing all easy to change clothes… maybe just a juggler from the neighborhood.

He humored her "Why, you know a chiropractor around here?" He chuckled

"No" She simply answered "But you should go to one, it's good for your health" She sounds genuent, even if a little vague. She sat back and looked down at his bag, placed in between them "What are the pills for?"

"You make a lot of comments, you know that?" Eddie teased, moving inside the plastic bag and taking a little pill case out to show "Headaches, my brother told me they help with hangovers"

"So you drink?" She asked again, "Interesting…"

He licked his tongue, the line of questioning continues "Well, yes. You?"

"I have never drank in my entire life!" She proudly says with a smirk, crossing her arms trying to look cool, making Eddie laugh "I'm Amy" She offered her hand to shake.

He takes it firmly "Edward. Just call me Eddie, Edward is too formal" As he broke the handshake, he layed back contrary to her "Shouldn't you be running?"

She curls her lips "I'm catching my breath" she simply stated… he looked at her up and down, not even a single drop of sweat on her "I'm all about exercise, but sometimes I like to sit down and look at the people. Feels right"

He nodded, joining her as they both looked into the people walking around the park, a smile growing on both of their faces. He felt weirdly at peace in that moment, the air feeling lighter and his breathing slowed, even the uncomfort of the shitty bench he sat on could be ignored easily.

"You live around here, right?"

"Yes!" She nodded, punching his arm out of the blue playfully "Am I really that easy to read? My place is over there" She pointed behind her back with her thumb, smiling his way.

He chuckled, raising his hands up "Woah, I wasn't going to ask you where- But, yeah…"

After some pause in silence, Amy went ahead and stood up from the bench "Well, it was nice meeting you Eddie. I'mma get my pulse up now!"

He nodded, holding back the urge to ask her to stay a bit more. He stood up with her "Wait, uh, it was nice talking with you too. Do you come here often?"

"Oh yeah! Everyday from 12 to 2 I go out."

He crossed his arms and lightly leaned back and forth, thinking about his hours "Well, you gave me a good vibe. Maybe we can go on a job together sometime?"

Amy's face went into surprise "Are you asking me out?" she brought a finger to her chin, eyebrows raised.

Eddie looked side to side comically and nodded, raising his shoulders and letting them down right after "Yeah, screw it, I'm asking you out" he laughed.

Amy stood silent for a few seconds "But I've never really…" she said under her breath, before her smile returned "Okay. Let's meet tomorrow, but I really need to get my jog going now okay??" She insisted, half turning around to begin moving… winking his way and chuckling. As she ran off, she'd turn around and wave goodbye.

He found her cute, and he had just asked her out randomly and it worked out. He stood there, waving back with a half smile, still surprised it all went down as he wanted. He looked down at the bag of medicine, and then back up. He had to get a move on as well back home, but now he wasn't even tired anymore.

Coming back from a few blocks away and opening the apartment door he found his brother sitting on an old wooden table checking his phone, clearly hungover with deep long eyebags and an uncared for beard. He was still wearing the clothes from last night. His dog Riley, whom was this big golden retriever, happily rushed towards Eddie, jumping atop of him as he made himself home.

"Oh hi. Good morning- Back already?"

Eddie remained quiet, closing and locking the door, placing his jacket on the hanger and placing the pills on the table with an expressionless face. He stood there, looking down at his brother making him guess. The dog walked next to the brother and stare at Eddie as if it was listening as well.

His brother looked up at him and then at the back, snatching it and letting the meds fall on the table "Nice, you want some?" He asked again shaking the container, getting no response "Yo dude, talk"

"I got a date."

The very next day at the same hour they met, Eddie sat on that same bench, even at the same side. He wore his best looking casual clothes, a buttoned up blue squared shirt and jeans- holding in his hand a flower he found on his way there in a green area, a dandelion. He was becoming nervous, checking his wrist watch as the time passed by and she didn't pop out. He signed, clicking his tongue frustrated, although what did he expect? he randomly asked her out, it was improbable she'd even remember.

Just as he was losing hope, from his left he saw her jogging towards him, her eyes opening up as she crossed his. "Eddie??" She asked, covering the sunlight with her palm and closing the distance"

"Oh you remembered my name" he laughed, going in for a hug, reciprocated by her

"I honestly thought you'd forget about asking me out- But it's so nice to see you here!" She chirped happily, holding his hand all of the sudden.

Eddie's face turned red as her hand grabbed his, yet he kept his cool on his expression and nodded "I-I wouldn't forget a girl I asked out! I live close by so It wasn't difficult to find you"

She began walking forwards while holding his hand, essentially guiding him on her path

"I can tell, were you there for long??" She worriedly asked, turning to face him "I'm so sorry- I tend to take my time on these walks."

"Oh no! It's fine. Is it good to be under the sun for a bit? get that vitamin C…" He joked, he then looked down at the dandelion on his hand and raised it up to her eye level "Have you ever seen one of these? watch this" He blew on it, the little petals flying off in the direction of the air.

She scoffed at him "Of course I've seen it! That's how it reproduces"

He shook his head "Not that! have some patience" With the remaining body of the dandelion he surprised Amy by putting it on his tongue and after some mouth movements he'd pull his tongue out and on it was that same flower stick in the shape of a pretzel.

He'd proudly take it with two fingers on one end and show it off to Amy.

"No way! what?!" she'd say in awe, grabbing it and looking at it closer "How did you do that??"

He'd laugh, finding her reacting rather cute "It's an old trick, don't really know how to explain it. Most people find it lame so…"

"They find it lame?? Oh… So should I find it lame because it looks impressive to me" She'd respond, still distracted by the stick-pretzel

He would have to grab her by the shoulders delicately as she began walking while facing down, almost bumping into a walking person "Uh- I mean, you can think whatever you want man. I actually don't know why I did that-"

He regretted doing that to begin with, what kind of date opens up with such a lame trick? Even if she found it interesting, he had to admit it was a weird opener.

Amy held the little thing in one hand and pocketed it carefully on her tight jean's zipper pockets "I'm definitely keeping it now-" She looked at him, pointing a finger at him playfully "Oh yeah! Wanna go for a run together?" She would ask out of the blue, signaling with her hands to be around this same neighborhood plaza.

He was taken aback, was she really going to keep running instead of just hanging out with him? She made an honor that she had never been asked on a date before "I-I mean- Look how im dressed, I'm not really prepared to work out…"

She punched his arm lightly "Come ooon~ Just one more loop for me, and i'll let you get to my place if you feel tired afterwards!" she'd close in on his face, excitedly offering something he couldn't really deny.

Taking a step back as she closed in on his personal space, blushing like hell, he would roll his eyes and sigh, nodding her way as he just imagined what she was trying to get him into-

"Okay big guy!" she got in position, expecting him to copy her "Light jogging, okay? Nothing too hard or you'll feel tired super quick. We'll take stops along the way"

"Right right! I know how to jog, I did this during my gym bro era… as you can see I kinda lost it on the way" He joked, posing his hands atop his tummy "Stops? why?"

"This is a date, right? I wanna show you something… okay! threetwoone GO!" she'd say running off with a rushed start, leaving him behind as she turned around to see him just stand there confused.


He began running, his nice shoes and jeans already giving him the light suspicion that this wasn't the best choice of clothing. He had to catch up to her now, moving his legs as fast as he could as her prank made her run off with way too much difference. He flapped his arms as he ran, leaving passers-by passers-by following the two with their glances. As he managed to catch up, he breathed heavily, looking to Amy with a weird smile.

"That's… ah, not funny!" He kept running, now at a more steady pace next to her.

Amy smirked to him and shook her head, leading the jog for 40 seconds of going around the curves of the cubic park. As they reached the center of the path, there was a seat, similar to the one they were on at the beginning but surrounded by lines of trees in front and behind them. Brown and reddish leaves fell down upon the pavement and the green areas. She began to slow down, until she walked her last few steps to the seat, sitting down with her hands on it. She smiled at him, inviting him to join her without words. He was breathing heavily, drops of sweat coming from the sides of his face. Eddie sat next to his date, laughing tiredly and laying his back down.

"You're an asshole!"

"shush! Look." She looked forwards and back, suddenly and almost violently snatching his hand and pointed with her right hand diagonally upwards.

Eddie almost jumped as she held his hand, turning sharply to see her hand and his together. He swallowed, looking up to see her staring forwards, he followed her stare to a view of the skyscrapers of the city, far away in the distance and barely visible by the fog behind the view of the trees' tops. A combination of nature and manmade, modern and classic. From his angle, it could resemble a castle, made of walls of trees and pillars of buildings.

His mouth opened with its own "Woah…"

"Imagine how many people there are there. What are they doing right now…? You think they'd even know we are looking at them from here?" She'd ask, finally turning to him genuinely waiting for a response.

Taking eddie of guard he stumbled in his words "U-uhhh, Well- we know that's a company building… that's part of a museum and that's a hotel. Perhaps they are looking back at us and we don't know??" He said with a raise of his shoulders.

"I see… You have an interesting perspective on it" she says with a hand under her chin. Without missing a beat, she jumps off her seat as she lets go of his hand and stands up in one move, her short hair flopping down as her sport shoes clap with the pavement. "Let's go! we got one more stop before the lap" She extended her hand to help him up.

taking it and standing up brought the pain to his knees, yet he managed to get on his feet without much issues. He stood next to her again.


He nodded, and she began to jog once more. Keeping himself closer to her this time, even if he was walking slower than before, made him get the idea that she was slowing down for him, keeping him closer than before so they could walk the path together… or maybe she was just being nice, either way his feet were starting to hurt.

About the same amount of time as before, they reached yet another bench at the center of the next vertical path. As before, she sat down and already knowing the drill, he sat next to her just like before, just now he felt she was closer than last time.

She reached for his hand once more "You liked when I took your hand last time? You kinda jumped-" she asked before taking it again

"U-uh…" He snapped back, fake coughing "Nah, it's cool. It was cool so go ahead"

She took it, interlacing her arm with his and now laying her head on his shoulder, making him even more uneasy "Okay okay- this one… Hmmm, Its more about the clouds. You see those sloppy smaller buildings in front? They give way for you to see the clouds more. In summer, you can even see more blue than other seasons. It looks like a waterfall of cotton"

He followed her descriptions, getting that exact angle she was trying to show him by moving his head a bit above hers… without even noticing it, his chin touched on her short raspy black hair. Getting in the angle, with the little park below his eyeframe, he sees how a stream of white clouds drive forwards from where he sits in a sea of gray. The level of pollution these days made it harder for the sky to even allow a view of a clear sky, this was one of the first times he had personally seen it in the city, with that in mind his eyes opened wide- yet she said it was blue.

Before he could speak, Amy moved her head back up and held his arm. "You've been too quiet, are you getting bored already??"

"No! not at all it's just- Why are you showing me these?"

Her mouth opened, but she covered her mouth and turned away for a second. He immediately felt bad, thinking he had insulted her in some way "Well- I do these laps almost every day by myself. And each time I look at these views- I get new ideas and questions that I cannot really share with anyone. I'm not really social, I have no friends. I believe it's good to vent those thoughts for once."

"Oh, right. I get that feeling too" he admitted, although to a different level "Have you ever thought about maybe finding a new route to jog on once in a while? It might help you get some new views too" He pointed at the sky "You got a nice eye for this stuff"

Amy blinked twice "Oh, you think?" She curled up on him, but as he asked if she could find another route she stared him down in the same expression for an awkward 4 seconds before she shook her head "Can't. I would probably get lost… Anyways, are you tired??"

He was, there was no doubt about it. He looked down on himself to find his button up shirt completely soaked in sweat, angering him in silence as even the slightest breeze froze him up due to the wet sweet pressing in his skin. "Yeah… but we can jog from here to your house maybe?"

She tilted her head "You are not serious, are you?"

"Absolutely not."

After some time, the door into Amy's apartment was opened by her by some modern finger ID design, they had to go in between the building and another one next to it and walk up a pair of stairs to access the two doors to the apartments to the right and left. At first glance, it looked like a newer building… she hadn't mentioned any jobs yet, but in a city like this rent isn't an easy or cheap fee.

"Come on in" she gave way, presenting the way with her hands with a smile, imitating a fancy butler.

He played along "Oh, why good maiden. Of course I will!" he straightened up, walking in as she closed the door behind her laughing.

Things were going well, he thought. It hadn't even passed through his head the fact that he was inside the house of the girl he liked, he was just having fun around her. Looking around he noticed a particular detail, beyond the small size of it; being basically an L shaped home with a bathroom next to the door at the right side of the entrance… he noticed how everything seemed untouched. Like one of those fake rooms one would see in an Ikea, or a display piece in a theater, it felt alien… or maybe she was just that clean.

"Everything okay? The little exercise didn't make you go nuts, right?" She joked, leaning over by his side onto the small kitchen. "Want a glass of water?"

He was distracted, by her question snapped him back, turning with his hands on his hips "Uh, yeah. Sure, thanks"

She reached over and opened a counter with some glasses leaned up one against one another, taking one and filling it up with some tap water. He saw as she filled it up, he was used to using a filter somewhere else or straight up a separate bottle, but he was way too deep to reject the glass-

She offered it, more than half full "Here you go, you drinker" she teased again, she seemed like she was having fun. Her eyes locked on his, his hand grabbed the glass and nodded in a silent thanks. "Hey, uh, do you mind If I… watch you drink water?"

He raised an eyebrow "Why would I mind- And why would you ask? Tsk! hah" he sipped the cup, being impressed that the filter made it taste better than what he used at home. "Well, not bad"

He went on, Amy now more than hypnotized by the way his Adam's apple moved up and down as he drank liquid. He would've found it weird, if it wasn't over so quick.

"What do you mean?" she asked, closing in, grabbing the glass back as he finished it "Water has no taste. How can it be good or bad??"

He clicked his tongue "It's about minerals or something, don't think too hard about it, you're probably used to more mineral full water-"

She rolled her eyes, going away for a second to put the glass back on the sink and throw a bit of water over it to clean it. He found the thing a bit redundant, didn't she just fill it out with that same water.

He diverted his attention to the end of the farthest wall to the entrance, having two windows, one right and one left. The right window, closer to her bed, was completely closed off by the blinds while the left one was opened, a chair of the only table in the home next to it. With a quick glance he could tell it had a view off to that same park they were on minutes ago.

Amy came back, finding him now next to the window "We'll I gotta go take a shower and change. So- You have no issues waiting?"

He shook his head, sitting down on that chair "Nah, im fine." he placed a leg over the other "Go, get something more comfortable. No issues with me"

She noticed him sitting on the chair near the window, a soft smile growing on her before she nodded "okay, give me a few minutes" with that, she moved to her closet and took out a set of lighter clothes and pants, he didn't manage to see any of it as he was distracted by the view outside, but she had slipped her underwear in between the folded pair of clothes and entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

As soon as she pushed the door inwards and pressed the lock, her face relaxed. She placed the set of clothes in a space next to the sink. Her face had completely changed into a way in which it would be impossible to know what she was thinking at the moment, her hand lingered on the door as she twirled towards the shower, letting her sport jacket fall on the bathroom tiled floor, efficiently taking her tight clothes off and carelessly letting them fall off her.

On the other side of the room, Eddie tapped his legs similarly to a drum, bored and with a sore throat. He found her cute- but things about her didn't make sense, no friends? Was she from straight out of nowhere? Checking her apartment, her walls and furniture were lacking in pictures or any sort. Looking over the bed, it was sterile, as if it had been ironed out before he came inside her house. It was curious to say the least, but she felt genuent, it felt good sharing time with her and-

So much thinking had gotten him stressed already. He shook his head, and with a sigh he reached into his back pocket.

"Fuck it…" he growled under his breath, to no one.

He took out a sort of rectangular vaper, inside containing a newly made narcotic based on natural elements… difficult to find and extremely addictive, of course, illegal as well. The only good aspect about it is that you could get high on your own terms whenever you wanted without worrying about odor leftovers.

He puffed in, vapor smoke coming out of his mouth. He breathed in, sitting back and holding himself, his eyes squinting at his left to the out window. He had forgotten the last time he was out with a girl, and one he liked at that, he chuckled to himself, puffing again.

Amy, completely naked and still in the shower, was letting herself underneath the water cascate with the cold water running, leaning on a wall as she looked at nothing, holding herself and thinking about the day so far.

After some time, she finally came out wearing an oversized black shirt and wool pants, her hair still wet from the shower. Eddie jumped as the door sounded opened, the vaper still on his hand.

"What are you doing-" She glanced at him, noticing the vaper "Are you…" She would quickly walk to him, snatching it from his hand and looking at it closely.

"What are you doing?!" Eddie would complain, standing up and following her as she sat in her bed to look at it. He stood with his hands on his hips, sighing "Look- i'm sorry, you were taking your time and I was getting stress for something. Should've done it outside"

Reading through the little cubic vaper she seemed upset about what she was reading, the contents and else. Letting her hands rest on her legs she spoke "...This is bad for you. Why are you doing this, and at my place?" She handled it back, extending her arm to him.

His soul had given up already, he pissed her off, and got found out. He took the vaper and put it away in his pocket. He stood there for a couple of awkward seconds before letting out a defeated "I think I should go. I'm sorry"

As he was turning to go, Amy stood up from the bed and stopped him "No wait!" she held his arm, making him closer. Almost as if nothing else needed to be said, with a glance at him, he followed her and sat in the bed next to her, their eyes locked between each other. Eddie was waiting for something else from her, but instead she groaned and stood up, her face red.

"Urgh! Damn it! Don't leave okay? I'm-" She stopped, sighing "I got no one to be with, ever. And you're fun to talk to! And and-" Amy threw her hands up, still trying to get more words out.

"Okay" Eddie blared out, still shocked.

"That's it?? Just okay? I'm too weird- aren't I? Oh that's just great… that's exactly what my job told me last time, that I was too weird to be around people so-" She complained, walking back and forth modulating with her hands.

"No! no!" he stands up, walking up to her and holding her arms to stop her in place "I like you! You have your- weird angle viewing, and your- interesting perspectives and you're pretty and you're fun to talk and be around…"

"You think I'm pretty??" She snaps out, her hands instinctively going for her short hair and nervously measuring its length "What- why…" She holds herself, stepping back as she looks as if she was on the brink to cry.

"Yeah… I do- It's not a big deal okay, you have that tomboy style i guess…" He chuckled, sitting back on the bed as he stared at her, still by the wall. Calming down a bit more "Let's hang out more, maybe get you to do more stuff."

She laughed, covering her mouth and shaking her head. Amy's body relaxed in between the silence, looking back at him with intense eyes. For a second, she tasted her lower lip and slowly walked up to him. The physical stature difference made his head tilt upwards as she closed in. Her hands held his cheeks softly, moving to his sides and ears, crouching, noses almost touching. He breathed heavily, a drop of sweat falling down and hitting her hand on one end… before she finally met her lips with his.

It was slow and sweet, moving their heads as they explored each other's every inch of both lips. They closed their eyes and allowed themselves to go off, even if they were inexperienced. His hands held hers, and moved them down, breaking the kiss now looking at each other.

"...I don't want you to leave me." She whispered, her voice shaky "I don't want to be alone, and yet- I'd prefer you over 100 people"

After some seconds of admiring her face, he reached a hand on her cheek this time, she holding it closely and curling up against it, her eyes still dug on him

"I want to be with you too"

She smiled… and proceeded to push him down with one hand onto the bed, he complied, knowing what she wanted, moving forwards with him to finally be on top of him. "I've never done this-" she laments, shamefully rolling her eyes.

He moved his hands down her body onto her sides, as she was still above him, and in one move completely turned her around, slamming her against the left side of the bed next to him, bouncing as the bed resisted the impact.

"Oh you-!" She would gasp, playfully smirking at him

He would change position, now on top, he'd close in and place a hand atop her left breast, making her jump and close her eyes as she was held.

"A-ah wait wait… No- I don't wanna do it, I don't wanna do it…"

He let go, moving away and giving her space to stand up and hug him, letting out air next to his ear.

"I'm sorry- I just…"

"No need to. Okay?" he comforted her, hugging her back "You don't have to"

She'd shake her head, breaking the hug and looking down with a frown "Just not for me. Sit down, let me do something for you"

Surprised by her forwardness, he nodded, sitting back with open legs. He found it funny just how much they had switched already without really doing anything, holding his head and smiling.

As she was on her knees, looking up at him laughing, she asked "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's cute seeing you figure this out"

She scoffed, crawling on her knees in between her legs, popping his jean's button off and pulling down his zipper slowly… Her face was more curious than excited or horny- Taking support from the bed, Eddie looked down with a tilted head, seeing her make the best of what she could so far.

With a firm grip, she pulled his pants a bit, enough for her to have ample space and… he was wearing no underwear. His dick was already hard and stiff, she immediately went ahead and held it on her hands and nervously looked back and forth between Eddy and his manhood.

She asked "What should i do? just- get it in my mouth?"

"You really don't know about this, do you?" he teased.

"Shut up! just- tell me what you think feels good!" She laughed back, adjusting her balance.

"Well- you can… lick it and… then use your mouth, throat." he said from the top of his head.

She nodded, now focused on his member. Her mouth closed into his dick, and with some doubt at first she lightly licked the base, and then the tip, constantly looking upwards for approval. He was getting chills down his spice with each little thing she was doing and- she was having fun looking at him get pleasure from her actions.

"I'm going in…" she announced, head upwards and about to engulf him.

He almost yelled "Careful with teeth okay?? the doctor visit is awkward otherwise"

She scoffed at his comment again "Of course I know about the teeth thing!" she said as if it was an obvious thing "Besides, you should know a lot about going to the doctor because of your dick…"

He shook his head, smiling her way. She looked back down, closing her eyes and breathing deeply, before going down on him… and then up. It was warm, and wet inside her mouth, her tongue wrapping around him and making it all ways great for his pleasure.

"Ah… yeah that's good"

The wet sounds of her mouth against his dick, sloppy and rhythmic in nature echoed in the room. She almost didn't seem like a beginner-

She'd would slowly take the dick out of her mouth, pressing her eyes as she shook her head "Just tell me before you're gonna finish-"

"Mhm" he said with a nod, softly moaning under his breath

She smirked his way, going down on him once more, this time speeding up and going deeper… hitting the back of her throat again and again and using it to pleasure his tip. He closed his eyes and held grip of the bedsheets with both hands, holding in sounds of pleasure. It went on for upwards of a minute or so, until he said with some restrain "Okay- okay- now"

She quickly got himself off her mouth, and sat on the floor, looking away as she shyly pretended not to see him finish by himself. Letting himself go, he came over himself, cum oozing from his tip and hitting his upper pelvis and below his belly button. He breathed heavy, closing his eyes and sighing harshly

"Yeah- that was nice…" He chuckled "Are you okay?" He asked Amy trying to look beyond his legs

"Really? Uh, yeah… it was fun!" She admitted, standing up and cleaning her knees off "You need anything else?"

With some shame, he scratched his head and looked onto the bathroom "I need some paper to… clean this off"

"Oh- shit! right!" She then runs off inside the bathroom and takes a long stretch of toilet paper off the roll, handing it to him shortly after. As he cleans himself up, he makes the mess into a little ball and puts his clothes back on.

Standing up already by her side, he held her and hugged her close, resting her head on his shoulder and holding her hands around him. They stayed like that for a while, shifting side to side in place. He patted her back and she turned to him, their eyes crossing paths. She then again tried going in for a kiss, closing her eyes as she passionately tried closing in, yet he backed away and blared

"Wait! Wait! Wait! you gotta clean your mouth!"

"Oh! Sheesh" She covered her mouth with both hands and stepped away from him, rushing to the bathroom as he laughed, quickly opening the water to begin cleaning herself off.


It's been months since they first met, since their first date. Sharing more and more time together, going out together and even eventually Eddie would move over to her place to keep her company. Meeting his brother was a big step at first, being the last immediate family he had, yet as he had expected he was more than pleased to meet her. A curious thing he had noticed is that she refused to eat inside, even have him around when she ate… or straight up skip meals, worried him even more.

She kept on running every day, now thankfully, getting him to follow her. These times though, she didn't slow down for him, and eventually, he didn't need to. She took little to no time to relax, yet she was always happy and up to do whatever idea he had in the moment, and as they piled up, eventually became routine… she began to run less outside. At night though, there would often be times where he'd find her awake, seating in that same chair next to the window, looking at nothing with a relaxed smile, before of course noticing him and nervously asking if he was okay.

It took him some time to figure it out, and even more time to say it outloud, but he loved her. Each moment he was out working, or helping his brother out with anything, away from her… he felt as if it was wrong. The moment he had told her, laying down in bed together, her eyes opened up in surprised and asked


All he could do was raise his shoulders, and laugh, teasingly before simply showering her with reasons and desires for the future together, and yet… she never said it back. The long nights in which they'd talk about anything, especially her thoughts on random stuff and her perspective on them. Always waking him up before his eyes couldn't stay open anymore to ask him again.

"You aren't going to go by the morning, right?"

So he could now, and as he would do it from then on, shake his eyed and fall asleep. This went on and on, until one day… she stopped running all together without him.


The next morning of that day; a detail from which both of them had completely forgotten about, forgot to mention and or found irrelevant, Eddie was thinking of proposing to her. It was a big step, he knew it, most of the details about her life before him were completely unknown, her family, where she grew up, where did she used to work… beyond knowing it had something to do with a company… But he felt it was appropriate, they already were sharing a life together and didn't feel like he'd find anyone else who would make him feel better. He had bought a small ring he could afford, with some help from his brother, and had invited her to date outdoors, in that same park they met back then.

Stepping off the door frame of the apartment with a striped folded blanket in hand and the ring hidden deep inside his pocket, he waited for Amy to finish putting up her socks and shoes.

"You know? We're gonna be on grass the entire day, so you don't really have to…" He commented, looking down at her down as she struggled to put them on fast enough

"Haha…" She dismissively mocked, shaking her head "What about the meter or so of the street?"

He laughed, "What about it??"

Before he could make his point any further she had finished putting them on, and like a cat, she graced herself against him, her hand holding the lower side of her chin and guiding him behind her "I'm not getting my feet dirty… Unless you want to~" She teased

"Hey- its not that type of thing you-" His cheeks turned red but he shook it off, he was falling for her, as she looked back and mocked her taking her tongue out.

He ran behind her, playfully pursuing her after clumsily closing their apartment door, and sprinting down the stairs with her running away from him. Coincidentally, the street's light was red as Amy ran off into the pavement at the other side, and turned green as soon as Eddie catched up to her, separating them with a wall of cars.

They looked at each other through the speeding cars, Amy mocking Eddie further on the other side by laughing at the coincidence, and Eddie simply stood there with arms crossed and a smile, he was going to propose to her by the end of the day…

After some time passed and he could walk the street, he calmly reached her and grabbed her hand, now walking together inwards to the park and would find a spot underneath a tree, and with a view to the small little playground, surrounded by trees. At the distance was an old looking building, orange brinks showing and clearly inhabited.

To entertain each other, as Amy laid on Eddie like a pillow and looked forwards at the view, he tapped her shoulder and pointed "Okay, Thoughts on this view"

"Hmmm~" She held her chin and squinted, thinking about some sort of poetic simil "Okay okay, I got it"

"Tell away"

She adjusted her throat "The children's playground is in the foreground, youth, beginnings, companionship, play… The Alpha, and the old broken down building is behind, lurking far away in plain sight but without us noticing nor caring, The end, solitude… the Omega."

He nodded, adjusting his view to hers "What about the Delta?"

"Delta?? The middle?"

"Yeah, what happens there"

She seemed annoyed. "I dunno! I can't see the delta"

He laughed, holding her with his arms "I'm messing with you… but hey, poetic still, right?"

She remained quiet, breathing deep and relaxing there. He knew she agreed. They took in each other's hands, like two pieces of a puzzle matching perfectly. Until the silence was broken by Amy.

"I wish I could paint" She lamented in a soft voice "I never got to do it before, I'd like to fill our house with paintings made by me and approved by you"

"Why would you need my approval?" He asked, looking over her in an awkward position

She looks at him, grabbing his hand carefully and kissing it "Because i want you to be happy"

He nodded "Imma buy you art supplies then"

In that peace, he felt it was appropriate to propose now, he felt the ring dig deeper into his leg as she pressed her body on him. He sighed, might as well just say it and take the right later. Yet he felt cold in his body, a dryness in his throat he couldn't explain.

"Edward-" She said, it had been the first time in a while she called him by his actual name. His heart skipped a bit and a shiver down his spine "I've had the best time of my life with you"

"What do you mean? We've only done normal dates"

She'd sigh "Exactly" she moved herself off of him and sat next to him, smiling as she saw him, holding his cheek with one hand "You made me try so many things for the first time, say things I otherwise wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone else and I-" she stopped, her body jumped ever so slightly… and that dull sound, barely hearable, made her see herself for a few second before her expression changed into a worried one.

"W-what's wrong? what was that?" He had heard it too, he looked her up and down, confused

She threw herself onto him, hugging him tight and closing her eyes "I don't wanna go right now but-!" She cried, breathing rapidly, her hands clawed into him for support.

He would hold her back, still confused "What?! What are you talking about?!"

"My mission they- i didn't…!" She would throw out, meaning nothing "I lov-"

Before she could finish her sentence… her grip went soft out of nowhere, falling onto the ground, yet even before falling down an electric bang was heard from within her, her opened shirt flashed bright for a second. Her upper chest blasted open, revealing an access port filled with ports and cables… and a microchip flipped out from her, smoking black.

Her eyes grayed out, stuck in a black expression and her body laid down into the position it fell on. The bang had caused a stern in the park, bringing eyes all upon the two, but Eddie was speechless, eyes opened like plates at the scene… his girlfriend was an android after all.

He began hyperventilating, a rush of emotions overwhelming him and throwing himself onto her, trying and obviously failing to wake her up.

"Amy? Amy?! what- What the fuck is going on?!"

From behind him, by the sidewalk a man and a woman in uniform stepped out of a car and rushed to the scene. Quickly one taking hold of the frame of the robot and the other holding Eddie down.

"What?! What is going on? what are you doing??" He looked both sides as the was held down.

He grunted and fought to try and get off their grip, throwing himself forwards to try and take hold of Amy back- but it was too late, before he knew it she was already thrown behind one of the cars, and he watched as they went away, still confused on what was going on.


Before he knew it, he was sitting in his old house's chair, holding his head with his hands and a lost eyesight. Buzzing in his ears as he still tried making sense of everything that went down. His brother sat next to him, his dog leaning into his leg whimpering, craving attention… and in front those two people from before, paperwork and documents laid down as they waited for him to react.

"Eddie, hey" his brother called out, tapping his shoulder.

He snapped back, blinking heavily as he finally looked their way. "What do you want?" He growled, gritting his teeth.

"We want to explain the situation, no more." The man said with a stoic tone. He adjusted his pretty suit, sitting straight and staring him down with a drilling look "Since it seems you, mister… Edward Miller, have gone through a series of events that, simply, were not supposed to happen."

He shook his head, squinting his eyes angrily "Wh-... What the hell are you even talking about, my girlfriend got replaced by a bot? is that it?"

The man sighed, putting his hands on the table as he turned to his partner "No. Your partner was the bot. For the whole duration of you two meeting"

He slowly raised his eyes upwards, staring at the two people, speechless again. That seemed to finally catch his attention, allowing the man to continue.

"As you might have heard, the company BabeTec is well known for… throwing around what we like to call squemes. This was one of them"

"Are you with BabeTec?" His brother jumped in, curious.

The woman next to him responded, "No, We're with the Federal Government. We'd like to remind you that you are not the one being interviewed" She said stoically.

The man threw his hand her way, telling her to allow it "We are in a partnership. Unit SAP-101, which… you lived with, was a surveillance prototype funded by the company and the federal government, and we'd like that be kept a secret"

Eddie slammed the table with both hands, making everyone flinch but the woman "Bullshit. You are trying to tell me that Amy was a fucking Camera? all this time? And she didn't tell me?"

"Yes" He breathed out, calmly "She was programmed not to tell, hardwired, even. But that's not here or there… your relationship with her cames out of a failure in her personality A.I., making her believe and or desire the need for companionship. In few words, the 'bot began taking her personality program too seriously"

The woman continued "That and the fact that her interactive personality has no limit in following social queues, she played along with your advances until it overwrote her main task"

"overwrote…" he scoffs, taking hold of his nose bone.

The man opened the folder "Unit SAP-101, being government property, has been decommissioned. And the people involved, you and your brother now, are to be compensated for any psychological damage that may have been caused" He showed a legal document, the sum of 100.000$ highlighted in black. He pointed to it and tapped it "Of course, as long as this is kept under wraps."

Eddie snarled "Fuck you-" he shook his head, his brother trying to comfort him, getting immediatly shoved off "You fucking fascists are trying to put cameras on our streets without us knowing! And- Where the hell is Amy now?! What have you done with her? I'm telling everyone about the scum you're doing" He threatened, pointing at them with his index.

Without missing a beat the man matched his tone "Do you honestly think we're giving you a choice?! Do you think we don't know who you are?" He turned to the woman, nodding in response.

With a beep she began "Edward Miller, 26 years old, college dropout, vape addict, worker at a family retail store 2 blocks from here." She ends, blinking "We have video proof recorded by unit SAP-101 of consumption of illegal drugs"

His hubris and rage diminished and turned into fear lowering his hand as he stared them down.

"If you tell Anyone about what we're doing, we will ruin your life. Every illegal shit you've done since you got out of your mother's womb, and even ones you haven't done yet" He added, taking a pen from his suit and slamming it over the paper "Now sign the paper, take your 100K and forget any of this happened. For your good"

His eyes darted down at the pen, tiredly and hardly trying to focus as that even from earlier repeated again and again. Before he pressed his eyes, and angrily grabbed the pen, singing it and throwing back the pen, laying back down uninterested.

They both stood up at the same time, grabbing the paper, placing it back on the folder and holding it in, turning around and going for the door. The woman turned, her face still stoic.

"Thank you for your collaboration"

As the hand of the Fed touched the door handle Eddie stood up, his chair grinding with the floor as he spoke up "Wait. Before you two go, I have a question"

The man rolled his eyes and turned around in his direction, uninterestedly standing there "What is it."

"...Would she had said yes"

"..." It took him a few seconds to respond, he clicked his tongue "She's a fucking robot. Who the fuck cares" Then he opened the door and left with the woman behind him "Goodday sir"


Several days later, working as a cashier in his job, Eddie had his glance lost into nothing. That same event happening again and again, Amy's grip on him still repeating on his skin. He swallowed saliva, hearing that same buzzing from before… and inside of it a voice.

"Sir? Sir? Are you okay?" Said a woman in front of him, waving a hand in front of him.

Eddie shook his head and pressed his eyes "Oh, I'm sorry… Lost in thought" He chuckled, and then as he saw her his smile disappeared.

Her skin was rubbery, her proportions inhumanly exaggerated, skimpy clothes… and of course, a bar code over her left tit "My master is waiting at home. Like, I need to buy these" She said, placing her bag of buys in front of him.

He slowly nodded, his skin palid. And simply did his job, scanning the objects, and offering a card scanner. The bot shifted to it and extended her hand to it, placing her palm on it as it scanned it. He blinked slowly, letting out a "huh", and then handed her the bags for her to package them herself… but she just stares at them.

"I am not programmed to bag objects. Files not found"

He stares down at her, looking back down to see it was barely 3 things she was buying… or rather her owner was buying. He carelessly placed them inside a bag and gave it to her. Grabbing it and leaving, whirring and shifting her hips side to side.

From the TV hung above his desk, he heard the name of babetec faintly, quickly looking at it with distaste.

"...News about the company's newly opened android warehouse on 8th have surfaced, this being a new world record of storage facilities for an android company. The success on sales of their newer companion lines, and worker lines have been a boom in the economy and day to day life"

"8th street" he thought… a couple miles from where he was right now. Their crowning jewel… Their great success, the one of the bastards that took her away from him. He pressed his frow and breathed out loudly. He will have his payback.