Seductive Strategy
Sui-Feng drags herself onto the cold steel table. She does not feel its temperature, as her sensory programs are on the fritz. Numerous issues riddle her computing, preventing all sorts of basic functions. Some of her squishy artificial skin tissue cushions her rigid internal structures. But some of her metal scrapes against the table directly, being exposed by tears and rips in that oh so delicate synthetic body of hers.
She lies out flat on the table, completely naked. Her clothes are in a lazy pile beside her.
Across the room on two matching tables are two more machines. Yoruichi and Harribel, two robots who have flipped flopped from enemies, to allies, to something more nebulously in between.
They had been captured by Sui-Feng and her staff, in order to be reprogrammed into her own personal units. But during that process they broke free and fought back. But as they were midway through the hack, they have not lost their previous allegiances to other shadowy organisations. So the two machines have no personal ties to any singular cause. They battled Sui-Feng into submission, but upon victory they began to repair her back up. They had attempted to negotiate some sort of peace with the staff, but it did not go so well. The entirety of the staff have completely left, fearing violence from the newly freed machines. Now Sui-Feng alone is conscious while the other two are offline. That is, until they have completed their repairs. They solely control the facility, but without the staff to carry out the actual work, that ownership amounts to very little. The three decided to work out their next step once all are ready and online.
Sui-Feng watches as the only two autonomous repair drones in the ward work tirelessly on them. Long thing mechanical arms extend out of these thick discs that glide effortlessly across the floor.
They reach over and delve into the machines exposed insides. Replacing wires, putting things back into place and fixing up anything still salvageable.
Both machines are currently unconscious, allowing all of these repairs to be done on themselves.
But that leaves Sui-Feng to work on herself. She has run out of automated repair droids. Now that she has this odd alliance with these two, it is best for her to show some good faith and let them be for now.
So instead she has to do some work on herself.
Her body took some serious damage in the last fight, and it only got worse through lack of treatment until she was brought back by her two captives.
By now her right arm has been disconnected at the elbow, instead laying on the table by her stomach. It is still attached by a few cables that are now extending all the way out into the open.
She has multiple gashes in her artificial skin, some deep enough to reach in and damage her actual metallic body. The biggest is on the right side of her chest just under her breast. A large opening has been horribly ripped open, completely exposing her data centers and dense tightly woven wires running further inside of her.
Another large opening is right at her stomach, though that is not the result of any sort of injury. Instead she has two large panels on hinges that can open up to expose her primary circuitry and most important components for work such as this. The internal issues usually far outweigh the external.
Sui-Feng lets out a sigh. A small audio clip that exists only for her artificial intelligence to use in moments of exasperation and in order to emulate a human's respiratory system.
She grabs a tool from the small rack beside her. She tries to raise her head a little to get a better look, gritting her teeth as she does so. Powering through the deluge of pain signals rushing to her head from the movement.
Sui-Feng gets to work.
Elsewhere, a breach in her base goes unnoticed due to the complete lack of staff within the building. It is hard to maintain the security systems and round the clock surveillance when the computers are completely unmanned. Even the few automated programs are useless, as the alerts they keep putting out go to absolutely no one.
So it is particularly easy for this unknown intruder to break in through an unprotected back door.
The intruder is a woman with a large head of orange hair that reaches down to her lower back. She wears a long black kimono. It parts around her chest, always just barely concealing the nipples on her incredibly large breasts. It is an ostentatious outfit, though one she wears quite deliberately.
She dashes down the hall, her footsteps impressively quiet considering the weight of her metallic body. Softened by the sandals that she wears, cushioning each and every step.
This robot's name is Rangiku. She has been sent here on the order of the same organisation that previously controlled Yoruichi.
Once they detected their connection with her was severed, they instantly had Rangiku on route to investigate. She must find Yoruichi, and defeat the leader Sui-Feng.
She is single minded in her goals and objectives. Every instinct and part of her body are working together with zero hesitation.
Rangiku makes her way through the labyrinthine halls. But without any direction on where she is supposed to go, she isn’t making much progress. So instead she starts poking her head into any rooms she passes to find information on the building's layout. Time and time again she finds absolutely nothing.
Frustration grows as she metaphorically rams her head into a wall over and over.
She is not the most motivated machine in the world. So her rapid dash has slowed into a sluggish crawl.
Rangiku even notices that she has begun accidentally going in circles quite literally, stuck on the same floor with no perceivable way to move further down.
Eventually she finally finds a room that seems a bit more promising.
The walls are covered in blueprints and maps. She can’t exactly understand most of the charts and diagrams, nor does she care to investigate further. Instead she just finds the first map that kind of lines up with her own internal data and gets going once again.
She stares down at the map, scanning it digitally.
Her system narrates. As it completes this action, she instantly is able to understand and recall each and every tiny marking on the map, including the numerous access possibilities. She quickly determines the best one is an elevator within one of the rooms, rather than through the halls. It should take her deeper than any of the other options
So she makes her way towards it and heads down to the lowest floor it grants access to. There is a large mirror in the elevator, so as it makes its way through the astonishing number of floors Rangiku has the time to check herself out.
After a little wink to her reflection she finally arrives at the floor she hopes her target lies.
The elevator doors open with a ding, and Rangiku resumes her search.
Finally however, news of this has reached Sui-Feng.
A computer in the room lets out a beep as it warns the machines of something arriving on this floor.
Confused about this, Sui-Feng has no choice but to investigate.
She was mid repairs, and doesn’t have the time to finish up. So all she can do is close the big section in her stomach.
She then latches her arm back into her elbow, which keeps it in place but still remains totally limp.
She then leaves the two other robots to their slumber and walks out of the door, still completely naked.
Sui-Feng had obviously wanted her clothes, but is glad she left them for the time being as the intruder seemed to have arrived far faster than she had expected.
Rangiku opens the door, and appears almost shocked to finally see another living thing in the building.
“Ah! U-um, You!” Rangiku suddenly declares.
“Give me Yoruichi and no one needs to get hurt!”
Sui-Feng sighs once again.
Rangiku takes a moment now that she can calm down a little. She looks at the broken down machine before her.
The gashes, the exposed inner circuitry and the limp arm. This robot is clearly in no state to fight. She is a shambling mess.
Rangiku is a good fighter. But she is better at something else. Something that treats her opponents delicately with a better chance of success than any combative approach.
Rangiku grasps the side of her kimono and pulls it along, revealing even more of her chest. But still just barely obscures the money shot.
“S-sorry for coming in so red hot…” Rangiku says as she bites her lips.
“I am sure we can work out a peaceful resolution…” She says.
Sui-Feng seems mostly confused by the display rather than anything else.
But Rangiku does not doubt herself for even a moment. She has faith in her ability to excite more so than anything else in the world.
So she ploughs forward without a second thought.
“If you need something from me to… sweeten the deal. That can absolutely be arranged.” She says.
Sui-Feng is not sure how to feel about this. She forced each and every step to make it this far. Rangiku’s assumption is right, she is in no position to fight.
Though she can’t help but marvel at the machine's odd attempt at seducing her.
She seems so arrogantly focused on this strategy. Almost as if it is self-evident that someone would be so attracted to her that they would easily forgo any other responsibilities at that moment.
Sui-Feng is not quite so entranced. However she decides that strategically the best option is to play along. Allow this girl to have some fun, all the while waiting for a moment when she can gain the upper hand despite her lackluster body desperately in need of repair.
So after this tentative consideration, Sui-Feng finally utters her first words to the machine.
“W-well you are certainly attractive.” She says plainly.
She instantly realises her predicament. Sui-Feng now has to basically seduce Rangiku in order to properly act like it is working on her. Although unlike the machine before her, she is not exactly confident in her own skills of convincing sexuality.
But looks like she has no other choice than to try.
“Rangiku leans forward more, allowing for a fresh and exciting view of her breasts. Breasts that hold little to no direct interest to Sui-Feng.
She pulls a finger up to her mouth and bites on it as she says
“I have a lot to offer you~”
Sui-feng can’t help but hesitate. Not in a way that communicates the certain sincerity, but rather Rangiku interprets it as inexperience. The first time her intuition has absolutely been correct.
Rangiku struts along the room until she is right in front of Sui-Feng.
“You poor thing, your body is all broken down and damaged…” She mutters as she gently grasps Sui-feng's hand and caresses her arm.
“Looks like you need some comfort~” Rangiku says as she pulls Sui-Feng in towards her.
As the two embrace, one of Rangiku’s hands drift down the curve of the machine’s back before grasping her ass firmly.
Sui-feng decides she will embrace this role of hers. Playing the part, even though she is completely uninterested. So she lets out a yelp as she feels Rangiku grabbing a handful.
Despite it all being part of a plan to take down this potential threat, she has no choice but to let her take control. Guiding her through this.
Sui-Feng also finds her face completely engulfed by Rangiku’s chest. The robot's large breasts practically outclass Sui-Feng's entire head.
Rangiku grabs Sui-feng’s chin with her other hand and brings it up to look at her. Rangiku is not particularly tall, but she almost towers over the comparatively short machine in her arms.
She leans in and plants a surprisingly gentle kiss.
She reaches down and grabs Sui-Feng's hand. She brings it up and places it on her incredibly voluptuous chest.
Sui-Feng is almost surprised by the pleasant plumpness of Rangiku’s tits.
Her fingers just lose themselves in her impressive size, and the sensation is quite unique.
Rangiku lets out an odd noise. It is a sensual moan, though one that is quite clearly born from a need to appear in pleasure. It is slightly forced, slightly exaggerated. Gesturing at a cartoonish version of sexual interaction, that might as well be real to the unknowing Sui-Feng.
The robot enjoys the relationship between her squeezes and the robot’s vocalizations.
Rangiku develops a pronounced blush across her face. The result of a program that identifies these sorts of situations and adjusts to communicate her flush, embarrassed or excited state.
Her system log reads, demonstrating the invisible labour behind each and every aspect of her mechanical body.
As Sui-Feng continues to get lost in Rangiku’s chest, Rangiku starts something herself.
She moves her hand that remained tightly held onto the robot’s ass around to the front.
She is gentle at first, calmly placing two fingers on the front of Sui-Feng’s pussy.
Rangiku feels the little bot shiver, but she does not protest.
Rangiku kisses Sui-Feng, all the while pushing further into her pussy.
She begins to explore the machine's delicate folds. Her synthetic body is perfectly soft and malleable in exactly the right way to allow someone like Rangiku to manipulate.
The input does cause a certain type of signal to rush to Sui-Feng’s central computing system.
She has never really experienced sexual data like this. But now that she has, she really doesn’t understand the fuss.
She will continue pretending otherwise for strategy's sake, but she is sincerely shocked that Rangiku has managed to get information or complete missions by doing this.
Just an irritating buzz in her CPU. Nothing more.
But she hides her dissatisfaction and instead forces a slightly awkward smile. The best she can do to emulate any semblance of pleasure through her facial expressions. She is not particularly good at it.
But luckily, while Rangiku continues to finger her, she doesn’t pay much attention to the bot's poor expression work. Instead she solely tries to work her magic.
Poking around her insides, massaging her body in ways that would have anyone else melting in Rangiku’s hands.
Exploring and prodding spots that create those underwhelming and lacking sensations for Sui-Feng's mind to ignore.
Rangiku seems quite convinced that it is working so far.
She is quite preoccupied with her futile attempts to excite and titillate Sui-Feng, so she can’t dedicate as much of her processing power to strategizing.
Sui-Feng on the other hand is simply running through simulations of combat scenarios.
She begins a more in depth diagnostics check to fully understand exactly which parts of her aren’t working and to what degree they are broken.
Doing so will allow her to create the perfect plan within her own current capabilities.
All she needs to do is to buy time. Something that she now has ample amounts of as Rangiku single mindedly pursues the seductive strategy.
Rangiku knows the one thing she can’t do is let the sex stagnate. If her targets start getting bored they can start doubting the validity of Rangiku’s actions, or worse.
So she needs to keep it fresh, fun and exciting.
She needs to stay on the move.
So Rangiku retreats her hand from Sui-Feng’s pussy.
She brings Sui-Feng in for another kiss. This one is a bit deeper, a bit more passionate.
Rangiku pulls the machine's body into hers as she shoves her tongue down her throat.
Her tongue plays with Sui-Fengs, whose own seems a little confused at how to respond.
But that is more than fine, Rangiku has dealt with more inexperienced targets than experienced ones.
She plays with the robot, exploring the insides of her mouth until she can taste the metal lining the inside of it. Just out of view.
Sui-Feng is not a fan of the kissing. At least when she was getting fingered, she could just remain passive and spend time thinking.
But now she has to dedicate energy to maintaining her facade of enjoyment. A facade that would crumble against anyone besides Rangiku.
The only reason she believes it is because of an almost delusional pride in her abilities to seduce.
The mere idea of her tactics not working on someone doesn’t exist within her mind.
But even so, Sui-Feng has to awkwardly reciprocate the kiss.
As she tries, she even decides to take a step herself in order to showcase some initiative. That should add to the impression that it is working, and feed Rangiku’s ego.
So Sui-Feng reaches around and places her hand on Rangiku’s lower back.
Since she has basically no frame of reference for what sexual contact is, she has to go off of what she is experiencing right now.
She does have a large repository of data on the subject. She found it largely useless and a tad beneath her.
But now she is gathering data as best she can in order to properly act the part.
So, in an exact mirror image of Rangiku, she reaches around and grabs her ass.
Rangiku also lets out a little noise like Sui-Feng originally did. But the difference in experiencing and acting are tantamount.
She makes an adorable little noise that contrasts with her mature attitude. It has a hint of pleasure to it, of excitement.
It is not the flat tone that Sui-Feng had to offer.
But that doesn’t matter to her.
As Rangiku pulls away from the kiss, Sui-Feng is proven that her strategy works.
“You are starting to get more into it, aren’t you~?” Rangiku says.
She takes a moment to look around the room, until eventually she finds a table.
Rangiku then suddenly picks Sui-Feng up.
Sui-Feng is quite alarmed by this. If Rangiku is even a little bit brutish with her body, it can exponentially worsen the existing damage to her body.
But she can’t wriggle or fight back at all at the risk of incurring the exact same result.
So she tries to remain as peaceful and passive as she can.
A little bit of panic running through her wires.
But luckily, Rangiku is reasonably careful as she holds the machine in one hand, and brushes the random assorted items off of the table with the other.
She then lays out the naked machine.
Sui-Feng rests on her back as Rangiku spreads her legs apart and approaches her.
“Are you ready for this~?” Rangiku asks.
Sui-Feng maintains her role.
“Absolutely.” She says. Her delivery is flat and unconvincing, but is more than enough for Rangiku to feel confident.
Rangiku leans in until she is face to face with Sui-Feng's pussy.
The silicone material is perfectly molded and coloured to create a shockingly accurate representation of human genitalia.
Rangiku plants a gentle kiss on her clit.
Sui-Feng can feel Rangiku’s warm breath on her privates. Each little puff of air emitted from her insides, an exhaust for the fans to cool her CPU.
She can feel Rangiku’s lips gently rub against her folds as she approaches and retracts from her kiss.
All of these little touches and tiny sensations are communicated through a complicated set of circuitry that carries the data to her CPU in order to process it.
And by the time it finally reaches her mind and she is able to experience it…
She is profoundly bored.
She can’t believe how little all of this affects her. The little she did know about sex was how intense and amazing it was.
However, it provides a great opportunity for her to strategies and find the right moment to beat her enemy, so she is glad it is so underwhelming.
Finally her diagnostic check finishes up.
Her computer continues to list increasingly small and less useful systems within her body. She can also access specific breakdowns of each of these categories.
The motor function is easily the most limiting aspect of these results.
She has assumed there was a bit more strength in her body, but the diagnostic check hits her with a brutal reality.
There is no possible situation where she can overpower Rangiku. Even if the odds are stacked in her favour. She needs to be a bit sneakier, and a lot more careful.
Sui-Feng instantly starts applying this data to her simulations immediately.
It will take some time for her slightly impaired processing unit.
Rangiku dutifully eats out Sui-Feng the entire time.
Her tongue pulls apart the machine's labia, and slides up and down the length of her pussy.
She gets it nice and lubricated with her artificial saliva, allowing much smoother movement of her synthetic tongue against the skin-like material.
Once this is done she starts to slide in and out of her. Going further and deeper each time she plunges her tongue inside.
She finds a solid rhythm with it, and begins to even experiment further.
As her tongue delves inside of Sui-Feng, Rangiku’s lips close around part of her pussy lips and she sucks on her a little.
Almost like she is making out with it, she engages with the pussy before her holistically.
The two each pursue their own goals for a few minutes. Rangiku’s dedicated cunnilingus and Sui-Feng’s simulations.
Sui-Feng does arrive at a couple possible ways to take Rangiku down. Including using the edge of the table to snap the machine's neck during a makeout or attempting to shove an exposed wire into the machine to cause a complete circuit break.
But neither strategies have a high percentage of success according to her computer unless she finds a more advantageous position in their sexual engagement.
Finally Rangiku decides she needs to keep things moving. Sui-Feng had not been too concentrated on making many noises as she got pleasured, which did cause Rangiku’s confidence to wane.
Not to any degree that she would doubt herself, but rather she was worried she started to lose Sui-Feng a little. She needed to spice things up once more and finally she will be wrapped around her finger.
So she raises her head and speaks to the machine.
“I think we should do something a bit more fun~!” Rangiku says. She speaks as if it’s a suggestion, but she doesn’t wait for an answer before picking Sui-Feng back up and gently laying her on the floor.
Sui-Feng looks around a little confused.
Then she sees Rangiku’s kimono hit the ground. And a pair of underwear as well. Sandals and socks fly off into the pile too.
Sui-Feng is unable to see Rangiku from where she is laying, which makes her incredibly cautious. But she does not have the capabilities to stand up fast enough to catch the machine off guard. Instead if Rangiku decides to take her out now, Sui-Feng would be at an impossible disadvantage as she struggles to her feet.
But as she thinks about all of this, Rangiku joins her on the ground. She lies on the opposite side to her.
Rangiku shuffles closer to Sui-Feng, until their legs become intertwined. She shoves her crotch suddenly against Sui-Fengs, and lets out a moan as she does so.
“There is nothing quite like pleasuring each other at the same time… Don’t you think~?” She asks with a sultry voice.
“Indeed.” Sui-Feng responds. Still failing to fundamentally understand sexyness as a concept.
Rangiku gently moves her hips, rubbing her own pussy against Sui-Fengs. It is an act that is more appealing theoretically rather than physical, but for two robots whose sexual gratification is generated and malleable, it feels as good as anything else.
Their pussy lips mingle and pleasurably scrape against each other.
Rangiku can barely keep her voice down.
Part of that is due to her seduction program. It is sexier to act pleased, to show her excitement and to imply her partner is doing a good job.
But there is an honesty to it as well. She has spent so much time refining her seduction because she loves it so much in the first place.
She relishes each and every opportunity to have this sort of fun with all of her sexiest targets, and Sui-Feng is no exception.
Her tomboyish shorter hair gorgeously contrasts with her beautifully feminine body and voice.
Sui-feng is not reflecting on these things like her partner is.
Instead she retains her focus on defeating Rangiku as soon as possible. Despite her growing frustration at the lack of opportunities so far.
But she knows she can’t rush or she will risk everything. If Rangiku decides that seduction is no longer worth it, she can crush Sui-Feng in an instant.
The only reason she clings to seduction is she stands to gain more, such as valuable information, by letting Sui-Feng live. So long as Rangiku wins her over.
But eventually the act will have to stop. And she needs to defeat Rangiku before then.
She auto plays a looping whimper sound effect. She is able to surmise through Rangiku’s behaviour that it is expected to moan like she is.
So she lets out an incredibly stilted sound that vaguely implies pleasure, and plays it repeatedly with a few seconds of interval.
She is not aware how obviously fake it is.
Once again, Rangiku’s ego is the only thing that maintains the illusion.
Sui-Feng remains quite limp on the ground. As Rangiku pushes into her, she is ever so slightly shoved back each time.
Only having one arm available to her means that she is unable to properly brace herself and not just slide across the metallic floor they lay on. But Rangiku always catches up, never letting the two’s privates leave each other for even a second.
She revels in the way Sui-Feng’s pussy provides an incredibly pleasurable texture to rub against.
Both her acting and her internal thoughts relish the feeling.
However her system is starting to get hotter and hotter.
This is a pretty normal thing that happens during sex for robots. The physical activity as well as the overabundance of signals racing through her system. Requiring intense CPU power to process each and every one of them.
It is nothing she can’t control, and it isn’t putting anything in danger.
But finally, Sui-Feng has something to use.
She is incredibly lucky that her thermal sensors are still up and running. She is able to see that the breath coming from Rangiku’s mouth is warming up quite steadily.
She can’t see through the machine and measure Rangiku’s internal CPU temp quite so easily. But by monitoring her primary ventilation through her mouth she can get a damn good idea of it.
Her own temperature is gradually increasing but at a much lower rate.
Sui-Feng's increase is due to her coolant systems not working optimally, but her body isn’t experiencing any intense labour. For a majority of their relations, Sui-Feng has been completely still and Rangiku has done all the work.
It also seems like for whatever reason, whether a setting deep in her program files or a simple difference in hardware, these sexual signals do not cause such a processing load for Sui-Feng.
Once she notices this, she begins to apply that variable to her numerous simulations.
It will take a while before all the calculations are complete.
But as they start, she becomes increasingly pleased with the initial results.
Rangiku is still oblivious to all the meticulous planning Sui-Feng is doing.
She is still completely engrossed in her own performance of seduction.
So proud of herself that she wholeheartedly believes it is going flawlessly, and soon Sui-Feng will happily let her into the room and hand over Yoruichi without a sweat.
She is high on her own supply in a way, as the sex she continues to enjoy begins clouding her already heavily biased judgement.
Rangiku pays no mind to her overheating, as she is convinced there will be no more fighting in this mission. Thus being irrelevant.
The pace of Rangiku’s moans increase, much in line with the increasing temperature.
Finally, Sui-Feng is able to devise a plan. A plan which involves next to no physical attacks that will have Rangiku fooled until the very last moment.
She just needs to put it into action.
It relies on a concept she is glad is somewhere tucked in her data centers. That sex usually ends in a “climax”
Something known as an orgasm wherein there is an overwhelming sensation as the person finishes.
Sui-Feng is going to use this.
“W-wait… I want to make you climax with my mouth.” Sui-Feng stutters.
While her offer does come off a little sexless. After all, she still can’t shake the habit of overly formal speech. But despite that it still does wonders on Rangiku.
“That would be amazing, sweetie! Let me get on the table!” She excitedly says.
Rangiku can’t help her enthusiasm upon hearing Sui-Feng finally take a little initiative. She suddenly stands up.
“Oh wait, let me help you first.” She says thoughtfully. Aiding Sui-Feng to her feet.
Just as she can stand, Rangiku dashes off and leaps onto the table.
She lays on her back, spreading her legs quite ostentatiously.
She happily waits for Sui-Feng to pull herself over and take the place Rangiku had just moments ago.
She stares face to face with the machine’s pussy. Sui-Feng has never really directly studied the female anatomy up close like this.
She does find it interesting, but still feels no actual excitement from it.
It is a purely analytical thing for her.
But regardless, in order for her plan to work, she needs to try her absolute best to pleasure Rangiku.
So she dives right in, sticking her tongue into the machine.
Rangiku erupts with moans, greatly enjoying it.
Sui-Feng is not truly able to perform incredibly. She just fundamentally doesn’t understand sexual pleasure, so trying to cause it in someone else is difficult.
But it seems Rangiku is easy to please, since she does not let up with her desperate noises.
Sui-Feng tries to apply the same things Rangiku did to her.
Mixing up her technique every now and then, finding something that works and then sticking to that for a bit longer.
She reaches out and begins sucking on Rangiku’s clit, which causes a massive spike in her moaning.
Sui-Feng’s computer desperately analyses all of this data to complete the plan.
Her computer spells out.
Sui-Feng follows all sorts of small data points like this to arrive at a halfway decent attempt of cunnilingus.
She is able to keep up with Rangiku decently enough.
And any of her shortcomings are smoothed over by the mere act itself.
By requesting this, it basically confirmed that she was into it for Rangiku.
She can’t help but take that as an admission that the seduction worked.
Validating the efficacy of her strategy.
So while Sui-Feng might be quite inexperienced and mostly making it up as she goes, she is still able to please the already more than excited Rangiku.
Rangiku is convinced that she has won. It only depends on Sui-Feng's execution to see who the true victor will be.
Sui-Feng bides her time. As she approaches the moment of her plan's execution, one might feel the inclination to speed up. But Sui-Feng is careful to abate her anticipation and continues to be careful.
After all, if she messes up, it will cost her everything the other two machines didn’t already inadvertently destroy.
Instead she focuses on the data her computer is analysing on the spot, and performing the absolutely best she can.
And eventually it starts to really pay off.
Rangiku can feel herself getting closer and closer to orgasm. But additionally she can’t help but notice her CPU temperature is growing faster than it should be.
She can’t exactly stop in the middle of this to check on it, since it would just toss out all the hard work she put into getting this far.
Not to mention she isn’t even sure enough that it’s a problem in the first place.
Instead she just relaxes knowing that her pleasure is building up. It will culminate very soon, and she can claim what is hers. Finally completing the mission.
But Sui-Feng knows better.
She has decided to utilise her own failing system to damage Rangiku’s in quite the sinister way.
As she licks and sucks on Rangiku’s pussy, she is also exhausting as much of her CPU’s fumes as possible.
She has shut off part of her own cooling just to make the warmth even more intense.
Robots are quite complicated beings, and their biggest issue is the domino effect of damage.
If one of Rangiku’s systems begins to overheat, it will cause the rest of her components to do so exponentially faster than before.
She has been warming up Rangiku’s insides like this the entire time.
But her end goal is not to cause her to overheat. If Rangiku found her systems were at critical levels, she would do something about it.
Instead, she wants her systems to lag just enough, then cause an overload of her system through these pleasure signals.
Something that can only be achieved at the exact moment of climax.
Sui-Feng ramps up her heating plan near the end.
Her computer has graphed out the noise and the type of sounds coming from Rangiku, and knows that she will cum in less than a minute.
Rangiku is far more aware of this, as her head is clouded by it all.
She is struggling to even think of strategy as she approaches orgasm. All that is in her head is the pleasure she is experiencing.
Tensions rise, volume raises, and paces increase until they finally reach a tipping point.
“Ah~! M-my god! I-I am going to… hnn… going to… CUM~!” Rangiku cheers out loudly.
Then it all happens.
Her system almost blacks out completely. A total flood of signals that she is unable to process at all starts hitting.
Her overheating CPU is lagging behind, barely able to work. Causing those signals to pile up in a way that starts breaking her code. Overloading scripts matched with overheating systems cause her system to struggle.
Sui-Feng does not stop either.
Instead she motivates all of her remaining mechanical strength into going harder and being more intense than she had the entire time.
Almost doubling the rate of pleasure signals in Rangiku’s system that she can’t properly handle.
At this point it is obvious that Sui-Feng has turned on her. But Rangiku is barely able to comprehend the error of her ways, as this strategy has basically prevented any of her mental systems from working at all.
She can’t think, she can’t recognise that she underestimated Sui-Feng. Instead she is just left completely blanked out as her system shuts down. Unable to even issue the order to restart afterwards.
Her head falls limply on the table. Rangiku is now offline, and is stuck like that until someone manually reboots her.
Sui-Feng struggles to her feet a little bit.
She looks at the naked machine sprawled out over the table. Crushed under her own ego.
“What a fool.” Sui-Feng coldly says, before walking away.
She makes it back into the room, where the two unconscious machines are receiving their repairs.
She slumps back onto the table reserved for her, and grabs her arm left there.
She quietly returns to her slow self-repairs. The enemy thwarted and her position maintained.