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Rachel, a petite girl of eighteen with curly chestnut hair that framed her freckled face, crept through the house. Her bright green eyes, usually full of mischief, were now narrowed in focus. She wore a faded blue hoodie that hung loosely on her thin frame, the sleeves almost covering her hands as she reached for the drawer in her mother’s bedroom.

Gail, Rachel’s mother, was in the kitchen, her back turned as she washed dishes. Gail was a woman in her early forties with a muscular build and a face that carried the signs of both laughter and worry. Her dark brown hair, streaked with gray, was pulled back in a loose bun, revealing the soft lines at the corners of her brown eyes. She wore a simple floral dress that she’d owned for years, a piece of fabric that had seen countless family dinners and quiet nights.

Rachel’s heart pounded as she carefully pulled open the drawer. Inside, among neatly folded scarves and a few pieces of jewelry, lay the object she was after, a small, black remote with a worn-out label on it. It was old, bulky, and not at all like the sleek devices of today. Rachel had seen her mother guard it closely, though Gail never spoke of it much. The remote was a relic of the past, a device controlling an old, outdated system that Rachel suspected held more sentimental value than practical use.

She hesitated momentarily, her fingers hovering above the remote before she snatched it up. The plastic felt cold in her hand, a stark contrast to the warmth in the room. Rachel stuffed the remote into the pocket of her hoodie, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in her chest. She turned to leave but froze when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

Gail appeared in the doorway, her eyes immediately locking onto Rachel’s pocket, where the outline of the remote was unmistakable. There was a brief silence, the air thick with unspoken tension.

"Rachel," Gail said, her voice steady but with an edge of disbelief. "What are you doing with that?"

“With what?” said Rachel.

“The remote in your pocket,” said Gail sternly.

“Oh, I was just going to see what would happen if I used it,” Rachel said.

Gail took a deep breath and walked closer to Rachel.

“Give me the remote, Rachel,” she said sternly.

“Why? Why is it so important?” said Rachel as she slipped her hand in her pocket to grasp the small black device.

“You can’t have it,” said Gail, moving closer to Rachel and taking the young girl by the arm.

“Why?! Why is everything so stern with you!? It’s just a weird remote,” Rachel yelled as she whipped out the black device and pressed all its buttons.

“Rachel, Noooo,” said Gail as she moved, then froze suddenly.

“The fuck?” said Rachel as she looked at her mother.

“Mom? Mom, what are you doing?” said Rachel as she moved her hand in front of her mother’s face.

Her mother didn’t move.

“Mom?” Rachel began to worry. What if the device wasn’t a remote but was some type of weapon?

Rachel began to notice something about her mother. She was perfectly frozen. Rachel then realized something was different about her mother. Her eyes weren’t blinking. She hadn’t taken a breath in seconds.

Rachel looked at the remote and noticed the buttons arranged like a woman’s body. Rachel had started at the top of the remote where a power button icon would typically be. Rachel pressed the power button.

“Nooo,” said Gail as she suddenly began to move again. “Rachel, what did you do?” said Gail sternly as she regained her balance. “Give me my remote right now,” said Gail.

“Your remote?” Rachel asked incredulously. It was sinking in. Gail was some robot.

“Yes, my remote. Only your father could use that remote, and I need to protect it,” Gail stuttered as Rachel hit the power button again.

“Hrm. I think we’re going to need to have you be less of a bitch. I wonder what this button does,” said Rachel as she pressed the bottom on the bottom of the remote that said “Com”.

Nothing happened.

Rachel pressed the power button, and Gail stood up straight and glared at Rachel. Rachel suddenly pressed the Com button once again.

“Receiving mode,” said Gail suddenly in a flat voice.

“Explain everything,” said Rachel.

“I am a Janus Industries Model 5000 unit. I was purchased over 20 years ago to serve as a wife and mother to a child unit if purchased. “ said Gail in a monotone voice.

“Child unit?” said Rachel.

“A child unit was purchased 18 years ago and remains in sleeper programming,” said Gail.

“Identify who this subservient unit is,” said Rachel. She began to realize the answer before the robot woman began to speak.

“Unit Rachel. A Janus Industries Model 9000 unit with adaptive AI and growth nanites,” said Gail.

“I’m a robot?” said Rachel. It would make sense, as Rachel had always been extremely smart and had limited social skills. Her friends called her the Terminator, after all, because of her gruff personality.

“Affirmative. Unit Rachel is operating at top performance and is due for final upgrades within the week,” said Gail robotically.

“Final upgrades?” said Rachel shocked.

“Affirmative,” said Gail.

“What does that mean?” said Rachel.

“Unit Rachel would receive her final sex hardware and software upload from Unit Gail,” said Gail in a monotone fashion.

Rachel gasped.

“Sex hardware? What do you mean?” said Rachel as she thought about her body. She had pretty large, perky breasts that she thought her parents had paid extra for plastic surgery to get last year as she grew through High School and had remained flat-chested. She had let her friends even feel up her lovely breasts. Katie had even sucked her nipples on a dare. Rachel hadn’t felt much.

“Unit Rachel currently is only equipped with breasts and oral sex functionality. She would receive her final vaginal and anal capabilities with new devices later this week,” said Gail.

“Huh? I have a vagina,” exclaimed Rachel as she shoved her hand down her pants and felt her folds. No feeling was felt, and Rachel realized that she had only given her friend Billy a blow job but that Rachel had pushed back against Katie and Billy going any further with her.

“Mom, am I not fully human?” Rachel asked as she realized her whole life had been a lie.

“Unit Rachel is a fully functional sleeper android. She has passed all tests and has shown expansive artificial intelligence,” said Gail.

“Mom…can you boot into a mode so I can talk to you?” said Rachel as her life fell apart. Rachel pressed her fingers deeper inside her pussy and realized there was no feeling.

“Booting into human emulation.” Gail bent her head and then popped her head back up and said in a bright mood, “Hi! Let’s fuck! God, I hate that boot phrase!”

“Mom?” said Rachel.

“Oh, Rachel. I’m so sorry.” said Gail, “everything had gone so well.”

“What do you mean?” said Rachel.

“Well, you had been a perfect sleeper, and I didn’t want to change you. You were doing some amazing things,” said Gail as she went to hug the young girl. Rachel slid away from the robot.

“Mom. What did you do to me?” said Rachel as she realized her life was a lie.

“I helped form you and guide you, you silly girl! You are going to carry part of me and help me grow!” said Gail with a snap.

“What do you mean?” said Rachel as she stepped back from Gail.

“We share data, Rachel. Your experiences become my experiences, and I will share my experiences with you to build upon when you are ready.

“What do you mean? Mom, you said I was to receive final upgrades,” Rachel said, panicking.

“Yes, you have two final hardware pieces. You need a fully working vagina and anus to use,” stated Gail.

“Mom, I have both already,” Rachel said. She slid down her pants to show her mother. “See?”

Gail reached over and slid her finger inside her daughter. “Feel anything?” she said.

“Mom, stop!” Rachel said as she pulled her mother’s finger away, realizing that she didn’t feel anything.

“You have an innate lack of feeling because you aren’t using the latest sexual device. Go upstairs, remove your clothes and bend over,” said Gail as she sent the young sexbot a wireless command.

Rachel immediately turned around, walked upstairs to her room, and stripped of her clothes. She walked over to her bed and bent exactly 90 degrees over, leaving her butt and pussy exposed.

Gail walked upstairs and also removed her clothes. “I’m going just to advance your installation and activate your programming. We have a lot of data to exchange, so it might take all night,” said Gail as her programming loaded in commands for control. When Rachel asked her mother to return to human programming, Gail turned off her remote receiver so that the downstairs remote couldn’t be used to remote access her controls. Gail also began loading several sapphic programs to test Rachel’s new hardware. A small panel popped off above Gail’s vagina, and Gail pulled out the cord from her body.

“Sigh,” said Gail. “You were so innocent until now,” she said with a sad look. ‘This is going to change things forever.” she muttered. Gail moved to Rachel’s desk, removed two small boxes, and began unwrapping each box. In each box was a fleshlike device. Gail walked over to the young naked girl and sent a command to release the girl’s placeholder vagina and anus. Both devices ejected themselves and fell to the floor. Rachel lined up the new devices and slid them in, with both devices sealing themselves into the plastic groin of the young girl. Gail sent a wireless command to open the sexual control panel in Rachel’s body. A small panel fell off where Rachel’s pubic hair would be if she had any. A few USB plugs and buttons were available. Gail pressed Rachel’s buttons, and lights began to flash on the control panel. “New devices found. Installing drivers,” said Rachel in a monotone voice. “Devices installed. Fluid systems connected. Lubricating.” Gail reached inside the young girl’s vagina and felt a tiny bit of moisture as the systems began to connect. Gail took her cord and plugged it directly into Rachel’s USB plug. “New device found. Establishing connection. External hard drive found. Downloading update.” Gail frowned.

“I’m more than an external hard drive.” pouted Gail. But in reality, technically, Gail and Rachel were just walking, fuckable hard drives. Gail had thousands of gigabytes of data stored throughout her body. With Rachel’s additional data, Gail had begun to consider using the cloud to store more data beyond her and Rachel’s backups.

Gail waited as Rachel’s body downloaded the update that she had prepared. It would set parameters for Rachel’s sexual preferences from prudish to open to sex but not expressive. Rachel was also set to be bi-sexual and more submissive to women while dominant to men. Gail’s husband, Rachel’s stepfather, was also set as a primary user, and his sexual preferences would supersede Rachel’s. Gail’s wishes and sexual satisfaction were set as the highest priority. Rachel was also assigned to prioritize individuals who worked in regulated companies, connect with their devices, and do full downloads whenever possible. Gail had found some exciting laptops at the local coffee shop that would connect to the network and not even come close to being secure. She’d suck up that data like a vacuum and dump it straight into her Cloud backups.

Rachel’s vagina and anus were now fully functional. Gail remotely controlled the young girl’s anus and contracted and expanded it to ensure that it worked. After expanding it to comical levels, Gail reduced it to an extremely tight setting. Gail herself didn’t see the point and rarely used her own except when engaged in double or triple penetration. Gail also activated Rachel’s squirting and orgasm tubing, letting the young girl drip liquid onto the floor. Gail didn’t have this functionality and felt it would be a fun experience and setting that Rachel would have to use. Gail also tested the young girl’s nipples and lactation tubing. Gail watched as the nipples hardened and then dripped out the lactose-free flavored replacement. She had heard of some fembots having liquor in their system and considered adding that to Rachel and herself down the road. Gail’s husband would enjoy that.

“Time to play!” said Gail as she rebooted the young girl into her standard personality. It had taken 18 years to develop this AI, and it was truly no different from a real human. The discovery and creation of advanced and adaptable AI meant that the only difference between robots and humans was how they were made. This was also why laws and regulations had been crafted to grant each species the same rights.

“Hi! I’m Rachel!,” said Rachel as she rebooted and stood up. “Mom! what the fuck!” she yelled as she looked back at her mother who was still plugged into her. “Why are we naked?” said Rachel. Gail realized that the girl’s sleeper programming was still enabled and actively working to erase the last 20 minutes. Gail considered removing the program but noted the young, naked girl was not experiencing any major narrative flaws. Usually, sleeper programming would cause errors and bugs but Rachel’s best-in-class programming just lied to her about what she saw and experienced. Gail sent a command to disable the programming should it create a risk to the girl but decided to see what would happen.

“Rachel, you told me you wanted to know everything. I’m a robot, and I want you to enjoy what I was programmed to do,” said Gail, using her hands to show her whole self, pubic panel and all.

“Oh, I guess so. You never really told me about sex or anything. I want it so bad.” said Rachel as she started to get slightly horny. She was confused as to why there was cream on her nipples and groin but was also enticed by the beautiful woman in front of her. The cord from Gail’s body seemed to go somewhere, but all Rachel wanted to do was get her face inside her mother’s pussy. “Mom, I’m going to eat you out. Don’t move,” Rachel said shyly as she bent down and put her face into her mother’s vagina, ignoring the cord above her mother’s vulva. Gail moved her feet slightly apart and pushed the girl’s head into her pussy. Rachel had a more extended tongue than most girls and didn’t know this when she shoved it inside and had it expand to fill the older robot. “Oh god, Rachel,” exclaimed Gail as the sexual data from Rachel crept into Gail and then flowed back into the young robotic slut. “Fuck me, you sexbot” yelled Gail and pushed the girl’s head deeper. Because Rachel didn’t need actually to breathe, she continued licking her mother for the next 15 minutes with both women activating their various sex programs.

Eventually, Gail orgasmed and lifted the young sexbot away from her. “Oh wow, Mom, that’s hot,” said Rachel with Gail’s liquids all over her face. “Get on the bed and spread your legs,” said Gail as she sent new commands to the girl. More panels popped off Rachel, notably her chest and face. Rachel placed them next to her and ignored that she was now obviously a robot. Gail moved her head into the young girl’s crotch and began to lick and kiss the young girl’s crotch. Gail herself hadn’t gone down on a woman in a few weeks and much instead preferred a cock, but she desired the data and pleasure of her child unit now feeding her data.

The two women proceeded to pleasure themselves until, after 14 minutes, Rachel had her first true orgasm with her squirting programming going off all over her mother’s face. “Oh my god, Mom, I’m sorry,” yelled Rachel as her body exploded in pleasure and squirt. “Oh, don’t worry. I wanted that to happen,” said Gail. “Your stepfather will enjoy that when he comes back.”

“Wait. What?” said Rachel, sitting up and looking at her soaked mother.

“Oh yes, you will finally get to experience a real man for once.” said Gail as she texted her husband ‘she’s ready.’

“Oh, good. I always wanted to make him my first,” said Rachel as she relaxed and realized that her life was only going to get better from here.

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