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Stories 8.11.23 - New Story: Chloe - Part 1 - The Escape Help
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Featured Author - August

Stories: 41

Story of the week:
Lost in the Shuffle

View past Author's of the Month

Mike took his jacket off and hung it on a peg near the door before locking the garage door and walking towards the living room and kitchen.

Before he could round the corner, he heard a quick pattering of footsteps and then Lena, his lovely android girlfriend, quickly rounded the corner to greet him, a smile and look of concern on her face.

“Welcome home!” She greeted, giving Mike a quick hug before surprising him by detaching her head and practically shoving it into his hands. He had just barely enough time to reorient her head in his hands so she was looking up at him before her body rushed back into the kitchen to continue preparing food.

“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you home for another seven minutes or so and I still need some time to prepare dinner for tonight, since it takes almost five hours to cook.”

“No worries,” Mike smiled, carefully walking over to the couch and sitting down with his girlfriend’s head in his lap. “I got relieved a few minutes early and was eager to get home to see you,” he explained, “Happy Anniversary!” he then said, lifting her up and planting a loving kiss on her lips.

“Happy Anniversary,” she replied, once he broke the kiss and rested her back down in his lap.

“I can’t believe it’s already been a year,” Mike mused, thinking back fondly to that day when he found Lena while cleaning the storage room at work.

“Yeah, best day of my life,” she smiled fondly.

“Mine too,” Mike agreed.

“So, how was your day?” she asked, staring intently into his eyes. He could hear her body continuing to work on the food in the kitchen behind him.

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