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Features New Content Editing
Gallery 7.17.23 - New Chapter: Naughty or Nice Article Drive
Stories 7.06.23 - New Story: Cherry 2000 Family - Too Much Money Help
Index of articles 6.12.23 - New Story: Terminatrix: Battle of the Queens Sandbox
ASFR Master List 6.01.23 - New Author: Dubhdanaidh Upload Files
Commissions 5.22.23 - New Chapter: Jeff and Sydney Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 5.14.23 - New Story: Cafe Stories Unused Files
Writing Workshop 5.07.23 - New Comic: Relationship Updates New Files

Featured Author - August

Stories: 41

Story of the week:
Fizzy Pop

View past Author's of the Month

“What is it?”

“It’s this new drink out called Fizzy Pop,” he explained, growing excited that his plan was slowly going well, “I don’t know how they do it, but they really get the flavors to pop,” he said. “Here, do you want to try?”

“Sure,” she said after giving it some thought. After she took a sip, she took a second larger sip and said, “Wow, this stuff tastes awesome!”

“Glad you think so,” George smiled, watching her intently. At first, he was worried that maybe she wasn’t an android after all, but suddenly a few seconds later, her head jerked.

“Goodness! I don’t know what happened!” she said, looking normal, aside from the fact that her left eye was twitching.

“Are you alright?” he asked her, hoping to coax a stronger malfunction.

“Sure…I mean, no, I mean yes, I…,” she said, her voice sounding digitally distorted, her face cycling through dozens of expressions.

“And here goes nothing,” George said, seizing his opportunity and pressing the override switch on the back of her neck, shutting her off.

“Systems shutting dowwwwwwwnnnnn,” she said, her voice winding down and her body slumping into his arms.

“Wow, didn’t realize how heavy you were,” he grunted, just barely keeping her from falling. “Better get you out of sight,” he said, and he carefully dragged her out of the break room and into a nearby stockroom where he knew he would not be disturbed, especially since he had already clocked out for the day.

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