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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 08:53 • October 16, 2024 • Users: 353 • Files: 95,293 • Pages: 112,019 • Edits: 193,622

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 9.22.24 - New Author: TotallyNot Article Drive
Stories 9.16.24 - New Story: Memory Leak Help
Index of articles 8.30.24 - New Story: The Expo Sandbox
ASFR Master List 8.22.24 - New Story: Rachel Upload Files
Commissions 8.21.24 - New Chapter: Roommates Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 8.16.24 - New Chapter: Frankie Unused Files
Writing Workshop 8.02.24 - New Story: Frustration New Files

Featured Author - October

Stories: 10

Story of the week:
The Halloween Story

View past Author's of the Month

For about five minutes Megan and I kissed and made out in passionately against the wall. Then she lead me back and into Sarah’s spare bedroom. Our clothes were off in seconds. I was too tired and a little hung over to rationalize what I was doing and with whom, but who cares. It was wild and it was great! Megan was a vixen who never tired and she knew all the right buttons to push. She had a perfect body and teased me and pleased me with it for over an hour until I toppled over exhuasted. We lay side by side flat on our backs on the bed. “”Holy geez Meg! Are you done with me?” I asked slightly out of breath. She turned her head and reached over and caressed my face. “Still think I’m an android? I am perfect. I cannot tire.” She replied. “Yeah, you’ve said that a lot tonight. I think you’re broken or have a virus or something.” I told her as I leaned over on to my side. She looked confused for a moment. “A virus?! If I was an android I would. . . would . . run a diagnostic and virus scan on my systems. This may take a few minutes which would allow you to relax.” She said. Her head did a light twitch then she lay there motionless. “Megan?” I called to her. Nothing. She finally snapped. I rolled over and hopped off the bed, grabbed my pants and headed back out into the living room. I looked at the clock on the wall as I entered. 3:25. Crap, is it late or just damn early now? I thought to myself. I spied what I was looking for on the floor. The little black device that would hopefully turn Sarah back on. One question that I just hadn’t answered, and yet nagged at me since the whole scenario began was why the glowing pendant? I had seen Sarah out plenty of time before and that wasn’t a permanent fixture with her.

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