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Features New Content Editing
Gallery 8.19.23 - New Story: Alex, Mia, and Lily Article Drive
Stories 8.17.23 - New Story: The Pilot Help
Index of articles 8.11.23 - New Story: Chloe - Part 2 - The Spa Sandbox
ASFR Master List 8.11.23 - New Story: Chloe - Part 1 - The Escape Upload Files
Commissions 7.17.23 - New Chapter: Naughty or Nice Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 7.06.23 - New Story: Cherry 2000 Family - Too Much Money Unused Files
Writing Workshop 6.12.23 - New Story: Terminatrix: Battle of the Queens New Files

Featured Author - September

inky 2
Stories: 4

Story of the week:

View past Author's of the Month

“Yes I am a Eastech 2300 gen 2 “Ashley” model Android designated Jessica, serial number 83355DF1” She says matter of factly

“Ok that all seems to be in order let’s get this started so we can get you on your way, why don’t you stand up for me so I can get some pictures of you” Sara said with a pleasant tone she knew she didn’t need to take with the android woman at this point.

Jessica stands up perfectly straight as Sarah takes pictures of her from every side. State laws required androids to be retested with the government in case of accidents or malfunctions I which law enforcement would need to be involved. While some self owned and sentient androids took issue with these laws, the majority were ok with complying as it allowed them to keep there independent status.

“Ok next I need pictures with out your cloths on I can step out if you would like” Sara’s says

“oh that’s not necessary” Jessica responds as she starts to remove her shirt

In normal situations she would never strip in front of a stranger like this, but in this setting that she is strictly viewed as an associate her social cues programming is not necessary. She slides out of her pants and is in a simple black lace thong and bra.

“Is this good or fully nude?” Jessica asked

“Fully nude please” Sara responds looking at her notes

Jessica removes her bra and panties and stand at attention waiting for Sara. Jessica regardless of the situation and programmed response Jessica was proud of her body standing 5’6” blonde shoulder length hair 36 DD breast and a lovely backside she was built to appear ultra realistic with only a few signs of her artificial nature. A mark behind her left ear to show where her emergency command button was along with an power button, also close inspection of her eyes will reveal they do not dilate at the same speed or consistency as a human eye. She continues to stand still at attention as Sara takes the same pictures as she did earlier. Sara puts the camera away and walks over to Jessica.

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