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[EntendreEntendre|Featured Artist - August: EntendreEntendre]]

Featured Author - August

Stories: 41

Story of the week:
Blind Date

View past Author's of the Month

“May I take a closer look at your brain?”


“Thanks,” I said, and I dove back in and got a closer look at her brain. Her brain was a large cluster of computer components with a multitude of wires leading in and out of it from all over her body. It seemed that there was a cluster of microprocessors behind it, possibly accessed through a rear panel, but in the middle of the cluster was a box shaped device that protruded from the rest slightly. It appeared to have a small monitor on it, as well as a speaker. “Becca, what is this box shaped thing in the middle here?”

“Well, that’s actually my brain, the rest is just a processing station which translates the sense information from the rest of my body to my A.I., and the commands from my A.I. to the rest of my body,” she explained, "Basically it's like a disc player, and my brain is the disc."

“Can it be removed?"

“Of course, otherwise it would be much harder to transfer me to a new body. I’ve had three different bodies, so far, as each one ages to a certain point, a new body is then created,” she explained, and then she stopped, “Would you like to remove it?”

“Is it safe?” I asked, quite taken aback at her question.

“Yes, my brain isn’t hot to touch,” she assured me, “and don’t be afraid to examine the rest of my body while I am out…just don’t take any of my clothes off."

“Alright, if you say so,” I said, and I carefully reached in and then pulled the box until it came loose. The second her brain came out, a few lights blinked red and then her body stopped moving. Aside from that, nothing else happened. “Wow, this is cool!” I said, looking at the small box that was now in my hand. It was roughly the size of several portable hard drives put together. On the front was a screen with a speaker and microphone next to it, and all along the sides were a series of fiber optic connection points, as well as a next-gen USB port on the front. The back appeared to house a complicated power pack, allowing her brain to still be online despite being disconnected from her body. Although it was not hot, it was still quite warm since Becca’s mind was inside of it.

“Wow, this feels weird,” Becca’s voice sounded perfectly from the speaker.

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