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Welcome to FembotWiki

Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 15:21 • October 16, 2024 • Users: 353 • Files: 95,293 • Pages: 112,019 • Edits: 193,623

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 9.22.24 - New Author: TotallyNot Article Drive
Stories 9.16.24 - New Story: Memory Leak Help
Index of articles 8.30.24 - New Story: The Expo Sandbox
ASFR Master List 8.22.24 - New Story: Rachel Upload Files
Commissions 8.21.24 - New Chapter: Roommates Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 8.16.24 - New Chapter: Frankie Unused Files
Writing Workshop 8.02.24 - New Story: Frustration New Files

Featured Author - October

D. Olivaw
Stories: 15

Story of the week:
Trixie or Treat

View past Author's of the Month

“Uh.h.h.h.h.h.h.h…” Trixie’s mouth dropped open as the distorted stutter droned on, hardly audible over the steady crackling and sizzling from her self-destructing circuitry. Rings of dull red light blinked around her pupils. Just as Victor was about to try to sneak past her, a few fat, white sparks shot from her ear. She made a garbled electronic noise in her throat and jerked back a few inches, blinking frantically until her gaze fell on Victor.

“You make me so horny,” she said, sounding tinny and distant. “I’m always wet for you, Ry-Ry-Ry—” the clunking returned but instead of a beep it ended with metallic ting followed by the sound of an object jouncing it’s way down through Trixie’s body “—USER NAME.” A speaker inside her began beeping urgently.

Breaking through the wreath of smoke that had gathered around her head, Trixie began a stiff-legged march towards Victor. “Do you like my body?”

Victor tried to make his escape from the faltering sex-doll by sidling around her but he underestimated her speed. She grabbed hold of his shirt and his attempt to twist away instead pulled her into him. Her glistening plastic bust smushed against his chest.

“No real girl can compete with my perfect body-dy-dy.y.y.y.y—” a loud buzz-buzz-buzz ended with a bang as a narrow strip of skin between Trixie’s breasts burst outward onto Victor followed by a scalding shower of sparks. Smoking wires crowded the inside of the gap, lit by a flickering flame on the surface of a circuit board.

Smarting from his burns, Victor threw Trixie bodily across the room. The back of her head struck the edge of the wooden coffee table with a plastic crunch before she flopped down underneath it.

“I’msuchanairheadI’msuchanairhead…” she repeated

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