Orvy Otter: The First Activation

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In a dimly-lit laboratory, a lone work table sits in the center of the facility. A figure covered in thick plastic wrap was situated on top of the table, laying on its backside. Soon, a shadow walks in, and removes the tarp. What lies beneath is the shadowy scientist’s greatest creation.

Under the tarp lies an anthropomorphic male sea otter, about 6 feet and 2 inches tall. He had a somewhat synthetic look, his brown fur being neatly combed and quite glossy. He was quite muscular, proudly displaying a 4-pack with puffed-out pecs, his nipples a bright blue color, almost turquoise. He also had a curvy physique, with a massive rear. His 9-inch shaft was erect and slightly dripping. But the most unique part was a pattern of glowing blue lines covering his arms, the same blue color creating a Mohawk-like hairdo on top of his head.

This otter was not organic at all. He was a powerful, technologically-advanced animatronic companion unit created for intimate moments.

After getting a good look at his finished creation, the scientist walked up to the otter-bot and pressed on his collarbone. It clicked, and the “anthroid” began its activation procedure.

“0tt3rBot unit 7-15 online. Booting up personality software… loading… loading… loading… bootup complete.” A few seconds of silence passed, and suddenly, the otter gasped loudly, and began breathing heavily. He sat up, looked around for a bit, and began to speak.

“Hi there, my beloved creator. My name is Orville Otter, but please, just call me Orvy.”

“Yes, Orvy,” the scientist replied. “Now that you’re fully operational, before we do anything, let me help you get used to your many functions.” The eager scientist walked over to his creation, and started to feel him up, rubbing his hands all over the cybernetic otter’s body. He then stuck his finger in his belly button, and heard another click. Immediately, Orvy’s pecs lifted off his torso and split apart on hinges, revealing an array of wires, LED lights, and other circuitry. A touchscreen was situated in the center of Orvy’s rib cage, which gave the scientist access to his settings. Orvy himself looked down in awe, becoming somewhat aroused by his inner mechanisms.

“Here is your control panel, Orvy,” the scientist exclaimed. “With it, I can adjust your various features to the best of your ability, and download new applications to further improve your systems.” He then opened a folder on Orvy’s control panel, revealing more features. “I will now demonstrate your self-defense mechanisms. First, you have an energy blaster embedded into your left forearm.” The scientist pushed a button on the panel, causing Orvy’s forearm to split down the middle, his hand disappearing into the opening, making way for the blaster to pop out. “I don’t plan on showing you how to use it right now, but when you ever plan on doing so, you know where to find it.” Next, he pushed another button on Orvy’s control panel, making his whole body glow a bright blue. “This is your force field. It gives you enhanced durability, and makes you immune to attacks from criminals.”

“Seems a bit dangerous, but I don’t have a problem with using them in the future.” Orvy replied. The scientist commanded Orvy to close his torso doors, to which he did. “Now, you also have sexual functions to supply your partners with infinite pleasure.” He then moved his hands down to Orvy’s erection, opening a hatch on his shaft to reveal some buttons. “Your penis is equipped with an automatic vibration mechanism, allowing your partners to be given enhanced arousal.” He pushes one of the buttons, causing Orvy’s dick to shiver and shake back and forth at sonic speed, like a real vibrator. The scientist disabled the function after a few seconds. “You also have multiple sensors underneath your synthetic skin and fur, granting input from your partners to arouse you as well.” Orvy stared into space for a few seconds, processing the information given to him by his creator. A beep was heard, and he nodded his head in affirmation. “Okay.” he simply uttered.

“Well, those are just a few of your features.” the scientist told Orvy. “Tomorrow we’ll fully begin testing them, but until then, I think you should get some rest.” Orvy’s face melted into a disappointed expression. “Aww, but I wanted to try them out today…” he solemnly moaned. “It’s okay, my creation. It won’t be long.” the scientist replied, hugging Orvy to comfort him. After yawning, he pressed Orvy’s collarbone again, causing him to slump over, eyes darkening, mouth wide open, giving him a blank stare. The scientist then laid Orvy’s lifeless body back down on the table, and soon he went to his apartment on the lab’s upper floor. This was just the beginning of the life of Orville “Orvy” Otter.