Backally bust up(Story)
[Art Done once again by Altop_ilust]
Back Alley Bust Up
Lango, the monkey thief, begrudgingly trotted down the streets of the futuristic city of Krakton. A city that was promised to give any man or woman a new fresh start at life, and a well paying job…
A shame that that was the old Krakton. Now, finding any ‘legitimate’ or ‘Legal’ job in the city has become more of a hassle, then entering the city itself. What with most of the workforce being taken up by machines… And robotics.
Thankfully for Lango however, he was a thief/burglar/scrapper. Taking anything and everything that wasn’t nailed to the floor, was his literal bread and butter, as he would then sell these ‘goods’ at the blackmarket.
‘Robot parts’ in particular, was a VERY sought after item class that almost everyone wanted, but only a very few ventures into the life of an illegal scrapper. Robots are the ones that took around 75% of everyone's jobs, and that percentage is only rising slightly by the month, so of course there are both those who wish to get into the bot business, without paying the big bucks for a brand new one. And then there are those who pay big time, just to have a good handful of these walking blocks of iron and synth flesh, decommissioned for good.
However, this venture of breaking open these walking tin-cans, comes with its own variety of hazards and consequences, should the scrapper end up fucking up on the job. And depending on the company from which said bot belongs to, it commonly ends with death…
But Lango was a smart guy, always finding a way out of a tricky situation… Even though it’s always been by the skin of his teeth.
Plus, ever since he became a part time scrapper, he managed to get a solid 15 bots under his belt of parts hauls, and has yet to bite the dust. This has made the monkey a bit cocky, more so then he already was, causing him to be a slight bit sloppy when it comes to analyzing his bot targets.
Tho this sloppiness started around his tenth bot kill, and he was just ‘Lucky’ that the five afterwards were just regular ones. But one's luck is not infinite, and at some point, said luck will run out… At the most crucial of times.
As the monkey walked down the streets at the dead of night, he grumbled and grinded his teeth together in annoyance, kicking an empty can on his begrudged walk.
Recently, his last employer scammed him of his full pay, on the claim that the parts and goods he brought them were in ‘poor’ condition, and was then not worth the amount Lango was promised. He wanted to punch the bastard right in his smug face, and leave with the goods to sell to someone else, but sadly, said bastard had two well armed guards with him, plus, he was in deep need for money at this time, so he had no other choice then to accept the ‘meager’ amount he was offered, and left the building in cold fury.
“Goddamn greedy… Fucking, rat-bastard…” He seethed through his teeth.
But, further down the street he walked down in, he saw quite the sight, Which temporarily knocked him out of his annoyed state of mind. Both at what he saw, and that he may just have found his saving grace for the night.
Leaning up against a wall with their back, arms crossed and perking up their more then appropriate sized bust, stood a stunningly owl dragon hybrid looking lady, butt naked with all her bits on full display, and seeming to not pay any mind to her naked position.
Ignoring the naked part, they would have looked completely normal… was it not for their slightly illuminated eyes, and the bar-code plastered under their left tit, screaming to everyone that noticed, that she was, in fact, a robot.
Tho them being butt naked in the open, gave that away from the get go. Whore-bots like these were quite the favored demand amongst many a man and woman alike, who either sought a desperate and unhealthy attempt at ‘love’, or who wanted to let their pent up or sadistic aggressions out on something that wasn’t a real person.
But it’s only on the lesser patrolled areas that one would see these naked ones. Their owners figured out that the best way to entice people to take their whores out for a spin, was to have them wander about the open streets, and let people's baser instincts do the rest.
It did, however, result in the city’s authorities putting up a new law that, should any of these ‘Depraved’ acts of indecency be spotted by law enforcements, said machine would either be confiscated, or just decommissioned on the spot and thrown to the scrapyard.
Surprisingly, sex-bot owners are still to this day, sending their bots out to wander the streets, knowing fully well the risks and consequences of such an action. But easy money has always been too good to pass out on for folks like them, so they could give less of a fuck what the police says… At least until they lose a whore afterwards for their hubris.
Anyways… Lango stops a fair distance away from the bird-bot, far enough so it wouldn’t register him just yet. He gives the bird’s body a thorough look over, at least as thorough as he could from the distance, noting every detail of their being, with his eyes lingering on the bird’s chest for a few seconds longer, each time his gaze travels up and down it’s frame.
“Hmm, with such a detailed tail… small to medium class motors?... Legs… perhaps decent quality hydraulics… And those optics…” He half mumbled, half thought, while holding onto his jaw in thought, scratching his chin as he contemplated ‘doing’ them or not.
“……Naa, to hell with it…” He said to no one. “I really need my dick sucked right about now, so might as well get some use out of this bitch before the ‘fun’ part…” He chuckled shortly, his lips dawning a cocky smile as he proceeded to approach the bird hooker.
The moment he was within ten meters of the bird, did it twist its horned head towards him. Their face taking on a beckoning and lusty look, as they pushed themselves off and away from the wall to stand at attention, tits bouncing for a few seconds as they did.
Now that he was closer to it, he realized how taller they were then him, about a good head taller than himself, which, if he had to be honest, scratched one of his kinks. He liked when women were taller than him, always giving him a rush when he was dominating ‘giantesses’ like these.
“Hey there handsome~. Looking for a good time tonight?” She huskely asks, bending down slightly to highlight her massive breasts seductively. Lango knew that this was just standard procedure for these walking dolls, to entice weak willed individuals into spending their money on one-night-stands, and maybe even more than it’s actually worth at times.
“You bet!. Tho i’m kinda in a hurry, so a blowjob has to suffice. As much as i would have loved to wreck that fake pussy of yours” He tells the whore, crossing his arms in false annoyance and disappointment. Acting like he was there ONLY to have sex, and nothing else.
“Oohhh… Sorry to hear that baby. Then i’ll make sure to drain those hefty balls of yours, until you can’t get me out of your head, stud~” She teasingly stated, Before turning around. “Please follow me around the corner here the-”
“Actually, could we do it over in the ally there?” Lango asks the bird, pointing over to another dark alley a few houses away. “I’ve done a few of your other tin-whore pals in that one a couple of times now, it’s become a bit of a tradition for me to do them there… So is that a feasible request for you?” He asked again, Giving her a bit of a pleading look.
He could see how her optics twisted and spun, before answering a few seconds later. “Oh i’m not sure baby, i’m not allowed to follow studs like you into off limit areas like that on-”
“I can pay you double for it. Wouldn't it please your boss if you got an extra tip for your work, hmm?” He questioningly hums. Knowing exactly what their masters have set as the highest priority for these slut-bots.
The whore froze again for another few seconds, before a lusty smile dawned her beak again. “He sure will, handsome~. Lead the way then, stud~” She squawked, which made the monkey grin a malicious grin.
“Great!. Then get that fine ass moving bitch!. haha” He laughed, before giving her nice behind a solid slap, as he walked off to the other alley.
“Hmm, I like how dirty you talk to me, baby~” She retorted, hips swaying as she followed close behind the ape.
Unbeknownst to the whore-bot however, was that she was walking into one of Lango’s scrapping spots.
Lango, having done this side job for a good while now, had made a few ‘hidden’ stashes containing the tools he needed to break open any standard bot he would get his hands on. And this alley just so happened to be one of his more well stashed locations.
“Alright then…” He began once they had moved far enough inside the alley, before, with a swift pull on the rim of his pants, he stood completely naked, cuck at half mast already. “Start doing your thing then, bitch~” He commanded.
And he didn’t have to wait long, as the bird-bot was down on her knees in under a second, and had already swallowed the whole of his cuck down to the base.
"Ho-ho l-y… Fuck~!.... You one of theaahhaa~, uuhhh… Newer models?” He moaned between words, completely taken back by the bird’s powerful oral suction, and that goddamn silky smooth tongue twirling around his meat.
“Hihihi, I sure am, baby!. Ver. 3.25 of my line to be specific!. I’ve got the latest in oral and virginal hardware technologie, plus anal for good measure!. Upgraded heaters and vibrators to really make a stud feel all snug and pleased while they fuck me raw!~” She spoke without removing his dick from her mouth. Which was clearly a feature of some kind, as he felt a low yet pleasing tingle running through his cuck while she spoke.
Her eyes rolled up to look at him, once she bottomed down on his prick, staying there for a moment. “I’m any stud’s dream girl come true!~” she proclaimed, before going back to bobbing her head vigorously back and forth on his prick.
“Heh… you sure are…” Lango remarked, with a bit of a darker undertone to it.
“Just like how the others before you said that, before either getting replaced by a newer model, or ripped to shreds by scrappers…” He bemusingly thought to himself.
Now, personally, her line of bots are the ones he’s only heard stories of from fellow scrappers, and all he's gotten from said stories, was that the ai for this line was rather ‘dumb’ compared to the other company lines.
Yet, up till now, she’s been acting with the same finesse and attitude, as some of the other whore-bots that he’s fucked. Soo, either the stories were a bunch of hogwash, or the Ai to her line has gotten a major update.
The fembot continued to suck him off for the next five minutes, until he grunted out his imminent release, grabbing onto the bird’s horns for extra support before cramming as much of his schlong as he could, down the whore-bot’s synthetic throat.
He moaned out deep and loud, blasting his baby batter down her gullet with vigorous abandon. Spurred even more on by her pleased gurgles and slurping moans of simulated pleasure, even though it was only part of her programming to make those noises to please their client…
“Ahh-Mhh!. Ghh-yeaah~ That's the good shit…” He groaned out, his arms letting go of the bird’s horns in numbness from the pleasure, followed by his back doing the same, as he bends back slightly to just enjoy the bliss of a post-nutting.
The whore-bot bobs a bit more on his rod, while twirling their tongue around it a few more times, before pulling of it with a satisfying *Plop!*. Sighing a pleased and satisfied sigh, the bird then starts to grind their beak against lango’s ball sack, trying to entice him for another round. “You taste amazing, baby~. And your cum was just the right kind of salty, Mhh HM!. Please sugar~ I NEED that glorious meat rod of yours inside me. Please… I can’t function right if I don't feel you ravage my insides with that BEAST you call a cock!” The whore begged, reaching a hand up to group his balls, while simultaneously nibbing at it with her beak and giving his half erect member a few kisses.
“Hmm… Alright then… I think I can squeeze in a little more time, just for you baby~. How about you bend over that trash can over there, and i’ll be with you in a moment” He suggested to the fembot, who gave him a glad and lusty smile before walking over to the trash can, hips and ass swaying vigorously as she walked.
“Heheh… Too damn easy, as usual” He thought. Pleased that the whore-bot had been the one to ask for another round, which would only lead to her imminent decommissioning!.
Lango’s strategy was simple. He would have a little fun with the tin-cans, luring them into thinking he was just a regular joe, and when their guard is down, then its lights out for the unfortunate bot. Sure, it’s not the most efficient way of doing it, but Lango was an opportunist, so what if there was a higher risk of things going bad, at least he’ll get his rocks off before either scoring big time, or getting put six feet under.
The fembot whore placed her hands down on one of the few trash cans’s lids, thrusting her ass out to him and moving her tail over her shoulder, giving a little happy toot in confirmation.
“Ruugh~ I’m ready for you when you are, stud~”
“Yeah… Just a second baby… I need to… ‘Grab’ something real quick… Just stay like that and keep looking forward, I want this to be a ‘Surprise’...” He replied.
“Oooh~, that sounds interesting, Sugar~... Can’t wait to Feel it~” The whore tooted, oblivious to what was coming.
“Heheh… yeah…” He began, while rummaging through some of the garbage, until he found what he was looking for. “...You’ll ‘FEEL’ it, alright…” He finished, a devious smile began to creep up on his face, as he pulled out the concealed sledgehammer from amidst the trash.
When he first began his side gig as a scrapper, he never paid much mind to how he felt when he ripped open those bots. But with each tin-can he scraped, the more and more he realized that he had a ‘kink’ for breaking them. A kink theme, that he never thought he was gonna be part of, but here he was, getting slightly ecstatic about what was to come.
He turned back around to see the whore-bot swaying her hips ‘impatiently’, giving a few needy moans and peeps, as her coding made her act unruly.
“Mmmhh!, what's taking you so long baby!?. Ram that meaty rod inside me already!. The suspense is frying my circuits!” She squawked out, still doing as she was commanded and looked forward, which only made the monkey chuckle, menacingly.
“heheheh, don’t worry, sweet thing, i’ve got your surprise riiiight here!. All ready to give you a great old time~. Now, I'm gonna count to three, and I wanna hear you squeal when i give it to you. Ready?” He asks, standing right behind the whore-bot, sledge hammer in both hands.
“I was MADE ready, sugar!~”
“Haha, alright…” He laughed.
“1…” He began, raising the hammer slowly over his head.
“2…” The hammer was now as high as he could hold it, ready to bash the fembot’s mechanical brain into splinters.
“3!!” He yelled, swinging the hammer down with all his might.
However, the moment it was half way down, the bird’s tail sprung to life, twisting around the hammer’s pool, and stopping it dead in its tracks.
“What the-?!”
- Crik-Bompf!*
Lango didn’t get a second to process what just happened, before one of the whore-bot’s legs cogged back, and shot straight into his gut with the force of a truck, knocking him away to the other side of the alley.
As Lango rolled across the ground, he skittered into some of the trash cans with a loud *CRASH!* of sheet metal getting thrown about. He groans in pain, reaching both behind his back, and onto his stomach, to ease the pain, while also clenching his teeth in pain, as it runs through said spots.
“[Alert!...]” The bot blurted out, as they stiffly bent back up to their full height, tail still holding the sleigh hammer behind them. “[Hostile action detected from customer!...]” They continued, turning around and looking down at the prone monkey, as their pupils lit up with a menacing red. “[Damage to company property is not permitted!. Addendum, new main objective offericed…]”
The whore-bot’s tail moved to her side to give them the hammer, which they took up like it didn’t weigh a thing.
“[Target Objective…]” She said, holding the hammer in either end, before snapping it in two like a twig “[Full Termination]” They blurted out, dropping the broken hammer pieces, as she approached with killing intent.
Lango got up as fast as he could, legs shaking slightly from the shock of the bot’s piston powered kick.
“[Terminating Hostile]” The whore-bot chipped, marching their way towards the downed monkey with heavy steps. Pupils glowwing an extra dangerous red, and brows lowered in an angered state.
“Woah! Woah! Lady!. We can talk about-FUCK!” He didn’t get to finish before having to roll out of the way, as the bird whore kicked at him with the power and speed of a bullet, punching a hole into the wall he stood in front of a second ago.
He got back on his feet, lifting his fists in a boxing stance, for all the good that does.
The bird rips out their leg from the wall like it was nothing, before stomping towards the monkey again.
- Pant* *Pant* “Alright… No biggie… I’ve fought a few of you tin-whores before… You won’t be any different!” He proclaimed, quickly stepping up to the bot before side stepping a swipe from her right, and then again with a powerful kick, before returning the gesture with a flurry of blows. But as one would expect, they had no effect on the fembot, who then proceeded to throw a punch at him in kind, which he barely blocked, and which also pushed him away onto his ass.
He winced in pain from the blow to his forearms, now opting for primarily only dodging the bot’s blows, instead of trying to tank them. Just from that blow, he feels he's gotten a few fractures in his arms.
“Grrr… Okay… fuck… maybe you are gonna be a different case…” He grunted through the pain, as he rose back up.
At this rate, he would with guarantee end up as a bloody smier on the ground. He needed something to give him an edge against this thing… And as he thought about this, that was when he remembered the new addition he had added to his stash recently.
“The Stun baton!” He thought. All he needed was to get to it, and ram that sucker in between the bitch’s tits, hopefully overloading her systems before she manages to snap his neck!. But, as luck would have it, said stash was being unknowingly guarded by said bitch.
“First thing first…” He thought, looking for anything useful, while the murderous fembot bird slowly stumped towards him. “I need to disorient her with something…”
Then he remembered they were in a trash alley. Rolling his eyes and clapping himself in the head for being that dumb to forget, he grabs one of the trash bags and hurls ‘em in the face of the fembot, making them flail their arms around, as they try to get rid of the obscurance that blocked their vision.
“[Error, Error. Optical functions, hindered!]”
“Haha!. Thats what you get!...” Lango exclaimed while running past the stunned whore-bot.
Once he got to the trash pile where his other stuff was hiding, he immediately started digging through it to find his baton. “Come on.. Come on!. Gaa, damn it!. Of all the times for this to be this well hidden, it had to be NOW!?!” He hissed in panicked frustration, not noticing that the whore-bot was done clearing the trash out of her face.
After a moment more, he finally found what he was looking for…
“AH HA!. Found you, you little piece of- GRHURK!?!”
While at the same time, the fembot finally found her death grip on the monkey’s neck. Slowly lifting him off the floor as he struggled to no avail, and turning him around to both look him dead in the eye, and getting a better grip on his throat.
“[Terminating…]” The fembot coldly repeated, her grip tightening around Lango’s throat.
Lango kept struggling as bedst as he could, but the world’s light was quickly fading around him, as he felt the grim reaper’s cold boney hand gracing his shoulder. He was just about to give up, but then remembered through his panicked mind, that he still held the baton in his other hand.
With a spark of determination to not die like this, it lit aflame what remained of his fury, as with his free hand, he grabbed onto the arm that was choking him, and glared at the bot with fire in his eyes, and gritted teeth.
“Grgh!-Remember that…Graag!- Surprise I was talking about…?” He asked the fembot, to which he got no answer other then a cold glare. “Well…” He coughed out, lifting the baton up beside his head “H-here it-Grrk!- is!” He coughed out again.
“So you can just FUCKING…” He blurted out through clenched teeth, and boiling determination, cogging his arm back before thrusting the tip of the baton between the whore-bot’s tits, effectively also stabbing it slightly into her sythflesh. “TAKE IT!!!!” He Roared as loud as he could, before switching the baton’s output to max.
Electricity surged through the fembot’s systems, arcs of electrical energy danced across the bird-bots body, as its limbs started to spaz out of control, dropping the monkey to weez for air, as its systems were being overloaded by the stun baton lodged in their chest.
“Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-KZZ! Po-po-po-power surge-uge-uge critical-al-BZZT! My tight-my tight-my-my-my-KZZ! Sy-sy-system melt-meltdown-down-downmelt-PZZT! Choke me-me with-KZZ!-ASS-BZZ!-Monster cu-KZZ!-Little cumdump-dump-dump-WARNING!WARNING! Power thresssshhhh-hold at critical!…” The bird-bot blurted out as her arms spun around like a windmill, while clumsily walking about like she was drunk. Her head would twitch left and right sporadically, while her eyes spun around in their sockets, and her beak opened and closed at a rapid paste.
Lango just watched as the show unfolded, still touching around his sore neck as he did so. After a few more seconds tho, he began to hear a rather foreboding *EEEEE* sound coming from the malfunctioning fembot, and said sound was only getting louder.
“Oh yes-yes sugar-suger-suger-KZZ! Yes master-master-BZZ! Fuck me up!-fuck me up!-fuck me up!-KZZ! A-alert!, processor n-n-not respon-onding-KZZ Alert! Ma-major program-aaam error!. Abort! Abort! Abor-BZZT!-POP! Fuck yeah-fuck yeah-fuck yeah-fuck yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyheayeah*KAPOW!!*”
With a blast of electricity, and copious amounts of sparks, the fembot’s back blew open in a burst of sparks and smoke. But not only did its back panel blow off, it seems the bird’s CPU couldn't handle the overload either, as a hole had been blown open through the top of its twitching head, a small trail of smoke and sparks seething out of their open cranium.
“Yeeaahhh SuuuGAR!. DiiicKKK mmmy… bIg FUCkiNg TI-TI-Iiiii lIKe wwwhhheeennn yyyooouuu tttaaalllkkkkkk…Dddiiirrrttttyyyyyyy…” The broken bot droned out, slumping down a bit, while still twitching now and again, thanks to the baton still stuck between her bosom.
Lango sat on the ground for a little longer, watching the fembot as her systems were melting down from the overcharge of energy, from his now as good as broken stun baton. After a few more moments, he decided to get up and slowly approached the singed bot, as most of its violent shaking and twitching had more or less ceased, making him prey that its systems have been cooked enough for him to start ripping out what hasn’t melted yet, without any more resistance… Or retaliation.
He stood before the bot, but it didn’t seem to register him or react to his approach. Soo, thinking that he had successfully burned its systems out, he went to grab the bot so he could lie it down to pick it apart. But the moment his fingers graced its fake skin, did he receive quite the scare, when its head snapped up to look at him with unfocused eyes.
Lango jumped back in fright, thinking that he was about to receive another kick or punch, but nothing came thankfully, all it really did was just looking at him with a lustful smile.
“He-he-hey there hand-hand-handsom-DADDY-Handsome~. Wanna-I need!-Please fuck my tight ass~. KZZT! System error…*Pop!*” The whore-bot blurted out, before her left eye ejected out of its socket, and now hung lazaly down her cheek.
At this point, Lango has had enough of the bot’s constant surprises on him. So, with a bit of irritation in his movement, he grabs the bot by its shoulders, before roughly throwing them face first into the ground, knocking the baton that still sat lodged in her chest, skittering across the ground away from them. “Alright ‘Baby’, I think it’s about time you call it ‘quits’ for today…” He seethed through his teeth, while taking position behind the whore-bot’s raised ass. “So i’ll give you one last fuck, before we say ‘goodbye’.... Because after that ‘workout’ you gave me, I REALLY need to blow off some extra steam!... And also get some painkillers…Fuck!” He told the broken fembot, grunting slightly in pain from some of his injuries, before lining up his dick to her pussy lips, and ramming it inside as far as he could, with no fanfare to it. He just wanted this to be over so he could move on. With how loud they were, he doubted that he had long before someone came looking.
“AAAaahhh-AAhHHAaaA-[Word Error]-D-D-D-Dick-Great ass-Yes babybaby!. Pound my-Bzz-beautiful-Bzz-Bitch!-Bzz-Face~”
“Damn, that baton really cooked your systems didn’t it?…” He remarked, while being mostly annoyed that the bitch-bot hadn't burnt out fully as intended, yet still intrigued and slightly amazed that they are still ‘relatively’ functioning.
“Oooo-ooooo-oooo-Error-oohhh i-i-i love it when you talk-talk-talk dirty, stud~BZZT!- Choke me on your MONSTER CUCK-GZZT!-DICK-PZZT!-PUSSY DESTROYER, master!” The bot blurted out, clearly only responding to his words, but not the context of his words
Lango just rolled his eyes, before going back to focusing on getting himself off.
As he thrusted in and out of the whore-bot’s nethers, he only kept getting amazed by how most of her systems still worked after that nasty shock, in this case being the vibrators and massagers, that ran around the fleshlight he was currently fucking.
‘Worked’ in the sense that they still were operational. Right now, the coding and safeties that regulated the tempo and pressure of these functions, were with guarantee fried beyond repair, as the inner apparatuses were just going to town on his meat in a chaotic fashion, at times even squeezing down a little to hard for his liking, but nothing too ‘threateningly’ for his jr.
But beside all the frustrations that he had with the bot since their scuffle, he was getting back into liking the fembot again, as this artificial pussy was just too damn good for him to stay mad… At Least for the time being that was.
But, after a time of vigorous sex with the burned out whore-bot, and the waterfall of corrupted and mashed together lines streaming out of said whore-bot’s speaker, Lango was close to the finish line.
And from the looks of things, the fembot wasn’t far behind. If the small yet steadily growing plumes of black smoke, raising out of her exposed back, was any indication of her imminent and total meltdown.
Grunting his warning of his imminent cumplosion, the monkey was gonna pump this whore full until her fluid containers broke. But then had a better idea, when he looked down at her smoking back hatch.
Dawning a sinister smile once again, and giving a little chuckle through his grunts, Lango gave the bot’s backside a few last powerful thrusts, before roaring his release to the broken sex-bot.
“Gaa!, here it comes you damn bucket of bolts!. Fucking take it, you robotic slut!! GGRRRAAAAA!!!” He roared, cuck pumping a few hot loads deep inside the malfunctioning fembot, before he pulled out to rain the majority of his load down into her exposed circuitry, watching as some of her vital components would burst into flame from the unwanted liquid.
And the cacophony that followed was like music to the monkey thief’s ears.
“MAJORMALFUCTION!MAJORMALFUCTION!MAJORMALFUCTION!MAJ-MAJ-MAJ-MAJ-MA*KAPOW!!!* HeeelLLO!...PlEeeeAse fUcKkkk- Hi i’Mmm- oh yEs!-Oh YEsssssS!..*KZZ!* HoPE! yyouuuu enJOYED YOUR!*PZZT!* TIiime wiiitthhh…meeeeeeee…*KZZT!* *POW!* ShUTiiiinng… Dooooowwwnnnn…” The sex-bot drowned out with a final spew of sparks flying out the hole in her head, before said head *Clunked* to the floor. The glow in their eyes blinking out, yet said eyes would still twitch now and again, receiving false and dead signals, from a cpu that's long overcooked.
“Aaahhahaha!. HoooWE!. Damn did that feel good!” The monkey proclaimed, lying his still twitching cuck between the bird-bot’s still vibrating ass cheeks, small spurts of his baby batter pulling between them before slowly trickling down the bot’s back. “What do you say, baby?” He asked the broken bot.
“*KZZT* SQUA..!*PZZT* *POP!* Boooo…”
“...Ehh, I thought as much” He nonchalantly admitted, whipping off the remaining cum and juices that stained his dick, unto the broken bot’s still vibrating behind, before standing up from the wrecked whore-bot, on shaky legs.
“But you were a fun toy to play with, i must admit. Tho we could have spared ourselves the fight, had you just stayed still as a good little doll~” He told the non responsive bot.
“A shame your memory chip is sure as hell burnt beyond salvaging, I would have loved to keep you around if that weren’t the case~” He told the broken doll devilishly, with a pitch of sarcasm mixed into his tone. But the only response he got a few seconds later, was in the form of his own cum splattering out of the bot’s pussy, staining the ground below it, white.
“*Sigh* But I guess I just have to settle with the next best thing…” He began, walking over to his stuff by some of the trash cans, and pulled out various tools for deconstruction, before turning back to the whore-bot with a power drill and crowbar. “Salvaging what useful parts your big pretty ass has, for profit!. Heheheh” He chuckled sinisterly.
“HEY!. The fuck is going on back here!?” A Gruff voice shouted out from down the alley, making Lango freeze in place before snapping around to see the light of a touch swinging around the corner.
“Ah shit!. The fight must’ve been way louder than I thought!. Damn it!” Lango cursed, looking back and forth between the approaching law, and his would-be payday for the night “...Oh fuck it!. Sorry baby, but your ass ain’t worth the penalty!” He barked at the broken bot, dropping his tools, before making a break for it in the other direction opposite from where the voice came from.
“HEY YOU!, STOP RIGHT THERE YOU PUNK!!” A slightly chubby bloodhound yelled after the fleaing monkey, but stopped when he reached the broken bot to take a breather. “Goddamn it!,*Pant* *Pant* Sweet lord, I really should cut down on those pastries… Fuck…” He said to no one, while taking big breaths of air.
After catching his air, he shone his flashlight across the mess of a bot, cursing.
“Bloody hell… And here I thought tonight would be a calm one… *Sigh* Just my damn luck” He grumbled, taking out his radio to call in his position and situation, while nudging the broken doll onto its side with his foot, actively trying to avoid touching any of the cum stains both on it and the ground.
“HQ, this is officer Duncan speaking. I’m down in the lower districts, close to the shopping area. I’ve just found a recently wrecked sex-bot, with the culprit having just run off before I could even get a closer look at their face. Best description is a male monkey in their late twenties to early thirties. Please send a unit to my location for clean up, over” He spoke into the radio, getting a response just ten seconds later.
“Roger that. Clean up crew has been dispatched to the scene, accompanied by additional officers. Hold tight and remain at your location until their arrival. Over and out” HQ responded.
Duncan reattaches the radio back onto his belt, only to then realize when he looks down, that he’s stepping in some of the ‘liquid love’ leaking out of the destroyed bot, making him quickly step away with a disgruntled growl.
“Grrr, what a fucking mess…”
(Thanks for reading!)