The Time With My Stepsister/Chapter 6

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So yeah, remember when I had like, a schedule and such? And all was good? Well, the gods laugh at our schedules, and then they give us re-releases of awesome games we played to death. So, in order to make it up to you guys, I am going to post this chapter and the next, final one. I hope you have enjoyed this story and have had lots of fun and sexy times reading it. : D Let the post-story posting copy-editing begin!

Chapter 6

It took a few hours to get Arata completely re-assembled and to re-calibrate all of his functions. But to Chise's relief, he took to the process like a duck to water. Soon, he was back on his feet, reassembled and ready to rescue his stepsister. Chise, for that matter, needed to do some reassembling. She opted instead for a simple patch with synthetic skin covering. It didn't stop Chise from putting on low-cut synthetic leather pants, a matching black halter top and a high-collared jacket. Arata was getting his own clothes on, and was slipping on his leather jacket when he noticed what Chise was wearing.

“I know that what we are doing is right out of an action movie, but do you have to dress like some sort of movie badass?” Arata was teasing in his criticism, but even that caught Chise off guard, who was used to someone a bit more timid and reserved.

“Well, helps if I dress the part, right? I mean, look at you. You've got that whole understated badass thing going on. Throw on an eye patch and you'd be a dead ringer for Sony Chiba. Well, maybe if you aged about ten years and cut your hair.” Chise smiled, and Arata smiled too, even if he wasn't exactly sure who she was referring to.

“Well, should we go over our plan?” Arata paused a moment, and as he slipped on his socks added “What little plan we have, anyway...”

Chise sighed. “Right. We walk in, you stall her, I then connect the drive to something on the network. Miyu, maybe, I'm pretty familiar with her systems.” She slipped her tall boots on. “I honestly don't know what I spend more money on, my clothes or my spare parts...”

Arata smirked, then stood up, walking over to the door where to his surprise, Chise had put his shoes away neatly. Taking them, slipping them on, the two of them were soon ready to confront Katsumi.

“If it goes wrong...Arata, if she figures out you're an android, too, she might try to make you a part of her system. Me too, for that matter.” Chise noted this just as Arata walked back to her side. He reached over to a table. There lay two USB flash drives. One was similar to the drive that Chise had showed him earlier in the day. The other was a black drive that had the letters “CTRL” written on a piece of scotch tape. This was the control program, and Arata put both in his pants pockets.

“Guess now we have a plan B if it all fails...Arata, I'm not familiar with your systems. There's no way that you could be sure you'd be compatible with those programs. Don't forget about what happened with the QR code, and that was programming intended to operate with your systems...This, I don't even know what this could do to you.”

Arata sighed as he considered this. He nodded, then turned and headed for the door. “We'll find out, won't we? We only get one shot with this. It has to work.” Arata nodded to himself firmly. “It will work.”

Chise nodded, and smiled. “Lets get that sister of yours home in time for her play.”

With that, they exited the apartment, sure only of what would happen if they failed.

Warehouse 223 was just ahead. Though it was closer to sunrise than sunset, the lights were still on. Arata double checked the time. At first, he wanted to check his watch, but giving his new awareness of his true nature a whirl, he consulted his own internal systems clock to discover it was 4:13 AM. The sunrise would be an hour and a half away, roughly. He had awareness of how this was supposed to be unusual, but it just felt like the most natural thing in the world, like it was always known to him. He looked to Chise, who looked back at him with a smirk.

“You ready, Chise?”

Chise nodded. “As I'll ever be.”

Arata smirked, then turned his head to look back to the door. Leading the way, the pair walked up to the door to the warehouse. He hesitated for a moment, pondering how to go about this, when Chise simply opened the door. Katsumi left her door unlocked, which Arata found perfectly within her arrogant character. Such a tiny thing, and yet he felt his anger raise at the reminder of her. How she had manipulated the two of them, over some nonsense a father he thought he knew had started. By the time he pushed the door open, Arata felt like could have ripped the whole thing off its hinges.

Katsumi was just walking out of her kitchen, wearing her loose-fitting robes, identical to the ones that she had worn when she first met Arata. It left little of her curvaceous form to the imagination. Arata, however, was not so aroused by the sight of this hated woman. Chise, however, couldn't help but allow a little pink to cross her cheeks as she laid eyes on that barely covered body. For about the first time she could recall, she felt a little envious of another android's body. But she soon refocused when she looked over the woman's shoulder and spied behind her Miyu in the far back of the building. With the open construction of the home she'd made from a warehouse, it wasn't hard for the gynoid to spy the little 'pleasure gym' that she had constructed and Arata had described.

Miyu was reassembled, or in a new body. Her hair was now a blue pixie cut, with the bangs covering her left eye slightly. She looked weak, in a haze, as she lay stretched on what looked like a modern take on a dark ages torture rack. The stainless steel body of the machine was contrasted by the black pulleys and motors that operated the device. Miyu was stretched tight on it, her arms well above her head and her legs stretched tightly underneath her. The high-tensile wire that held her in place looked strong enough that Miyu would give before the wire did. She wore only what could be generously described as a top, more a latex strap that stretched over her breasts and barely kept her decent, the synthetic flesh of her breasts almost spilling over it. A tight latex thong was stretched tightly against her crotch, and her arms and legs were covered in similar material that extended to her elbows and mid-thighs, respectively.

Chise's desire towards Katsumi ebbed, as the maroon-haired woman walked up to Arata with a serious expression on her face. Saying nothing, she then looked to Chise. She walked up to her quickly and stood right in front of her. “Cute,” Katsumi said, Chise's only warning that the more mature-looking android's hand was slipping into her pants. Chise let out a soft, surprised gasp as fingers slipped over the bare slit underneath, fingers pressing against labia that were swiftly growing aroused by the touch. But Chise did her best to look unaffected by it all, disinterested. It was harder than she thought. Katsumi turned her head to Arata.

“But she's not what I am looking for.” Katsumi's voice turned low as she glared at the indifferent-looking Arata. “Where's your father's money, Arata? Where's my money?”

Arata, his confidence now at an all-time high, compensating for his lingering doubt about the validity of their plan, merely stated “I'm sorry, Katsumi. There's no money. My father left me nothing. We looked into the bank he used and he left me nothing but an empty safety deposit box. I'm afraid whatever you had planned for me and my sister is going to fall through.” Arata tried not to let his confidence break out onto his face too easily, remaining as stoic as possible.

Chise let out a sharp gasp as Katsumi suddenly pushed her fingers deep into Chise's sex, before just as suddenly pulling her hand out completely. Chise was left flustered, aroused, but determined to see the plan through regardless of such physical temptations. She watched as Katsumi glared at Arata, looking him up and down, seeming to regard him as somehow different. Perhaps she caught on to that increased confidence, the lack of his hesitation and nervousness. “What do you mean by that? You know what's on the line here, Arata. I won't hesitate to--”

Katsumi suddenly found herself cut off as Chise, in what looked like a practiced movement but was more likely a pre-programmed one, simultaneously wrapped her arm around Katsumi's neck and used her other hand to pull down her robes. They fell around her body, the loose sash doing little to keep the pulled robe on her body as Chise's hand moved down to Katsumi's back panel.

“I'm here to get my sister and my camera back!” Arata shouted that as the panel fell to the ground, mere seconds after the robe had been removed. But Arata's confident, angry look became one of surprise when Katsumi suddenly turned the tables. Grabbing the arm around her neck and letting out a martial arts cry, she suddenly pulled her body forward and threw Chise over her shoulder, causing her to almost crash down on Arata. Arata attempted to dodge, but he found himself getting smacked in the head by Chise's boot as she was thrown down onto her back, landing on the floor with enough force to bounce against it, though that quickly ended as Katsumi's bare foot pressed against her breast, her hands gripping Chise's offending arm tightly.

As Arata brought himself up, pushing himself up off the floor, he turned his head to a distinctly mechanical sound and turned his head to look at Katsumi and Chise, just in time to see Katsumi twisting Chise's hand in the wrong direction, causing a loud servo motor buzz, a crack of the plastics and metals that held it in place and an electrical pop as the wires severed. Katsumi was stronger than either he or Chise had anticipated, and this was further reinforced when Katsumi twisted the whole arm out of joint. Chise let out a cry, but it was less of pain and more of pleasure, Arata noted, as he watched Katsumi throw the still sparking, twisted robotic limb aside with a clatter.

Chise was still on the floor, attempting to rise up on her remaining arm, the jacket shifting in such a way to reveal frayed wire bundles, sparking black dangling power cables and the twitching remnants of her shoulder servo motors, when Katsumi brought her hands down to the back of Chise's neck. The sound of Chise's face repeatedly slamming against the floor followed, a dull smack of synthetic skin hitting the stone-tiled concrete floor, the sound coupled with the muffled, high-pitched mechanical whine of Chise's back and neck servos attempting to resist, but unable to fight the other machine's strength. Katsumi was on her fourth slam, when she suddenly turned up and looked to Arata. A grin crossed her face as she dropped Chise, her damaged, expressionless face hitting the floor as a spark snapped from her damaged right optic. Chise twitched once as a loud pop announced a burst of sparks which scattered across the floor.

Arata was just getting up on his feet when he suddenly felt Katsumi's hand on his neck. Letting out a shout, he found himself being forced up to his feet, before being pushed up against the nearest wall, knocking a small end table over, scattering the small stones in a clear glass bowl about the floor and shattering the bowl itself. At first unsure as to what triggered the sudden aggression towards him, Arata got his answer when he saw Katsumi bring her fingers up to his face. He let out a surprised gasp as he realized where those fingers were going, Katsumi widening a gash on his forehead brought about by the sudden impact of Chise's boot heel to his forehead. The alloy his cranium was made of gleamed in the soft light produced by the ceiling-mounted lamps above them as Katsumi began to slowly peel the material down his head and face. The strip of synthetic skin was pulled all the way down until Katsumi stopped just an inch above his lips. Most of the left side of his head was now exposed. His jaw motors buzzed softly as he let out a gasp, shocked at how much this physically aroused him, as his eye—deprived now of the eye cover that now lay on the floor like a bisected ping pong ball—was reduced to a blue glowing small camera-like optic in his eye socket, surrounded by all manner of tiny servo motors and optic processing systems that allowed his optic sensor to turn, focus and process visual information.

Katsumi pressed her curvaceous body against his, still gripping his neck tightly enough to cause the normally quiet servo motors underneath to buzz faintly. Arata reached up and slapped his hand down on Katsumi's wrist before holding it in a tight grip of his own. Her breasts pushed flat against his chest as his back pressed against the wall, and Katsumi's other hand snapped down between his legs, cupping his crotch through the material of his pants. She could feel his arousal, however irritated—strangely he felt no shame from the sensations and wondered if this was how he was supposed to feel—and chuckled darkly. “Arata,” she said in a seductive sing-song voice. “You're an android too? Well, then that means I'm just going to have to change my plans. I'm going to rip you apart for this. I'm going to tear your body into junk, and then I'm going to sell it off to a scrapyard. And I'm going to make your sister watch as they pluck the precious metals from your circuitry and melt the rest down to spare parts.” She leaned in and let out a passionate groan, the flush on her cheeks coming now from visualizing the scene.

Katsumi's aroused expression became one of surprise, however, as she suddenly found her hand being slowly pulled away from Arata's neck. With a loud keening whine of the servo motors in her arm, Katsumi attempted to fight against Arata's resistance, but found her arm slowly, shakily being pulled away from the android's neck. It was a struggle for both of them, however. Arata's strength seemed to just match that of Katsumi's, and while he was focused on the hand on his neck, he wasn't prepared for Katsumi to pull her hand away from Arata's crotch and instead put her hand to his side. Shooting it underneath his shirt, she gripped the synthetic skin on his side, and with what sounded like the tearing of rubber, began to rip a handful away. Arata let out a shout and a gasp, not of pain as he expected, but of that unexpected sensation of pleasure. Had pain only ever been a construct of his mind, disabled or perhaps even destroyed following the malfunctions that had eliminated his sleeper programming? Arata could not afford to ponder these questions as he felt Katsumi's hand start to pry the plastic dermal plate paneling away from his side, struggling to rip it free from its sturdy anchors.

But Katsumi suddenly had other things to worry about, as a hand suddenly plunged into her open back panel. Chise didn't have the time to try and find the USB drive that she had lost, and instead focused her attention on Arata's attacker. Her vision was blurred by the spiderweb of cracks that were on the stylish and very artificial red optic sensor covering that she had opted for instead of the more traditional human eye cosmetic look, and by the pixelation of her vision brought about by damage to those optical sensors. A large gash split the synthetic skin of her face from the top right corner of her forehead to the bottom left corner of her cheek, revealing cracked plastics and, where the plastic dermal plates had completely broken underneath the skin of her face, sparking wires that afforded one the sight of the mechanisms that operated her face.

Chise shouted out as she twisted her remaining wrist and ripped from Katsumi's open panel a bundle of white, blue, red and yellow wires, causing Katsumi to drop Arata as her whole body tensed. Her sultry voice shifted into a sultry monotone, her eyes crossing as her head tilted back and she announced “Er-Errrorrrrr In Mot-Motor Pro-Processing Si-Signal-nal Pa-Pathway-waaaayysss.” Her head twitched sharply to the right as Arata shoved her away, causing her to crash to the floor, her body as stiff as a plank of wood.

Arata watched as Chise turned her head to him not in one smooth movement, but in a series of twitches. Arata moved over to her, about to ask her if she was alright, when Chise suddenly interrupted the opening of Arata's mouth with a sharp command in a voice undercut by the electronic hiss of static. “Get Miyu! I'll ke-keep the bi-bitch occupied.”

Arata, hesitating for a moment, but realizing that his stepsister was the priority, rushed around the fallen body of Katsumi and then past Chise. Just as he had, however, Chise let out a shout as she was suddenly brought down to the floor, her head bouncing against the floor and letting out a stream of gibberish as Katsumi dragged her across the floor. She let out a tinny, static-y “Go!”, her voice slightly higher pitched than normal, as Katsumi dragged her over to herself. Chise felt a sharp pull upwards as the jacket was pulled from her shoulders, an even sharper yank was felt immediately after as the halter top she wore was stretched against her chest, tearing from her back, the tearing sound of the synthetic material it was made from briefly filling the room, before followed by the noise of servo motors buzzing. Sparks still flew from Katsumi's back as Chise's bare breasts pressed firmly against the floor.

Chise's face was expressionless, the microservo motors that operated it non-functional, lips immobile even as she let out a deeply pleasured moan from what came next. Katsumi, totally focused on the defiant android woman underneath her, gripped the synthetic skin on her waist as she sat on Chise's hips, confident that she'd get to Arata when she was finished here. She gripped the synthskin there, and was surprised to feel it push in with no resistance. Chise had not opted to replace the dermal plates that normally lay under her synthetic skin, instead opting to do so when they had completed their mission. It was overconfidence, and now Katsumi was exploiting it. She dug her fingers in deep and ripped the synthetic material covering Chise's waist and midsection away. It exposed thick bundles of wiring and cabling, the piston-like actuator assemblies that allowed her waist to bend forward and back, normally with the assistance of synthetic musculature underneath, and the flexible metal rod that went down the center of her back, acting in the place of a spine.

“Yes, moan for me you little slut!” Katsumi reached down and grasped Chise's central support rod and began twisting it. Made of light alloys, it creaked and cracked as it was twisted and bent back and forth, up and down, before suddenly snapping with a loud crack. Pulling the two ends up, Katsumi severed the wiring as Chise let out a burst of sylables and static-y rapid-fire groans. “Ce-Cen-Central Sup-Support-port-port--” She was interrupted as Katsumi next began ripping out the wire and cable bundles. Chise's body jerked underneath Katsumi, her legs kicking out involuntarily and her head twisting left and right as countless malfunctions were generated by the sudden termination of power and electrical signals that the wires normally sent along.

Meanwhile, Arata rushed to Miyu's side. His stepsister looked up at Arata with wide, confused eyes. “A-Arata? Is that you? Wha...What happened to you?!” She was shocked not just by the sight of his damaged face, but what lay underneath it. Arata, however, was too focused on trying to get Miyu out of the device she was currently hooked up to. “Arata, say something to me! What's going on?!”

Arata rushed around behind the contraption, attempting to figure out some way of disabling it. Rather than a single simple pulley that operated its ancient ancestor, Arata discovered that there was a whole system of servos, automatic pulleys and even hydraulic pistons that operated the machine. “How the hell...Miyu--”

“There's a pin on the upper left, pull it to engage the safeties and—ah!” Miyu wasn't expecting the sudden fall from the device and neither was Arata. She tumbled to the ground as Arata rushed over to her side, helping her up onto her feet. In spite of the damage to his face and the revelation of what he truly was, once she was in front of Arata, she did not hesitate to give him a quick kiss. “Where have you been?”

Arata was about to say something, when a sudden loud banging noise took both her and Miyu's attention away. Katsumi now stood over Chise's broken body, gripping a bundle of wiring tightly with her right hand, which had been damaged from all the electrical current shooting into it. The synthetic skin had singed in the heat, a large section of it missing from the top of her hand. The naked, voluptuous android pondered the wiring for a moment, before turning to face Arata and Miyu. “Miyu, you naughty bitch. I'm going to make the both of you pay for—ah!” Katsumi fell face-first onto the floor as she took her first step towards the pair, a shaky pale hand gripping her ankle and forcing her face down to the floor.

Chise, still prone on the floor, now bisected by the savage wire tearing that Katsumi had given her, twitched her head in Arata and Chise's direction. “G-g-g-get-get-get-get h-h-her-her-her-her out-out-out-out o-o-of-of-of--” Her stuttering, skipping, electronically distorted attempt to urge her friends on was suddenly interrupted by a kick to the face that sent her head reeling back, the left cover for her optical sensor, already damaged, was now completely broken, revealing the flickering red optical senor underneath. There was keening whine from her neck servos, followed by the thump of her head hitting the floor.

“Chise!” Miyu exclaimed, shocked by the sight of her friend ripped nearly to component parts on the floor, as Arata tugged on her arm to get the both of them heading out towards the warehouse door. Despite the savage kick, Chise still held on tightly to Katsumi's ankle, forcing the other machine to focus her attention on her. Arata and Miyu rushed out of the door and into the open air of the dockyard. The sky had a faint blue glow to it, the full sunshine of the morning still hours away as Arata and Chise ran for cover behind stacks of rusting container crates, stacked at some points three stories high.

In the warehouse that Katsumi had converted into a home, she reached down and grasped Chise's remaining wrist. The other machine stoicly determined now to hang on, a few of her higher functions and many of her motor functions non-operational from all the damage, Chise couldn't help but allow some basic level of her sexual systems to make her moan in pleasure as Katsumi pulled the offending hand back and bent it against the arm it was attached to, until with a bright flash of sparks which quickly ebbed, it wasn't attached any longer, the fingers entering a wild spasm until any connection they had to her motor system network was completely broken. “E-Er-Error-rorrorrrr In-In-In-In Le-Left-Left-Left--”

Before she could finish, Katsumi picked Chise up by the top of her head, her own head twitching slightly as an errant spark escaped her own open back panel, the control panel flashing a display about a failed electrical current re-routing, which ensured at least one wire was still popping white-blue flashes of electricity and filled the air with sizzling snaps. The majority of those, however, were coming from Chise, whose wiring dangled loosely from where her waist had terminated, from the wreckage of her right shoulder and the end of her broken wrist. Katsumi reached out and openly fondled Chise's right breast, squeezing it firmly and rolling it in her fingers. When Chise made a stuttering, broken moan in spite of her damage, Katsumi just chuckled darkly.

“Y-You are go-going to be a bi-bit tri-tricker than Mi-Miyu to ma-make mine. But since you are su-such a willing slu-slut...” Katsumi moved swiftly to the counter near to the computer she had used to reprogram Miyu, and slammed Chise's broken body down onto it. Her head limply hung over the side, the exposed red optical sensor still flickering wildly.

“G-G-G-Go-Go-Go fu-fu-fuck-fuck-fuck yoursel-sel-sel--” The insult was ended as Katsumi brought her bare foot up and swiftly brought it down against Chise's chin. There was a snap of the plastic and metal components that anchored her head to her neck, her breasts bounced as her body shook from the impact, and Chise's words became a wild jumble of half-finished words and syllables. Another sharp kick downwards, and with a pop of a few sparks, Chise's head was knocked loose of her neck, bouncing like a bungee jumper for a moment as a few thick cables kept her head connected to her body. The red light in her optic was now pulsing weakly.

Chuckling to herself, at once annoyed and admiring Chise's resistance, Katsumi pulled a connection cable from the computer and plugged it into the offending android's head. Clicking it into place in spite of the sparks, numerous error warnings flashed on the computer's screen as the connection began. Quickly and automatically bypassing any of Chise's systems security, it began downloading the same program it had into Miyu, with Chise stuttering out in an oddly pleasant tone “I-I A-Am-Am P-Ple-Pleased-Pleased-Pleased To Meet-Meet-Meet—My-My De-De-Desinga-nation-nation—Ya-Yamata-ta Chi-Chise-se-se-se--”

Katsumi smirked. She could let the computer do its work. Soon, she'd make all three of them her own personal robotic harem, if she couldn't get her hands on Daigo's money. She'd make sure she'd get something out of this. Paying no mind to either her total lack of clothing or the sparks popping slowly from the missing panel in her back, Katsumi let the obedience programming download into Chise, thinking of the ways she could re-write her personality, along with Arata's and Miyu's, to make them her loyal toys.

Arata and Miyu held each other in a tight embrace when they were sure that they were alone, with Arata letting out a deep sigh of relief. Even if everything had gone to hell, if nothing else, at least they got Miyu out of here.

But now came the difficult part. “Miyu, I don't have the time to explain everything,” Arata said as he put his hands on Miyu's shoulders, taking a step back to look her in the eyes. “Just understand that I am still Arata, and I am here to get you out of this mess my father caused.” Seeing the confusion in those lovely purple eyes, Arata sighed and shrugged off his jacket, letting the genuine leather garment fall to the oily asphalt behind him. Soon, his shirt was up and over his head.

“Arata, you can't be serious, we can't do this—ah!” Miyu let out a gasp as she found what little cover her breasts received from the bondage strap across her chest suddenly gone as Arata ripped the strap away. Her perked nipples now directly touched by the open air, she couldn't help but feel a rush of exhilaration in spite of her protests. She blinked a few times, and then watched as the now topless Arata closed his eyes a moment, before opening them.

“I think I know how this works,” Arata said cryptically, before getting a distant look on his face. Saying nothing, his chest shifted slightly as a panel on the center of his chest suddenly split open vertically and pushed out a small system access panel. A small touch screen flashed a systems display, a small hardline cable was spooled underneath, and on its face were several plugs for a variety of USB-style devices. He first pulled the cable out and looked into Miyu's shocked eyes.

“ really are...” Miyu was still so surprised and stunned that she barely resisted as Arata reached out, put his hands on her shoulders and quickly spun her around so she was facing away. He reached up and opened her dorsal panel, revealing Miyu's own, more traditional control panel, before unspooling the wire and connecting himself directly to his stepsister's systems. Miyu let out a surprised gasp as she blurt out a “Now Connecting To Unrecognized Hardware. Initiating Handshake Protocol. Testing BIOS Comparability. Systems Now Synched.”

Arata, still looking distant, said nothing as per his nature as a hidden android, and reached into his pockets. He pulled the USB drives out from them, and stared at them for a moment. Closing his eyes, he then stared straight ahead as he plugged one into his own panel, the other into Miyu's. As his panel display flashed alerts about detected malware, Miyu let out a gasp and in a slightly louder, more alert tone announced “Alert: Malicious Software Detected. System Atem-tem-tem-tem-tem--” Her words were cut off as the intrusive programming blew through her firewalls and soon became as much a part of her systems as the link to Katsumi.

Katsumi was just about to grasp the handle to her front door when she suddenly found herself pausing mid-step. “Error In Connected Wi-Fi System. At-Atempting To Isolate-late.” Her body remained still, a statue caught in a pose of mid-motion, hand outstretched to the doorknob as she attempted to identify and isolate an intruding program. However, only a few seconds after it began, it ended. Katsumi thought nothing of it, quite literally, as her systems made no record or note of what had just happened, and she took the door handle and twisted it open.

With no-one to spy them, and nobody to stop her, she stepped out into the dawn air as nude as the day she was first manufactured, turning her head left and right as she attempted to find the escaped pair. She didn't have to look far. Much to her surprise, as soon as the door to the warehouse shut, Miyu and Arata walked out, side-by-side out from the assemblage of old, rusted, empty container crates that they had no doubt been hiding behind. Katsumi grinned, and began to advance towards them. “When I--”

“Katsumi, stop!”

Katsumi's eyes widened as she found herself unwillingly obeying the verbal command, at first stopping as if frozen mid-step, before standing straight and at attention. She stared at the duo, now their turn to approach, the attorney completely helpless as they stepped right up to her, looking her over. In spite of her forced obedience, Katsumi's face became a scowl, as she turned her head to look at Arata. Locking her eyes on his damaged face, she grit her teeth and spoke lowly, angrily. “What have you done, you stupid boy?”

“You're slaved to my commands now, Katsumi. A virus was installed onto the wireless link you used to torture me and force my brother to carry out your wishes.” The soft, but angry feminine voice made Katsumi's head turn in shock as she looked into Miyu's narrowed purple eyes. Katsumi's own eyes were now glowing an intense blue color as she stared, disbelieving, into the face of the one she now knew as Mistress.

“What...What did you do to me?!”

Arata reached up, brought his hands up to squeeze Katsumi's cheeks and turned her head sharply enough to make the servo motors in her neck buzz. “The tables are now turned, Katsumi. My mistress owns the both of us now.” Arata smirked as Katsumi looked absolutely aghast. “The android you were so focused on destroying? She gave me a program that allows one system to control anything on a virus-infected network. Like the wireless network you created between all your toys in the back of your warehouse and my mistress. I gave her the control program, and installed the worm into myself.” He let go, as he moved to face Katsumi. “As much as I wanted to command yourself to go jump into the ocean, I decided that vengeance would be better meted out by my mistress. It felt more...fitting.”

As Arata walked back, he looked over to Miyu, who stared at him with an incredulous look. A smirk crossed her face and she let out a short chuckle, which became an uncontrollable giggle. Arata blinked a few times with his undamaged eye, before tilting his head. “What? What is it, mistress?” Katsumi and Arata both watched as Miyu started to laugh openly, before letting out a soft sigh.

“You're calling me 'mistress', Arata. Is that part of the programming?” Miyu watched as a blush spread to Arata's remaining cheek, a series of thin gel packets on the other side of his face turning a soft red, making the blush all the more obvious.

“Ah...Guess so...If it makes you feel any better, it isn't my idea.” Arata looked mildly embarrassed, but then looked up to Katsumi. “Guess you'd be calling her mistress too, but you look a little tongue-tied.” Katsumi, her expression now one of anger, glared at the two of them, but said nothing. She was in complete disbelief that three androids with the programed personalities of people barely out of school had bested her. That in spite of her years of planning, in spite of the sheer, lucky coincidences that allowed everything to fall into her lap, in the end she was now the toy of her would-be victims.

“What...what are you going to do to me?” Katsumi barely kept her rage restrained as she watched Arata and Miyu stand before her. “You can't report me to the authorities! I know for a fact that A-Ara-rataaa is registered as a human! They'll reformat him, maybe even dismantle him and you won't see him again for years, Miyu! The-there's-there's no-nothing you can do to me!” Katsumi then smirked. “S-so you can just let me go, then, if our bui-buisness is conclu-cluded.”

It was Miyu's turn to suddenly grasp her cheek, any sign of amusement or mirth in her face gone as she turned Katsumi's head to face her. “When we connected to each others systems, Katsumi, Arata showed me the data that he got from his father, the data that disabled his sleeper programming. You manipulated Daigo into stealing from his employers, made him flee to Junkoshima where he tried to start a new life with me and my mother. And he never told you that the money you made him steal, you got him to do it with threats of blackmail to his sick wife. You even threatened to make his wife's death look like a murder...How much lower can you possibly go, Katsumi?” Miyu pulled the mostly immobile Katsumi towards her. “Daigo made sure to warn Arata all about you, should you come back.”

Arata sighed as he crossed his arms against his chest, glaring at Katsumi. “I guess it came a little too late for us.” He had to admit, this aggression was something that he wouldn't have expected out of Miyu. He briefly worried over the possibility that all the reprogramming she had gone through had changed her personality. Still, it was satisfying to see what happened next.

Katsumi was surprised by just how hard the shove against her face was. Her body automatically stumbled and regained its balance to prevent a fall, and listened to the rising anger in Miyu's words. “Daigo wasn't completely innocent, but I was, and so was Arata, and you tried to break up my family, which means that you would have gotten my mother involved in all of this! You haven't even met her and you were scheming to ruin her life! It's androids like you that make the rest of us look bad, Katsumi, make them think we're out to get them, even when all I want to do is make my family happy, human or mechanical.” Miyu sighed, squeezing a hand into a fist. “No, I know exactly what to do with you...”

She turned to look at Arata. “Arata, help me break this android down to her component parts.”

Arata nodded and let his arms go to his sides. “With pleasure.”

Katsumi, wide eyed, then narrowed them as she shouted out “Don't you dare! Don't you touch me, I'll figure out how to get out of this, and then I'll--” Katsumi watched as Arata walked around to her left side, reached out and took hold of her right arm. Because she was given an order to halt, which effectively translated to 'stay still', Katsumi's shoulder servo motor locked in place after the order was given. As Arata pulled upwards on Katsumi's arm, there was a stressed whirring noise as the servo motor attempted to resist, before it broke apart with a loud metallic ping. Katsumi let out a shout, but not one of pain or even discomfort, as Arata pried her arm upwards, repeated metallic pinging and breaking noises sounding out, despite being muffled under her synthetic skin. Her full lips parted as the arm was ripped completely free from its socket, flashing sparks as the wiring tore completely free, electrical bolts snapping into the moist air as Katsumi let out a pleasured howl.

“Y-You-You rea-really-ally thi-think you will g-g-get-get-get away-way-way with--” Katsumi began, before Miyu, having circled around behind her, began tearing the wiring out of her back. She seemed a bit taken aback by the bursts of electrical flashes, but soon began emptying the chassis of the other robotic woman in earnest. “With thi-with thi-with thi-with thi--” Katsumi looped her words as Miyu repeatedly tugged on a thick wire bundle, each yank causing a new iteration of the loop. Her blue eyes crossed as Miyu ripped the bundle free, knocking loose Katsumi's control panel, causing it and the frayed ends of several other wires to dangle loosely out of the wildly sparking panel in her back.

“--G-Go-Going t-to-to-to ma-make-make—aahhnnn--regret-regret-thi-thi-thi-thi--” Katsumi continued to make malfunctioning threats of revenge as Arata reached up and brought his hands up to Katsumi's chest. Going between those large J cups, Katsumi let out a moan filled with static, rising and lowering randomly in pitch as Arata pushed his fingers into the synthetic skin. He pushed them in and looked into Katsumi's eyes as he pulled his hands apart. Katsumi's breasts jiggled from the force from the tear. The blue in her eyes was flickering, her body jerking as Arata reached up and pulled free the plastic plates laid over his blackmailer's endoskeleton.

Rather than a set of 'ribs' in a direct analogy to a human's anatomy, what covered the internal parts of Katsumi's chest was a series of interconnected plates of polymer plastic, with metal rods supporting them. Reaching up to where her chest met her neck, Arata found a place to slip his fingers in and ripped free the topmost panel cover, the plastic anchor points snapping as Arata swiftly moved on. Before too long, Katsumi's upper torso was now completely open from the front. Amongst the forest of tightly packed wiring within, some of which he could spy getting actively ripped free by Miyu's hands from behind, Arata spied other critical components. A silvery cylindrical power cell set in the center of her chest, processors and sub-processors relating to motor functions, tactile sensation, balance and a host of other functions. There was a storm of electrical arcing and sparks inside as wiring began to overload, LED indicators on the power cell flashed with wild warnings regarding power fluctuations, electrical shorts and coolant failures.

Arata reached in and tore out a series of sub-processor circuitry that governed Katsumi's movement, ripping them free with a loud electrical pop. The circuitry snapped against the wet asphalt underneath as it overloaded from the moisture, soon joined by several other components as the stepsiblings continued to pull their tormenter apart.

Katsumi's expression became a far cry from the haughty look of confidence she wore when Arata first saw her. Instead, a vapid smile was on her face as her eyes darted in all directions, her lips twitching as she attempted to speak, but it mostly came out as electronic gibberish. Electrical feedback was causing damage to all parts of her body, including her CPU. As thin wisps of smoke curled up into the air, the sparks began to increase in frequency. Miyu ripping out one of the few remaining bundles of wiring she could reach from Katsumi's dorsal panel caused the attorney machine to jerk her head to the right, her upper lips twitching up and down continuously.

“This-I-This-I-Are-Er-Wh-Th-I-Fr—Per-Personal-nality Em-Emula-lation-tion Fa-Fai-Failure-ure-ure-ure—He-Hello-lo I Am Ve-Venu-Venusian De-Desi-Designs-sings-sings Mo-Model T-11-Foooooouuuurrrrrrr--” Katsumi's rambling self-introduction continued as Miyu reached up to Katsumi's head. Feeling the full anger of a captive's retribution, and the odd feelings of pleasure that only compared to when she herself was ripped apart, Miyu pried off the plastic plates that acted as the anchor for the back of Katsumi's scalp, exposing her metal alloy cranium. Slots at the base were installed for direct device access, and above that was a series of interlocking alloy plates that protected the sensitive processing circuitry within Katsumi's head.

Miyu might have hesitated a week ago, before she came to hate this other machine so much for attempting to take her away from her family, before she was made to realize just how far her own masochistic desires went and a budding interest in something a bit more dominating. Today, however, she reached up and slipped her hand underneath the bottom most of the plates. It was intended to be accessed easily, and while a few of the plates were affixed with screws, Miyu would have no issue with pulling it off with a bit of strength. The plates were soon clattering to the ground in front of Miyu, and revealed a processor set-up similar to her own. Teal blue processor boards similar to circuit boards sitting on top of black plastic square-shaped devices. To Miyu's surprise, there were several less in Katsumi's head than she knew to be in her own. A few of them had the black marks of overload burns and smoked lightly even as Katsumi stood there, shuddering, as Arata pulled off her left arm with a burst of sparks.

As the lubricants from multiple orgasms stained her inner thighs, her synthetic womanhood glistening in the light of the rising sun, Katsumi's head jerked back as Miyu ripped free one of the processor boards. “Wi-wI-WiiIIIde Var-Variety-ty-ty Of--” Miyu swiftly followed up with another board yanked free of its housing. “P-P-Ple-P-Plea-Pleasure-sure-suuurreeee Er-Er-Errors Rep-Repor-Ported In Pri-Primary--” A third one yanked loose. “Cri-Critical Pro-Pro-ProCCCEEsssoRRrrrrr F-Fai-Faiiilllluurrrreeeee--”

A final sharp yank, and the last of the boards was pulled completely from the back of her head. Frozen in an expression of malfunctioning lust, Katsumi let out a burst of robotic gibberish before her AI completely crashed with a pop of sparks from her open head. Her head lowered slowly with a soft buzz from the neck's servo motors as she shut down.

Arata and Miyu didn't stop there, however. They continued to pull components out, though at a less frantic pace, until finally, their tormenter and blackmailer had been brought down to mostly bare, endoskeletal framework in a rough pile on the asphalt. Both androids simulated heavy breaths, getting lost in a strange sense of exhilaration, some quirk of their personality programming which found the dismantling deeply erotic. Arata then moved around the pile of spare parts Katsumi had been reduced to and embraced Miyu, kissing her deeply, pressing his body into hers. All of which Miyu unhesitatingly reciprocated, her hands going up to his biceps as his hands went down to her hips. It then transitioned into a tight hug, with both parties letting out sighs of relief.

Arata pulled back slightly, looking his nearly naked sister in the eyes. “What are we going to do with her, Mi--...What are we going to do with Katsumi? It isn't like we can just leave her a pile of parts, but we can't just let her go about on her own device.”

Miyu smiled and let go of Arata. She walked over to the pile of components and pulled from it Katsumi's head. Smirking, she tilted her head back and forth, before standing up with the other android's face still a mixture of pleasure and malfunction. “I think I know what to do...I'll call her repair specialist, the same one who put me back together after she put me through that giant cheese grater she called BDSM equipment. Seeing as how I'm registered as her owner now, and she follows my commands, I'll simply command her to never do anything like that again.”

Arata blinked at how simple that explanation sounded. “That's all we'll need to do? Are you sure that will work?”

Miyu looked to Arata, then smiled. “Arata, strip.”

Arata stood a bit straighter. “Yes, Mistress,” he said in an obedient voice, before reaching down and unbuckling his pants, pushing them and his underwear down, and slipping himself out of his shoes. He stood there, completely nude, his erection prominent. Arata suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment, but couldn't deny how erotic it felt to be ordered about by his sister like...well, a robot.

Miyu set Katsumi's head down amongst her wreckage and walked over to Arata, placing her latex glove-covered fingers around the shaft of his member. “See? Commands from your owner can be pretty powerful...”

Arata nodded once, and let out a pleasured sigh. “Y-yeah, I think I get it...”

Miyu smirked, and then knelt down in front of Arata, bringing her lips around his stiffened member, as a spark popped from the pile of electronic parts that was her captor just a few feet behind, the first rays of the sun starting to peek between the container crates.