Master List of ASFR: Animation

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A comprehensive list of Animated productions containing fembots and equivalents. Please note that most Japanese animations may not be readily available, though some may be available on Fembot Central.

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  • Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
    • Episode: Ultron Unlimited
      • Synopsis: The Avengers are attacked by robotic versions of themselves as part of Ultron 's plan to replace humanity. One by one, each team member is captured until Captain America stands alone against Ultron and his synthezoid Avengers.
      • Watch the video here:
      • Images
      • Fembot action: Damage
  • Batman Beyond
    • Episode: Terry's Friend Dates a Robot
      • Synopsis: It depicts the troubles that arise when Terry's friend Howard illegally gets a synthoid that can double for a human. Fed up with being seen as a loser and sad no one will come to his house party, Howard believes that getting an attractive girlfriend will earn him popularity. When he goes to a synthoid factory with Terry, he finds he can get a custom-made robot that appears to be human. However, after Howard buys his new girlfriend, he soon learns that she's completely amoral — as well as far too possessive.
      • Watch the episode here:
      • Images
      • Fembot action: Malfunction
  • Duck Dodgers
    • Episode: Of Course You Know This Means War and Peace
      • Synopsis: Dodgers accidentally causes an incident during a peace treaty between Earth and Mars and gets Cadet to take the fall. While in prison, the Cadet is angry at Dodgers and terminates their friendship. Meanwhile, one of the Martian Generals, Z-9, takes the opportunity to plot a military coup on Mars by betraying Queen Tyran'hee and holding her hostage, sending Star Johnson to prison after the latter learns about the plot, and forcing Commander X-2 on the run as a wanted criminal. Z-9 also plans to use Dodgers in order to get the shutdown codes of Earth's defense system to finalize his takeover of not only Earth, but also the rest of the Galactic Protectorate.
      • Watch the episodes here:
      • Images
      • Fembot action: Robotic appearance, Disassembly, Damage
  • Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes
    • Synopsis: Not available
    • Watch the video here: Not available
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Cyborg
  • Futurama
    • Episode: I Dated a Robot
      • Synopsis: Fry ignores the warnings of the Planet Express staff and starts dating a robot with the downloaded personality and holographic image of Lucy Liu. Leela and Bender make a disturbing discovery while trying to save Fry from his short-sighted decision.
      • Watch the episode here:
      • Images
      • Fembot action: Programming, Shut-down]
    • Episode: Rebirth


  • Inspector Gadget
  • Jem & The Holograms
    • Episode: The Jem Jam Part 2
      • Synopsis: The Misfits have managed to trick the only singer that hadn't arrived yet to appear in the Jem Jam, by picking her up at the airport claiming to be Jem's chaffeurs. Krissie doesn't get along with one of the performers' son, who expect her to treat him like a superstar. From what Ba Nee remembers that her mother once told her, she is certain one of the performers is her father. The Misfits plan to upstage the Jem Jam with one of Techrat's new gimmicks.
      • Watch the video here:
      • Images
      • Fembot action: Malfunction, Faceoff
  • Mega Man
    • Episode: The Beginning
      • Synopsis: Dr. Wily, Proto Man and six Robot Masters assault an airport and Mega Man is called upon for help. When Roll's safety is in jeopardy during the battle, Mega Man gets critically damaged. While Dr. Light repairs Mega Man, he begins having flashbacks to the day this all began when Proto Man was first created, when Wily turned on Dr. Light, when Rock and Roll were created and when Rock was rebuilt into Mega Man. Mega Man is repaired and along with Roll takes the fight to Wily once more.
      • Watch the episode here:
      • Fembot action: Activation, Reconfigures her left hand into a variety of household tools.
    • Episode: Robosaur Park
      • Synopsis: A new theme park has opened called Robosaur Park and Dr. Light helped construct the robo-dinosaurs. But, Dr. Wily's robots gained easy access thanks to the crooked operator of the park and reprogrammed the dinos to go on a rampage. Then, Dr. Wily releases a serum that is meant to transform robots into primates... and Mega Man, Roll and Rush catch it. If a cure is not delivered soon, Mega Man will become Mega Caveman!...
      • Watch the episode here:
      • Fembot action: Access panel
    • Episode: The Incredible Shrinking Mega Man
      • Synopsis: Dr. Wily sends his robots to steal some rare and powerful gems that - if used as a weapon - can actually shrink objects, no matter how big. When Mega Man tries to stop the museum robbery, he finds himself and Rush to be the first targets of this weapon and get shrunk. It is later discovered that Dr. Wily will use the new shrinking weapon to shrink entire cities and sell them to criminals. Dr. Light sends Roll to find Mega Man and Rush and help them prevent this deal from going down.
      • Watch the episode here:
      • Fembot action: Disassembly, Assembly
    • Episode: The Curse of the Lion Men
      • Synopsis: When Dr. Wily's robots are sent out to investigate the crash site of a comet, they inadvertently stumble upon a group of humanoid lion creatures, which proceed to go around turning other humans into lion creatures. When Mega Man enters battle with them, things go from bad-enough-already to even-worse-than-imagined when Dr. Wily makes a truce with Tar, the leader of the Lion Men. Then, after Wily's robots capture Dr. Light and Roll, Tar transforms both Light and Dr. Wily into lion men and uses Wily's own reprogramming ray to reprogram Roll, ProtoMan and the Robot Masters. That means Mega Man and Rush are all alone in this battle.
      • Watch the episode here:
      • Fembot action: Reprogramming, Access panel, Shut-down, Reboot
    • Images
  • Phineas and Ferb
    • Episode: Love at first byte
      • Synopsis: When Mom becomes overwhelmed with organizing a block party, she asks Phineas and Ferb for their help in making the party’s finale memorable. Meanwhile, Candace plans to bust her brothers, but their team up with Mom throws a bit of a wrench into her situation. Over at the block party, Doofenshmirtz tries to set Norm up with a female robot, but Norm’s nerves get the best of him.
      • Watch the episode here:
      • Images
      • Fembot action: Robotic appearance, Robotic voice, Robotic movement
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    • Watch the video here:
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    • Watch the video here:
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    • Watch the video here:
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    • Watch the video here:
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    • Watch the video here:
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Animated Films

  • Justice League: Doom
    • Synopsis: Batman has been keeping secret files on how to defeat each member of the Justice League, and the Legion of Doom gets there hands on it.
    • Watch the movie here:
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Disassembly
      • In a scene approximately halfway through the film, it is discovered that the woman Green Lantern is attempting to save from a cave in is actually a fembot copy of his ex-girlfriend who became the Star Sapphire. Batman arrives and rips her head off.
  • Robotech - Shadow Chronicles
    • Synopsis: In the Year 2044 AD, the human race has reached out to the stars through the ROBOTECHNOLOGY, but not without bringing intergalactic war upon Earth itself.
    • Watch the movie here:
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Robotic appearance, Activation, Access panel
      • The fembot in this film appears in numerous scenes. She actually has a robotic appearance, but projects a holographic image of a beautiful human woman over it to better interact with people.
  • Space Firebird
    • Synopsis: Phoenix 2772 is set in the distant future where the planet Earth is dying from a lack of energy resources and a disheartening political climate sees all human beings produced by computers to live out certain social roles, the colour of the eyes determining the baby's rank, from pilot to politician, etc. Godo is one such child brought up to be a cadet and nursed by the beautiful robot-maid Olga. After noticing his exceptional abilities, Rock, a dictatorial candidate for prime minister, selects Godo to fulfill his agenda and travel into deep space and capture the mystical Phoenix, its blood will manifestly heal the Earth (and selfishly make Rock prime minister). This eventually proves hard for Godo for many reasons, partly because he has a love of all living creatures and he detests his being trained for what appears to be that of a ruthless hunter. He is also to leave his one friend in his adolescence, Olga, to deletion. Most importantly he elopes with Rena, a "daughter of the elite" and bride-to-be of Rock when it is forbidden for his rank to communicate with such a woman.
    • This video is available on Fembot Central in English.
    • Japanese audio:
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Activation, Faceoff, Robotic movement
  • Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
    • Synopsis: In the future on a planet named Trinia, human slaves have lived underground for millennia mining crystals for a "god" named Zygon and his robot minions. One day Orin, a young miner, finds a jeweled sword embedded in the rocks. Hopps, grandfather of Orin's girlfriend Elan, recognizes the sword and gives his life to save Orin and keep the sword a secret.
    • Watch the movie here:
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Robotic appearance, Access panel, Shut-down, Reprogramming, Reboot
      • At one point, Dagg seizes a fembot and uses it as a body shield. He then reprograms it to serve him via an access panel in her butt. Her name is Silica.
  • Tekken: Blood Vengeance
    • Synopsis: High school student Ling Xiaoyu is recruited by Anna Williams of G Corporation to transfer to Kyoto University and gather information on a student named Shin Kamiya.
    • Watch the video here:
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    • Fembot action: Disassembly, Blank stare, Damage, Robo-vision, Recharge, Shut-down, Activation
      • The fembot Alisa Bosconovitch appears in most of the film. In addition to the aforementioned fembot action, she also has numerous weapons built into her body, including swords, chain saws, jet packs, and computer interface devices that come out of her knuckles. Her arms also can be fired at targets and exploded by remote.


  • Arisa
    • Synopsis: A strange android girl falls from the sky and crash-lands into Shinichirou's cafe, causing her to register him as her new master. Helping with chores isn't Arisa's niche, but she manages to fit in with his sister, Kotomi, until a new girl shows up looking for "Fire Bee". Through a series of sexual encounters, Arisa is found out to be the weapon "Fire Bee" Shinichirou's father was working on before he disappeared. Now the military is desperate to get her back at any cost.
    • Episodes: Two
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Activation, Robo-vision
  • Imma Youjo
    • Synopsis: In a futuristic world, amazing robotic love dolls, capable of fulfilling men's wildest sexual fantasies, have become the norm in brothels. But robotics designer Ichiro seeks to create the perfect woman in both body and soul: an android beautiful beyond compare with the ability to learn, think, and love. Unfortunately, when you build perfection, everyone wants a piece of it...
    • Episode #2
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Disassembly, Access panel, Activation, Damage
  • Luv Wave
    • Synopsis: Mikogami Kaoru a special agent gets as his new partner Alice - a cyborg, who travels around the world gathering new experiences and improving fighting skills. Together they have to solve mysterie of Nine Heavens - new, dangerous drug. They also have to find the source of Xinn - the computer virus, which once shut down international computer networks and it's going to be activated again. Kaoru and Alice have to face not only the enemy but their own feelings and ghosts of their past.
    • Episodes: Three
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Robo-vision, Recharge, Programming, Access panel
  • See in AO
    • Synopsis: In a futuristic city on the sea, Kyoya teaches at an oceanography institute, where he has lived ever since he was rescued at sea by local girl Miyu. Miyu's twin sister Yui realizes that Miyu is attracted to Kyoya and plays matchmaker until the two are a happily copulating couple. It's only then that we are told Yui is not a human at all, but an android programmed to ensure that Miyu is always safe and happy. Yui has feelings for Kyoya herself, which conflict with her own programming and threaten to cause her entire system to crash-compare to other girlfriends with time limits, like Video Girl Ai and Mahoromatic. After Miyu's unexpected death, Yui is on hand to help Kyoya mourn, which she does by taking her sister's place in Kyoya's bed.
    • Episodes: One
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Robo-vision, Access panel, Reprogramming
  • Slave Doll
    • Synopsis: Slave Doll tells the story of Aki, is an Android maid created by the Gene Corporation sent to infiltrate the house of the mysterious Kenichi. She disguises herself as an ordinary housekeeper and begins her mission to capture a sample of Kenichi's superior sperm which is made easy by her master's insatiable lust towards her.
    • Episodes: Three
    • Images
    • Fembot action: Activation, Damage

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