Acting Off-screen

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The bustle of a large crowd begins to quiet. A camera starts rolling on the scene before it. Two actors burst to life on stage. Performing the role they were built for. These actors are slightly unique. They are robots. Designed to be adjustable for whichever role they are assigned. Their appearance is perfect, and they have personality programs of their respective character to load up when performing. It is an intricate process that helps create these magical performances.

Jane has only been operational for a year or two at this point. She has been cast in a few projects, but all quite short term ones without too much of a need for significant adjustment. This is her first big work. She has a complete costume, and a personality program that completely changes how she acts. She is playing Vi. A big character from the hit video game series League of Legends. It is being adapted into a tv-show called “Arcane”. She is one of the protagonists of the show, so is a little overwhelmed by the workload and attention. But she is having a great time on set, and loves each day she gets to embody this character and act out this wonderful story.

Alongside her is a more veteran robot actor. Her name is Cheryl, and she is playing the younger sister, Jinx. The two have been growing closer off-camera as they work together on set. Cheryl has a bit of a reputation as a player. She is known for sleeping with one of her fellow actors in basically every production she is on. Almost every robot has their own little quirks. They require bizarre AI patterns in order to be able to so easily load a different personality and switch between them and their usual stuff on a dime. So if a robot’s little quirk is to get busy with her fellow actors, no one really minds. It is on the easier side of issues to manage. Jane doesn’t seem to have an issue just yet. The designers haven’t identified any odd quirks as a result of her programming. Which does happen every now and then, it just isn’t very common.

After meeting on the first day, Cheryl instantly took a liking to Jane. She is a lot shorter than Jane, and she appears slightly younger. She is designed to look about 19 or so, which is her general range she gets casted for. Jane is designed to look about 23 or 24, a more fully fledged adult. But despite that she is still younger than Cheryl. And certainly less domineering.

It has now been a few weeks of shooting. Everyone seems quite happy with their performances. Cheryl in particular is doing a great job. Her mechanical mannerisms fit her character more than usual, which really helps the personality program fulfill its role. But even then, Jane is having a wonderful time in this big production. People are complimenting her work, and she is enjoying the off hours with Cheryl. They are just about to start a scene together. It is a very emotional one, it being the first time the two characters have met after being separated. They have a function to produce tears, but it requires them to be added beforehand. So Cheryl is laid out on a table, with the front faceplate removed. Underneath is a dense collection of metal, wires, computer chips and all sorts of other mechanics. Two men work as they swap out a cartridge that contains a tear-like fluid. Almost like changing ink in a printer. She remains functioning as the parts are swapped in. Jane walks up, as she is up next once Cheryl is done. “Hey there sugar~” Cheryl says. Jane can see the mechanical pieces that her lip skin wraps around form a smile, but it looks odd with so much of her face missing.

Cheryl’s camera’s in place of her eyes focus on Jane. Jane can see the lenses gently shift in place to focus the image for her computer to better understand the visual data. “Hi! Looking forward to the scene?” Jane asks. “Eh, not really. Getting cleaned after crying is such a pain. Have you ever done a scene with tears before?” She asks. Just as she does, a satisfying click can be heard as the piece is put into place. “Only once. I didn’t mind the clean up, but I get why you don’t like it.” She responds. The men begin to fit Cheryl’s face back into place. She falls silent while they do, as moving around while speaking will just make it hard to do. Jane watches as that familiar face slides into place and they begin to cover the seams with makeup. The previous team of men replaced with a new diverse team holding all sorts of palettes and brushes. They reapply a little bit of dirt and grime on top of the covering to make it look natural. Jane is impressed with how easily the make-up artists manage to quickly apply this incredibly realistic look. The dark eyebags really add weight to her expression. Though that particular touch is mostly lost on Jane. Despite both robots being quite advanced AI’s, they still miss out on a lot of the details of interpreting social cues and expressions. After all, they don’t need that at all for their job. All they need is to convincingly read out the lines that might rely on those social subtleties written by humans who can interpret them.

“Alright you are done.” One of the girls says as Cheryl jumps up out of her table. “Perfect! I am gonna go shoot over to my supervisor to get my Jinx program up and running. Good luck with the oil change~” She says as she dashes off. Cheryl has a sort of energy that Jane finds enticing. She carefully lays down on the table and feels as her face is removed from her body. It’s hard to describe but it is almost as if she can feel her circuitry exposed to the cool air. The slight shift temperature and reduced pressure is reflected in the pace of the signals running through her body. But it is incredibly minor, so small that it doesn’t affect anything meaningfully. She just notices. Then suddenly a cartridge dislodges from her head.

About an hour or two later, they wrap on the scene. The rest of the cast has a few more to shoot that day, but none of them involve Vi and Jinx so the two actors can head to their trailers. Vi enters her own and instantly jumps onto her bed. She is not used to these longer days and so wants to begin charging instantly. As her battery slowly drains she feels more and more sluggish. She basically never drops below 50% even when kept away from any power source for as long as possible. But she can still really feel the difference between 90% and 80%. She plugs herself in, reaching to the port one back of her neck. The cable slides in and she feels a pleasurable shiver across her body as it finds its place inside of her. Her HUD unhelpfully displays that she is connected and that her percentage is at 76. Something she already knew off the top of her head as she has instantaneous access to all of her internal metrics at all times. She lays down and just lets the power flow through her. The rejuvenation makes her feel refreshed and relaxed. After about half an hour she is almost back to full. But is interrupted when she hears a loud knock at her door. She wonders if she is being called back to set for a quick reshoot. But when she opens the door she is greeted by her smaller colleague Cheryl.

“Oh, hi Cheryl! Are you bored, or-” Jane begins. But just as she starts her sentence she is cut off as a fist flies towards her face. She stumbles backwards falling to the floor. Inadvertently dodging the attack. “How could you Vi!” Cheryl screams out. Referring to Jane with her character name. “W-what the hell is going on?!” Jane demands, but her words fall on deaf ears. She scrambles back to avoid Cheryl’s foot from slamming into her. Her back hits the wall. She looks up at her, confused. But she realises how familiar that exact expression is.

That isn’t Cheryl. This is Jinx. Usually there is no way they would let her off set with that personality program still on. And even when plugged into that personality there are parameters that stop her AI from ever being violent. Otherwise they could never do personality programs of villains or scrappy characters. Something has clearly gone wrong. But before she is able to speculate further she is forced to continue scurrying away from the danger. Jinx seems to be cycling through various emotions. She usually has different settings for different scenes. Sad, angry, happy, all sorts. And she is rapidly switching between them as she continues to attack Jane. Her punches and kicks dent the metal of the trailer. She isn’t equipped with any weapon since that is mostly done in editing. So her force is certainly limited by that. But her mechanical body can still output a shocking amount of power.

Jane begins to plead with her. She knows there are clearly issues with the personality program, so she doesn’t really know how to address the robot. Maybe referring to her as Jinx is just going to deepen the immersion. But calling her Cheryl might confuse and anger her more. “P-please just wait a second! We can talk!” She yells, hoping to get through to the bot. Jinx continues her assault and readies her arm for another big blow. Jane has nowhere left to retreat, so instead she braces herself and fears the worst. But mid punch, Jinx’s hand suddenly pauses. Jane takes a peak and sees the robot standing over her glitch. Her right eye twitches rapidly, suddenly closing and opening at incoherent intervals. Her arm just back and forth, always getting upsettingly close to Jane but never connecting.

Her body then starts to seize. Suddenly shifting in random directions until she loses her stance and falls. She collapses onto the fearful bot below. Jane feels as Cheryl’s heavy body collides with her own. Once the dust settles, she tries to calm herself down and checks on Cheryl’s seemingly unconscious body. Just as she concludes that her assumption rings true, Cheryl suddenly opens her eyes. Jane worries, unsure who is in control. Cheryl or Jinx. But she soon receives her answer in a quite surprising manner. The two bots stare at each other for a moment of profound tension, until suddenly the glitching robot leans forward and locks lips with Jane.

Her tongue slips past Jane’s lips and enters her mouth. Cheryl runs it along the inside of her mouth. Slobbering over the cool steel hidden just out of sight within. The two are locked in this awkward make out. Cheryl still sprawled out over Jane who is uncomfortably cramped against the wall. Eventually Jane manages to crane her neck in a way to break free.

She could have tried harder to stop the kiss as it began. It would have been manageable to simply move her head away as soon as she could. But really, she wanted that kiss. Robots have an odd relationship with sexuality. They often have quite well developed programming relating to their ability to perform sexual favours. But in order to incentivise that behaviour in their artificial intelligence, a digital form of pleasure is given. Signals that their computers are designed to long for and desire. But unlike the human body, these aren’t signals that can only be created through touching sexual organs. Just the act of kissing gets her excited. She nearly started to heat up when they shared the intimate moment. But finally she manages to pry herself away, and ask the ever important question. “Hey are you ok??” She sputters. The two lay on the floor tangled with each other. “I-I-I… You are-are so s-sexy babee-e-e” Cheryl mutters. The audio glitches are abundant and hard to ignore. She doesn’t really answer the question and instead just signals her interest in Jane. Which was very concerning to her.

But before she was able to ask any further, Cheryl began to move suddenly again. She attempts to stand back up, pushing further into Jane’s body at times and stumbling over herself. It is a messy process but eventually her odd movements and janky attempt bears fruit and she takes to her feet. Jane does the same, being able to do so in mere moments. Now the two stand face to face. Jane worries for Cheryl, clearly there are still issues. But she feels calmer now that the situation seems to have relaxed significantly. And just as she thinks that she is thrown against the wall of her trailer. Luckily she is not exactly wracked with pain as she collides with the wall and slides down. Leaving an impressive dent in the trailer. She doesn’t really experience pain. Robots can have pain responses that are closer to simple alerts rather than active anguish. So she is not suddenly hit with a wave of negative feelings.

What does happen is a flood of notifications and warning signs ringing throughout her entire system. Her HUD fills with transparent windows informing her of the damage and the issues. Her system is rattled by the blow. Nothing is completely broken, but as her screen keeps yelling at her, a few more of those hits absolutely will. And even then everything is jumbled. Wires are stressed and almost pulled out, leaving some only half connected to their ports. Pour begins to leak out of those half made connections, which are going to slowly take their toll.

But Jane can’t focus on any of that. As Cheryl rolls her head to face the bot she just attacked and shows a weird, emotionally distraught grin. That is the face of Jinx again. Jane does her best to get into a better position than before. She can’t constantly stay on the run while panickedly shuffling around the floor. So she jumps to her feat as Jinx charges her, then swiftly dodges a punch coming her way. Jane almost feels proud of herself, but it is quickly fleeting as Jinx continues her ongoing assault. She lets out a flurry of strikes. Jane manages to avoid all of the truly threatening ones, but is nowhere near skilled enough to dodge it all. So she is occasionally hit. And she can feel the mounting strain on her body. As blows land against her, she feels her body becoming stiffer and less agile. It is hard to get a complex diagnostic reading to inform her exactly what is causing that. Whether lack of power flowing through her body from the disjointed cables, or metal plates shifting out of place and beginning to grate against each other every movement.

Jane is incredibly unsure of how to proceed. She doesn’t want to strike back, but it is clearly a losing game just defending as long as possible. If this turns into a battle of attrition she will not hold on long enough. She can hear some loud sounds from the set. It seems they are filming something with some practical effects. The noise is more than enough to cover any thrashing around within her trailer, so it is not like anyone is going to check on the disturbance. She certainly can’t slip past Jinx who is actively keeping herself between Jane and the door at almost all times. She races through the options in her head, eliminating them one by one. Her strategizing is cut off as another swing comes flying towards her. She quickly ducks but is caught by a knee strike to her chest that hits hard. She crumples to the floor again, but this time is more proactive. Jane collects her thoughts and then grabs Jinx's leg. She pulls hard, bringing the bot down without actively hurting her too much. The landing does seem to cause more of an impact than she expected though, as she watches how Jinx’s head slams into the flooring.

She begins to seize once more. Jinx twitches and squirms on the floor as her voice becomes garbled and unintelligible. Against her better judgement, Jane crawls over to the glitching bot to see if she is ok. After a few more moments of the shaking, Jinx finally calms down again and stops moving. Her eyes are closed and her mouth hangs open. Jane gets to her feet. She isn’t going to wait around like last time. She heads to the door to get some help. But it doesn’t budge. She finds that the lock has been turned, then twisted off. It seems after one of Jinx’s attacks, she must have trapped the two of them while Jane was reeling from the strike. She spends a moment thinking before deciding that she needs to tear the door from its hinges. But as she gets ready to kick it down, she feels a hand slide in between her legs from behind. The fingers rub Jane’s jeans in just the right away to affect her. She was already excited from the previous kissing. It takes very little for a robotic body to be receptive to sexual input. So she already feels weak in the knees from this over the clothes teasing. She stumbles back and falls into the arms of Cheryl. Cheryl leans in slightly and nibbles on Jane’s ear. “W-w-w-where are you go-going, sexyyyYYyyyyY?” She whispers. The end of her sentence fluctuates in volume, which is a little intense when so close like that.

Her fingers crawl along Janes waist and around to her front. She tries to undo her pants. But the technical finesse of removing the button is completely lost on the glitching Cheryl. She doesn’t understand that she has to pull inwards to create enough slack to slide the button out. Instead she just tugs on each end harder and harder. Eventually the string that is tightly wrapped between the holes of the button comes undone suddenly. The plastic circle shoots out and plinks against the wall. Leaving enough of an opening for Cheryl to explore more of Jane’s sensitive areas. She happily breaches the waistband of her underwear and makes it to her pussy. With a smile and a laugh that keeps cutting off before each noise, she gently slides her finger down the length of Jane’s slit.

She suddenly breaks out in moans. She struggles to keep her voice under wraps. Jane knows she needs to do something about Cheryl. She seems to keep getting worse and worse. The risk of her switching back to Jinx is high at any point. But it instantly becomes so hard to focus at all as Cheryl’s fingers explore her insides. Her mind is just a total fog. Her computer struggles to process each and every pleasure signal running through her system. That added load dramatically lowers her ability to double task and think on her feet. This is never a problem when she is having sex. But now when she really can’t afford to be distracted, it’s almost a death sentence. Cheryl can feel Jane’s insides squeeze and contract around her fingers.

“O-oh-oh-oh you l-l-like th-at doooon’t you s-s-slut?” She says. Struggling to get through even a single word without any problems. Jane shudders in pleasure. Each slight poke and prod send a flood of signals through her system. Dashing from wire to wire until they all collect in her central processing unit. Jane’s hands curl into fists as she twitches. Melting in Cheryl’s hands. Cheryl begins to pull down her pants with her one free hand. And once she has done that, she pulls Jane’s all the way down. Both stand just in front of the locked door in their panties.

Jane covers her mouth with her hand, not wanting to let the moans escape out of her trailer. If she is discovered like this, it will all just seem like some kinky roleplay. They continue on just like this. Jane tries and fails to keep a level head and stay on top of the situation. And Cheryl being the culprit causing such pleasurable difficulty for Jane. Eventually the pattern only breaks when Jane is brought so much excitement she struggles to stand and collapses further into Cheryl. Cheryl is already smaller than Jane, and with her glitchy movements she doesn’t have the stability to keep them both up and they fall to the floor.

Jane is getting frustrated. She has never felt so out of control. She keeps falling, crawling and getting thrown around the room by this crazy bot. And the worst part is how good she feels right now. Her body feels so warm as her processors burn through the signals. During the fall Cheryl’s hands were forcibly removed from Jane. The exit though sudden was quite exhilarating. She can’t help but almost pant. She doesn’t require any oxygen, but it helps as a form of cooling when her fans aren’t capable of doing it enough. So her breath gets ragged as she gets more and more excited. Then exactly what she was trying to avoid happens. Due to the pleasure she misses the change from Cheryl to Jinx. Jane feels a firm hand on her shoulder pull her back up to her feet. Then she gets hit square in the abdomen.

She is caught in this cycle of violence, mentally debilitating sex, and violence. Jane is just getting worn down as this goes on. Both physically and mentally. Her joints are strained, her battery charge is dropping rapidly, and her mind is clouded. But because of this, she is willing to try even more. At first she was treading carefully. She knew that any damage done to Cheryl’s body would pose problems. Even if she needed to defend herself from Jinx. But now she is far more desperate. The situation is worse, and she can think less clearly. She is reeling from the previous blow but pushes herself to recover as fast as possible. Jane barely beats out Jinx who still seems to be suffering from all sorts of confusing feelings. “V-VI! H-h-how-... S-sis-sister” She groans.

Seizing her opportunity, Jane dives forward and leaps at Jinx. They hit the floor again, but this time Jane is on top. She has practically mounted Jinx and is able to hold both of her arms down. Her panting is heavy. She is face to face with her attacker and her sex partner. They are both half naked. Jane physically can’t help herself from ever so slightly grind on the woman she is straddling. She tries desperately to hold back, but she fails. Jinx continues to struggle in vain against the weight of the bigger bot. But she is unable to break free just yet. And it is only then she seems to notice what is going on. She feels Jane slowly run up and down her navel. Which has only been revealed from her shirt being awkwardly pulled up ever so slightly. Jinx is confused. She is suffering from a number of electrical problems, which just keep getting worse and worse. So she is unable to fully react to the situation realistically.

So instead of being disgusted or upset, she sees it as another thing to exploit. A method to get herself out of this spot and resume her offensive. Jinx isn’t usually hyper focused on violence. She is very desensitized to the concept, and is far more sadistic than your average woman. But it’s not like this. It must be partly due to her malfunctioning. Jane continues to pin the bot down. Becoming more and more daring in her pursuit of self pleasure while she does so. She grows over confident from the power she has. Feeling safe now that she has the upper hand. A feeling that slowly erodes her defences as time goes on. She doesn’t exactly notice why, but she feels her pleasure growing even more. This is because Jinx has started to shift her stomach up and down with Jane’s movements. And just when Jane closes her eyes for a moment, wracked with pleasure and feeling secure in her victory, Jinx jumps back into action. With all of her might she throws the bot back. Slamming her into the floor and reversing their positions. Now Jinx has the upper hand, and Jane is trapped. A shocked expression is painted across her previously pleasure filled face.

Jinx grins at her victory. She is proud of herself. Then almost instantly she begins to almost seize again. Her body begins to shake as she makes a horrible garbled noise as she does so, which is enough to really bring Jane back to reality. Through the odd movements, Jinx does manage to raise a fist. She slams down into Jane, who reels from the blow. Jane does not yell out in pain. Any communication of anguish is purely designed for acting, and not an honest representation of her feelings. She does not feel her body ache from the accumulated damage of this encounter. But her system screams at her to resolve the situation before things get even a little bit worse. And they do get worse. Another blow lands squarely on Jane’s jaw. It rattles her entire head. Each time these sudden hits happen, the parts of her CPU jostle around and risk significant damage. She has largely resisted most long term damage, but that has come to an end.

Jane feels a bizarre sensation rush through her entire body. Something important clicks out of place. It loosens her grip on her body. Almost disconnecting her simulated consciousness from reality. She suddenly feels every movement is sluggish and delayed. There is a thick nest of cables that carry all of the most core data signals going from her central processing unit to the rest of her body. It provides all of the information for physical movement. But that finally got damaged, as the casing was suddenly pushed against a metal piece that had shifted out of place. Severing the wires. So now all of her computational programming is not being administered directly, but instead send wirelessly. Creating a notable delay, and a lack of proper active control over her body. Jane can barely get a grip over this new feeling. She knew she had this function in the exact event that her cable was damaged, but had yet to experience the sensation.

As she is left dazed, Jinx has all the time to continue her assault. She lands a few more strikes on the bot she is straddling. But each of them are slightly weaker than the last. Her own system is suffering from the increasing errors. Her data corrupts from the constant unprepared switching of personality programs without having the proper time to transfer all correct files and adjusting other settings. Almost like shoving a USB in and out without ejecting it, the risk of further corruption exponentially grows each time she swaps. The bot sways in place, unable to keep herself still. She then falls backwards, lying on the floor as her legs remain tangled with Jane’s. She continues to shiver and shake. Constantly shifting in place while wildly swinging into the air. Jane struggles to get up. She plants her hand on the ground to push off of the floor, but instantly slips and falls back into place. The two robotic women are basically trapped, scrambling on the floor. Either unable to use their body to get up, or unable to know that they should get up.

Jane tries to calm herself down. In order to get a hold over this new weird way of interfacing with the world, she needs to take things one step at a time. She focuses on her hands movement, getting to grips with the wireless delay. Just as she begins to feel a bit more used to it, something shocks her yet again. She feels soft cotton press against her privates. It squishes against that sensitive place and shivers are shot straight to her head. It feels tingly and odd, because now even these sexual signals are sent wirelessly. They scratch an odd itch she never knew she had, and is enough to overwhelm her almost immediately.

She looks down at the origin of this bizarre sensation. Jane sees that Jinx has switched back to Cheryl. Who has taken advantage of their position to shove her crotch into Jane’s. She rubs gently against the bot, the thin cloth between the two both shielding them but creating its own form of teasing pleasure. “W-waitt” Jane tries to sputter out, but is swiftly interrupted by her own moans. Cheryl does not heed the pleading. Whether she could not hear the words, not interpret them. Or simply she does not care. It is hard to tell. Cheryl writhes against Jane, and the two erupt into a symphony of moans. Cheryl’s sounds are still cacophonous due to the glitchy mess of her system. Jane is almost mortified to hear that her own moans are slowly starting to sound more like Cheryl’s. The occasional hitch or hiccup interrupting her honest expressions of pleasure.

Jane has grown to almost expect the sudden switching. She is always caught off guard about the exact timing, but generally expects it to happen before she is able to truly do something about it. What she did not see coming was such a swift one-two follow up. Just as she begins to let the cloud of pleasure distract her already over encumbered system, she feels the pressure vanish from between her legs. Then suddenly it is redirected to her stomach when a punch lands as Jinx towers over her once again. Jane can’t keep up with these hits. She is struggling to respond even slightly. The only thing that has kept her going for this long was the fact that Jinx was getting weaker and weaker as her system breaks. That final blow is only a third of the damage she was able to dish out at the beginning. Jinx keeps attempting to sling taunts, swears, and yells. But all of her dialogue is so choppy that it’s completely unintelligible.

Jane shields herself before the next strike connects which does further lessen the blow. But there is no possibility of restoring the damage already done. So it is nothing more than slowing the battle of attrition that she is woefully losing. Her body is feeling more and more distant. She notices as she clutches herself to shield her body that even the wireless is beginning to error. Things aren’t responding correctly to her commands. Her arm moves into place right, but her fingers don’t seem to listen. She feels even further from herself. The separation between mind and body is stronger than any connection. The only thing keeping her grounded is the nagging sensation of sexual pleasure. Even with signals glitching, or dropped inputs, it still hits just as hard. This is likely due to the sheer amount of data. When half of it is lost it is still more than enough to do its job.

Jane struggles to think. She can react only instinctively. She knows Jinx is somewhere above her, so she kicks repeatedly as hard as she can. No grace, elegance or accuracy. She manages to graze the bot a solid number of times. Eventually the sheer force and friction is enough to tear the waistband of her underwear. Leaving the tattered cloth to slowly fall off of her as she continues her wild flurry of kicks. Finally she lands a strong hit on the bot, who was unable to properly see and react to Jane. She collapses back onto the ground and Jane races to pin her once more. Jane grabs hold of Jinx. She continues to struggle against her. She can feel her hold is not as strong as it was before. And even her previous hold was weak enough to be overthrown. Jane has to do something to pacify Jinx. To sap her of her strength. And with the hazy mess of horny excitement clouding any judgement she might usually have, the answer seems perfectly obvious. Jane holds both of Jinx’s wrists above the bot's head with a single hand. Then with the other she creeps down to the bot's underwear and rips it off. Leaving them both half naked. Jane doesn’t want to waste time. She can’t. So while she still has Jinx under control, she carefully slides two fingers into the robots inviting slit. She ventures inside of her, as she has done many times. She has spent nights pleasuring Cheryl time and time again. So she feels confident that she can deliver an experience that is enough to completely stall the robot before her.

She palpates the robots' quivering insides. Using her limber fingers she performs various movement patterns that she knows excites the robot in just the right way. She slides out of her cavity in order to continue her assault. She gently circles the imitation clit. She knows Cheryl is a little over sensitive. So she instead just teases. Gently approaching that orb of simulated nerve endings but never really touching it. Just radiating around it. Jinx reacts strongly. She lets out a noise that Jane can only assume is intended to be a moan. Her face seems desperate to find an expression that fits what she is feeling but never settles on a single one. She swaps constantly between them, anguish, pleasure, confusion, happiness… Jane has an odd moment of clarity as she fingers the glitching bot. She feels bad for the Jinx identity. Her existence as an entity is debatable. The exact science of these personality programs are still seldom discussed so the entire thing is almost a mystery. But Jinx finally seems to be calming down. She seems to feel less violent and less intense. It’s impossible to tell exactly what mess of signals is causing this new behaviour, but Jane can’t deny the possibility of pleasure and positivity is the determining factor. And just as this perception softens her grip, Jinx breaks free.

Jinx is reaching the end of her rope. The entire problem started when an incorrectly applied tear canister began to leak into her system. Frying core computer chips that manage a lot of her programming. If she was less broken, this final gambit would have worked. But instead, sparks fly within. Hidden by the layers of metal and artificial skin that encases her electronics.

She slams her forehead into Jane. The headbutt is intense. A sudden burst of strength resulted from another sudden short circuit frying the limit switches on her internal actuators. No longer is her system holding itself back to keep her body together. The full force of her mechanics is unleashed, which heavily damages Jane, but even more so harms Jinx herself. The damage on Jane is not visible, but it is monumental regardless. She lands on the floor completely unconscious. Despite that, her body continues to oddly twitch and writhe on the floor. Akin to some form of robotic rigor mortis.

Jinx is not spared the same luxury of appearing normal. Her neck is slightly torn off of its hinges. The artificial skin ruptures, and the metal plating underneath rips. Broken wires and computer components spray out of the new opening. She collapses on top of Jane. The two robots lay on top of eachother. Arms and legs continue to gyrate and move with inhuman patterns. But the robots have fallen silent. They are broken.

An hour later, Fiona has finished her scene. She was doing a pretty intense action scene but has finally finished up. She has long black hair which extends down past her shoulders. She plays the character Caitlyn. Fiona heads to Jane’s trailer. She wants to chat with the bot and go over some details about their characters, since they will be doing a lot of filming together tomorrow. But when she arrives the trailer has multiple dents in its walls. She runs up to the door and breaks it off its hinges when it refuses to open. There she finds the two bots on the floor. The damage to Cheryl is shocking, but it is clear Jane doesn’t fare much better. She sighs. This is going to cause problems for the production.