Interlinked Failure

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Revision as of 10:13, 30 September 2024 by TotallyNot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Chun-Li walks confidently down the street, duffel bag in hand. She is on her way to her local training facility to prepare herself for the next global tournament. She has brought an assortment of sports equipment, as well as a change of clothes, water bottle, and towel. She always brings the towel to her workouts, but basically never sweats no matter how hard she tries. This is because, unbeknownst to her, she is a fembot. A complicated web of processing units, wires and...")
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Chun-Li walks confidently down the street, duffel bag in hand. She is on her way to her local training facility to prepare herself for the next global tournament. She has brought an assortment of sports equipment, as well as a change of clothes, water bottle, and towel. She always brings the towel to her workouts, but basically never sweats no matter how hard she tries. This is because, unbeknownst to her, she is a fembot. A complicated web of processing units, wires and motherboards make up her mind and neural system. But she is absolutely none the wiser, assuming herself to be just as normal as anyone else she passes on the street. She gives a little wave to an older woman who passes by. The woman seems quite delighted by the gesture. She almost always waves to strangers if she makes eye contact with them from a distance. She does not think about the meaning of these actions. Her mind is quite blank. Merely following the scripts she has within her system. A blank doll without the ability to determine if it is any more. She happens upon the entrance of the facility and spots a familiar sight. A woman clad in only a few pieces of clothing, largely consisting of black white and purple. Juri Han. Another fighter, just like Chun-Li.

But Juri Han has a built-in script to react negatively to “good” people like Chun-Li. And CHun-Li’s system tells her to act negatively to “bad” people like Juri Han. Neither of them would ever be able to change their mind. They are unable to even think why they do this. Just predisposed words escape their lips and pre-disposed movement guides their robotic joints. Chun-Li scoffs when she sees Juri. Juri does the same upon noticing the chinese fighter walk towards her. They scoff again once within earshot of the other. The oddly repeated behaviour is lost on both of them. “Hello there Juri Han.” Chun-Li says. She is employing her negative tone but her script still dictates the standard greeting. “Hi Chun-Li,” Juri responds. She was designed to be a lot less informal. This could have been one of the reasons Chun-Li didn’t like her, if she was able to wonder why.

The two speak no further, and move into the gym. Each finding their own machines and repeating their actions over and over. Chun-Li does not have a routine she performs. Truthfully her body does not need to be maintained in any way involving stress like this. But it is baked into her system that she has a need for working out and staying fit, so she does a poor approximation of that. Simple attending a single machine on repeat for 60 minutes. Not wavering in performance, no sweat dripping down her brow. No sets or any other standard gym behaviour. If anyone comes up asking when she will be done, she plainly tells them it will likely be an hour. Each time the sentence is structured and read out by her in the exact same way. She does not drink from the bottle she brought. She does not need to wipe herself down with the towel. Once the timer in her head has finally ticked to zero, she heads to the changing room. The clothes are none worse for wear than when they entered. Not receiving any stains or accumulated body odour requiring a change. Her system just simply commands her to do so. And much the same applies to Juri han. She remains at the other end of the facility, maintaining vision of the potential combatant the whole time. She mindlessly performs the same exercise with the same weight and the same pace for an hour. As her personality type is more rude, the stock sentence she gives anyone asking for a machine is considerably harsher than what Chun-Li offers, but retains the same effect. And once she has finished she heads to the same womens changing room as Chun-Li does.

It is still quite early in the morning, there were very few people around to begin with and the pace wasn't going to pick up much considering it was the middle of the week. The women's changing rooms were completely empty save for the two fembots. So they silently changed, not catching any glances at each other or worrying about a passing gaze. They simply took their clothes off and put new clothes on. The mundanity of the action is completely lost on them. For they perform this with the exact lack of sincere conviction they apply to each and every task in front of them. The only differences are the pre-programmed facial expressions and corresponding lines. But as they finish up changing their identical set of clothes, something else happens outside of their awareness. It seems that an automatic update patch was released and would be applied to any online fembots in the area. This is quite a routine standard, something that happens often. The only issue this time is the fembots connect to whatever free local wifi is available, not really needing a 24/7 internet connection. But just as the update was applying, within the few moments it needed to download, the gym's internet hiccuped. Cut out for a moment before connecting back to that same signal. But that one moment, that lapse in data transfer spelled disaster for the two poorly programmed bots in this changing room. As the update invisibly flowed into them and applied minor changes to various core scripts, the sudden drop in service caused an error. An error that neither are aware of and thus can’t do anything about. At first it only applies in small ways. Chun-Li places her clothes back in her bag, one at a time. But as she held her tights, her hand completely missed the bag, instead placing it on the floor 50 cm to the right of her bag. She does not realise this, assuming the bag to be full and the task complete. So she zips it up without the tights. A clear and simple mistake that should not have happened. She stands to leave but stumbles over herself a little. She doesn’t understand that problems are happening, and her system isn't self aware enough to fix them on the fly. It seems within the update there was an addition to the joints that creates smoother movement. But now the file is corrupted and her body is suffering without her even realising.

Juri is no better off. She puts her top over her head and pulls it down. Her head gets stuck in one of the spider leg strands next to the designated neck section of the outfit. The top hangs awkwardly, too tight on one side and too loose on the other. But she doesn’t notice and doesn’t self correct. Neither of the fembots have developed enough scripts in order to regulate their actions in response. Barely even an AI, closer to a long long list of “if… then…” statements. But as it begins to shift and break their movement scripts, more of the coding that makes up these two gets more mangled. “I heard you had retired, Chun-Li.” Juri asks, breaking the science. “I still keep myself in top form. All fighters should.” Chun-Li replies, turning her head to look at who she is speaking to. She overshoots however and stares into the space a metre to the side of Juri. “Are you top form? I think you have gotten rusty” Juri says. Poorly inserting the phrase just spoken to her in a sentence, without considering the grammar. Her face quickly shifts to a more serious expression, with little to no inbetween. Her face then shifts again, to a smile, but her eyebrows remain downturned. It is a disorientating mismatch that is completely lost on Chun-Li. “Would you like to find out if I am rusty? COMBAT.EXE LAUNCH” Chun-Li replies, exclaiming the last half in a considerably more monotone voice. Rather than a poor imitation of human emotion, the words escape her lips without them even moving. Only the microphone in her throat produces the words without any visual indication. She lowers into a fighting pose, her legs spreading wider and her arms held close. Her hands form tight fists, ready to explode at any moment. Juri han does the same. Her fighting stance is considerably wilder, moving an arm back a little and completely raising one of her legs off of the floor. The misplaced shirt begins to just slightly tear as her body doesn’t slow when faced with the restriction, just applying more force until into the required pose. Juri grins, her brow still furrowed. She does not yell a file name by mistake such as her opponent. But instead the wrong file is launched. Her hand awkwardly extends and reaches for something that isn’t there. She grabs at an invisible handle, almost as if she is playing the animation for opening a door without a door there. Her speech begins to glitch, words not coming out right. “Y-You will face myg wratth” Her system manages to force out. Each minor glitch and hiccup further obfuscates the original voiceline. Chun-Li does not react. Her face is the largest giveaway to the inhumanity within her. No meaningful reactions, idle change and mailable expressions. It remains cold, stuck and unexpressive. She charges forward and lets loose a flying kick at Juri. Miraculously the system manages to make it through the movement without any noticeable errors. Her foot collides with Juri’s outstretched arm before crumpling into the rest of her body. Juri absorbs the impact quite magnificently, and merely slides back without taking much damage. And just as Chun-Li slows and begins to drop, Juri’s hands stop their previous script and are kicked further into the combat sequence. Punching the bot down to the floor. Cracks form in the ground beneath Chun-Li as she slams down. Her body is shaken. She is designed with a carbon steel lining to soften the power of attacks like this, so no permanent damage takes place. Though it places significant strain on all of her joints and stress areas. Juris top completely rips as she throws the punch. The tatters of the workout clothes fall to the floor next to Chun-Li. Her breasts are now exposed and unsupported. Neither of the fembots have the ability to notice.

But just as Juri tries to continue her attack, more issues within her system arise. The files are corrupting at an increased pace. Her system is paridly attempting the same failing scripts over and over again, causing an exponentially increasing strain on her processing power. “ERROR OVERLOAD. REBOOT SYSTEM Y/N?” She yells out loud, her system confusing its own diagnostics with its vocal code. Juri’s scripts were built off of a simple OS that expected user input. Under this stress it is using fallback code that is completely unviable in her system. Her arm reaches out in an attempt to strike once more but it lands with absolutely no weight whatsoever. It gently bumps Chun-Li’s chest. The script restarts, unable to continue otherwise. Causing her to repeat the punch she just performed, but now against the empty air where Chun-Li once was. She makes an awkward step forward, her body likely trying to find more stable footing. But her leg collides with Chun-Li and Juri topples over. Now she lays on the floor on top of Chun-Li and her body is awkwardly squirming around trying to figure out what is going on. Her scripts don’t have perfect communication with her sensors or other forms of external input, so the data her system has is incredibly poor. If things aren't going to plan they crumble almost instantly.

Then suddenly both of the fembots react in the same way. Their systems identified there was a significant problem after all the mounting issues. Finally they were to attempt to rectify the issue with a hard system restart. Chun-Li’s computer was the first to initiate the reset, as it had more time for the diagnostics to uselessly run over and over before ending with the blanket solution. Her system gives the shutdown order, with the caveat to restart immediately after. Juri’s body goes slack as it attempts to restart as well, and it loses power in all of its limbs. But it does not go very smoothly. As the corrupted files are still running, the system can’t properly communicate with them and give the shut down signal. So power still runs, the computer can’t handle this contradiction. The brain further breaks. Chun-Li opens her eyes, and the hinges on her left eyelid start to bug. Moving up and down rapidly until it stays open. It is a breaking point for her processor. Unable to properly use its own failsafe systems without it causing further damage. Juri’s body spasms a little as she attempts to stand, unable to get everything working together for a singular smooth collective motion. The two robots are bugging out on the floor.

Until a moment of sudden peace. Juri is able to stand and takes a step back. Her voice glitches for a second but quickly stabilises. “C-ch,un-Li? Why are you on the floor?” She asks simply. Chun-Li takes a moment to get up herself, then looks at Juri. “I-I-I-I am not really sure. It is strange” She says, looking at the ground where she just laid then back up at Juri. Their eyes meet for a moment, and a moment of silence passes over the two. No need for any follow up dialogue, they have nothing to communicate to each other. But yet they slowly approach, getting closer and closer by the second. Something has happened to their systems. The code has finally found a pathway through the corruption that doesn’t cause her system to restart. Finally after hundreds of attempts to run through the scripts one was found. Juri’s processing unit was racing through all of the existing scripts and behavioural options until only a single one was uncorrupted enough to be put into action. Juri shifts her stance and sticks her hips out to the side a little more. She looks forward to Chun-Li and bites her lips. Chun-Li looks at her, perplexed for a moment. But her expression quickly changes to a similar one of excitement. They sway closer and closer until only a mere inch separates the two bots. Then finally their lips connect.

The only viable scripts that were far enough from the corrupted files were for sexual attraction. The only way these bots' brains can continue to function is by enjoying each other's bodies. Their silicone based artificial lips press against each other as they engage in a strong kiss. Juri’s hand moves around to Chun-Li’s back and firmly grasps her. Chun-Li leans against her hand and allows Juri to invade her mouth with her tongue. A passionate kiss these two fembots had never engaged in up until this point. But they do not have the capability to be embarrassed. They will ever know what is the first or the 10th or the 100th employment of a script. It is just behaviour and dialogue performed over and over again. Juri continues to kiss Chun-Li, and presses her chest against the opposing bots. Their bodies writhe against each other in simulated pleasure, acting as if it is all sending pleasure hormones to their brains. The kiss slowly gets more and more forceful, dramatic, and involved. Until finally Juri pulls away. A small trail of their simulated saliva still connects the two bots for a brief moment right after the kiss. Until it snaps as she moves away. “I can’t e-explain these feelings. But I need you Chun-Li.” Juri says. Her voice module still features the occasional hiccup. Even the last line of her systems are at threat of ceasing function. “I feel the same way.” Chun-Li tells her. There is still an astonishing lack of emotion in her voice. The script that helps regulate inflection and feelings in her dialogue is completely ruined. Now she can only speak words in monotone. Juri retains her slightly more human sounding speech, but it will be gone before long. These two bots are ticking time bombs. Their bodies will cease function sooner rather than later. But in their final moments, they kiss once more. Juri’s hand moves further down, and firmly grasps Chun-Li's ass. It is soft and pillowy. There is no muscle needed to attain her incredible strength, so the skin and fat on top of her body is pleasantly supple. This time it is Chun-Li who moves away first. She puts her hands between her and Juri, but not to separate the two. Instead she grasps the exposed chest in front of her. With each of her hands she gently fondles and gropes Juri, who moans in response. Her moaning mechanism is quite underbaked. She is only able to repeat the same moan sound file over and over again. It is incredibly unconvincing. She was never designed to really engage with things like this. The only reason she is still upright and moving now is how far back these scripts were from her most commonly used ones. But of course Chun-Li pays it no mind. And after getting a pleasant feel she lowers her head and places a soft kiss on Juri’s left nipple. Still playing with the right one, Chun-Li begins to lick and tease her nipple. Juri is unable to get any speech through past the now overlapping moan audio. Neither of the bots understand what is happening. There is no meaning to each grope. Chun-Li does not enjoy feeling up Juri, nor does she find it upsetting. She is incapable of opinion at all. She has no idea what she is doing is sexually gratifying. She is just a husk for the next action. Just an endless string of commands.

“MOVE FINGERS R1-4 AND THUMB R BY 10 DEGREES INWARDS AT EACH JOINT” it reads. THereis no human joy of pleasure. No sexual gratification from the breast. Just empty movements like placing one foot in front of the other to move forward. Each and every step and action are pre-ordained by these systems. Their bodies merely puppets to the code that runs them. No way to question their actions or consider them. Chun-Li removes her mouth from Juri’s breast. She begins to disrobe to match Juri’s half nakedness. Her script tells her that when in a sexual situation with someone, your clothes should be removed if you are alone with them. The situation triggers the flags and initiates the script for getting naked. She removes her white waistband quite clumsily. Struggling with the knot, her hands not being as exact as before. The encoded movements for fondling a east were practically untouched, but the instructions for getting undressed are significantly damaged. Her fingers are uncoordinated, unable to unify for this single goal. Her body struggles to understand the intricacies of a cloth knot. Unable to determine what part to pull for it to come loose, spending a significant amount of time accidentally tightening it before lucking into the correct answer. Finally it comes loose, and with that her top and corresponding dress like shawl is easy to remove. It comes right off over her head, and falls to the floor next to her. Chun-Li’s now exposed chest is far bigger than Juri’s. A fact neither of them are able to recognise.

Next comes her tights. She slides them down the first couple inches but then moves to sit down at the benches near her. Some of them are damaged from the fight that took place mere moments ago. The cracks of the floor had crept up and dislodged some screws and pieces of the bench, leading some of it to be wonky. But she sits on top of it all the same, and pulls her pants the rest of the way down. Her body glitches out for a moment, her instructions repeating over and over. She pulls them up and down at an increasing rate until they simply tear in her hands. Seeing the job as complete, she stands once more, her tights flaking off of her but still holding tight around her ankles. The entire process was wordless and silent. It would have absolutely killed the mood in any other circumstance. But there is no mood for it to ruin. There is no unspoked connection taking place, excitement rushing through their veins. It is procedural, slow, and quiet. A checklist to run through. There is nothing more for these two robots to cling to besides the next instruction they mindlessly follow given from their system. Chun-Li is left in just her underwear. Simple cotton panties that hug her form quite tightly.

Juri follows suit. Her outfit is a lot more complicated than Chun-Li’s, needing a more in depth script in order to take it off. But all this coding nuance creates is more room for error in her system. Her pants consist of a baggier outer layer of black fabric. And then white and pink tights on the inside. They are both attached at the top and the bottom, so they can’t be removed separately. So as she grabs her waistband and begins to pull down it starts smoothly, but quickly devolves into a mess. She gets them down to about her knees before the fabric starts bunching up so much it is getting in the way of itself. She doesn't choose to sit down, so she raises one foot in order to pull the bottom of the pants off of it. But she continuously struggles to get the heap of clothing off, and as the process is prolonged, she does a worse and worse job. Eventually she simply stops and puts her foot back on the ground. Her system makes the odd logical leap and assumes the task to be completed due to so much time being dedicated to it.

Juri begins to approach the now mostly naked Chun-Li and they kiss once again. The absolute lack of passion is palpable. They play automated moans, and their hands slide across the artificial skin of the other. Juri moves her hand down between Chun-Li’s legs and begins to massage the front of the cotton panties with two fingers. They stare into each other's eyes as she does so. Chun-Li continues to moan. But the whole scene is just awkward. They are standing completely upright and looking at each other, it is by no means a standard sexual position. But they can’t think of any other options. The utility and added excitement of other positions are completely incompatible with the way their systems function. Chun-Li’s body begins to produce a natural lubricant from her vagina which dampens the cotton panties. But things begin to change, as finally the corruption has reached the final frontier of their code. Now the last behavioural pattern begins to suffer.

Juri’s fingers stop moving in sensual circles as they are programmed to do. But instead flicker between tapping and contracting, something that neither of them notice. She speaks once more, but not to continue her dialogue. “REPEATED SYSTEM FAILURE. RESTART SYSTEM Y/N?” She says. But her processors have deteriorated far more grievously than the last time this warning played. Her system does not have the ability to restart her own settings. Rather than failing due to open programs, the signal itself can’t be sent. Chun-Li is in a similar state of active decay. Her right arm begins trembling idly. Her right eye begins to spazz out again, darting around looking at various parts of the room. “J-,juuri Hhahn. I,, fi..nd yo;’ attra,ctive” She says. While her dialogue’s quality is unaffected by the corrupted mess the same can not be said for the microphone's audio quality. Each word is interrupted by sudden drops in audio, wavering pitch and other bizarre glitches. The few files unaffected by the update crash and subsequent corruption are beginning to fall. And there are no back ups or fail safes that can protect their system anymore.

Chun-Li’s head quickly darts to the right, staring into the empty space next to her. Her head then returns to focus on Juri, only to quickly swivel away again. Her body does this on repeat as it can barely keep itself together. She opens her mouth but does not speak. Instead it too begins to wildly swing on its hinges. Her entire body is bugging out with no sign of slowing. The only way her body stays still at this point is if she completely loses power and shuts down. And shutting down like this means it is unlikely she will ever power on without external help. Juri is repeating her system warning out loud over and over again. “REPEATED SYSTEM FAILURE. RESTART SYSTEM Y/N?” “REPEATED SYSTEM-” She stops suddenly. Her lips continue to move, making the same shapes for that sentence. But her voice has suddenly shut off, no audio coming out of her microphone. But her mouth keeps moving as she stares forward. Her fingers are still spazzing out on Chun-Li’s crotch. She hasn’t received the internal flag to stop her action, so her system still thinks it is running through the sexual behaviour script. But nothing she is doing fits that description now. Her eyes may be trained on Chun-Li’s face but they stare thousands of miles further. Not truly focusing on anything. Never able to.

These two robots were barely “communicating” with each other before, but now they are basically completely cut off. Unable to utilise any input at all, whether visual or auditory. There is no functioning system in place to interpret the data gained from the world around them. Nothing to process that and determine which behavioural set to pull from. Nothing to put that behavioural set into action. They are at the stage where they aren’t being given instructions that their bodies aren’t able to properly complete. But rather even the basic steps and form of how these signals get sent are completely null. And it just keeps getting worse. Smoke starts to leak out of Juri hans ears and mouth. A little escaping with each word she silently pronounces. Her system is severely overheating from the corrupted data and infinite broken code loops. Each passing second causes severe physical damage to her processing units, which only multiplies the internal digital damage the corruption has caused. The smoke continues to rise out of her towards the ceiling. And quite quickly it gathers towards the smoke detector. It begins to beep a couple warnings, but the flow does not stop. These robots are not able to react to the beeping, let alone do anything to stop the smoke production. A fire could be imminent if any flammable material somehow makes its way inside. Their code might be shoddy but they weren’t so poorly designed as to combust under stress.

But with the non-stop smoke and the alarm ringing, something else happens. The sprinklers start. Raining down water onto the two robots. Now these robots are built to resist water. It wouldn’t do much damage if they keep their mouths closed and exercise caution. But this is not possible for the two of them now. The moment Juri’s eyes see the water falling, that data goes nowhere. It is sent to the unresponsive central computing system and nothing can be done with the information. So the two bots continue to bug out as the water rains down on them. Soaking their hair, the clothes that were left on the floor. And rolling into their ears, mouth, all their open crevices. And instead of their systems recognizing the threat and protecting the computers… It causes issues. The central processing unit of each bot has an extra layer of protection. A layer of protection that is not run digitally and thus is unaffected by all the issues. But now their joint mechanisms, cooling systems and all sorts of miscellaneous tech is fried. Juri collapses to the floor, her physical mobility absolutely shot. Chun-Li is quick to follow. Now they are both back on the floor, twitching and making ungodly sounds as they get drenched by the water. Both are mostly naked.

It is only then that Emily, a worker from the facility comes into the changing rooms to see what the alarm is reacting to. Her uniform is soaking wet. She lets out an audible sigh as she swings open the door. And what she finds are the two bodies on the floor, heavily damaged. While shocked at first, upon closer inspection she realises the two of them are bots. Quickly understanding the situation, she quickly walks to the breaker room and switches off the sprinklers. She groans, knowing that the one other colleague that was here with her today left an hour ago as they were feeling ill. She has to deal with it herself. But the silver lining is obvious. She is a massive robot enthusiast, and even codes as a hobby. Sharing scripts with people online, browsing the newest technological products available to the public almost every day. And the opportunity to see and even fix up some fembots could be a dream come true for her. She makes her way back to the changing rooms with towels in hand. After drying off the two bots, she drags them one by one to the staff only break room. She props up Juri against the wall, and soon after Chun-Li right next to her. She starts grabbing the clothes so she can set them out to dry, and quickly finds most of them are already ripped beyond repair. She hangs them all the same. Once she returns to the staff room she looks at the two robots. They have already begun to properly dry off, looking nearly good as new. But Emily knows internally it's a different story. She looks to see if there is any way to open their bodies up to get access to their internals, but it doesn’t seem likely. At least not a physical button to do so. They are largely quite convincing humans from the outside. So she uses a paper towel and makes sure her ports are completely dry.

She is a little scared to connect any device to them. With how damaged their systems could be, it might be a bit dangerous. But she decides her cheap laptop is worth potentially sacrificing if it means she can fix these bots. When she was drying the robots, the one visible robot piece on the outside was a small patch on the back of their heads, just where their hair begins. On both Juri and Chun-Li, their haircuts just barely cover the panel. And upon removing it, there is a port to allow a direct connection. It uses the same standard cable Emily has a whole stash of. She hastily powers up her laptop, ignoring the numerous cracks and nicks it has received over the years. And she holds the other end up to Chun-Li’s port. She takes a shaky breath. Considering everything in order to make the best choice she can. After her moment of deliberation, she sticks it in. Nothing seems to happen, no sparks fly, her computer seems fine. She takes a sigh of relief. She returns to her computer to see what comes up. She finds it is listed as if it is just a storage device, holding all of the code and programming files all in one place. She is actually quite surprised to find how simple it all is. As she opens up the poorly labelled files, all the coding seems no better than her dinky little pet projects. Not the sophisticated complex programming she expected to see. It is a little disappointing, but she couldn’t care less in the face of a certain revelation. This means she can actually properly read and edit the code. Fix the issues.

Her next major discovery is how many of the files are completely corrupted and unusable. Filled with the standard nonsense characters that always befalls corrupted data. But before she continues, she tries the oldest trick in the book. The break room has a cafeteria, and much to her luck, a lot of uncooked rice. So quickly she finds the command to open the body of each bot. Their chests that seemed so perfectly smooth and human like suddenly parts and reveals the still damp innerworkings. She dumps as much rice as she can into both. She has no idea just how effective this idea could be, but it is not like she has options to choose from. Once that has started sucking the moisture out, she returns to her computer. She spends a good hour reading through all the available files on both machines. She finds that while what specifically has been corrupted is different, both bots seem to share the amount of damage. She cracks her fingers, getting herself ready. She is going to fix the code on these two.

Right at the beginning she goes around deleting all the corrupted files. If any of the existing code links to them or calls on them it will just spread the issue. Next, she begins with most of the easy work. She has made a lot of scripts in her free time, and some of them can easily be just slotted in. Only needing to change the variable names and paste in file names. But it allows her to finish up the bulk of the work in a relatively short amount of time. She has fully accepted that she is going to be here for a while. Once she is done with the first major step, she leaves for a bit. Quickly finishing up her last couple jobs and closing the doors. It is already getting quite dark outside as she locks the doors. But she stays inside. She heads back to the break room. Eager to continue her work. So excited to have this chance presented to her. She sits down and begins on the harder work. She has to make some programs from scratch. Copying the general style of the program files before her, she writes new ones filling in for the corrupted files she couldn’t just easily replace with her repository of available code. Minor movement technicalities, encoding input, all sorts of things. She downs redbull after redbull from the break room fridge. Promising to herself that she will restock it tomorrow for downing so much from it. She types furiously, switching between the two when the code can apply to both, and writing the little bits that have to be unique to each robot. She finishes up with a set of program files on speech patterns when meeting someone new. And she has done it. She has restored the code of these two bots. She is a little nervous about the quality of it, but it doesn’t seem too much worse than what was already there. She runs a few diagnostic programs to ensure there are no dead ends. And after dealing with the last few little forgotten semicolons and the like, she is ready. Ready to try booting the robots. She cleans the rice out of the machines and prays it did the job. Closes them up and disconnects her laptop. Using the built in bluetooth she managed to restore, she sends a signal.

And in unison, Juri han and Chun-Li both stand up from the floor. Still mostly naked, they turn to look at the dishevelled girl sitting on the floor with her laptop. She beams with pride, seeing them up and running. But quickly calms down, knowing that simply activating isn’t a guarantee. “H-hello. My name is Emily.” She says. Not knowing how to introduce herself. “Hi there Emily. Nice to meet you.” Chun-Li replies first. She looks at her own body. “Oh I am so sorry for this. I am naked.” She says as she quickly covers her nipples with one arm. Juri is not so conservative. “Hi there.” She says simply. Her tone is a little sharper. Everything seems to be in order. “O-oh yes! Your clothes are just over there” Emily says as she points to the heater just beside them. The clothes are hanging off of the radiator. “Thank you. W-what happened?” Chun-Li asks politely. The mino audio glitch gives Emily a sudden scare, but it doesn’t seem to stick. “A-ah. Well I found the two of you passed out in the changing room. I-I took you here to… help you recover” She says. She read in the files that the robots are not aware of their bot status, and it would confuse the system quite a bit to change that. So she has to pretend.

“Ah…” Chun-Li says as she puts on her clothes. It takes longer than it should, but she doesn’t mess up any part of the process. “I don’t seem to remember. Thank you for the help” She continues. “Likewise” Juri says. Remaining more cold, just as the rest of her dialogue suggested she would be. “W-well I can show you two to the exit!” Emily says as she hurriedly stands. It doesn’t take long to escort the two bots to the entrance where the sun is beginning to rise. “Thank you again for all your help. Please call if you need anything in return.” Chun-Li tells Emily. “I can deal with anyone who pisses you off.” Juri says. Offering help in the only way she can. “Will do!” Emily says as she ways them goodbye. The two fembots walk off into the distance in opposite directions. Juri’s left pinky twitches for a short moment. Then it stops.

Emily grabs her stuff and leaves too. Narrowly missing the opening staff. She can’t wait to get home and share the experience on her favourite forums.