Beach day

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The sun beats down on the pale white beach. It is late in the morning, the perfect time to start a day on the beach. Silky sand covers the ground and is met with a cool blue sea. Numerous people fill the beach, their blankets and umbrellas littering the area with pops of colour. One of those people is Juri Han. She is walking down from the dunes to find a good spot to set up. Sporting her usual bra-like top known as a dudou. She is also wearing her standard pinkish purple tights. Usually she wears white baggy sweatpants over them but decided not to today. She lays down her matching black and purple towel and takes a seat. She doesn’t have any corresponding umbrella to give her some shade. She actually prefers the sun, wanting to enjoy it to its fullest.

Juri Han was a very driven woman. She was a fighting machine. Every moment of her life was dedicated to improving her fighting prowess in order to inflict those skills on others. Dominate and defeat them in combat. It was what she lived for. And her robotic body was one of the many tools she used to get what she wanted. On the outside, most would mistakenly believe her to be human just like themselves. She sports an impressively realistic coat of artificial skin. Processes inside of her can emulate all sorts of human traits, like blushing, sweating, even fake breathing. She gets her energy from an internal fusion core, but to better assimilate into society she has her breathing program. It is more so to prevent being too offputting to those around her. The uncanny valley and all that. She didn’t particularly mind people knowing that she was a robot. But the problem was if someone noticed, it would be a failing of her mechanics. She is so well designed to be as human as possible. She is so expensively designed to be this realistic. She takes a lot of pride in that design. So being noticeably robotic in front of others feels like losing in some way. A failure.

She is now trying to enjoy a little leisure time. It is something she struggles with, and that's partly why she is here in the first place. She is so single mindedly focused on battle, improving, and defeating her foes. So she never takes time for herself like this. She was talking to one of her only friends, C. Viper. She probably wouldn’t admit that they were friends, but it's rare that Juri likes another person. Viper told her that an important part of training and succeeding is also to relax as well. Give your muscles time to settle before burning them more. Give your mind time to settle before considering new martial art strategies. To be a good fighter is to be a balanced fighter. And if she wants to keep her strength and dominance, this is a way to maintain it alongside training. Juri was apprehensive, but since she had little to do, it didn’t seem like the worst idea ever.

So there she is, stretching on the sand, resting. Relaxing. Doing her best. But her mind is racing, she feels restless and irritated. It is hard for her to sit still sometimes, and this is simply an exercise in testing her restraint. She is laying on her stomach, breasts gently pushed up by the sand, as she rests her chin on her crossed arms. She stares out to the deep blue of the sea. The yellow sun contrasts beautifully against the sky. It doesn’t do very much for her. She simply lies in wait, not really knowing how to pass the time out here. It’s not like she gets the same satisfaction from the warmth as humans do. She doesn't really feel heat, it's not needed for her. She has numerous temperature sensors, external and internal thermometers, and a complicated coolant system. She knows about everything there is to know about the weather at any given moment. But unlike things like pain or touch, temperature isn’t something that she needs to be able to instinctually react to. So when she is punched, a simulated pain response is sent to her central processor and at least her mind reacts similarly to a human. But when it is too hot out, all she gets is a warning on her HUD. And her HUD is littered with different warnings, biometric metres, and a range of her computer's stats. So rather than a warm, lovely sensation that soothes the soul. Juri see’s a number on a screen. That is largely why she decided to dress in what is her usual attire. She is wearing a more standard purple bikini underneath it, but she doesn’t feel the need to strip down. She has long and baggy black sweatpants with a purple rim around the edges. She likes how they fit her a lot, but she does worry slightly that they are going to be stuffed with sand by the time she heads home. She shrugs off the worry. Underneath it are some skin tight white tights that perfectly grip her sculpted leg muscles.

But when it comes to anything else she can do, it's not like she will tan from some sunbathing. Her artificial skin has been designed to slowly self repair like real skin does. But does not have the same properties of skin. She can use her incredible computing to look at the people around her, and watch the process of tanning. The UVA rays enter the epidermis. It triggers certain cells to release melatonin into the skin, darkening it. She doesn’t have any of these things. Her skin is largely a silicone and carbon mix, with numerous trace elements to create the bizarrely accurate texture of human skin. But if one looks closely, you can tell that it is fake. It is far too perfect with next to no blemishes on her skin. If you run your finger along it, it's far too smooth due to the lack of any microscopic oils and dead skin to provide rougher terrain. Her body is pristine and perfect, and is immune to any of this. So she watches as others enjoy all the aspects of the beach that she can’t. She isn’t particularly bitter about it, she knows that if she could feel any of this, she wouldn’t care regardless. But she just feels frustrated and bored. However despite all that she can’t deny one of the pros of being at a place like this. As she looks around the beach, she sees all of these women with incredible bodies and little clothing to cover said bodies up. Juri has been known to enjoy the female form quite a bit. And the beach is basically a buffet of eye candy available to her. She grins as she watches a pair of women with especially large chests are playing in the ocean. Splashing each other, pushing each other over. Getting trashed by a wave and rising out of the water to share a laugh. The view is quite enticing. And Juri Han gets her fill. And time passes as she gets lost in thought, relaxing a little. Without even knowing it.

But even that has a shelf life, and she gets bored once more. She rolls onto her back and stares into the sky for a little while. Watching the clouds gently cross the open space brings her a profound boredom. She starts to grumble to herself about how boring this is. She doesn’t understand the numerous other people just spending time here. She hops up quickly, and stands firmly on her feet. She decides to employ her ulterior motive. Training on sand is an incredible way to build muscle mass. Obviously this doesn’t concern her. But it also provides training for fighting on unstable ground. She has had many fights where parts of the ground have been destroyed Littering the arena with dust and fragments of whatever material she was fighting atop. Her AI is incredibly well developed, and one of its skills isn't its preset intelligence. But rather its capabilities to grow. Feeding it more and more information provides her great benefits in future fights. So things like training, sparring, all sorts of things still maintain great meaning to her. So she uses one arm to stretch her other by bringing it across her body and locking it there. Then do the same to the other. Puts her hand on her hips and gives a big grin.

She hops just next to her towel and feels the sand between her toes. She considers taking off her taekwondo foot wraps hoping that sand won't get into it. But she feels weird without them, so decides she will just reduce the pain sensitivity from her feet. She is able to freely adjust all the sensory values she receives. It is all customisable for her own benefit. With that dealt with, she takes a firm stance in the sand. She feels herself slide ever so slightly as she sinks half a centimetre into the sand. She stares straight forward, facing the sea, and lets out a flurry of kicks. She is able to cleanly slice through the air pressure, not allowing it to slow her down even a little bit. She puts her foot back down. She runs a battery of tests from the footage her eyes recorded of the kicks to ascertain a number of stats.

On her HUD, a terminal shows up, listing the results.



It is quite the downside fighting on this kind of terrain. She hops around a little to get a better feel for it. As her feet move in the ever malleable sand, she can feel how it lacks the structural support she needs for so many of her attacks. She needs a strong form and foundation in order to put any real power behind her attacks. And as the sand is ever shifting, it can't provide a good basis for her to push off of. So any punches, kicks, or jumps would all be significantly weakened when fighting on sand. And by knowing exactly how much is pretty valuable data. But now she can improve. By subtly shifting her stance or similar techniques, she will be able to mitigate this loss in a way all of her opponents won't be. She hops on one foot a little bit, loosening herself up. She has a similar risk to damage something if she hasn't properly stretched to that of a human. But instead of muscles being over exerted or pulled, for her it's metal grinding. Pieces can shift out of place every now and then. And then training like that could cause damage. So she starts by bringing her knees up to her chest one at a time. Pausing at their max height for a little before moving them back down. She then bends slightly and extends one leg as far right ass he can while keeping her foot forward. She leans onto the other one, stretching her thighs and legs as she does so. Finally, after a couple more, she is ready to start.

She begins with some simple shadow-boxing. She is by no means a boxer, but she finds it a helpful practice when training by herself. And since her systems can basically exactly record previous fights, it offers an opportunity to relieve those moments for a bit to keep practising, refining, and improving. She sends out punch after punch, wide roundhouse kicks, quick jabs, snap kicks, axe kick, hook kick… The list of moves, old and modern is never ending. If she was a human, she wouldn't have worked up a sweat. But her cooling system is internal, and doesn’t really have the ability to escalate. A human uses things like sweating to reactively cool down when they need it. But due to her numerous computers and motherboards inside, she has to remain at max cooling 24/7. So even after an intense solo sparring session, she remains pristine and sweat free. She still doesn’t feel satisfied, so she decides to continue. Rather than just doing more sparring, instead she starts jogging on the beach. She feels that the more she gets used to running on the sand, the better she will understand its properties and mitigate the loss of power. So she grabs her towel and wraps it into a roll. She holds it under her arm, and clenches her fist. She moves closer to the shore so there is a bit of space to run through. Lots of people don't want to lay on the wet sand, so they stay far away. So using this, Juri runs just along where the line of wet sand ends, but before the mass of people begin. She runs down the length of the beach, keeping a consistent pace. She is certainly fast, though the point isn't to sprint so she keeps it at a comfortable speed. But as a robot, her comfortable speed is quite impressive to the average person. She zips past groups upon groups of people. As she takes each step, the numerous mechanical pieces that make up her body keep her in motion. Pneumatic tubes extend and push in her legs to provide thrust. Links of interlocking carbon fibre attached to steel gives her joints apparent elasticity. Her arms pump up and down through the use of numerous levers, electronics and taught silicone. All the while, Juri isn’t afraid to keep her eyes mostly on the ocean to her side. If she is going to be close enough to see, why wouldn’t she enjoy the view of the gorgeous girls in skimpy bikinis. In fact, as she continues on she gets a little lost in thought. The sight of all these women acting as enough entertainment that she continues on for a while longer than she meant to. Now the sun is at the centre of the sky, scorching all those who dare sit under it without protection. Since she is satisfied with her work, and she thinks she has gained enough data, she stops. She lays out her towel in a clearing between umbrellas and sunbathers.

But before she returns to her attempt at relaxation, she decides to see if she can implement any of the changes she’s made. She stands beside her towel, and puts herself back in a battle stance again. She concentrates for a moment, allowing her AI to make all the microscopic considerations to improve her ability. Once satisfied she moves her legs a little, allowing it to set until it's in the palace she would usually start. She places more weight downwards, not relying on friction to keep her in place. She locks her knees more than she ever would normally. And once satisfied, she launches into a brutally intense flurry of attacks. Her limbs snap out with a whip crack intensity, she hops around dodging imaginary punches. She grins with confidence as she can already tell she has improved. She lets out a low, middle then high kick in incredibly quick succession, then-


A shrill robotic voice beeps out into the already loud beach. She darts her head around, stunned momentarily. But quickly she realises the source of the voice was her own mouth. Which is when she finds her momentary paralysis to be not so momentary. Her limbs lose the strength she was unleashing moments ago. They aren’t limp, but they lack the power to strike anything. Juri is so confused, and the couple of wandering eyes looking for the source of the sound don’t help her calm down. She didn’t realise any of her internal diagnostic systems could overwrite her ability to speak in order to warn her. She see’s on her HUD that the temperature sensor is flashing red with warning. She was far too invested in her attacks and moves, she got tunnel vision. A graph shows up on her display, in which she sees that her temperature has been steadily increasing the whole day. She was completely shocked. SHe had never even considered the idea she could be overheating. Such a simple, mundane thing impairing her? It was just ridiculous. Even insulting to her.


She begins to repeat unwillingly. Finally it stops, allowing her control once more. But it is clear to her now that this will continue to escalate unless she does something about it. She begins by taking off her spider-like top. It is not like the top provides too much heat, but the way the cloth is clinging to her can’t help. Once she actually looks down and inspects it, she can see that the black material has skyrocketed in temperature, and needs to be removed instantly. So she grabs the bottom of the complicated interlocking fabric and moves it down. She takes the top couple legs of the fabric spider and moves it off of her shoulder so it can lower down to her waist where it hangs for a moment. She had a tight purple bikini top underneath, which is now out for all to see. One that is connected only by strings along her back. It gives her synthetic skin a lot of room to breathe. Next she pulls off her baggy black sweatpants. They are easy to step out of once the waistband has been lowered enough. Now that it's down and out of the way, next is her white tights. The tights get stuck around her ankle but after enough pulling they come off, taekwondo foot wraps and all. All of this allows her to finally take off the rest of the spider top, which wraps around to cover her crotch. She pulls it off and it instantly becomes a mess of tangled material. Underneath her quite tight bodysuit was some especially thin bikini bottoms. They don’t reveal anything, but they get about as close as you can before anything happens. Finally most of her body is exposed and able to let off some of that heat she didn't know she was building up the whole time. Feeling sluggish and slow, she collapses onto the towel and lays down. She lays there motionless for a little while, eyes closed, just letting it deal with itself. She can’t handle an accident like that. It was too much for her to handle already. Well no she could handle it. She was strong after all! She had to tell herself that.

But she was so embarrassed. Having her program overwrite her ability to talk to shove the information in her face was not something she knew would happen. She has such confidence in herself and her mechanics that a situation like this was inconceivable. But because of how expensive of a model she is, she has numerous failsafe systems to ensure no unnecessary damage would take place. She nervously looks around and meets the gaze of some onlookers, before quickly returning her sights to the seas. She loves being a spectacle but not like this. She feels so little, so silly. These are not feelings she is familiar with. She looks down and with more care for her thermal sensors, sees the progress she is making. Her temperature rise has slowed, but it's still on the rise. She doesn’t know what to do. Her synthetic skin is at quite acceptable levels, but her internals really aren't. The stress of her previous exercise really overheated her internals. And while she can slow the creeping pace of the temperature increase, she can’t reverse it. Not yet. Which means that program probably won't leave her alo-

“ENGAGING IN FAILSAFE COOLING ACTIVITY” Blurts out of her lips. She quickly goes to cover her mouth but the damage is done. Can’t she change the volume settings on this voice, it's like she is screaming!

And just as she is reckoning with this, she realises what it had said. Was what she was doing the failsafe? Or was her body going to act on its own… Just as quickly as she realises this, a compartment in her lower chest splits open. Her synthetic skin unfurls to reveal the layer of carbon fibre underneath the silicone. It rotates out via the use of these incredibly complicated hinges that are able to adjust in size and placement. Her inner mechanics are revealed. Wires and circuits linking up to motherboards are exposed to the air as her body unfurls. She doesn’t know what to do, and she frustratedly covers her body so that no one can see. The efforts are somewhat effective, leaving most around her to notice that something is happening, but are only able to speculate. And just as her artificial skin parts, a new piece slides into place, once again covering her insides. She watches as fans move in, which she wasn’t even aware she had. They finally slide in, as the skin moves to reside just under the rest of her shell creating a double layer. So now she is left with a significant portion of her chest, just under her breasts, replaced with a large set of incredibly powerful fans. They begin to wizz into effect, without much care taken for the noise they produce. And between the blades and each set of fans, a clear look at Juri’s inner mechanics is plainly visible for anyone who decided to take a pic. She quickly covers the fans as best she can with her arms, attempting to both obscure the sight and muffle the sound at once. But just as she moves them inwards, they are pulled away.

“DO NOT OBSTRUCT FAN COOLING SYSTEM” Her robotic voice instructs, only furthering her irritation. This simply can’t be, she doesn’t know how to deal with this situation. Her body is now beginning to react on its own against her will to protect her systems. The overheating is even worse than she thought, and she knows now that her programming will do anything to protect her at this rate. So eventually, she lets out a shaky, artificially created breath. And she lays back down on the ground, leaving her partially robotic torso exposed. She hates the looks she is getting, but it isn’t drawing a crowd just yet. Interestingly some people have started to turn away now that they understand the source of the situation. But still, Juri grimaces with the knowledge that she had to just concede and give in. She is a powerful fembot. She stakes so much of her pride on that power. She takes so much pride in her never ending confidence. And she feels that being forcefully stripped away.

Unable to take any accountability for the situation, she thinks of it as everyone else's fault. It is Vipers fault for recommending she go to the beach. It is all of these people's fault for flooding the beach and staring at her. It's the world's fault for global warming. She refuses to acknowledge the fact that she ignored the temperature entirely. Ignoring the fact that she worked out in such weather, knowing that robotics are sensitive to heat. And now fans whir, blowing air into her central computing systems and motherboards. She has more in her head to stimulate her mind, but they are much more heavily insulated so the heat struggles to pierce through. So she grumbles and mutters to herself all sorts of curses. Unable to truly do anything about it but wait.

For the first time of the day, she deliberately runs a diagnostic program to see if there is anything she can do. The program reads: “Running Coolant diagnostics… Running… Running…” She frustratedly sighs as she waits. Even the most expensive fembot in the world would have to deal with these load times. “No problems in the system detected. If the temperature is still rising, try the ‘Help’ program.” She grumbles. So many interlocking systems, archaeicly designed ages ago that the future now holds on. In the mere movement of her pinky finger, centuries of mechanics all come together. But still, she needs to deal with an annoying largely windows based OS. She begins her help program, and runs through all of the prerequisite questions and menus before getting to what she actually needs.

All of this is invisible on the outside. Though her robotics still aren't. As people walk by, they take long glances at the exposed sleek black fans in her chest. Making quite the sound, also drawing some attention. Some nearby families have cranked up their little speakers to drown out the sound a bit, adding to the cacophony of the beach as a whole. However, in spite of all that, she still looks at peace. Onlookers would struggle to assume any panic or struggle going on. So Juri remains proud of herself for that. She has now regained her composure, remaining stoic and proud through this Though through that facade she has made little progress. She runs down lines of menus through her internal help program. Finally she arrives at a section where she can see any useful information about her complaints. Her entire manual and informational document are pre downloaded on her system, but is oddly locked away like this rather than readily accessible to her. She reads. “In the case of overheating where cooling systems aren’t enough at maximum proficiency… The system must be opened and allowed to breathe. The insulation of Unit-JH is incredibly dense, and thus will trap circulating heat. Instead the system may enter exposure mode to properly cool off rather than heating itself up indefinitely.”

She grimaces. It looks like even the fan won't be enough because too much of her body is still just trapping heat inside. Boiling. Her circuits and computing already generate so much heat. And even though the fan is buzzing away, it is simply just pushing more warm air on the motherboards. Its effect is dubious. Her only real option to truly stave off the heat is to completely open her system. Having her entire front body unwrap and breathe. She decides to get up finally. It is clear that staying here is a bad idea no matter what. She grabs her towel off the floor, along with her mess of clothes. She struggles to bend over due to the rigidity of the fan system. Usually her body is nice and slinky but the hard plastic and carbon casing of the fans are not budging much. Regardless, she manages to curl her fingers around the side of the towel, pulling it up enough to get a better grip. She folds it over a few times until it is a nice and compact size. She throws it over her shoulder and looks back to the dunes. She begins the long trek back, her feet sinking into the sand with each step. Her legs strain as they raise high out to take another step. Carrying the mass of metal her body is composed of.


The voice yells once more, using her body as a vessel. She crumples to the floor instantly. She knew extraneous activities like jogging were off the table now. But she doesn't even have the ability to escape the beach anymore. She struggles to raise up once more. She ekes out another step before her body stops her once more.


The voice repeats once more. But it doesn’t matter. She knows she is risking things now but it is all she can do. She has a new goal in mind, making it to some nearby shade. She takes step after laboured step. Watch as her internal temperatures steadily rise to dangerous levels. Her head feels fuzzy. It's hard to focus on anything anymore. No lasting damage yet, but it seems the heat is already slowing her processing significantly. She is trying her best but each thought slips away like sand in the breeze. All the while her programming is doing the talking for her.


But she presses on. She feels so pathetic for having to try this hard to do something so menial. She is the woman who defeats anyone who stands in her path. She leaves for that sweet taste of victory, while those weaker than her despair. That is who she is. And now, with more effort than she has ever used in a fight, she is struggling to take a short walk towards some shade. It's mortifying, humiliating. And with each step, her robotic body calls out and announces it to everyone else in the vicinity. She can't struggle in silence, instead it must be a very public affair. She can barely handle anymore of this. Finally, her foot reaches past the threshold of the sun. The sun is behind that cliff so the shade will only stretch out further. She had made it. She craned her head to see the upsettingly tiny space she had struggled so much to cross. But it doesn't matter anymore. She throws her towel in front of her with a slack arm. Her other coles simply fall out of her hand, landing next to her. She collapses onto the ground. She twists her body to lay more comfortably. A sheer cliffside blocks the sun only partially. She is lucky no one else took the spot, considering it is still just as busy here. Though she supposes if you bring your own covering like almost everyone has, there would be no use for a spot like this. Regardless, she finally lets go. She gives in to what every fibre of her being has been screaming at her to do. The fan shuts down and begins to recede to its previous hiding spot. A compartment slotted in her lower back. And now, her ribcage is exposed. Its reflective metal is just barely saved by the shadows. And more of her body begins to open up. Her stomach splits down the middle much like her torso did. Her breasts break off into square metal pieces that rotate out of the way. All the way from her waist to her neck is now completely exposed and in the shade. And while the shade protects her from the sun, it does little to give her any cover from those around her. More and more eyes begin to look her way. Kids point and tug on their mothers arms to look. She blushes, her processing now able to devoe power to things like this once again without risk of overheating. Small LEDs under her artificial skin glow to create a gentle red. She is receiving considerably more attention than before, and she is far more embarrassed. Being able to just barely see through the sides of a fan was more acceptable. It felt like the person peeking was more of a weirdo than her. But she feels so exposed like this. So open and vulnerable. Feelings she had spent her whole life avoiding. People get a long nice look inside of her. Seeing the multi coloured wires all interlocking and wrapped together. Branching out like the roots of a tree to connect to the multitude of ports. Blinking LEDs on various motherboards indicating sufficient power contrasts against the cool colours of the steel. And the black of the carbon fibre lining. It is quite the eye catching view. And all of that is ignoring the obvious novelty to see an android out in public. Especially such a high end convincing model. And perhaps due to her obvious lack of humanity, people seemed less afraid to breach social norms with her. Instead they feel all the more comfortable openly staring, taking long looks, and even gathering to approach her.

“Could you people just leave me alo-” Juri begins to yell, trying to get them to leave. But instead, something else took over. “OVERHEATING. CEASE ACTIVITY” She blurts out. THe robotic voice obviously contrasts with her far more refined AI developed sound bank. THe only causes a raise in interest from those around her, rather than deter it. They point in awe, gasp, tell their friends and bring more people over. And now Juri doesn’t even have the ability to argue against them. Instead she just lays down blushing, as people ogle and stare at her insides. The group slowly begins to get closer and closer in order to get a better look. And unable to move, Juri stays there. In an outstretched pose. Her hands rested leisurely behind her head, providing some light cushioning. Her legs are gently crossed near the ankle. Her body comfortably extended across the towel. It is quite the relaxed pose, likely leading to many people assuming she doesn't mind the crowd as much as she does. The opening in her front ends near her pelvic bone, so her lower half is still pretty normal. Juri couldn't be more embarrassed. Having so many eyes on her, so much attention. Having not only the fact that she is a robot exposed, but so blatantly as to be able to see her internal mechanics like this. And even worse is her implicit consent as they do. It's not even the fact that she feels violated. She thinks feelings like that are for weaklings who can't fight back. But rather, having all of these people think that she is the type to show off like this. To show her body and her most sensitive areas inside of her. All of the people there think she is fine being some piece of art to just stare at slack jawed. There is almost like a crowd of people by now, watching, pointing, murmuring. And they all think she must just be fine with this. “Juri Han is the kind of girl to sit around and let people stare at her almost naked body, with her robotic insides open!” They must be thinking! That is what Juri assumes at least. And she would never doubt her own assumptions. So she grumbles in her head. But outwardly she just waits. Staring forward. Frozen in place until her body is finally able to cool down to reasonable temperatures. Juri is absolutely mortified. But she finally embraces that there is nothing to do. So she just waits internally as well.

Since she wasn't too reactive, it wasn't like the crowd really stuck around. As people began to dissipate, less and less came over to see what the commotion was all about. Now, an hour later, only the occasional passerby would stop to stare. But everyone around her would still shoot her a glance or two. To see if she is still there. To see if she has moved. And finally she gets the notification from her system she has been desperately longing for.


It’s done. Finally, she stands up. This causes a few people to jump back a little startled. Afterall, as everyone had stared, she hasn't moved a single non-existent muscle. She lets out a long and satisfying stretch. Pulling all of her little parts loose. Stiffened from the lack of movement. She bends over to grab her towel, much easier than before since there was no stomach to compress, unlike with the fans. She gets a couple of looks as she does this, but maybe for a slightly different reason. The imprint of her ass in her tight fitting bikini provides reason enough, without her being a robot. She wraps it around, she grabs her clothes. And she begins to walk away. Each step now is clean and smooth. Springy and capable. Perhaps she has been changed by this experience. Either way, Viper is going to get an earful. Juri walks off of the beach, her cheeks still bright red.