Reactivate Lacey

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You reactivate Lacey and she begins to stutter while static is heard in her voice as she tries to tell you that the electric shock has done a lot of damage to all her systems so it is malfunctioning and she tries to stand up and almost falls trying, while you hear several mechanical sounds and you see a little smoke coming out of its abdomen, it goes towards the android but it notices and launches an attack with its knife and almost cuts its neck, Lacey managed to retreat and only broke its artificial skin, however Lacey manages to grab its hands with force causing him to throw the knife that is grabbed by Lacey but the android launches a kick and Lacey blocks it with her hand although she breaks it and falls to the ground while losing the mobility of her body for a few seconds, which the android takes advantage of to break her abdomen and extract several of her circuits and cable causing a forced shutdown of Lacey and just before cutting off her head a group of firefighters arrive and confront her but the android breaks them in seconds however Lacey activated and managed to get up while the android was Lacey distracted, grabbing her hands and legs, preventing her from moving while she was on her back, creating a struggle, the android tries to escape but Lacey presses harder, the android asks her "Why are you helping them, if we are both androids?" And she orders the robots to shoot the android with the tazer gun in the forehead to deactivate it and they warn her that she will receive an electric shock, and she asks them to do it anyway, so without any choice they do it, Lacey tries to release the android before being electrocuted although anyway receives it a little. Deactivating the android and before turning off Lacey thanks them and ends up kneeling on the ground. Meanwhile the firefighters remove both androids to be able to extinguish the fire while they see Chase with his clothes burning leaving the facade with Emilia still alive carrying her in his arms, just as he leaves Chase falls to the ground with burns and the firefighters quickly attend to him while they do so Chase sees Lacey on the ground with a lot of damage to her artificial skin with a lot of smoke coming out of itYou reactivate Lacey and she begins to stutter while static is heard in her voice as she tries to tell you that the electric shock has done a lot of damage to all her systems so it is malfunctioning and she tries to stand up and almost falls trying, while you hear several mechanical sounds and you see a little smoke coming out of its abdomen, it goes towards the android but it notices and launches an attack with its knife and almost cuts its neck, Lacey managed to retreat and only broke its artificial skin, however Lacey manages to grab its hands with force causing him to throw the knife that is grabbed by Lacey but the android launches a kick and Lacey blocks it with her hand although she breaks it and falls to the ground while losing the mobility of her body for a few seconds, which the android takes advantage of to break her abdomen and extract several of her circuits and cable causing a forced shutdown of Lacey and just before cutting off her head a group of firefighters arrive and confront her but the android breaks them in seconds however Lacey activated and managed to get up while the android was Lacey distracted, grabbing her hands and legs, preventing her from moving while she was on her back, creating a struggle, the android tries to escape but Lacey presses harder, the android asks her "Why are you helping them, if we are both androids?" And she orders the robots to shoot the android with the tazer gun in the forehead to deactivate it and they warn her that she will receive an electric shock, and she asks them to do it anyway, so without any choice they do it, Lacey tries to release the android before being electrocuted although anyway receives it a little. Deactivating the android and before turning off Lacey thanks them and ends up kneeling on the ground. Meanwhile the firefighters remove both androids to be able to extinguish the fire while they see Chase with his clothes burning leaving the facade with Emilia still alive carrying her in his arms, just as he leaves Chase falls to the ground with burns and the firefighters quickly attend to him while they do so Chase sees Lacey on the ground with a lot of damage to her artificial skin with a lot of smoke coming out of it You return to the dark space for a long time, even for a few moments you felt like you were disappearing but you managed to hear the robotic voice again.

-Performing a general scan.

-Several bugs detected.

-Various viruses found




-Solution not found

-Unit not suitable for operation.

-Shutting down systems...



Fatal error...

Virus detected..


Ignition program.


Starting systems...

And you wake up in an android dump. You are very damaged along with your school clothes burned and torn, several wires with sparks come out of your abdomen, your left arm is broken so you can only see more wires, your legs are only torn the synthetic skin revealing several circuits and the skeleton mechanical inside, your right chest was ripped off revealing your access panel that keeps smoke coming out and flashing with warning signs, and on it