A Mother's Comfort. Alt Ending

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(Art done by the ever wonderful Altop_Ilust on Discord/Twitter)

(This is a requested alternate of the prior story, with a bit of the 'spicy' shit to it)

(Skip to the part where he tries to change her settings for the new stuff)

[A Mother's Comfort...? ]

It was a calm night at one of Krakton’s millionaire mansions, with everyone inside either sleeping deeply, or out doing important business for the night. Except for one boy, who couldn't fall asleep.

This boy, who’s just turned 20 not so long ago, was the son of a wealthy businessman, who effectively controls a quarter of krakton through the power of money, and being ‘best buds’ with certain high standing individuales of the city.

Lucas, was the boy’s name, and he couldn't really make himself fall to rest. He tried a little of this and that to make himself tired, like jumping a little, running around a bit, swing his arms around in a frenzy, he even tried rubbing one out, but none of it helped. And now, on top of not being able to sleep, he was also rather horny thanks to his hasty masturbation.

He rolled around in his bed, trying every potion he could to force himself to sleep, but nothing worked.

Groaning in irritation, the boy sat up in his bed, and grumbled at his current predicament.

But amidst his groggy and annoyed state of mind, he remembered about the new ‘addition’ that was just recently added to the mansion’s staff, and who may just be able to help him out.

Lucas jumped off his bed, and left his room as quietly as he could, and while also being butt naked. He snuck down the mansion’s dark halls, stopping and hiding whenever one of the house’s security drones would fly his way, before continuing on once they flew by.

After a bit of stealthy travel, he finally made it to his father’s private study.

His father rarely let anyone inside this room, including Lucas himself. Giving him vague excuses about ‘Protecting him from knowing too much’ whatever that meant.

But Lucas wasn’t there to look through his father’s stuff, he was there to get a ‘helping hand’ from his father’s newly acquired assistant android from DreamLand Inc. A company that specializes in making companion droids that would make their owners feel like they were in heaven… Or hell, depending on the model and AI, and the kinks one was into.

Lucas couldn't, nor wouldn't, comprehend the thought that his father was having sex still, it made his spine crawl in disgust from just the mere thought, and the mental image of the idea. Though thankfully, ever since they got this new unit, Lucas hasn’t heard any ‘weird’ sounds through the walls or halls of the mansion, giving him the small hope that his father isn’t as depraved as his mind makes him think.

Steelling his resolve, he grabs the door’s handle, and slowly creeks it open, with said door making a nerve wrecking *Crreeeeek!* as he opened it.

After opening it up enough for him to squeeze inside, he quickly does so, before closing it again with a small *Click*

The inside of his father’s study was nothing special really, it was just your run of the mill sturdy, that you would see in any other mansion, or those that were in movies. It even had a fireplace, which was currently illuminating the dark room.

Lucas scuffed slightly, annoyed that his father had once again forgotten to stifle the flames, or at the very least, making his ‘assistant’ do so, in his hasty leave to who knows were in the city.

But Lucas had become accustomed to this behavior and trend throughout his life, as his father would always leave him to be taken care of by caretakers, flesh and mechanical ones alike. There were times where he would be with him for longer durations of time, but those events were far and inbetween, that at this point Lucas all but resented his father for effectively leaving him on his own, instead of being there with him…

But putting all of that aside, the young man looked around the room, until he spotted his target.

Standing off to the far wall on it’s charging pad, to the right of his father’s big ass office table, stood the deactivated form of a tall, thick, and busty white goat woman, who was wearing a secretary outfit, which could barely contain her large breasts.

He walked over to the powered down bot and looked up into their sleeping face, and started to feel ever so smaller just from standing in front of them.

He was always teased, or slightly bullied for his height, by the handful of friends he had. That, and then calling him a ‘fuckboi’ now and again for the laughs, because of his more ‘feminine’ and ‘lith’ form.

He has learned to take those kinds of punches to an extent, but they still do push a few buttons, whenever someone makes fun of his size.

Taking a big inhale, and calmly blowing it out out, Lucas reaches up and presses the white goat’s power button, before taking a few steps back as the goat bot began to power up.

“System diagnostic: All systems at nominal levels. CPU optimality at 95%. Power at 86%...” The goat bot bleeped before their eyes opened, and said eyes lid up with a nice sky blue color. “AI core online… Engaging AI… Oh! Hello master Lucas, has your father given you permission to be in his private study?. On a different note, isn’t it past your bedtime young sir?” The goat asked in a caring and motherly tone, as she stepped off her power station, but her question in itself made Lucas grit his teeth.

“Seriously Dad!?!..." He thought, outraged that his father had coded in a goddamn bed time schedule for him!. He wasn’t a kid anymore, so this just felt demeaning.

“First off, i’m not a kid!, I'll go to sleep when I feel like it!. Secondly, no he hasn’t. And thirdly, didn’t my father order you to put out the fire, BEFORE he left?” Lucas asked.

The goat looked forward and past him for a moment, and Lucas could hear as a small fan started up, coupled with a few beeps, before the goat came with a reply. “No such order was made by your father before he left. The only order he gave was to return to my power station, and power down until his return” She explained to the young goat, to which he only pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

“By god… is he actually trying to cause an accident?...” Lucas said under his breath. This was not the only time his father had just left something very dangerous to just boil over, only for Lucas, or one of the staff people, to come at the last second to deal with it before it got out of hand. And he knew for a fact that this was not gonna be the last time it would happen.

“You know what, never mind… Listen… Toriel, was it?...” He asked the white goat.

“That it is, master Lucas” She confirmed with a warm smile.

“Okay, Toriel, I need your help with something…” He began, as he haphazardly directed the goat-bot’s eyes down to his half erect penis with a slight shift of his hips. “...VERY urgent, and you are the only one that can help with that” He finished, looking up at Toriel with a waiting look.

She held a hand up to her lips in mild shock, as her cheeks began to blush. “Oh my!, master Lucas!. I’m not sure if i can help you with such a request, what would your father think if he heard that his android assistant was having such ‘affectionate’ interactions with his son?!” Toriel said in a shocked voice.

“Oh come on!, Please!. I tried to jerk one out so I could tire myself out, but now, ontop of not being able to sleep, I also have a hard on that I can't get rid off!...” He blurted out desperately.

“So please!, can’t you at the very least give me a handjob, so i don’t have to deal with ‘THIS’ for the rest of the night?!” He half begged, but Toriel didn’t budge.

“I’m sorry, master Lucas, but I just simply can’t comply with your ‘Devious’ command!. It goes against the directives given to me by your father!” She told the little goat with an assertive voice, making him take a step back like as if he was being scolded by his mother.

“I can walk you back to your room and read you a bedtime story, if that is of any comfort?” She offered him, but once again, it was another demeaning thing she both said and offered

“Grraaa!, i said i wasn’t a kid!. Bah!, to hell with it!. I didn’t want to pull out this card, but i’m too horny to be dealing with your nonsense!” He exclaimed.

“Admin code: 2-3-8-1-9-2 Gama-Helios-jupiter!” He fluently spat out the command, making him slightly giddy that his practicing of the staff bots’s various command codes would finally pay off.

“Command code received…” Toriel blankly replied, their face turning as stiff and emotionless as a rock. “AI temporarily paused… Unit [TORIEL] standing by…”

"That's better!. Alright, Toriel, shift your settings to pleasure mode, and suppress whatever commands that demands otherwise, and then re-enable your AI afterwards” He Commanded. “Once you’ve managed to get me off, and walk me back to my room, reset back to your previous settings, and erase everything that happened once you activated, from your memory banks” He commanded, while getting a bit on edge by the thought that his father would find out, should he ever look deep into Toriel’s code or data log.

“Commands received… Pleasure settings have been engaged… AI re-activating in 3… 2… 1…” Toriel droned. But then, her head twitched rather violently, as a *BZZT!* sound echoed from inside her.

“War-warning!. Co-co-command contra-contradicts current setting parameter-ter-ter-ters. PZZT!, Hmm-hmm-hmm, oh my sweet-sweet-sweet child~ild~ild~” She buzzed out, while all of a sudden just starting to stiffly walk forward, causing Lucas to step aside with a puzzled, yet worried look on his face, as she walked passed him.

“Oh shit… i should have known those settings were too hard coded into her!. Toriel!, cease current activity!” He commanded, only to receive a ‘Buzz’ from the wandering goat.

“Command-command not authorized-ized… KZZ! Hmm, come here honey, and let mommy-mommy take care-take careBZZT! [Error, activity not supported-not supported by mainPZZT!] You like mommy’s big tits, my-my-my CchhhhIIILD!!” She blurted out again, before exclaiming the last bit by ripping open the top of her suit, and letting her colossal tits burst free from their comfine. Lucas, even though he knew he was gonna be in big trouble after this, could not help but get all hot and bothered by the slowly malfunctioning fembot before him… But most of said lust stems from said bot’s tits wiggling in the air.

“KZZT! Er-er-error! error!. Indecent Exposure-Exposure detected!. Must rectify-fyPZZT! Oh my child~, let me help you-you relive some of your-BZZT! Warning! Core temperature rising!, logic matrix malfunctioning!, AI corruption de-de-de…” Her glitching voice blurted out, before, with a less than pleasant *Pop!* and a trail of smoke flowing out her ears, did her condition really start to go downhill.

“Eh-eh-eh-eh-KZZT! Oh yeah baby!-baby!. Let mommy swallow-ow-DZZT! Fuck me-fuck me- PZZT! That little juicy DICK!-BZZT! oh my-oh my-oh my- WArningwarning!- PZZT! Mhh-mhh- Let me take caaaaaa(LINE ERROR). Oh yes, honey~honey~honey~. your big dick-big dick feeeeeelllllssss-feels so GOOD!-BZZT!” She blurted out more, her legs moving her around all drunkenly, while her hands and arms moved stiffly to all sides, even so far as to spin one arm in a complete 360 degree circle, tearing both her suit’s shoulder, and the synth flesh of said shoulder, to pieces. Leaving her with both an exposed shoulder, and an exposed arm joint, which was currently sparking into the open air, and followed closely by small puffs of smoke.

“Er-Er-Error-Error, Joint da-da-damage detected! KZZT! Oh yes!, ruin my GLORIOUS-Tzzt!-Needy-ZZT!-Slutty body, Stud~Stud~Stud~. Error!, Main System-System- Main-KZZT! MhMMHhh, Let mommy have that Di-KZZT! Main System at criiiiticaaaaall-PZZT-POW! Maaannuaalll shut DOWN… ReeeequuuuiiiUED!” She droned out, their voice shifting tone and pitch every few seconds, after another small implosion made itself known from within her, as said implosion had both blown open her back panel, and also ripped the back of her suit off, when said back panel went flying in a gust of sparks.

Lucas only watched as his father’s assistant was imploding on itself, all because he wanted to get his rocks off. He just stood there and watched in slight panic, but also with a bit of arousal in his eyes. Sure, he was gonna be in BIG trouble, if he doesn’t find a way to make this look like an accident, but he couldn't help but get turned on even more, by seeing the flailing fembot breaking down.

But, his more logical side did win out in the end, and he decided to try and do what the failing bot requested.

There was a slight problem with that, however. The bot in question’ power button, was located up by its collar bone, and with both the height difference between them, and them currently moving around in a frenzy, turning the fembot off was easier said than done.

So, as nimble as his lith body allowed him, he closed the distance between them in a quick fashion. Ducking and dodging the malfunctioning bot’s swinging arms, and taking a step or two back, every time she was about to either step on his feet, or walk right into him in her semi-mindless state.

But then, right as he had a clear window to jump up and press her power button, Toriel’s hand swooped in faster then he could react, and grabbed his wrist in a tight, yet soft grip. Tho said grip’s output did fluctuate between tight and soft every two seconds.

She looked down into his concerned face with eyes that was both blinking and shifting colors at a rapid past, one eye appearing to have been deesinkt from the other, as it looked in every other direction then his.

“He-he-hello ma-ma-ma-mast-mast-PZZT! Eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. [MAJOR Logic Fault!] My sweet-my sweet-my sweet child-ZZT!-Boy-ZZT!-My yummy little Pet~” She glitched out between different kink settings, and sudden head twitches, her one still functioning eye staring at him with mindless lust.

Right after she blurted out her corrupted words, she hoisted the goat boy up in the air like it was nothing, and now was holding him up by his hips.

Lucas cried out when the rogue bot yoinked him up in the air all of a sudden. “Hey! let go of me yooouuugghhhhoooohhh G-God~!..” He tried to demand, but instead moaned into the air when Toriel sucked his half erect rod into her mouth, while simultaneously slamming his crotch and hips into her snout and face.

Lucas was 'almost' in pure bliss from the sudden and unexpected blowjob. What kept it from being perfect was the sporadic, to actually kinda painful, increase and decrease of her sucktion. Not to mention everytime when a spark or few would eject out of her ears, her maw would spasm a little, and in tandem, bite down on his poor junior.

Luckily, however, he wasn’t too clouded by his own lust,(Even tho he did let it play out for a few minutes) and desperately looked for a way to escape. That was when he felt his feet touch the malfunctioning goat woman’s tits below him, making him look down with what little willpower he could spare.

Not only did he see her huge melons bounce with each slam of his hips to her snout, he also saw the power button he was so desperate to reach.

On the brink of blowing, and with all the power he could spare, he lifted his foot up, and just as he was about to cum, he slammed his foot down on the fembot’s power switch, cracking it slightly in the process.

The moment he did that, he came like he never had before. He was no breeder, but in that moment, he came close to at least one bucket full of goat batter, which he happily blasted down the now powering down Toriel.

“OH!.. Oh!.. oh.. ohh my ssswweeeettt chi-chi-chi- Bzzt* Fuck me good-me good-meee gooooo-Krrk! System shuuutttiiinnngg… DDDOOooooowwwwnnnn… BZZT-Pow!” She droned down, before one last and bigger spittle of sparks shot out from under her floppy ears, followed by small whiff trails of black smoke. If Lucas had to guess, he might have just fried her CPU good and proper from his attempted help.

These thoughts however, were short lived, as after a moment of still being held up by the now powered down, and burnt out goat-bot, said bot began to fall forward.

Luckily, it just so happened that they stood right in front of one of the comfy chairs next to the fireplace. So when Lucas braced for the fall, he was pleasantly surprised by the soft chair that caught him. Not only that, but Toriel was still clamped around his wiener, while the rest of her body lay almost flat to the floor, her now darkened eyes dawning a dazed and lazy look, while also looking either up or to the right.

Seeing her between his legs like this, and the warm wet feeling of her mouth encompassing his rod, Lucas couldn't help but bust another, yet only small, load again down the inactive bot’s throat.

After a time in the afterglow, Lucas, while lying back in the chair, tiredly looked down at Toriel’s now cum stained face.

“*Huff… Huff…* Oooooohhhh Gooooooddd… Dad’s gonna flay me alive for this…” He groaned out in tired and accepting despair, grinding his palms against his eyes in defeat.

“......Okay… Calm down... If her CPU truly is trashed, then I don't need to fret about him going snooping around in her database… Then that just leaves…” He mumbled under his breath, before giving extra attention to his seed running down Torie’s cheek. “...The ‘Physical’ evidence… Guuuuhhh…” He groaned again, not really wanting to touch his own spunk to hide his ‘oopsy’.

But… If it meant that his father wouldn't either disown him, or give him the biggest reprimand that Lucas has ever gotten, then sacrifices must be made… however gross they may be…

“*Sigh…* That’s what I get for being too impatient, I guess… Damn it”

(The End)

(Thanks for reading!)