Rock'em Sock'em!

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(Art done by the wonderful Altop_Ilust from discord/twitter)

[Rock'em Sock'em!]

“Ladies and Gentlemen!. Welcome to the monthly robot battle tournament of Krakton!” The annoncer announced to the countless spectators surrounding the Ring he stood in.

A semi-sea of people, made up of a mix of either well clad business men and women, or your run of the mill worker, with a good few of who’s enjoying themselves with copious amounts of beer.

All of them cheered and shouted, as they could barely contain their excitement for what was to come.

“For tonight's match, we’ve got quite the battle for you fine folks’s entertainment!” He proclaimed.

“This match is between two rivaling businesses, both of which deal in construction and shipping for the larger corporations!” The annoncer explained, before swinging his right arm to one side of the ring.

“In this corner!. Standing at a whopping 2 '30 meters, and weighing in at around 350 kg!. The fighter who represents the fine folks at Bucking Bronco for this match, and who has a reputation for snapping their opponents in two!. BRUNHILDA!!!” He exclaimed with vigor in his voice, as the crowd went wild after his announcement.

The bot in question, a robust and muscular looking horse lady, naked as they one could ever be, held up a raised fist to rile up the crowd even more, while also basking in their cheers.

“And in the other corner!...” The announcer exclaimed again, swinging his left hand to the other side of the ring.

“Standing just 5 cm short of being 2 meters tall, and weighing in at 450 kg!. The representing face of the rivaling business, Northstar Construct, and who has a reputation as well of ripping her foes asunder, on top of fighting like a wild animal!. MATILDA!!!” He proclaimed once more, resulting in the crowd screaming out once again.

The other bot in question, a thick and equally naked bear woman with an overall powerful and voluptuous build, laid back against the ring piller, arms stretched out and lazely holding onto the ropes encompassing the ring, and really giving the crowd a good view of her ‘assets’.

“Now!. As you all know, this is no normal fight!. So for there to be a victor, one of them is gonna get sent to the scrapyard! Hahahah!!” He laughed a hearty laugh, while he slowly spun around to address all the spectators.

“But enough Banter!. FIGHTERS!. Take your positions!” The announcer exclaimed to the two fembots.

Brunhilda gave a little scuff before walking up to the middle of the ring, followed shortly by Matilda, who had a teasing smirk on her lips, while swaying her hips ever so seductively.

“Alright ladies!...” The announcer began, as he stood between the two towering women. “I don’t wanna see any clean fight tonight!. Go for the eyes, go for the fucking crotch to, i don’t care!. People wanna see some carnage, so give them some damn carnage!...” He explained to the two giantesses, who both glared at one another, or rather, Brunhilda did that, while Matilda gave her the bedroom eyes.

“Pff!, oh believe me, they won’t have to wait long…” Brun scuffed, before cracking her metallic knuckles.

This menacing action, instead of intimidating the lusty seeming bear, only seemed to turn them on more than they already were.

“Oh my~. Ain’t we a spicy girl, hmm?. Ohh, i can’t wait to keep your head as my personal fuck toy~” The bear remarked with a husky tone, while she stretched her arms up over her head, before then proceeding to blow the annoyed mare a kiss. Even going so far as to give her a little cheeky wink.

This only led to pissing the mare off, as they huffed out a puff of steam from their flaring nostrils, and their glare turned more intense.

“That’s what I like to hear!... But keep your horny tin-asses in check, will ya?. People are here to see a ‘fight’, not a porno!...” The announcer exclaimed. Brun wanted to clarify that she didn’t want any part of what the lewd bear was babbling on about, but didn’t get to do that before the announcer began again.

“But enough chit-chat!. Get your asses ready, and break a leg or two, literally!...” He exclaimed before giving another laugh.

Giving a huff, Brun drops her attempted defense, and raises her fists into a boxing stance, after taking a few steps back. Ready to beat the bear until they were nothing but a pile of scrap metal on the floor.

Matilda makes a little chuckle, before doing the same, but instead takes a bent down stance with her arms held low. Seeming to plan on tackling the mare in front of her, once the bell rings.

“Alright Ladies and Gentlemen!!. This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for!!” The announcer exclaimed louder than before.

“So let's get ready to RUMBLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” He screamed into the air, before right after making a downward chop with his arm.


  • DING-DING!!*

Both bots didn’t waste a mila-second, as they charged straight towards each other.

Brun threw the top half of her body back, while also cocking her fist back for the extra momentum, before twisting back and throwing a devastating blow down towards the low charging bear, aiming to crush the lusty bear’s head like a beer can.

But Matilda saw the blow from a mile away. Quickly sidestepping the blow while keeping her momentum, surprising the red haired mare before tackling them to the floor with an earth shaking ‘Boom’.

Brun’s system gets shaken out for a moment, but comes back online again quickly. She tries to shake off the busty bear, but said bear wasn’t gonna let that happen, and quickly climbs on top of the mare, pinning her down before starting to punch her in the face repeatedly. A teasing yet sinister smile on her lips as she punched.

Warnings would pop up on Brun’s hub, warning her about structural damage to her cranium, and the risk of CPU failure, if she does not do something to stop it. All the warnings did, however, was just pissing her off more, as she was ‘clearly’ aware that her face was getting pummeled at the moment!.

So, in a burst of anger fueled strength, Brun shoves the bear woman back, enough so that she could then give the bitch-bear a solid kick to the stomach, sending them tumbling back and away from the downed mare.

Matilda grunts in minor pain as she rolls across the ring, until she slams one clawed hand down into the ring’s floor to stop her movement, leaving a small claw trail on it.

While Matilda caught her ‘breath’, this left Brun with enough time to get back on her hoofs and resume her boxing stance once more. Glaring at the bear with renewed vigor.

Matilda grits her teeth in pained anger for a moment, showing a different side of her otherwise, up till this point, lazy and horny persona. But said angry grimace quickly returned to a more pleased and satisfied grin, as the bear proceeded to wipe her nose with a slow yet seductive swipe of the back of her hand. ”Hmm~ That felt good, honey~. But can you hit me harder than that?. That last hit felt rather stale… He he he” The bear chuckled at Brun, who’s only retort to the bear’s perverted remark was a grunt and a puff of steam, before stomping her way over to the bear, this time staying on the defensive.

The same could not be said for Matilda, who proceeds to try the same tactic again. But Brun doesn’t give her the chance again, and instead grabs Matilda’s arms right as they were about to embrace the mare’s midsection. The bear, still dawning the cocky smile, had a blank look in their eyes for a second, trying to register what just happened. But she didn’t get to finish her registration, before Brun then delivered a VERY nasty knee to her face. Not only did she kick her knee into the bear’s face, but also ripping them right into it as she kicked.

Matilda's upper body arches back, while the rest of her follows suit, as she stumbles back. She wobbles for a moment, head still thrown back for the moment, as her whole body shutters for a few seconds. ”CP-CPU-U Da-Damage-Error!” She spat out, before a few sparks blew out from between the thick pelt that encompassed her neck, and her head jerkingly swung back to front.

Brun takes this opportunity to walk to the other end of the ring, before running back towards the bear, jump up, and deliver a nasty dropkick to her midsection. Letting the people closest to the ring hear how a few of the bear’s inner components, breaking and popping inside, with the sound of, what one could only guess was the muffled sound of wires snapping and popping.

Matilda flies back into the ropes on the other side of the ring, and stays there for a few seconds, until the ropes has had enough, and slings her back towards the mare, who was already back up on her hooves to welcome the bear back with an outstretched arm to the face, knocking matilda flat onto the floor with a heavy *BOOM!*.

The crowd cheered like mad, while a good handful threw either popcorn, empty to half empty cups, or strangely enough, a few tomatoes, onto the ring, cheering Brun’s name. And the mare loved it!, slowly walking around the downed bear while waving for the crowd to keep chanting her name

“Brun-hil-da!” “Brun-hil-da!” “Brun-hil-da!”

“YEAH!! That’s right!. Ain’t no bitch gonna take me down!!” Brun proclaimed with a toothy grin

The bear on the other hand however, had seen better days. Now lying on the floor, and experiencing minor to major system malfunctions and errors, mildly spazzing out on the floor, while running her mouth in an inconsistent dialog.

“OH-oh-OH-O-O-Hmm ye-ye-yes baby-baby!-TZZ! Go-Go-Gonna break those nice-ice-ice tits of yours!-Yours!-KZZ! Error!-code ERROR!. Motherboard-bord-bord damage detec-KZZ! Warning!, CPU-CPU integrity at-at-at un-saaaaa-PZZ! I’m-I’m-I’m not done yet!-Done yet!” The bear garbled out. Shakingly and jerkingly shifting around to push herself back up from the ground.

Matilda gets back up, but on twitching legs, and tries to take a similar stance to Brun’s, but ultimately fails to so for long, as her systems are glitching out too heavily, until the code in her mainframe, which kept her in the fight, just snapped. This was even more obvious when her arms and jaw went completely slack for a few seconds, eyes staring emptily towards Brun, but not ‘At’ her.

But after those few seconds of inactivity, and minor head twitches, the bear began to move once more. However, it quickly became apparent, what ‘setting’ the bear came back in with.

Not caring that she had an audience, or that she was in a fight at the moment, the busty bear shakingly started to touch herself vigorously. Looking at the mare with lusty eyes, which then turned to pleading eyes, and which then turned to demanding eyes, and vince repeat. Making it clear to the muscular mare that Matilda was completely done.

Brun lowers her stance with a disgruntled and disappointed scowl on her face, and just listened to the now clearly bricked whore-bot infront of her, running her mouth off with all manner of dirty talk, both intended and not intended for her.

“Oh-oh-oh yeah baby!. Hit me HARDER!-Hit me HARDER!-Hit me HARDER!-KZZT[System errror!] Ca-ca-ca-can’t wait-wait to ke-ke-keep your head-HeAd-hEAd-HEAD! a-a-a-as a sex-ex-ex TOY!-BZZT![Major-jor malfunc-unc-unction!] Fuck my cunt!-my cunt!-my cunt!- Mhh-Mhh nice cuck Master-Master-Master…”

Brun grimaced at the disgrace before her. But then, she got an idea. She turned away from the malfunctioning bot, and began addressing the crowd. “You all see this hunk of junk?. Could only take a few hits before snapping back into whore mode!” She barked at the audience, who in turn booed and yelled in acknowledgment of the mare’s facts.

“So how about you all tell me how you wanna see this bitch get scraped!, ey?!” She barked again, now holding a hand up to her turned ear and waiting for the crowd’s answer.

“Off with her head!”

“I couldn't hear you!. Try again!”

“Off with her head!!”

“Come on people!. One more time!. What do you wanna see!?” Brun barked once again, while waving both her hands in the air in a ‘come at me’ sort of gesture.


“Alright!. Don’t have to tell me twice!. Hahaha!” Brun laughed before she turned back to the still malfunctioning bear-bot whore.

She walks up to Matilda with a casual stride, while the bear looks at her with unfocused eyes, not trying to do anything other than keep touching herself, and talking dirty to Brun.

“Oh-O-OH-MHH-Yes-yeah-FUCK ME!-KZZ! Nice pussy-pussy-PUSSY! you got-ot-ot~. BZZ! [Word Error!] Ah-hahaha-ah-hahah-GZZT! Fat juicy-cy-cy CUCK!!...*KRUNCH!*”

Brun grabs Matilda by the back of her head, while she keeps spitting out her broken and corrupted speel. Slamming one hoof down on the bear’s foot, compressing and breaking the metal and finener mechanics inside said foot, before she then starts to tug hard on the whore bot’s head.

As Brunhilda pulls up, Matilda starts to glitch between moans and woes, to errors and warnings, as the synth flesh around her neck begins to tear, and sparks begin to fire off from the tears that began to manifest around her neck. Her twitching self pleasure turned to a wild spaztic seizure, as her fingers moved like a spider, while her arms jerked left and right. Yet still, the bear tried to please herself, but fails to do so as her body goes berserk.

“War-War-warning!-WArning! Pre-preasure detected at-at neck sec-sec-sec-KZZ!-PSST! Spank me ha-ha-harder-HAdeR-KRRK! Cu-cu-cu-CUMMMHHMHM-ING-ING-ING!!” The whore bear blurted out, not caring that her head was getting torn off.

It only took one last powerful tug, and Brun rips the bear’s head clean off, with a streak of sparks following after the decapitated head. And in a triumphant pose Brunhilda holds the bear’s head high for the whole crowd to see, who in turn bellow out in cheers and whistles at the brutal display.

Matilda’s body loses all motor functions the moment her head gets torn off, slumping together, knees touching one another while the body itself still twitches every so often. Neck stump spitting out glubs of sparks and fluides every two seconds.

And in the bear's last dying strokes, she had managed to send a signal down to her nethers right before her head got torn off, ordering them to let loose the floodgates. But now that there was no CPU, her pussy would just continuously leak like a waterfall, until her reserves ran out.

The decapitated head still spoke for a time, but at this point it was just a gabled mess, speaking so fast no normal person could follow, until its voice began to falter and drone out.

“Ah-ah-ahh yeeaaahhh bbaaabbbyyyy… TZZT! Hhhiii mmyyy nnn-n-nnaammeee issss Mmaaatttilllddaaa… mmmaaaajjjoooorrrr dddaaaammmaaaggeee dddeeeeeee KZZT!-POW! BBBYUUuuuuuuu……”

With an audible ‘pop’ and a few black smoke trails seeping out of the head’s ears, did it mark the end for the lusty bear

The announcer crawls back up onto the ring, and walks up to the victorious mare, giving her behind a nice hard slap, which makes Brun flinch for a second, and give the guy a deadly side eye. The announcer doesn’t seem to notice this, as he laughs at the audience.

“Hahaha!. There you have it folks!. Bucking Bronco still stands at the top!” He yelled.

“Hoowe!. That was quite the fight ey people?!. But don’t think it’s over just yet!...” The announcer proclaimed, while a few skeletal androids were fast at work carrying the still twitching body of Matilda’s off and away from the ring, with one of them standing by Brun and beckoning for her to hand it the bear’s head.

“...We’ve still got a few fights for you fine folks to watch!. So go grab yourselves some more drinks and snacks, and we’ll be right back with you’all in the next 15 minutes with the next two fights!” He proclaimed one last time, before giving a bow, and exited the ring with Brun following suit.

Once they were out of ear and eye shot, Brun kicks the announcer in the back and onto the floor.

“Gaow!. Da fuck you doing?!”

“What am I doing?!. What the hell were you thinking, small dick!” Brun cursed at the announcer with a glare and a half.

“The only one that gets to spank my ass is the boss man!. So if i catch you doing that shit again, i swear, i’ll fucking break your goddamn arms, and hurl your ass through the nearest concrete wall!” Brun warned the now intimidated announcer, before crouching down to get her face as close to his as she could “Are. We. CLEAR.” She asked, saying each word through clenched teeth.

The announcer, too spooked to even say a word, rapidly shakes his head confirmingly.

“Good” She said, stiffly, before walking off down the corridor, and leaving the now scared shitless annoncer on the floor.

[The End]