Falling Out

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>.....Charge Complete

>.....Performing System Diagnostics


>......ZERO Errors Have Been Found


Jenny’s eyes flicked open, and her blue irises lit up as the lights in her small apartment flickered on. The lights took a few moments, making a buzzing sound as they struggled but eventually, they managed to dispel the darkness of the small dingy apartment. The white container Jenny was in hissed as it unsealed, the doors opened and Jenny stepped out. She stretched, and the sun that poured from the window highlighted her blue hair and made it sparkle like the stars. Her body was smooth with no blemish or hair, she looked just like a human aside from the seams that lined out her joints.

After her stretch, she quickly jogged to her room, inside there was a bed and a closet. She had not much use for the bed but it was there when she moved in. She saw no point in removing it and her girlfriend appreciated it when she came over. She opened her closet and pulled out a black t-shirt and long, tight-fitting, pants of the same color. The pants snapped on against her synthetic skin and the shirt fell over her D-cup chest. She then put on a blue jacket, the jacket had her unit number on the back, ‘Unit PD 111’, it also had an officer badge on the front. Finally, she pulled out her belt, which had several pouches and a holster with a pistol in it. She put it around her waist and it clicked, fitting her perfectly on her big hips.

She stepped out of her apartment and made her way to her motorcycle and sped her way out of there. She arrived at the police station a few minutes later. She walked into the tech room where she saw a pink-haired girl. This lady wore a loose-fitting grey sweater and her eyes were a brilliant green. She took a sip from her coffee, rubbing bags out of her eyes. She didn’t notice Jenny, oblivious to the bot approaching from behind.

“JILL!!!” Jenny squealed as she jumped from behind her and hugged her. Jill coughed, spilling some coffee on the ground but her shock quickly subsided as she felt her girlfriend’s warm embrace. “How do I still get surprised,” Jill said, ending it with a giggle.

“Because I know you!” Jenny chuckled. “How about you get more sleep so you can react next time.” “Well, I enjoy your wake-up calls. When you move in with me then you can be my alarm clock. You can pester me about my sleep then.” Jenny smiled and stood up, she got a wireless transmission in her head. She kissed Jill on the cheek before running out. “Gotta go! Chief needs me, make sure I don’t break down!” Jenny said.

Jenny smirked as she turned on her computer, there she pulled up ‘Unit PD 111’ and gained access to Jenny’s vision and could easily type commands to her. The power Jill had over Jenny was a bit scary and it made Jill excited but she refrained for now. Jill and Jenny sometimes used this console during ‘private sessions’, Jill loved sending commands to her girlfriend who would then just mindlessly follow them like the machine she is. Jill started to get excited, it was distracting especially considering what day it was, she chugged some more coffee, trying to focus her mind on the matter at hand.

Jenny rode out and arrived at the scene. It was a car crash, broken glass lined the streets as two vehicles looked like crushed soda cans. Jenny jumped off and ran to one of the cars, there she helped a lady with a broken arm out. Jenny pulled her out and held her while more PD bots came in. These bots were much different than Jenny, they were bulky with a barely humanoid appearance. They had one eye that looked like a camera and they did not have synthetic skin, just metal. They walked stiffy with their big metal feet that resemble factory crushers rather than legs, and they whirred back and forth as their bulldozer-like arms lay completely still. They lifted the other car and helped a man out of it. Another brought a stretcher for Jenny to place the woman on. Jenny then walked away and approached the man, he wasn’t that injured, just some bruises, he was lucky. She smelt something come from the man, she grabbed the man’s head and sniffed his breath. “AGH! What the hell!” the gruff man said, stumbling back.

Jenny’s mind processed the data she received and she spoke, “Sir, your blood-alcohol content is 0.25%! You are under arrest for driving under the influence!”

The man stared at her confused as he looked around at all the other PD units.

“Miss? What’s going on? I thought human officers were phased out?”

“Yes, they were, I am PD 111.”

The man laughed to himself and looked at her.

“No, you are not! You look more like the bots at the club that I just drove to see.”

Jenny couldn’t hide her offense, she balled up her fist but resisted. She then pulled out a notepad and began writing, there wasn’t any practical reason for this, everything she did and say was being recorded by Jill but it did make it clear to the humans that she was taking notes. She just scribbled on it, drawing a cute doodle of Jill that the man could not see. Jenny then saw some text appear on her HUD, it was a message from Jill.

“Good job catching that. The other PDs are less insightful, he might’ve gotten away with that if not for you!” Jill texted. Jenny smiled and just gave the message a thumbs up. She then sent the data she retrieved to the other units. The PD units grabbed the man and cuffed him and brought him to their car. Jenny ran back to the injured lady who was being carried to an ambulance that arrived.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” Jenny spoke, trying to be reassuring.

The lady groaned in pain before speaking, “Yeah..th-thank you…thank you so much!”

Jenny nodded as the ambulance doors closed. Jenny hoped the woman would recover soon, she looked back at the man and saw him complying with the orders of the other PD units. Her more human-like appearance made things a bit difficult, citizens have learned that the police force looks more like fridges than humans, so they were often confused about a human-looking officer. She also was less strong, the PD units had the strength to lift and throw cars, and they didn’t even have firearms because they don’t them. There was one thing Jenny was better at, and that was critical thinking, the other PD units would need concrete evidence before they even consider that the man was drunk while Jenny just had a gut feeling and was able to perform a quick test.

Suddenly, Jenny received a command from the station. “Command received,” she lifelessly said before going to her motorcycle and riding it back to the station. She entered and walked into the tech room, as was commanded by her system, once she was in the tech room, she regained control of her body and saw Jill staring at her happily.

“Hiya Jenny!” Jill spoke.

“Hi? Did anyone need anything?” Jenny asked.

“I did,” Jill responded. “I commanded you to come back!”

Jenny sighed, “Jill, I am fine with you commanding me for the job but what is this for?”

“Well, do you know what today is?”

“Uhhhh, Wednesday?”

“No silly! For a robot, your memory is quite bad!”

“Don’t blame me! I am made to emulate humans so I can forget stuff just like you can!”

Jill grinned as she pulled out a basket of flowers and handed them to Jenny. “Happy second anniversary!!!” Jill spoke lovingly. Jenny blushed, How did I forget this? she thought. Maybe it was because of all the work she was doing, she was a bit of a workaholic.

“Oh~, I see! Sorry I didn’t get you anything.” Jenny said, embarrassed.

“It’s fine J!” Jill spoke nonchalantly. “You have just what I need!”

Jill proceeded to kiss Jenny on her soft silicone lips. They were warm and the servos within them were perfect for kissing, for Jill it felt like a massage to the mouth. Jill slowly pulled out and looked into the mechanical eyes of her partner. The eyes looked human but with a more inquisitive look, the artificiality of them was obvious. They turn like a camera lens and in the center is a barely visible red dot. The fact her girlfriend was ‘fake’ in a sense made her so excited, but she never understood why.

The two drove on the motorcycle, taking the day to explore the city. Jill held onto Jenny’s waist as they rode, and both of their hair blew in the wind. At one point they drove past a manor while making their way to their favorite restaurant. Jenny kept thinking of the manor, it was a massive house that had a very old 2000s aesthetic. She recognized the house and it made her look back. Jenny wasn’t always a PD unit. She was made five years ago by the man who used to live in that manor. She was an illegal bot, a sentient AI made just for one purpose…..pleasure. She was made out of the parts of many sexbots gathered by her creator. There Jenny was forced to follow commands against her will and please her owner, her creator was a sadistic man and made sure she was able to feel pain. It was fun for him, but one day, Jill helped save her, the police found out that the man was running a black market sexbot store filled with sentient sexbots, Jill was controlling the PD unit that found Jenny, and using the robot she brought Jenny to the station. There she got into the Synthetic Persons Protection Program, which gave her citizenship and made it so on all of the records she was a PD unit made to enforce the law.

Jenny was proud of how far she had come and was happy that she met the love of her life that day, it almost made her early years worth it. They arrived at the restaurant. It was a local pasta place, and both Jenny and Jill loved the food there. They entered and sat across from each other.

“You gave me flowers so I’m going to pay.” Jenny proclaimed.

“No, you aren’t! I’m paying.” Jill giggled.

“Jill…..I’m not playing this game,” Jenny smiled. “I can pay.”

“Fine, heck you and your logic!”

Jenny laughed. A waiter came around and asked for their order. Jenny ordered her usual, alfredo, while Jill decided to get a salad. Jenny grinned at her, happy that she was making some better choices for her health. Jenny, being a machine, never had to care about health, the food she ate was going to be thrown away later so it did not affect her. She thought the food must’ve been torture for humans, all the good food destroys their systems, maybe Jenny just had a sweet tooth.

“So, Jenny, how are you functioning?” Jill asked while she gave a small smile.

“Well, I am sitting right here am I?” Jenny grinned.

“I know! Just making sure, wouldn’t want to see you twitch and smoke~”

Jenny blushed, “Not in public, dear!”

“Yeah, I know. Later?”

“When we get to my apartment.”

“Fiiiinnneeeee, I honestly can’t wait!”

“I know, you’re a bit crazy, hehe.”

“Oh, I’m more than a bit crazy and you know it~” Jill spoke with a flirty tone.

Jenny chuckled and leaned back in her chair as the waiter delivered their food. Jill slowly dug through her salad as Jenny twirled the pasta with her fork. She took a bite and shallowed, groaning in pleasure as the food fell into her storage tank. Jill looked deep into Jenny’s eyes or cameras? Jill was unsure what to call them. She leaned forward and kissed Jenny’s cheek causing the robot to shiver, her lips quivered as a rush of euphoria went through her circuitry.

Suddenly, a group of people entered the restaurant, Jill’s eyes widened and she quickly pulled away from Jenny and covered her face with a menu. “Jill? What’s wrong?” Jenny asked worriedly.

Jill didn’t say anything, she just hid as she watched the family. The family included a mom, a dad, and two young kids. Jenny recognized one of the kids, her name was Marlyn, and she was Jill’s little sister.

“Jill? Is that your mom and dad?” Jenny spoke quietly.

“Uhh….yeah…..that’s them alright.” Jill nervously said.

“What’s wrong, did they hurt you?”

“No….it’s not them….it’s...”

Her eyes darted to Jenny and she quickly looked away. Jenny tilted her head and then watched the family. They seemed happy and didn’t seem like they would be abusers but then again, a lot of abusers aren’t obvious.

“Jill, tell me what is wrong?” Jenny asked.

“I…I can’t.” Jill said.

“Tell me!” Jenny said, her tone raised.


“What?” Jenny said, her face in a mix of shock and distress.

“They can’t see me with you.”


“They just can’t!”

Jill began to cry silently as Jenny stared at her. Jenny sighed and looked down.

“I thought you already had the discussion with them about being a lesbian with your ex-girlfriend?” Jenny inquired.

“Yes, I did it’s not that…” Jill replied anxiously.

“Then what is it?” Jenny frustratedly stated. “You trust me, don’t you?”

“They can’t know I’m dating a sexbot!”

Jenny froze, her eyes wide. Her tear ducts engaged, and the tears streamed down her face, staining her synthetic skin. Jill realized what she said, holding her hand out to Jenny’s but Jenny’s hand pulled back.

“So, that’s what you think of me, huh?” Jenny solemnly stated.

Jill frantically spoke, “It’s not. I promise! But….that’s what they are going to think and…”

“And what!!” Jenny interrupted with a loud yell, bringing the attention of onlookers and Jill’s family. Jill lowered her body and hid her entire head under the menu. “Tell me! Do you even love me?” Jenny accused.

“Of course I do! But…” Jill looked back at her family and they recognized her.


“They know….” Jill cried even more as she got up and ran past them. Jenny gave chase but stopped to speak to the family.

“You're Jill’s parents?” Jenny asked. “Don’t worry, your precious daughter is no longer dating a fucking sexbot!!!”

Jenny then continued past them before they could say anything. Jenny caught up to Jill and stood in front of her.

“It’s done!” Jenny yelled.

“What?” Jill stuttered.

“We are done! Jill! You call me a sexbot?! You were the one to help give me this new life yet you just see a toy when you look at me?”

“I don’t but they would see you as that! I would never hear the end of it!”

“And that matters to you more than me?”


“Don’t lie!”

“I’m not lying!!”

“Then what are you doing to me!” Jenny screamed as her tears poured even faster. “What am I to you!?”

“You're my girlfriend, my everything!”

“Apparently not….goodbye Jill.” Jenny walked back to her motorcycle as Jill ran towards her and grabbed her arm. Jenny swung her arm away causing Jill to lose her grip and fall onto the ground, mud staining her clothing.

Jenny hopped on her motorcycle as Jill’s family ran out. The mother spoke to her, “My little girl! What did that crazy machine do to you?”

Jill was crying and didn’t respond as her mother hugged her she tore herself out of the embrace.

“She wasn’t a machine! She was……she was my love.” Jill nervously said.

Jenny drove back to her apartment, crying the whole time. During the drive, she heard a beep come from her head. Tear ducts at 10% capacity, in a few more minutes she couldn’t cry anymore, her tear ducts were empty. She lifted her shirt and opened her belly panel, showing off all the blinking lights within her and the tangles of wires. She put her hand on one of the two metal tanks within her, her artificial stomach. She tore the stomach out and dumped its contents in the trash, she then shoved it back into her. Jenny slammed the door to the bedroom behind her and jumped onto her bed. She whimpered to herself for the rest of the day.

Eventually, she got low on power. She shakily got up and made her way to her charger. There she plugged herself in and shut down. She felt her systems slowly turn off, the whirring of her fans slowed, the light in her eyes dimmed, and her emotions faded away for a brief moment before she was asleep.

>.....Systems shutttinnnggg doooowwwwwnnnnnnn

Then everything went black.