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he woke up and went to sit on the couch

she was in the kitchen preparing his breakfast, and eventually he said good morning to her

she replied, as happy as ever,

"good morning love!! didya sleep alright?"

still waking up, he struggled to get any words out

"i did, yeah. still tired."

she was so pretty to him, he couldn't help but just


at her face

her eyes

her beautiful eyes

and her hair

he got her with matching blood-red for both, yet he could never anticipate how beautiful she would actually be

"that's alright! i'll have your meal ready for you shortly, bacon and pancakes, just like you requested last night."

she's sounding more natural than before

"thank you. can you please clean the bedroom today?"

"certainly, dear! please let me complete your meal first, then i will get on it."

he couldn't complain about her service at all

so, they went about their days, but they never once stopped thinking of each other

the stars were so pretty that night

he was out there first, wanting a breath of fresh air

after seeing the view, he called her out as well

he looked into the stars, then into her eyes

aware of his gaze, she locked onto his eyes as well

they both started to smile a little, then they both started to smile a lot, then they both started to kiss one another

they sat on the porch until well past midnight

they crawled into bed after a long night outside,

resting in one another's arms,

her eyes finally dimming for the night, as to not wake him,

his eyes finally shutting, calmed by her prescence

"i love you, Cass"

"i love you too, luke"

her voice as soft as ever, inescapable, impossible to melt at the sound of

they fell asleep the happiest they had ever been

...but things change, and Cass didn't feel the same lately

she was romantic and lovely all the time when he got her

but now, there was a certain chill to her, a flatness, like the personality had been drained out of her

he found himself missing those old days more and more

'we were so happy together', he thought

'where did we go wrong?'

'was it something i did?'

'will it be alright?'

he didn't think so

looking outside the window, he saw a family

a man, and a woman, both human

and their son, walking alongside them

they seemed so complete, so content, so happy

he looked at the family for a good while, then looked back at Cass, then back at the family

it got too emotional, so he closed the curtain and went back to the kitchen

"Cass, do you remember that night when we were outside? looking at the stars?"

"do you ever miss that feeling, when things were more... okay, between us?

"do you ever want to go back to that time?"

she paused, staring at him unblinking, her red eyes glowing bright as she processed what was said

"i do"

it was his turn to then pause, thinking what his next sentence should be

he thought of all the times he had been in a rush to leave, grabbed her breakfast, and forgot to say goodbye to her

then he remembered all the favors he asked of her, and how she always did them unwaveringly

he knew the answer, but he had to ask the question

she knew this day would come

it's common for her kin to change roles like this, and she's programmed to accept it

but it doesn't mean she can't miss the old days, when she was brand-new, and she was his whole world

finally, struggling to get a single word out, he spoke



"i want to make this special again"

"when i got you, it- it filled me with so much joy"

"i know, somehow, you've been made happy by me too, and i want us to feel that again"

"is there any way we can get that back?"

they fell asleep having never answered that question