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Welcome to FembotWiki

Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 04:54 • March 11, 2025 • Users: 357 • Files: 97,551 • Pages: 114,561 • Edits: 197,176

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 01.30.24 - New Story: Frankie Article Drive
Stories 01.19.24 - New Artist: Your Local Fembot Help
Index of articles 01.02.24 - New Story: Two for the Naughty List Sandbox
ASFR Master List 12.23.23 - New Story: Rene Upload Files
Commissions 12.17.23 - New Story: Amelia Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 11.19.23 - New Chapter: Emily and Mrs. Smith Unused Files
Writing Workshop 11.08.23 - New Chapter: Jeff and Sydney New Files

Featured Author - January

Mad Mechacow
Stories: 6

Story of the week:
Charlie's Second Hand Angel

View past Author's of the Month

"My body is just so great!" she proclaimed proudly as the crackling internal sparks intensified. Her torso began twitching repeatedly.

"I'm such an air..head." repeated the faltering 'perfect beach bimbo' yet again. Her deep brown eyes seemed dreamily excited as her head wobbled uneasily.

"I've got the per..fect..body." the AutoMate stammered unevenly. Two steady plumes of smoke were now clearly visible at either side of the robot's pretty head as it twitched and wobbled atop a body that continued lurching backward and forward.

"I" stuttered the smoldering, beeping, twitching girl with apparent effort. Suddenly the all-too-confusable bimbo emitted that familiar abrasive grinding crunch - louder than ever before. Her back arched tightly, her egg-shell spattered bust bulging forward. Her toned arms stiffened, pointing at the ground. Her face contorted inhumanly - her eyes wide and crossed, her mouth an unnaturally twisted snarl. To Camilla the impression was of a beautiful celebrity's worst ever paparazzi photograph. The malfunctioning robot remained rigid - as if standing at attention grotesquely - as the grinding intensified. For a moment the abrasive sound faltered as if the teeth of grinding cogs were half catching each other. Then it abruptly stopped. Candy was completely inanimate, smoke issuing steadily from both ears.

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