Max pounded as loudly as he dared on Megan's dorm room door, coughing slightly from the lingering smoke of the broken classmate behind him. "Just a sec," he heard Megan call from the other side, the door opening enough to permit a very tired looking Megan peer through. A moment later she flung it wide, jolting awake upon seeing Max. She seemed to be getting ready for bed, her jacket off, her blouse unbuttoned, her tie slung over her shoulder. "Max?!" she said in a harsh whisper, her eyes staring first at him, then at the bot slumped against the wall, dressed only in panties and a T-shirt, panels blown all over her lithe figure. "What is going on? What happened to Lily?"
"I uh… made a new device?" Max quickly stepped out of the hallway, pulling the door shut behind him.
"I'm going to need more than that."
"I'm still kinda getting the hang of it… But it's a good thing, I now know what the hard limits are!"
"You also know you're not supposed to be here," Megan said with an admonishing look. "What happened to 'play by the rules until graduation?'"
"I had to see you - and show you this." Max held out his newly constructed remote - a hand-sized metal rectangle with an array of physical buttons, looking even more slapdash than the last one.
Megan pursed her lips, looking at him with wary interest. "You made that? How?"
"I've been, uh… tinkering on my own a bit."
"Tinkering?" she said skeptically.
"Yeah! Just… trying things out! And I think I've got something here." He hovered a finger over one of the buttons, aiming the device squarely at the busty blonde co-ed. "With your permission?"
Megan narrowed her eyes. "What's it going to do? I'm not going to end up like Lily in out there, am I?"
"No!" Max insisted. "That was… she… I overdid by just a touch. But like I said, I learned from the experience, and I've got this under control. It'll just… it'll make you feel really, really... good?"
Pushing her golden bangs out of her eyes, she folded her arms and shifted her hips to one side. "Sure, Max. Hit me."
Max grinned and pressed the button. She responded with a shrug, and he tapped the button again. "Nothing?"
"Nothing," she said, then tilted her head. "Wait, I think… I think you just activated my posterior heat exchanger?" Reaching down, she slid a hand under her skirt and experimentally prodded her buttock. "Congratulations, you just gave my left cheek a cold-sweat."
"Not what I was going for," Max muttered, pressing the button firmly for third time, then turning the device over in his hands. "Maybe something got jostled loose when Lily-"
Max was violently shoved into the wall, Megan's lips locking with his as she pressed herself against him. She tore his shirt open and he felt his device tumble from his grasp, clattering on the floor. After a brief moment of confusion, he was desperately trying to match her energy, grabbing two fistfulls of her plump ass and squeezing hard as he pulled her hips closer. In doing so, he couldn't help but notice her left cheek was distinctly colder than the right…
"Mmmmax!" she moaned amidst their kiss, her voice strangely digitized and resonant with a metallic tinge while she roughly shoved his trousers down, his underwear with them, exposing his rock-hard member.
Max mentally celebrated his success, sliding her skirt over her hips, opening her blouse, when a sudden squeal from the other side of the dorm room wall gave him pause.
"Who was-"
"Amber," Megan panted, taking his cock in her hand. "Just ignore her!" She guided Max past her white panties and into her with a single thrust of her hips, the blonde bot choking back a cry of pleasure only to have Amber loudly supply one of her own.
"I-is she… with some-?" Max began, but he was soon interrupted by Megan working her hips in a pounding rhythm. Max gleefully masssaged her jouncing cheeks in lieu of his abandoned question.
Amber howled even louder and Megan pumped her hips in a blistering rhythm, tossing her hair back, a cry building in her throat until a sudden blast shook the wall behind them. Max winced as he imagined the shy and bookish Amber abuptly exploding. He was certain she could be repaired, but at the very least it would raise some questions about his activities...
"That's n-not good!" Max exclaimed, trying to demure from Megan's relentless pounding to retrieve the device on the floor
"Don't you fucking dare!" Megan warned, throwing him on to her small bed, her tanned body now suffused in a slight glow. She hastily forced her panties down her legs, then pounced on to Max with animalistic enthusiasm, pinning him to the mattress before spearing herself on him once more. Her lustful cry was echoed from beyond the wall on the other side, along with an electrical buzzing Max could hear through the thin drywall.
"Megan, we c-can't keep-"
"We absolutely can!" Megan insisted, tearing off her tank top and pulling Max's face to her breasts, a stiff nipple silencing him while Megan's other neighbors squealed higher and higher, culminating in another muffled explosion that shook Megan's academic achievement award from the wall.
"M-Megan!" Max sputtered around her bouncing breast, steam now rising from her glistening golden artificial flesh.
"Max!" she cried in orgiastic rebuttal, her hips pounding faster when another whimpering note of pleasure could be heard from the other side of her door. It flew open, and in stumbled a student with absurdly thick thighs exposed by high-riding boy short, a trail of smoke in her wake. Her copper skin dripped with rivulets sweat, her hands tugging at her silken ebony hair as electricity flickered across her form, and Max finally recognized her as Isla. In that moment he promised himself that if he was still at the Academy and she was still functioning, he would definitely be attending those dance recitals of hers.
"M-mmmegan!" Isla moaned, a look of confusion on her face. "Wh-what the f-fuck is h-h-happening t-t-to meeee?"
"I-Isla!" Max gasped, Megan's bouncing nipple slipping from his lips. "Th-that remote!" He wrapped his arms around Megan's waist, trying to arrest her relentless pumping.
Megan squirmed in moaning, wordless protest. Clearly not understanding the situation, the statically charged Isla still complied. With smoking wafting from her dripping body, she took halting steps forward, bending over to retrieve the device. Electricity surged around her, the curvaceous bot's voice catching through a series of increasingly shrill gasps, and Max was certain she going to blow in seconds. Desperately theorizing that his stimulation of Megan had something to do with her still being in one piece, he leaned over to give Isla's prodigious rump a firm squeez. The dancer's voice caught in one final gasp before unfroze and snatched the device.
Max's leaning to grope Isla gave Megan an opening, her straining hip servos overpowering his one-armed hold around her waist. In a split second she slid up his shaft and then slammed down with a fervor that took his breath away. He lost his grip on Isla's ass, the dark-haired bot's relative stability shattered by a surge of electricity and a troubling hissing sound. Max could not help himself, his head swimming as she succumbed to an unbidden climax. Still throbbing inside the howling blonde bot, he made a desperate lunge for Isla, tearing her shorts as he tried to pull her toward him, her statically charged ass looming over him before he tumbled from Megan's bed, collapsing on to the floor in a tangle beneath the two bots.
Isla's voice hit a whimpering high note, electricity from her repeatedly shocking Max and a still-climaxing Megan. Max's hands raced across her body, finding her breasts, then her arms, and finally her hands, one tightly clenched around his device. Max thumbed the oversized 'reset' button on the back, then prayed he had been quick enough to avert an explosive disaster that would bring his nineteen years at the Academy to a ignominious end.
Seconds later he was still buried beneath the twitching and spasming bots. A moment more, and they were both panting heavily, their electronics audibly chittering, humming, their bodies hot from their overworked components. Then, their breathing steadied, the flurry of shocks lessened, and Max was relieved that he wasn't going to be blown up by his robot girlfriend or her thick-thighed classmate.
"Max!" Isla suddenly exclaimed, disentangling herself and springing to her feet. "What the fuck are you doing in the girl's dormitory!"
"I think it's pretty obvious…" Megan purred, her tanned body still aglow as she rolled on to her back, sliding her feet languidly across the wooden floor.
"You t-two have no idea the trouble you're b-b-both in!" Isla stammered, her furious expression interrupted by twitches. "I'm g-going to get the head-m-master, and he-"
"Islaaaaa~", Megan called, lazily beckoning her. "I need to t-tell you something…"
"What could you possibly have t-to say?" Isla's fury melted slightly at the sight of the gorgeous blonde bot lying prone and naked before her, her copper cheeks flushing with a little red.
Megan's hand traced a slow circle around one of her pink nipples, saying, "Come c-closer so I can wh-whisper it to you…"
Isla gave a frustrated grunt and started for the door - Max was about to get up and go after her when she just as suddenly turned around and returned to Megan, dropping to her knees and muttering, "This had b-better be-be-be-"
Megan pulled her robotic classmate to her in a passionate kiss, Isla's hands tensing and splaying in a mild panic before freezing in the air, then slowly descending upon Megan's pert breasts, palming each of them with a tender squeeze. Megan moaned in appreciation, her own hands sliding up Isla's wide hips, around her full backside to the small of her back where she pressed in forcefully to expose a panel, repeating the gesture to some internal control. Isla collapsed across her, then rolled against Max with a stunned expression on her dark features.
"Max?" Megan's voice was less tired now.
"Go back to your dorm - I can clean up this mess."
"By yourself? Megan, how can you-"
She placed a finger on his lips. "Be a good boy. Go to class. Do your assignments. And stop turning your classmates into sex-bombs."
"That wasn't what I-" He tried to speak around her finger, but she pressed it more firmly against his lips.
"…at least under graduation. Can you do that for me, Max?"
He looked at her lying beside him, her disheveled hair and sleepy demeanor undercut by a firmness he was wary of challenging.
"I think I know what the problem was," Max said, turning the device over. "With just a few tweaks-"
"The device was perfect," she cooed, suddenly pulling herself over Isla's body to kiss him tenderly. "It's just a question of timing. Now, can you promise me-"
"Yes, yes - class! Tomorrow!"
"And then?"
"Um… Graduation?"
She kissed him again, whispering, "And then?"
"Then… uh…"
She kissed him firmly, a blue light flashing within her eyes when she finally opened them once more. "We'll just have to see, won't we? Now, get back to your room before anyone else finds you."
Max swallowed, pulling on his clothes while Megan seemed to content to lie sprawled on her floor, giving the occasional faint sigh.
"You're… good?"
"I'm great…" Megan said softly, waving him toward the door. "Good night, Max."
With a final glance at her and the frozen Isla beside her, Max pocketed his prototype device and opened the door. "See you tomorrow, Megan."
"Bright and early…"
Max stepped quietly through the halls of the girl's dormitory, his thumb tracing the buttons he hadn't even tried. He was starting to doubt he could make it all the way to graduation without just a _little_ more experimentation…