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Featured Author - May

Stories: 5

Story of the week:
Deep Research

View past Author's of the Month.

In a fit of fury, Marisa slapped Matthew again. “Out of the question! I selected these settings, and I’ll be dammed if they are changed!”

“Marisa, power down” Jack calmly ordered. She stopped mid motion and fell silent.

“You think you could have done that before she decided to hit me!” He rubbed his sore, red cheek.

Ignoring him, Jack continued. “Marisa, power on but enter maintenance mode.”

She straightened up, maintaining a relaxed posture as she spoke in her normal, less vicious voice. “Loading successful. Awaiting commands.”

“Follow me” he ordered to the both of them as he entered a second room designated “Creation Room”. Marisa automatically walked towards the metallic pad in the room’s centre as Matthew and Jack approached a computer monitor in the back. The room was circular, lined with blue stripes running along vertical steel columns. It was cold and made Matthew feel uninvited. Once she was in place, Marisa began to undress.

Her left hand grasped her suit’s zipper and pulled it down until it reached her belly button. Then, with human precision, she pushed the sleaves over her arms, freeing them before the entire body suit pooled around her feet. She then took a step forward, leaving the suit behind her.

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