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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 08:22 • March 11, 2025 • Users: 357 • Files: 97,551 • Pages: 114,561 • Edits: 197,176

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 12.25.22 - New Chapter: An Unexpected Offer Article Drive
Stories 12.18.22 - New Story: Illusionistic Help
Index of articles 11.26.22 - New Story: CandyBot 007 in ‘A Spy Unraveled’ Sandbox
ASFR Master List 11.22.22 - New Story: Sleeping Angel Upload Files
Commissions 11.18.22 - New Story: AVANT ROBOTICS GRLFRND Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 11.17.22 - New Comic: Modular Unused Files
Writing Workshop 11.12.22 - New Chapter: Writing As We Go New Files

Featured Author - January

Stories: 5

Story of the week:

View past Author's of the Month.

Carolyn casually flicked her middle finger to release the plastic catch of the eSATAp cable from behind Althea’s bronzed left ear, causing it to retract back into its resting place beneath the colourfully lacquered nail of Carolyn’s index digit. She bent the nail back into place with an audible *click* and began to stroke it with her other fingers, as if polishing it, both of her hands cradled gently around a diminutive pink Nokia, while Althea stood absolutely still, beaming a placid expression.

“Althea?” said Carolyn.

Althea was a handsome model, six feet in height, with high cheekbones; kinky auburn brown hair; soft, broad lips; and warm plastic skin the colour of coffee doused in cream. Her look was designed to stop just short of being so stunning as to intimidate anyone trying to talk to her, but it was right on the line. Her lips slid back into an effortless smile, revealing flawless, porcelein white teeth. “Name not recognized,” she said, her voice a soothing, electronic mezzo-soprano.

“State serial and unit number,” said Carolyn.

“Hello. This unit: designation; H. Y. 3. 0. 0. 1... F. M. Unit number; 2. 4. 7.”

“Load personality program,” said Carolyn.

“Searching… Searching… Searching… No personality software found,” said Althea, her smile beaming.

Carolyn nodded her head slightly. “Access memory drive.”

“Memory drive accessed: Hello. No information. Would you like to reformat this drive?”


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