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Featured Author - September RoxxyRobofox Story of the week: View past Author's of the Month. |
“Error. The user m-m-manual states to only st-stimulate one erogenous area of your Jenna-11 series android at... at.. at... OH!” Her head jerks to the side, her eyelids blinking rapidly. “S-sorry about that. That was an automated re-response... but I bet that gets you hot too.” While she plays with herself under her skirt, she lifts her other hand to her face. “Mmmh... let-let's get my processors some air...” Gripping into her face, she pulls it away with a loud SNAP. It sounds like she damaged the locks holding it in place. With her face plate missing, you can see her glowing green optical sensors no longer filtered through eye-like glass. Her metal jaw parted, red lips still attached and expressing that same, wide 'oh'. At the back of her throat you can see her circular voice module. She obviously wasn't designed to take insertions. Behind her cameras you can see two sets of black boxes, labeled P1 and P2 in yellow bold letters. “Not the most-most efficient way of cool-cooling off... but I hope it excites you... seeing my internal components.” |
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