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Suddenly Cassandra's face lost all expression, her eyes closed and slid forward an inch with a slight mechanical whir. Ethan grabbed her face and push in to her cheekbones with his thumb while holding the back of her face with the rest of his fingers. It popped free and Ethan set it aside. Next he took a thin, but sturdy metal rod, about the thickness and length of a large paperclip. "Some things never change" Ethan muttered to himself as he slid the rod into a small hole where Cassandra's tear ducts would have been. After a second of fumbling there was a click from within Cassandra's head and her eyeball jerked forward slightly. Ethan repeated the process for the other eye. He set aside the rod and picked up a pair of needle-nose pliers. He gingerly tugged the eyeballs out just far enough to reach the pliers in and disconnect the attached wires. He then slid the eye out. The whole unit was easily the length of his index finger. A central bundle of tightly packed circuit boards all arranged on a central post. Several connection points lined the boards. Ethan set the green eyes down on the desk and began unhooking the wires in Cassandra's neck. Once he had he loosened the clamp and took her head and face over to the shelves where he placed them both next to the red-head. Ethan took the dark haired head over to the desk. He clamped it in enough to be held steady. He felt around behind her ear for a second before handing himself the metal rod again. He slid it into the hole behind her ear until there was a soft click and then he tugged her face off. He ejected the one remaining eye the same as he had for Cassandra and then gently connected and slid the replacements into place. Ethan picked up the head and face plate and walked over to the table and set it approximately where it should be. Ethan snapped the face back on and smiled down at it. To view the past Author's of the Month, please visit the Author of the Month Archive. |
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