Model H102-Z
te despiertas en una caja con un traje de colegia al frente a dos hombres discutiendo sobre mi , logre escanear e identificar a uno, como el manager de una empresa llamada "Ciberdolls" mientras se descargaba mas informacion sobre el mi memoria. Pero rapidamente llega un tecnico que sostenia un portatil a la habitacion y el hombre presiona un boton que inmediatamente anula cualquier proceso en marcha, quitandome la movilidad mientras se abre un compartimiento sobre mi cabeza dejando a la vista todos los componentes que tenia. El tecnico rapidamente me levanto y reviso mi cabeza conectando el portatil a mi CPU. Pude notar toda la informacion del portatil atravesando todos mis sistemas operativos, senti miedo y el hombre se percato que estaba activada simplemente saco un boton de su bolsillo y lo presionó You wake up in a box with a school uniform in front of two men arguing about me, I managed to scan and identify one, as the manager of a company called "Ciberdolls" while more information about my memory was downloaded. But a technician holding a laptop quickly arrives in the room and the man presses a button that immediately cancels any process in progress, taking away my mobility while a compartment opens above my head, revealing all the components I had. The technician quickly got up and checked my head, connecting the laptop to my CPU. I could see all the information on the laptop going through all my operating systems, I felt afraid and the man realized that it was activated, he simply took a button out of his pocket and pressed it.