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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 05:58 • October 18, 2024 • Users: 353 • Files: 95,299 • Pages: 112,032 • Edits: 193,643

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 02.18.24 - New Chapter: Maya Article Drive
Stories 02.16.24 - New Chapter: The Doctor is in - The Clinic Help
Index of articles 01.30.24 - New Story: Frankie Sandbox
ASFR Master List 01.19.24 - New Artist: Your Local Fembot Upload Files
Commissions 01.02.24 - New Story: Two for the Naughty List Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 12.23.23 - New Story: Rene Unused Files
Writing Workshop 12.17.23 - New Story: Amelia New Files

Featured Author - February

Stories: 6

Story of the week:
Model Citizen

View past Author's of the Month

"I am over heating. I always look just so perfect." Candy's voice intoned blissfully. It occurred to Camilla that the wiring might have already been in such a condition - hardly the look of circuits in their 'prime condition' or internals that had been 'fully reconditioned'. As Candy spun her body stiffly to face the dresser again, Camilla stepped forward, frowning at the protruding panel of flawlessly bronzed skin. The noxious smell of heated plastic was strong in the air. Candy's left hand rose stiffly up beside her head, the fingers still pointed rigidly, the perfectly manicured nails glistening in the bright lighting. Camilla looked down into the space behind the protuberant brown plastic panel. Indeed the wiring appeared to be as yet undamaged, but arrayed carelessly and interconnected by what appeared to be a series of loosely hanging switches. Deeper within the cavity, almost obscured by the mass of wiring, there sat on the left side a row of circuit boards and on the other, amongst other various components, a small electronic fan mounted in a circular brace which was humming furiously. It was this that was sending forth a blast of warm ill-odoured air.

"I must not malfunction. I have been fully reconditioned. Charlie said so." Candy insisted obliviously. But even as the overheating android spoke the tiny motorised fan within her sputtered furiously and cut out, winding down quickly. Camilla immediately noticed the ticking sound seemed to be discernably speeding up again, this time unabated. Candy's slender left hand lowered as the other raised and her head began turning smoothly to the left and then to the right. "Warning. I am over heating. I must not malfunction." the pleasure droid trilled, her voice beginning to loose that indomitably pleasant tone. Camilla realized she needed to do something urgently to avoid being responsible for the error-prone plaything's demise yet again. She looked around desperately for anything that might be of asstistance, to no avail. In the mirror she caught a glimpse of Candy's face as it swung into view. Her formerly serene brown eyes seemed now to be moving independently of eachother, crossing and uncrossing, flitting slightly this way and that, their flawlessly arched eyebrows now twisting up and down, those generous lips twitching indecisively between a frown and a smirk as her voice continued reciting obliviously. Camilla could hear the faint but furious hum of several small winding motors.

"I am Charlie's pleasure droid. Warning. My body is built to obey Charlie. I have been fully. Fully. I must not malfunction. Must not."

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