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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 02:16 • March 9, 2025 • Users: 357 • Files: 97,550 • Pages: 114,559 • Edits: 197,172

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 01.02.24 - New Story: Two for the Naughty List Article Drive
Stories 12.23.23 - New Story: Rene Help
Index of articles 12.17.23 - New Story: Amelia Sandbox
ASFR Master List 11.19.23 - New Chapter: Emily and Mrs. Smith Upload Files
Commissions 11.08.23 - New Chapter: Jeff and Sydney Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 10.26.23 - New Story: Trouble in Hyrule Castle Unused Files
Writing Workshop 10.24.23 - New Artist: Drawbear New Files

Featured Author - December

Mad Mechacow
Stories: 6

Story of the week:
Tales of Syntech 2

View past Author's of the Month

Beth was horrified as one of the women pushed a finger deeply inside Lynn's navel. A seam appeared in Lynn's perfect, golden flesh. The woman got her fingers inside the seam and lifted Lynn's skin off to reveal a cavity inside, packed with mounds of circuitry and wiring, small, whirring motors and a lot of tubing through which clear liquid flowed.

One of the tubes looked a little melted and it squirted some of the fluid onto Beth's face. Beth immediately recognized the smell and taste. It had been the sweet peach flavoring that Lynn had!

Beth backed away in horror and screamed, "What is she?! What is She?!"

The woman who was busily pulling charred components out of Lynn's torso glanced at the other girl who turned toward Beth.

Beth tried backing away but felt rooted to the spot as the woman approached. The woman aimed a device that looked like a beeper at Beth and suddenly, Beth's world went black.

Beth lay faceup and nude on a metal table. Her eyes staring vacantly at the ceiling. Two women dressed in labcoats were looking at monitoring equipment and preparing tools around her.

One of the women almost lovingly reached up and caressed Beth's face, then suddenly a seam appeared around Beth's face and it came off in the woman's hands, trailing wiring, tubing and complex sensory array cabling.

The woman plugged a device into Beth's head and began punching numbers into it. Beth stiffened immediately and said, "Elizabeth model SYN-092W in standby mode. I am a unit designed for sexual pleasure and domestic housework. Awaiting further instructions."

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