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MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 07:24 • March 2, 2025 • Users: 357 • Files: 97,339 • Pages: 114,332 • Edits: 196,773

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Author of the Month:

Total # of stories: 5

Story of the week:
Setting Things Straight

Pulling what remained of the fembot’s head out of the water, Carla checked the cavity behind where its face used to be, checking for any insolent blinking light. The job having been done, she threw the limp machine at the wall. Hitting on its back, the machine slumped down to the floor on its padded ass. Brushing hair out of her face, Carla took a look at the irremediably broken-down android. Even though she had messed it up beyond repairs and exposed it for the worthless lump of silicone and latex it was, she felt its statuesque body still taunted her, with its inhumanly thin waist and ludicrously shapely firm breasts. Furious, Carla began kicking the slumped robot, heels piercing and tearing into the latex covering, revealing silicone padding, servos and motherboards, which she gleefully broke into pieces with the heavy front of her platform shoe.

With the loathsome machine irremediably damaged, she took a break to catch her breath, and heard the bell ring. After quickly wondering if she should drag the wrecked machine out of sight, she decided against it and headed for the door, making sure her hair hadn’t been tousled in the action. But as she prepared to greet her visitors with a sugary and hypocritical welcome, she stopped.

View past Author's of the Month.

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