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MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 19:35 • February 18, 2025 • 356 users • 97,008 files • 113,972 pages • 196,297 edits

Features New Content Editing
Gallery New Chapters: The Repair Shop - Part 3 Article Drive
Stories New Story: Self Harmer Help
Index of articles New Story: A Short Conversation at RoboDepot Sandbox
ASFR Master List New Story: The Cook Upload Files
Follow your own plot New Story: Quiet Night In Recent Changes
Photo Workshop New Story: Too Much of a Good Thing Unused Files
Writing Workshop New Story: Natalie's Story New Files

Author of the Month:

Total # of stories: 9

Story of the week:
The Peculiar Journey Of Lauren Barnes

Now she stood before me stark naked, trying to explain to me how each and every one of these memories was a lie. Her torso was split above the navel from side to side, revealing a complex web of circuits and machinery. I could see up to where her ribs would be located if she were human; there were replacements for the real thing in their place, made from what appeared to be some sort of dense plastic fiber. Lights would occasionally flash inside of her, sometimes followed by a grinding noise or a twitch. Carolyn didn’t move a muscle as I gazed into what was obviously not a human body.

I looked up into her eyes, glassy and lifeless where I had found love just moments before. “Carolyn? What is this?”

She cocked her head to the side, regarding me with no discernable emotion. “My designation is KOEI-60388. I am a product of the J.P.P. Artificial Person line, fourth generation. How may I serve you?”

Her torso snapped shut. Life back in her eyes. She shook her head like she was awakening from a nightmare. “Now you know. Now you know who I am.”

She told me everything. She was designed by a firm in Nagano, Japan, which had decided to beat another team of European investors to the punch by creating a line of simulant humanoid robots which were indistinguishable from the genuine article. Carolyn was the first to be designed and released to be field-tested; her memories and appearances came from the daughter of a programmer who lived in the New York area. She had operated on the assumption that she was the human Carolyn, occasionally swapping in and out of her life while being imprinted with her memories. However, it was only recently that she had accidentally stumbled upon what she actually was. An accident in the shower, she said, and it was only through an intense amount of begging that her father didn’t fully erase her memories of the incident. She did ask him to erase any grief she had over not being human. “It was the least he could do, after all. If I had to be the fake Carolyn, there was no point in getting all bent out of shape about it.”

To view the past Author's of the Month, please visit the Author of the Month Archive.

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