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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 19:14 • March 1, 2025 • Users: 357 • Files: 97,346 • Pages: 114,339 • Edits: 196,745

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 11.19.23 - New Chapter: Emily and Mrs. Smith Article Drive
Stories 11.08.23 - New Chapter: Jeff and Sydney Help
Index of articles 10.26.23 - New Story: Trouble in Hyrule Castle Sandbox
ASFR Master List 10.24.23 - New Artist: Drawbear Upload Files
Commissions 10.24.23 - New Artist: Screenshot Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 10.19.23 - New Artist: Cade32X Unused Files
Writing Workshop 10.14.23 - New Story: When Technology Meets Temptation New Files

Featured Author - December

Stories: 4

Story of the week:
Diaries of a Fembot

View past Author's of the Month

We were all filled into the mirror room again and lined up in order. As the door opened I was confronted with another fembot. She looked most like myself except her chest was bigger and her hair white. She was wearing a nurses uniform and was accompanied by two armed guards. Dr Amaki showed her to the beginning of the line. When the door opened again it was our masters. They sat waiting to inspect us.

"If you could please step forward stating your name, owner and designation. Once collected the next one may step forward. Please wait with your new master over by the plinth so we may do final prep before you leave. Start" Dr Amaki ordered.

The new fembot stepped forward. "I am Zero, a Military, Intelligence, Nurse, Kinky, Android, M.I.N.K.A. I belong to the Japanese army under General Mikata" The General stood up and walked slowly round Zero. He ordered her to show her weaponry and folds of skin and metal peeled back to reveal quite a defense system. Lastly he stuck his hand up her skirt and with a smile lead her to the prep area.

"I am Abby Watson" One said stepping forward "Sectary and P.A. to Mr Douglas C.E.O. of Americas primary electronics company." Abby smiled and greeted Mr Douglas with a hand shake.

"I am Lilli, bodyguard and assassin for MisoMiso eccentric head of the Tokyo Yakuza" Two guys in suits lead Two away, now much taller with her heels screwed in, perfect for fighting.

"I am Viella Darkspell, fetish model and assistant to French gothic clothes designer and alternative photographer D'Raviern" "Marvelous darling! Just what my studio needs. This bot will be a brilliant muse. Ohh! She is just perfect" Expressed D'Raviern as he swayed up to her, kissed her on the cheek and lead her away.

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