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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 08:44 • February 28, 2025 • Users: 356 • Files: 97,326 • Pages: 114,318 • Edits: 196,716

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 10.26.23 - New Story: Trouble in Hyrule Castle Article Drive
Stories 10.24.23 - New Artist: Drawbear Help
Index of articles 10.24.23 - New Artist: Screenshot Sandbox
ASFR Master List 10.19.23 - New Artist: Cade32X Upload Files
Commissions 10.14.23 - New Story: When Technology Meets Temptation Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 10.05.23 - New Story: Evie and Zoey; Double Modding Unused Files
Writing Workshop 10.02.23 - New Story: Contraband New Files

Featured Author - November

Stories: 6

Story of the week:
Melting Point

View past Author's of the Month

Valerie was a Sony Advanced AIBO companion unit. She was constructed to have the youthful appearance of a virginal 19-year old. Recently, she was purchased second-hand to a new owner and was sent to a local cyberneticist for a detailed examination. The examination goes well except for a glitch in her sexual response subroutine. The doctor performs a comprehensive vaginal operations test, which stimulates all vaginal sensors as it simulates actual sexual intercourse. This test is known to trigger the orgasm response in androids. The doctor, knowing this, uses it to his advantage, knowing that in some androids, Sony units in particular, when an orgasm is triggered, it consumes nearly all of the android’s resources to produce the desired effect and takes nearly thirty seconds to recover. He uses those thirty seconds to hack into her main processing core and shut down all of her higher functions, rendering her mind out of action. Three hours later, two men pay a visit to the doctor, take possession of Valerie, and hand the doctor a healthy sum of money. Valerie, the doctor, and the two men are never seen from again.

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