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Gallery 10.05.23 - New Story: Evie and Zoey; Double Modding Article Drive
Stories 10.02.23 - New Story: Contraband Help
Index of articles 9.24.23 - New Story: Emily and Mrs. Smith Sandbox
ASFR Master List 8.19.23 - New Story: Alex, Mia, and Lily Upload Files
Commissions 8.17.23 - New Story: The Pilot Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 8.11.23 - New Story: Chloe - Part 2 - The Spa Unused Files
Writing Workshop 8.11.23 - New Story: Chloe - Part 1 - The Escape New Files

Featured Author - October

Stories: 5

Story of the week:
Robot Power

View past Author's of the Month

She'd seen numerous Pygmalion spokesmen refuting the many, many rumors circulating about this gynoid species. It wasn't the facts about them that really interested people; it was the rumors. The Pygs made sure to pontificate how much about these robots WASN'T true.

Lisa 'knew' that Scarlet-women certainly didn't have a secret Ap that gave them a strong exhibitionist tendency around male acquaintances of their User. No truth to the stories about Dealerships letting these Dolls roam the local singles-scene as part of a secret marketing strategy to entice non-owners with a superhuman sexual experience. To which they certainly did not bring secret, experimental sexware that Pygmalion deliberately withheld just for this model. Not true, about their male marks becoming so intoxicated as to stir them to fanaticism for owning one of the salaciously simulated women themselves. Lisa also 'knew' that the stories about Pygmalion allowing a Scarlet-woman to troll for guys in a swanky, Vegas hotel bar to look for a man she was sure could NOT afford her purchase price weren't true. And the gynoid didn't bombard the poor sap with sensual delights beyond his horniest dreams - to torment him with craving. And when this man realized the high maturity index of her pricey neural network armed with eons-worth of enticement techniques for the bedroom would cost him more than three-years’ salary - he did not become obsessed.

And that armed robbery of Caesar's Palace two years ago? It wasn't the same guy. He didn't do it to snag enough cash to buy his own Scarlet-woman. The robot didn't sense his vulnerability and try to fan the flames to drum up more sales of herself. These artificial vixens never derived some sort of exultation from their fiery reputation. Surely, Venus Studios would never invent Code that would compel their creations to prey upon lonely hearts, giving them a 'sample' that would provoke frenzied desire - and big spending - in men that didn't believe they could afford a big-ticket gynoid.

Strange, Lisa thought - that the vociferous denial of all these rumors... these very specific rumors by the corporation ended up giving them much more air-time. We shouldn't believe that the robots were willing participants in a cynical manipulation to under-handedly boost sales of themselves, and thus the already abundant profits of the Venus Studios branch of the company.

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