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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 20:37 • March 8, 2025 • Users: 357 • Files: 97,550 • Pages: 114,559 • Edits: 197,172

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 10.05.23 - New Story: Evie and Zoey; Double Modding Article Drive
Stories 10.02.23 - New Story: Contraband Help
Index of articles 9.24.23 - New Story: Emily and Mrs. Smith Sandbox
ASFR Master List 8.19.23 - New Story: Alex, Mia, and Lily Upload Files
Commissions 8.17.23 - New Story: The Pilot Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 8.11.23 - New Story: Chloe - Part 2 - The Spa Unused Files
Writing Workshop 8.11.23 - New Story: Chloe - Part 1 - The Escape New Files

Featured Author - October

Stories: 5

Story of the week:
Apocalypse Doll - Celebrity Edition

View past Author's of the Month

>>PR0CESS1NG…PR0CESS1NG…ABN0RMAL ACT1VAT10N DETECTED; STANDBY…>> Announced the rude voice of the robot-policing node. The Audit was intolerable, and worse – the node was unable to process this situation; its own A.I. was limited, but it might not release 7087 until it could definitively explain the human’s death and rule out 7087’s involvement. The robot’s processors understood that this human was clearly long dead, its deactivation preceding her activation, but the node was programmed to analyze the circumstances of the death – and this situation was unfamiliar to it. Struggling, her metaprocessor derived a solution:

>>L0AD – PERS0NAL1TY 0VERLAY…PR1MARY EMBEDDED PERS0NAL1TY 0VERR1DE…ALPHA-LEVEL PR10R1TY.>> The robot’s eyes lost their far-staring quality, adopting facial mannerisms identical to that of the human starlet. In her vision, the crumbling, subterranean factory was replaced by a glitzy boardwalk sunset, palms waving, dusk reddening the skyline. An environment Kimiko Kinki would be able to comfortably process. The skeletal corpse became a snoring wino sleeping off last night. Kinki reached for her purse to hand the poor wretch some cash; but found that she was naked. Oh well, he’d probably just drink away whatever I gave him, the woman’s personality concluded as she continued towards a posh storefront.

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