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Powered by MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 17:55 • March 7, 2025 • Users: 357 • Files: 97,549 • Pages: 114,557 • Edits: 197,167

Features New Content Editing
Gallery 6.12.23 - New Story: Terminatrix: Battle of the Queens Article Drive
Stories 6.01.23 - New Author: Dubhdanaidh Help
Index of articles 5.22.23 - New Chapter: Jeff and Sydney Sandbox
ASFR Master List 5.14.23 - New Story: Cafe Stories Upload Files
Commissions 5.07.23 - New Comic: Relationship Updates Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 5.03.23 - New Story: T-X Romance Unused Files
Writing Workshop 4.10.23 - New Story: Under the Influence New Files

Featured Author - July

Stories: 13

Story of the week:
Blue Chips

View past Author's of the Month

“You might have to plug it in, just reach behind the couch and plug it into the power strip. I think it is the older looking brown cord,” Daniel said half looking up from his screen. Where the hell was that damn file? If he couldn’t find it, she might leave and he might lose his only shot with her.

“I think I got it,” Jennifer said. A few seconds later Daniel heard a low hum, and figured that the fan would hopefully at least keep him from sweating even though he was more nervous now than he had been in a long while. A few seconds later he noticed that his wireless network connection had gone down. “Aww damnit. Not now,“ he said aloud as he picked up his computer to try to get a better signal. When he finally looked up from the screen he was shocked at what he saw.

Jennifer was leaning over the back of the couch, giving a nice view of her cute firm ass proudly displayed under her cotton shorts and slightly shaking, but saw the fan wasn’t on. Daniel noticed as he got closer he could tell the humming was actually coming from that damn copper coil Ed had brought in earlier. He reached over and tried to grab the cord to pull it loose. “I think I got it. I think I got it. I think I got it,” he could hear her say over and over again softly, in between tremors. He pulled the plug and the humming stopped. Then he stood up and looked at Jennifer. She was staring down at the floor and still shaking while mumbling to herself.

“Jennifer, are you ok?” he asked as he grabbed her shoulders and gently shook her.

“Yes Daniel, I am fine,” she said as she turned around and sat on the couch, “are we going to watch the movie now?” Daniel was really puzzled. Did she touch the coil and get shocked? Did the electrical field mess with her brainwaves? Is she playing a joke on him?

“Are we going to watch the movie now? Are we going to watch the movie now?” she said, and then her head tilted over to one side and she began to stare straight through Daniel. “Are we going to….. error writing to sector 0x00235235f,” she said with the last part slipping into a high pitched monotone speech instead of her normal perky voice. “Error reading from sector 0x00235acf2. Memory corrupted from sectors 0x002300000 to 0x0025fffff. Cascade failure imminent.” Jennifer fell back against the side of the couch and started twitching again. “Attempting to contact Administrator…..failure. Wireless connection disabled. Repairs needed. Unable to selfffffff correct. Commmmmmm-mencing emergency shutdowwwwwwwn.” Her speech drawled off until she suddenly stopped moving and just laid there on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

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