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Features New Content Editing
Gallery 4.10.23 - New Story: Under the Influence Article Drive
Index of articles 3.23.23 - New Chapter: The Small Business Chronicles: The Doctor is in - The Clinic Sandbox
ASFR Master List 3.22.23 - New Story: Maid Service Upload Files
Commissions 3.21.23 - New Story: Adrift Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 3.13.23 - New Story: Jeff and Sydney Unused Files
Writing Workshop 3.08.23 - New Story: Secret Longings New Files

Featured Author - May

Stories: 5

Story of the week:
Soccer-Mom Unit - Prequel

View past Author's of the Month.

Annette sat on the bench, watching her son train for soccer. She had a cheerful face, an outward expression of peace and happiness, but in reality, none of this existed. Under this thin, plastic skin which formed her smile was a complex series of mechanical and electrical devices, all moving under the guide of electrical impulses provided by her advanced batteries hidden within her slender thighs. Annette wasn’t like Pam however, as she was completely oblivious to her true nature. To her, she is a real, living human. Her personality controlled by an advanced simulated intelligence capable of fooling everyone, even herself. Unlike Pam, she was programmed with highly efficient code, capable of simulating a real personality to 79.4% accuracy, which in her dull, uneventful life was excessive in the need to remain concealed as a sleeper agent. Her coding was highly refined, purely and solely created for two main things, being a mom and wife. As such, she was limited to the activates she could perform, and her simulated intelligence (S.I) prohibited her ability to learn. This was overcome by weekly updates by Fembot Command, completed wirelessly, which added pre-programed knowledge of new activates and changing world events. She was indeed an older model than Pam, being in service for 10 years, but “mentally” (in terms of software) she was more advanced than Pam could ever be, but physically less advanced than her counterpart. As she sat there, her S.I computed potential spontaneous options for the evening, a common task required to maintain her concealed identity and to enhance her human illusion. However, to her it was all thought. Regular, human thinking.

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