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Gallery 4.10.23 - New Story: Under the Influence Article Drive
Index of articles 3.23.23 - New Chapter: The Small Business Chronicles: The Doctor is in - The Clinic Sandbox
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Featured Author - April

Stories: 45

Story of the week:
Green Flag

View past Author's of the Month.

“Are you aware of any malfunctions ma’am? Any system warnings?”

“No, nothing. One minute I was in the bath, the next I just froze completely. I’ve run diagnostics and tried rebooting twice but still the same.”

“Right, that does seem very odd. First thing is to get you out of the water where I can take a look at you. It seems most likely to be a fluid ingress problem but that would usually be much more violent. I assume you are immersion rated?” He rummaged among his tools and produced a small digital probe which he gingerly touched to the water and then on several points on Tamara’s skin.

“Of course I am, I’m a swim model actually and I’d hardly take a bath with my covers open would I? This has never happened before and I’m really cold and pissed off, could you get a move on please?” Tamara was clearly rather annoyed but the man didn’t feel that he was the object of her snappiness. She seemed pretty well programmed, acting very like an annoyed young woman stuck in the bath, perhaps just a bit less bashful that a real girl might be...

Satisfied that there was no contact hazard the man unplugged the bath and they waited in silence as the water slowly drained and gurgled away leaving Tamara’s inert body to settle wetly onto the white enamel, she really was a work of art. Looking her over the rescue guy could see no sign of access panels, controls, ports or any other of the usual surface features of cheaper androids. He was secretly glad she was online to answer his questions if need be.

“Well, there’s no visible problem. I’m going to dry you off before I move you, just in case. To be honest I’m rather stumped at the moment, I can’t figure out what the problem might be. Like I said, water ingress would have had you sparking out all over the room and anything else should have registered on your error log.” He grabbed a big fluffy white towel from the rail and began to dry the helpless android girl, starting at her feet and working up her limp legs, inspecting for any sign of damage or dermal entry points as he went.

“Can you feel this?”

“Sure, I can feel you just fine. Still can’t move though...”

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