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Featured Author - April

Stories: 45

Story of the week:
Upgrading Beth

View past Author's of the Month.

I placed my hands on Beth’s ribs, below her breasts and ran a thumb down to a place under her sternum, pushed in and then up to release a small catch with a click.

“Servicing protocols engaged”, Beth’s eyes took on a red tint to show she could no longer properly emulate human behaviour and her posture straightened, arched backwards over the bench.

“I know, I know, I wrote them remember.” Although I’m not a programmer I have written the maintenance restrictions for the advanced units. I try to keep them as normal as possible, just adjusting what little I need.

Starting at the top I worked my way down Beth’s ventral access panel, pulling the thick flesh layer away from her midriff. I took care to uncouple each of the many cross links at the join. The skin of a model like this is a complex component itself, with sensors, complexion and temperature control and erectile hairs built in; even perspiration ducts on this Rolls Royce of androids. As I got lower I undid a couple of her fly buttons to reach the bottom of the panel, just above her neat patch of pubic hair.

I placed the flesh panel to one side as Beth looked curiously into herself. She was less cocky now, slightly nervous with her inner systems on display. Knowing well how to cooperate with my work she pulled herself up onto the bench and rested back against the beanbag I keep there for support. As she moved I could hear the exposed servos whine and see her mechanisms move inside her. She held her jeans aside to give me full access into her body and waited passively for me to begin my work. I noticed her nipples had risen, standing stiffly up from her athlete’s breasts; officially this protocol is to ease access to their erectile mechanisms but I always enjoy the sight and have no doubt Beth enjoys the feeling too!

Working carefully and precisely I unscrewed Beth’s CPU cover plate. This was fixed amid the forest of multi coloured wires, circuit boards and actuators that made her function. I prised it free and rested it gently on the passive robot girl’s arm. The LED status indicators underneath blinked at me showing her various processors jumping in and out of use. With a No. 6 actuator probe I reached in and disconnected the linkup cable bundle from her AI 042 processor. Hooking the end out of her belly with a finger I laid it over her other arm, well away from any exposed electronics.

I could hear Beth’s breathing deepen; looking up I saw a dreamy expression looking back.

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