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MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 07:54 • March 1, 2025 • 356 users • 97,330 files • 114,322 pages • 196,725 edits

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Author of the Month:

Total # of stories: 10

Story of the week:
Persona Tests: Pamela One Point Zero

"She's doing very well. Could she pass for the real thing?"

"It doesn't matter. They are all Pamela in every way that matters. The girl signed over the rights to her mind and physical form for a hefty sum and footage of the destruction of her android duplicates. They all start the same, thinking they’re her. They have no idea what’s coming.”

On the other side of the two-way mirror Pamela continued to run on the treadmill, eyes straight ahead, face blank. Concentrating only on her perfectly steady breathing and her quick pace. It was like there was no one else in the world. She didn't know, but that was about to be her ruin.

"That's fine, Pamela. You can stop now." The nurse handed Pamela a towel as she jumped off the treadmill. She had worked up quite a sweat. Pamela thought about the robots that were based on her, no idea that she was one of them, a simulation with no rights and fewer choices. She thought she had left weeks ago and was simply waiting for the footage of the girls that looked, sounded, felt like her. She couldn't have been more wrong. The scientists continued to discuss how each of her would experience destruction. Right now there was a clone in the pool, endlessly swimming laps, never getting tired. She wanted to be in shape, but she had forgotten that she had been in the pool for six hours and would soon “die” of a brain hemorrhage. That Pamela was defective and had been ordered to destroy herself by her creators. She obeyed wordlessly, simply jumping in the pool and starting her laps.

"Send the robot in here." Seconds later one of the android girls entered the room. She stood at attention and regarded the scientists with curiosity.

To view the past Author's of the Month, please visit the Author of the Month Archive.

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