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PDF Embeding

[[Fembot [[File:Hitcher.pdf|page=1|900px]]

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MP3 Embeded Player



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Allows for formatting stories in screenplay format

<screenplay> INT. A House

It was dark. Some flavor text here. Set the scene. Both of the fembots are naked or something

FEMBOT I'm a fembot

ANOTHER FEMBOT (looking at fembot) Yes, you are.

FEMBOT Yeah (shuts down) </screenplay>

Newest Pages

Shows the most recent pages

  1. Cicada PMC - Kidnapping
  2. Professional Dedication
  3. The Post-Failure Struggle
  4. Space Crisis
  5. Top Shelf - Go F*ck Youself
  6. Plawres Sanshiro (Manga)
  7. Life in Stepford - Ladies' Afternoon
  8. Yor's Infected Infultration
  9. Lore Dump - Robotics Companies
  10. Project Citadel
  11. Tension at the Workshop
  12. Top Shelf - Home Alone
  13. Rory
  14. Rewind...
  15. Rewind
  16. ToyLyn
  17. The Pawn
  18. Lugia at the Beach
  19. Seconds Chances and New Used
  20. Cicada PMC - Hostage Situation