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Eydir then glowed brightly for a few seconds while her form changed. Her whole body became encased in fantasy white armor with blue and gold parts . A winged helmet with a retractable visor materialized on her head while a spear appeared in her left hand. The most stunning change however was the metallic wings that formed on her back.
Eydir then glowed brightly for a few seconds while her form changed. Her whole body became encased in fantasy white armor with blue and gold parts . A winged helmet with a retractable visor materialized on her head while a spear appeared in her left hand. The most stunning change however was the metallic wings that formed on her back.
File:Eydir by Shonemitsu.png
[[File:Eydir by Shonemitsu.png|frameless]]

-You weren't kidding when you said armored mode. You truly look like a flying knight. The only thing missing is a shield, said Dave while clearly looking impressed.
-You weren't kidding when you said armored mode. You truly look like a flying knight. The only thing missing is a shield, said Dave while clearly looking impressed.

Revision as of 16:37, 12 May 2017

Part 1

High above ground in the night sky, Jensina was stuck in a fierce battle. Her order of Valkyries, the Raghild, had recently spotted demonic influence in their territory and Jensina was sent to investigate. The intruder occurred to be a high ranking succubus that attacked her the moment she was spotted. Sadly, even her martial and magical training weren't enough for an opponent of that caliber. Jensina was quickly put on the defensive and the battle became an aerial fight high in the sky of the industrial sector of Garnold.

“Grr..., I'm almost out of mana and I haven't even scratched that bitch... At this point it's obvious she is toying with me. I can't even call for help as there is some kind of magical interference... I'll have to try something else or I won't survive...” thought Jensina as she decided to bet everything on her best physical enhancement spell.


Feeling much more powerful and faster, Jensina launched a charge at her opponent.

-Hmmph, definitely an improvement but still not enough. said the succubus while blocking the spear blow with a magical barrier.

-You fought valiantly but I grow bored of you... Now die quickly, ok? She then summoned a trident and sent it flying toward Jensina who was still recovering from her failed attack. The Valkyrie was struck in the abdomen and the trident vanished as if it never existed. In pain and quickly losing blood, Jensina felt her forces leaving her while she started plummeting toward the ground. She lost consciousness when she hit the roof of a building and crashed through it.

-Well, that takes care of that annoyance. Gotta leave this dump before more show up. Don't wanna be identified just yet... The mysterious succubus then teleported away.

Dave was up late, examining reports at his desk. His sexbot factory was still profitable but revenues were starting to dip. They hadn't had a technological breakthrough in a while and now their competitors were catching up to them while being cheaper. Their flagship product, the MechaCutie, was due for an update as its limited personality matrix became predictable with time. Sadly it was easier said than done. Dave would rather be in the labs working on new software, but he eventually had to admit he was running in circles and the administrative tasks were pilling up.

Ten years ago Dave and a bunch of like minded roboticists had bought a workerdroid factory from a bankrupt company. Their final project as students had been to transform a boring old bot into a sexdroid. The faculty had been rather shocked by the project but still accepted it, thinking it would fail anyway. Happily for the students their minds (lust?) prevailed and they managed to create a functioning sexbot. They then went on to make Ladybot Inc. and create a thriving sex robot industry.

While reminiscing (and thus avoiding work...), Dave was disturbed by a loud crash. Alarmed, he called the security guards on duty.

-What the hell was that? -We don't know boss, but we're going to check it out!

A few minutes later: -Hmm, boss, it seems something crashed into the roof. Also, the factory seems to have been activated, you'd better check this out yourself. We don't think that's the work of intruders. -Fine, I'm coming down. Said Dave while grumbling to himself about bad luck.

True to the guards words, there was a hole in roof, right on top of the nanite pool. These little wonders were tasked to assemble the different parts of the robots and could do so much faster than any human. You just dumped the frame and the components and a new sexbot was done in a few minutes. Strangely, whatever had fallen inside the factory had managed to activate the production line as power was flowing into the pool.

-I'll try to stop the process while you guys clean up the debris so we know what we're dealing with. This is gonna be such a pain in the ass to repair...

Soon after the guards left, something surfaced in the pool and was brought into the finalization booth. It was clearly a female bot, but of a different kind from usual.

“What was that? The nanites couldn't possibly have enough material to make a whole sexbot and that clearly wasn't something of our design. Did somebody mess with the factory after all?”

Dave's concerns were interrupted when the bot finally exited the production line. Simply put, she was an amazonian beauty unlike anything Dave had ever made or seen. She was pretty tall at around 6 feet and fit as an athlete (as her abs showed) but with all the curves of a traditional sexbot. Her skin was some kind of flesh-like silicon with visible mechanical articulation covered in a clear gel substance. She had long emerald hairs that went to her lower back. Her face looked like that of a doll but with sensual red lips. As all new sexbots, she was naked for inspection.

While Dave looked amazed at the new creation, the bot activated itself. Her calm crystal blue eyes opened and she started speaking.

-First boot detected. Awaiting activation key before unlocking full potential.

She just stood at attention waiting for input, her eyes lost in the distance.

Overcome by curiosity, Dave did the first thing he thought of, and recited his administrative credentials

-Administrator password accepted. Loading full mode... Her voice then became softer as she continued: Mechanical Valkyrie 1.0 loaded, this unit's designation is Eydir. How can I serve you?

Dave was puzzled, he had never heard of any mechanical Valkyrie program. What was this new robot doing here? Did it have a link with the hole in the roof? The obvious answer was to try to ask the bot. Even if the AI wasn't very sophisticated, it should have some description of its functions for her owner.

-Explain me your model. I own this plant and I never heard about your type. Where do you come from?

-I am a mechanical Valkyrie model. I was built for combat and companionship. I have access to a wide range of magical and martial skills generally associated with Valkyries. I can summon my combat equipment at a moment's notice or appear fully human and be ready for any situation. I am also programmed with all companion applications from Ladybot inc. As for your second question, I may have some explanations: I have memories prior to being activated for the first time. It seems a Valkyrie named Jensina fell and died in this pool of nanites. The logical conclusion would be that I was made from her remains.

This explanation raised more questions than answer in Dave's mind. Was this the truth? Did his factory really have the power to turn someone into a robot? Moreover, without any input from the workers? And what was a Valkyrie doing above his factory in the first place? Their kind didn't usually mingle with the rest of society and were in fact quite secretive...

-Wait! You're saying you're a Valkyrie that was robotized, like some kind of cyborg? Shouldn't you be furious and want to return home?

-No, you are misunderstanding. I am Eydir, a new being. Jensina was simply used as raw materials for my construction and her memories downloaded into me. You could say she died to create me. I am not bound by my past life. I was made to serve a master and I will do so happily. Right now, you are designated as my owner, is that correct?

-Hmm, I guess I'll have to be for now... At least while we're clearing this situation up. Let's rewind a bit, what was Jensina doing in the sky above here? And yeah, maybe it'd be time to cover you up. This is getting distracting, he said while eyeing her big perky breasts. Show me that armored mode, that should do the trick.


Eydir then glowed brightly for a few seconds while her form changed. Her whole body became encased in fantasy white armor with blue and gold parts . A winged helmet with a retractable visor materialized on her head while a spear appeared in her left hand. The most stunning change however was the metallic wings that formed on her back.

-You weren't kidding when you said armored mode. You truly look like a flying knight. The only thing missing is a shield, said Dave while clearly looking impressed.

-My right gauntlet can generate an energy shield, should the situation demand it, she replied matter-of-factly. As for your previous question, Jensina was investigating a demonic presence in the territory. She found it, but it was too strong for her and was subsequently defeated in an aerial battle above this factory.

-There's demons involved too? This isn't good... But let's deal with you first... Won't your fellow Valkyrie want to know what happened to you, err... Jensina?

-Probably, but it is of no concern to me. I am your servant and if the Raghild Order objects to it, I will fight them.

-Woah, woah, let's not jump the gun! I certainly don't want to fight a whole Valkyrie order! Couldn't I just give you to them?

-It is in the realm of possibilities, but I would probably be destroyed as I am a sacrilege in the eyes of their god. They treat all technology as suspicious. Besides, you would probably still be punished for your contribution to my blasphemous existence. She then whispered as if talking to herself: I don't want to be destroyed...

“Hmm... This so called mecha-valkyrie's AI seems much better than what we usually produce.” thought Dave. “It might be a good idea to observe her for a while...”

-Oh well, I guess I'll keep you then. I should probably analyze your systems too. Who knows how the nanites assembled you... But for now, I'll call it a day. This place is a mess anyway, and I'm way overdue for some sleep.

At his words, Eydir seemed to perk up a bit. Her emotions were subtle, but she did seem to have some indeed. Dave then went to explain the situation to his employees and left a note about it for his daytime colleagues.

-Now, what should I do with you tonight? There should still be room in the storage area for you, but then you are an unique model...

-It is my duty as your servant to protect you. I will accompany you home and watch over you. She interrupted.

-Ok, why not? I can always use the company and I will be able to analyze you at my home lab. He added mentally: “And who could refuse such a pretty face a home visit?” Follow me to my car.

Dave then left the factory with the beautiful Mecha-Valkyrie in tow. Soon however, a problem became apparent.

-Hmm... I don't think you'll fit in there with your wings...

-I can make them appear and disappear at will. As she said so, her wings glowed a bit then retracted inside her body.

-How convenient... Well, then let's head to my house!

They boarded the car and Dave started driving to his house. The ride was awkward as Eydir sat rigidly in her seat without saying a word. They eventually arrived in a cozier part of town, then stopped at Dave's property. It wasn't a mansion but it was still a sizable two story house. Being the founder of Ladybot had its perks after all. They got out of the car then entered the house, where they were greeted by Dave's personal robot maid, Suzie.

-Welcome home master! I see that you have a guest, should I prepare something to eat? You must be tired after such a long day working!

Suzie was one of Dave's latest product. She was a five foot four buxom blonde dressed in a stereotypical maid uniform. Nothing too sexy as Dave had guests from time to time, but still pleasing to look at with plenty of lace. Her hair was done in a twin tails style. As usual she was smiling at the sight of her owner.

Eydir studied her, as if appraising a rival.

-No, not now Suzie. My “guest” is a new model I will be testing for the few days. She is named Eydir. But, as you said, it has indeed been a long day and I will soon go to sleep.

-Shall I accompany you to your room then? Suzie replied.

-No, but you can show the house to Eydir and then both of you should go on standby and recharge for the night. You do recharge in the standard way right, Eydir?

-Indeed I do. A simple power cord will do the trick.

-Nice to hear, after all you're not exactly standard issue. I'm going to bed, wake me up at 7AM as usual.

Dave then left the two bots and did his evening routine before going to bed. He tossed and turned for a while, thinking about the recent events, then finally fell asleep.

Part 2

Dave was woken up by a hand playing with his hair.

“Hmm... I love Suzie's way of waking me up every morning.” He thought.

Reveling in the sensation, eyes still closed, Dave felt another hand caressing his chest, then two more on his back.

“Wait... Four hands? What's happening?”

Curious he finally opened his eyes. In front of him was Suzie, standing up by the side of his bed.

-Good morning master! It is time for you to wake up! Your breakfast awaits you in the kitchen.

-Thanks Suzie. He answered. She curtsied then left for the kitchen. Yet, Dave was still feeling someone hugging him from behind.

He finally turned around and came face to face with Eydir. She was in his bed and naked.

-Eydir?! What are you doing there?

-I saw Suzie waking you up, so I loaded an appropriate scenario from my companionship suite. Shall I continue? She answered while sitting in the bed.

Her naked form was mesmerizing. Dave had had a good view yesterday, but his mind was more focused on the new situation at the time. Now that his mind was temporarily free of worries, he could fully appreciate the beauty of the new bot. Her expression was still neutral as opposed to most women in that situation, but the disconnect between her actions and attitude excited Dave. He considered accepting her offer and indulging. Her mechanical joints helped him remember her artificial nature. Dave quite liked female robots, he wouldn't be making more of them of he didn't have some kind of interest after all. Sadly, she was also an unknown model that had suddenly popped out of the factory line. It wouldn't be wise to get intimate with her... for now.

-Not today, Eydir. I still have to examine you before going to work.

-As you wish. She then got up. Dave thought she looked a bit... disappointed?

Dave finally got off from his bed and started gathering his clothes for the day. Eydir was watching attentively.

-You are preparing to take a shower. Shall I accompany you?

-No, as I said, this is a busy morning. Answered Dave, almost feeling guilty of not accepting her offer.

During his shower, he thought about Eydir and her surprising sense of initiative. This was not something he was used to as all the robots he made were passive. Suzie had simply done as he had programmed her to do, while Eydir was improvising. This was something he would have to analyze further. Plus... he didn't dislike it.

When he exited the shower, he noticed Eydir standing guard outside the bathroom. She was back in her armored form.

-Taking your guard role seriously, I see?

-I would be left without purpose if something were to happen to you.

-This sounds depressing when said like that. Oh well, I don't think you need to worry for now. It's not like I have many enemies trying to kill me.

-They always strike when you least expect it.

Dave went to eat breakfast, a bit amused by the exchange, but also worried about his future. Demons and Valkyries watching his workplace would certainly complicate things...

After his meal, Dave invited Eydir to the basement. It's where she went to recharge during the night, but also where Dave kept his personal laboratory.

-Well, it's time to finally have a look at your insides, not that the outside isn't nice enough... Remove your armor and lay on this table please.

In a flash of light, Eydir became naked once again, then placed herself on the table. Dave opened a port on the side of her neck and plugged a data cable in. Data about the Mecha-Valkyrie's system started to flow in a nearby monitor. Surprisingly, most of it was pretty standard for a Ladybot product. She had the latest companion suite installed and her base OS was what he'd expect in any of his bots. With his admin credentials he could essentially change her owner information and he had access to her personality profile. That's where things went off the beaten path. It was a chaotic mess: So many attributes placed in no particular order, some with sliders some with buttons and others with a text field but no indication of what to write. Attributes like purity, mirth, pleasantness, phlegm, imagination, avoidance, etc. Everything was too vague to be useful. Too scared to change anything for now, Dave went to the combat portion of her software.

It was a whole new world: Martial techniques, tactical predictor, mana manager, spells, auto-repair, enemy detection and appraisal, etc. Her attack options were impressive and most dangerously, even better than what he expected military robots to have. This was the kind of software people would literally kill to get.

Still shocked by the discovery, Dave decided to switch to the hardware. Eydir's appearance was already unconventional. Most sexbots hid their joints, but then most didn't have combat programming either... He opened the pectoral and abdominal panels while Eydir watched him.

Once again, Dave was blown away by the stuff inside the Valkyrie. The few pieces he recognized were miles above anything they could produce right now. Many pieces were obviously inspired by their human counterparts, but were either more compact or more powerful. By looking, he determined Eydir was completely waterproof and could in fact consume food. Even her artificial vagina was better than anything else they ever produced. It could massage and pulsate in ways no human could compare. Dave was tempted to probe it, but he felt Eydir's gaze on him and decided it was a bad idea.

After finishing his examination, Dave was pretty sure the Mecha-Valkyrie wasn't a walking time bomb. All her pieces were exceptionally advanced but functional as far as he could tell. If he could reverse engineer her, his company would stand head and shoulders above the competition. In fact it was so much better that he was worried that if word of her existence got out, military contractors would do anything to get their hands on her. Of course he could always sell her and let them fight among themselves but it just seemed... wrong.

-Ok, I'm done! You can close your ports and get clothed. I can't make head or tail of your settings but you seem stable enough to be safe. I won't make any progress here alone so let's go back to the factory.


With a hiss, all her panels closed and she summoned her armor back. They then left the house, leaving Suzie to her pre-programmed housekeeping tasks. When they got to Dave's car, he got a silly idea.

-Eydir, you can fly right?

-Yes, my wings are not decorative.

-What's the weight you can carry in the air?

-I can carry up to a metric ton, but it will be taxing on my battery.

-I see... Do you think you could give me a ride to the factory? He asked, sounding like a kid trying his new toy.

-Of course, it would be my pleasure, Master.

In a flash, her wings grew back. She picked up Dave in a bridal carry and soared into the airs. Dave hadn't thought this through, his position was very embarrassing. He eventually took notice of his surroundings and decided it was worth it. The sensation of flying was exhilarating and the firm embrace of Eydir made him feel safe enough to appreciate it. Soon enough they reached their destination and she dropped him down. It was early enough that he hadn't attracted attention with his stunt.

-Well that was quite the experience!

-Yes, it was... pleasant. She answered as her wings retracted once again.

As they entered the building, Dave vowed to himself to look for a more dignified flying position for his return tonight. Some winged humanoid dating site must have the answer to this conundrum...

The first thing Dave did was check on the damage to the factory. The security guards had occupied themselves by removing the rubble that fell inside and had nothing more to report for the night.

The next step was to fill an insurance claim. Luckily, supernatural battles were covered by most policies. While Dave did that, he let Eydir explore the factory for herself. An inspector was scheduled to come within the week and confirm his story, while a contractor was hired to do the repairs.

Once done, he rejoined with the Valkyrie. She had attracted the attention of a few employees, but did not pay them any attention. Dave explained that she was a prototype for a new model and that he still needed to run a few tests on her. He then took Eydir away from the forming crowd.

Dave thought it would be a good idea to test Eydir's combat capabilities outside, away from unwanted attention. On the way, they met Jeff, one of Dave's old university partner, now a scientist in the employ of Ladybot.

-Hey Dave! Who's the cutie with you?

-Hi, Jeff! This is Eydir, a prototype bot I activated last night.

-So you finally had a breakthrough huh? What's with the angel look? Is that your new angle?

-Yeah, you could say it fell on me. I'll be testing her AI outside the labs for a while, so don't look for me.

-Field testing already? Isn't that a bit early? You didn't even show her to the research team!

-I have to make sure of a few things, I'll do an official unveiling later today. Dave answered while running off with Eydir.

Once outside, the sexbot asked Dave where he was taking her.

-Well, you seem to have advanced combat capabilities, so I want to go somewhere isolated to try them out.

-I see. Would the forest of Exolt be adequate for such testing?

-Yeah, that would do. But isn't that a bit faaaar???? Dave said as he was suddenly lifted by the Valkyrie once again. She deployed her wing then took off in a few seconds.

-Destination set. Activating flight booster.

Eydir started accelerating up to a much higher speed than the one of the precedent flight. She also formed a shield to protect Dave from the wind. In a few minutes, they were outside of the city and above Exolt forest. Eydir decelerated and gently landed in an isolated clearing.

-Well that was certainly faster than the first time. Just how fast can you go? Asked Dave as he was let down on the ground.

-If needed I can go up to mach 2, but it requires the use of my flight booster which is energy consuming. Without it, my speed is restricted to 150km/h.


“We were going faster than a speeding car, yet I felt almost nothing! And she can go as fast as a jet! This is crazy!” thought Dave.

-Well. Let's get started then. Show me some of your martial abilities.

-Understood. The green haired robot then summoned a spear and loaded a training routine Jensina used to do every morning.

She began with a prayer-like stance, then proceeded with a few thrust. She did a few rotations with her spear then started advancing while doing pirouettes and stabbing imaginary targets. She took a high stance and brought her weapon down on a fallen enemy, then jumped over her spear to do a turnabout and strike behind where she was with the butt of the spear. The whole thing looked like a ritualistic dance, but even more precise due to her mechanical control.

The routine took only a few minutes then Eydir finished with another prayer.

-Jensina would usually then begin sparring with the other valkyries of the order, but I have no suitable opponent at the moment. Stated the robot.

-What about your magic training? Can you demonstrate some spells?

-I have access to some physical enhancement, one self-healing and a few offensive spells such as “Rain of Arrows” and “Magical Laser”.

-Magical Laser? That's the classic everyone wants to see! You can even gauge a magician's power with how impressive it is! Show me that one!

-As you wish.

Eydir then took a diagonal aim through a tree toward the sky, her spear acting as a magical focus. The weapon started to glow as mana was poured into it, then she released the stored energy. The result was a light grey energy blast the size of a man that lasted five seconds. Everything in the path of the spell got pulverized instantly.

-Holy shit! That wasn't a laser, that was a freaking kamehameha! This will attract attention like crazy! We should probably get away from here... Get us back to the factory!

Without a word, Eydir picked up Dave again and flew to their destination.

“That was some insane magical laser... She's at least equivalent to a battle mage in power level and it doesn't seem it was very taxing for her mana storage. Shouldn't mechanical beings be bad at using magic? This is beyond strange... Maybe I'll finally have to call that annoying guy...” Dave thought as he was carried back to his work.

As they landed once again in the parking of the factory, Dave explained his plans for the rest of the day.

-Well, it's about time I formally introduce you to the rest of the team. Follow me, he said while Eydir's wings disapeared.

Dave lead Eydir to his office, where he called a reunion of his old university teammates. Jeff was the first to show, then Bellinda and finally Reggie. Though they were all roboticists by trade, they had to split the tasks in the company. Dave was elected leader, Jeff was public relations, Bellinda was head of research and Reggie was head of operations, meaning he made sure everything was in working order.

-So Dave, will we finally get some explanations about what happened last night? Said Reggie as he sat down. That was unpleasant to have to deal with that huge hole first thing in the morning. All our production lines are halted because of that.

-I'm more interested by that green haired bot behind you. Is that a new model from the competition? The design is quite exotic... Added Bellinda.

-Yeah, it's about time you introduced us! Finished Jeff.

-Well this meeting is about all that. Answered Dave. He then explained what had happened last night and how Eydir came into existence, though he left out just how crazy strong she happened to be.

-I am pleased to make your acquaintance, said Eydir while curtsying.

-So by some crazy stroke of luck, we got the answer to our problems? Neat! Said Jeff.

-A sexbot from the dead body of a Valkyrie... That's kinda creepy. Added Bellinda

-Well that explains the hole and that new design pattern I found in our database. Said Reggie

-What new design? Replied Dave, surprised.

-I found a new sexbot plan in the assembly lines while I was maintaining them earlier. I thought it was something you came up with, but it seems I was wrong.

-Is it maybe a plan for building more Valkyriebots? We wouldn't have to reverse engineer our new friend from scratch. Said Bellinda. It'd save us months of work!

-We'd have to analyse it to be sure, but if it's really that, that'd be wonderful news. Start looking at that design, I'll join you guys once I'm done with the leftover paperwork. Replied Dave.

-What am I to do during your workday? Asked Eydir. I wish to be useful.

A bit surprised by her initiative, her owner thought for a while then answered: Why not put you on security? You have some combat programming after all.

-Plus she's way better looking than those stuffy guards! Joked Jeff.

-Well, it's settled then! Let's all get back to work now! Concluded Dave.

After his colleagues left, Dave turned his attention to the green haired sexbot.

-I'll get someone to show you the work and I'll pick you up when the workday is over. It'd be hard to go home without you anyway.


He then led her to the head of security and explained his unusual request. After that he left the robot in their care and headed back to his office.

“Eydir's personality is unusual. She mostly acts like other robots, but she sometimes exhibits eccentric behaviors and her initiative is intriguing... I guess I'll have that annoying spiritualist check her out. If I'm right he'll never leave me alone after this, but I need an explanation...”

Despite his misgivings, Dave still called the spiritualist. He would come over tomorrow. Dave then filled some paperwork including the insurance claim and went to join his team in the research lab. The new plan was indeed for mass production of Valkyriebots. They spent the rest of the day studying it. Once their tiredness took over their curiosity, the team finally left for home around 9PM.

Dave rejoined Eydir in the security office. She was dutifully watching the security feeds.

-Hey, the day's over! Time to go home!

-I expected you to go home earlier. It is unhealthy to overwork. Replied the robot.

-What can I say? Time flies by when you're invested in your work! Dave said, amused by her apparent concern.

Once outside, Eydir once again picked up her owner and flew them home. Suzie had prepared Dave's meal as usual. He ate while the two bots cleaned the kitchen, enjoying the view. He then looked up the internet to see if anything unusual came up recently in the local news. There was some sightings of a gray blast, but nothing precise. Relieved, he decided to get a good night of sleep for once. He considered taking Suzie or Eydir with him, but the new sexbot was still too much of a mystery. Once again he fell asleep thinking about the events of the day, while Eydir was recharging.

High above Ladybot inc., a familiar winged silhouette was plotting in the dark. “Soon, my new enchantment will be ready... I'll become more powerful faster than any succubus before in history! No one shall oppose Elrin the new Queen of hell! Tomorrow, my ascension will truly begin!”

She then plunged into the factory, clad in an invisibility spell and continued her methodical analysis of their products...

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