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“Thanks for the explanation.” She spun around, opened the door, and was gone.
“Thanks for the explanation.” She spun around, opened the door, and was gone.
==Chapter Two==
“Alarm off!” I yelled at the Google speaker. I rubbed my eyes then stared up at the ceiling, all the while stretching my toes out along the top of the bed. “The things I’m willing to do and those I get paid to do.” I said to myself.
It was after six pm now and it was time to get up and get moving in order to be on time for Katelyn’s party.
My eyes wanted to close, but I knew if I didn’t sit up and get moving I’d never hear the end of it.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I stopped to quickly check my hair in the mirror when the apartment door chime rang.
Now what, or more precisely, who could that be? I wondered, I wasn’t expecting anyone.
As I opened the door I was greeted by a familiar happy face. “Sabrina??”
“Hi Tim, I heard you needed a ride.” She said cheerfully.
“Uhm, sure, I’d love one. But who..”
“Katelyn.” She said cutting me off. “She called me and asked me if I’d be willing to help out with a few favors. One was to pick you up.”
I looked over what Sabrina was wearing. Everything was form fitting. Stone washed skinny jeans that tapered at her ankles, and a white t-shirt, one size too small with the words “eyes up” emblazoned right across her tits.
“You know, that’s not what your shirt really says right?” I teased
“Huh? Eyes up Tim.” She sighed. “Duh?”
“No, actually for most men, and even some women, it might actually translate to ‘stare at my boobs,’ they’re amazing.” I said straight faced.
“Yeah, ya think.” She giggled. “They are amazing.” She said as she straightened her posture and pushed her perky breasts up and out.
Rolling my eyes I reached up and grabbed my apartment keys. “Alright, lead the way.” I gestured.
We walked in silence to her car, my eyes admiring the view before me.
“Are you enjoying the view of my ass too?” She asked nonchalantly.
“Very much.”
Per my chivalrous upbringing, at the car I caught the driver door for her to enter as she began to reach for it.
“You’re so sweet.”
After getting into my side, I turned to her.
“Sabrina, what was the other favor Katelyn asked of you?”
“Mmmm….” she hummed with a huge grin.
“Figures.” I said turning to look out the windshield as we pulled away.
“What’s the matter?”
“Sometimes She should just let things drop.” I mumbled. “I didn’t need a ride you know.” Letting that last sentence out louder.
“I know, but I really don’t mind. You're like my handsome plus one for the party tonight.” She said as she patted my thigh then left her hand there.
I looked over at Sabrina as we drove. She turned and smiled, then back to focus on the road ahead.
Sabrina was beautiful, mid-twenties in appearance. Auburn colored hair that fell just below her shoulders. She had it pulled back into a ponytail. Full lips with a petite but athletic build. With hazel colored eyes, she stood at 5’ 4” with a firm 32B cup breasts.
I’d let her walk in front of me as we walked from my apartment to the car so I could admire her legs and ass in the tight pair of jeans she wore.
Yeah, Katelyn was correct. I probably was sweet on Sabrina. But she was designed to be eye catching. Sexy and hot. But then, so was Katelyn.
“I thought you’d be more persistent in asking why she asked me to pick you up.” She glanced over at me.
“Really?” I replied.
Her free hand moved ever so slightly up my thigh. “Yeah, I gave her one condition though. I asked for a favor of my own in return.”
I turned my head again to look at her, I was curious but not exactly wanting to play this little game.
“Oh.” Was all I said.
“You know, this isn’t like you, you’re usually more vocal Tim. What’s wrong? Bad day? Did I do something? Did Katelyn?”
“Ask me after I’ve had a few drinks, I’m sure I’ll be more agreeable then.” I laughed.
“God, Tim, relax. Don’t be so serious.”
Sabrina gave me a curious look and pulled her hand away and back to the steering wheel.
“I don’t believe there will be near as many people there tonight compared to her last party. Oh! Just so you know, the food will be catered this time. We’ve planned a Mexican themed menu. How’s that sound to you?” She asked excitedly
“Really good actually. I didn’t have much to eat for lunch so that sounds great.” I agreed. “How much alcohol?”
Again Sabrina turned to me momentarily. “About the norm. Tequila of course, Corona’s and some Spanish whiskey, to go along with the theme. Should be really good.”
“Nice!” I said.
“You wanna share a drink or two, maybe find us a room after we mingle awhile? Is that why you asked? Sabrina grinned, batting her eyes.
“Why Miss Sabrina! What are you implying?” My turn to tease, and trying my best to loosen up a little for her.
“I was kidding, geez. Besides….” She laughed, leaving me hanging.
“Besides what?”
She gave me a look and shook her head. “Anyway, I’m guessing that those of us not staying the night won’t drink too much. The rest of us...well...time to party and have some fun!” She said giggling.
“I guess I’m one of the lucky ones staying since I rode with you huh?” I said as I placed my hand on her thigh.
Sabrina looked down, then over to me with a wicked smile. Then licked her lips ever so slowly.
“Oh you have no idea how lucky you are.” She said with a wink. “You make your own luck sweetie. But, yes, to answer your question, you most definitely are staying the night.”
Oh shit, I thought to myself. What have these girls cooked up now?
I didn’t have a problem partying and enjoying myself. It’s an added perk to the job. Field testing these units with close direct observation, watching how they interacted with real people. How they adapted to life in general. It was entertaining, and on occasion, two or more independent thinking android AI’s could come up with some pretty wild ideas, even surpassing what some of us crazy humans could think up.
As a handler I was tasked with helping to ensure their realism, help correct any minor programming errors, transfer information packets between them and corporate. Watch for subtle things, improper grammar or phraseology, irregular pauses, weird stuff that would make a person stop and ask questions.
Their realism was impeccable. With the technology progressing at its current rate, cybernetics, robotics, nanotechnology, CyGen Robotics was ahead of the rest. And now with their “pleasuretronics” line. They’ve really been wanting to push boundaries. Social activities such as these were prime testing and learning opportunities.
“Hey look, my preferred parking spot is ready for me.” She said as we pulled up in front of the far left garage door. A reserved no parking sign, large and hard to miss, posted securely to it. A bright red piece of construction paper taped directly above it with her name, written all in caps.
Katelyn’s residence had a modest detached three car garage. It was definitely a posh place.
Glancing around, there were more cars than I could count, all lined up along the drive and on front of the street.
“Are you ready for some fun Tim?” She asked enthusiastically, exiting the car.

Revision as of 00:23, 21 December 2020

The Handler

Chapter 1

I sat there and stared at her. Partially in disbelief because she was right. It was frustrating and infuriating at the same time.

“I can see it on your face Tim, you're an open book remember? I can see thermally, that you’re aroused.”

I slammed my hand down on the table next to the laptop. Causing both our coffee mugs to bounce. My heart was racing now.

“Dammit Katelyn!! Stop it, just stop analyzing me and trying to coerce me as if I’m one of those shit hole yoga boys you let fuck you because they can’t think with anything but their dicks!” I yelled at her as I pushed back the chair, stood up and walked over to face the window over the kitchen sink. I wondered if she would take offense to what I had said.

I had had it with her damn psychologist rhetoric along with her constant flirting with me. I stood there facing away from her for what had to have been nearly two minutes before she said anything or even moved. Not that she really could have moved far, that is, being plugged into the laptop, and transferring her weekly data packet.

“I apologize. I am sincerely and truthfully sorry Tim. I am. Please, you have to know by now that this is what I am, who I am.” She said softly.

“Send an email to the fuck head programmers and script writers that made me who I am. Not that it would do any good.” Katelyn let out a chuckle laugh.

“In fact they probably love this shit, our relationships that is. But really Tim, I am sorry.” She said softly.

“Uhh!” I sighed, shaking my head, then turning back to face her. Katelyn sat there at the table, arms at her sides with both hands on her lap, still looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes and a gentle smile.

I spun around and folded my arms in defiance. “I’m gonna ask to be reassigned, I can’t continue to be your handler.” I said with an attempt of malice.

“What??!! No, absolutely not!” She said nearly yelling, her body tensed in panic.

“No one else knows what you know! How to keep me, all of, running the way you do. My system checks and all, we’re good together, for each other I mean!” Katelyn expressed as she raised her hands up and down while pointing at herself.

I just stared at her, neither one of us saying a word until the laptop had chimed that it’s task was complete. “Our time’s nearly up and you know what? You’re last statement isn’t true.” I said with a sigh, moving back over to the dining table and taking my seat again across from her.

Looking at the screen and seeing that Katelyn’s data packet transfer was complete, she had no errors to report, in fact there was very little to note compared to last week, other than an uptick in her processor usage over the last week. I scrolled down through the information again before saving and encrypting it.

Katelyn reached over and gently brushed my arm with her left hand. Stopping at my wrist. I looked up at her, her eyes searching mine.

“Don’t worry Katelyn, I was only joking.” I closed the laptop with my free hand, I turned over my right hand and took her left and gave it a squeeze. “You’re safe to disconnect now.” I told her.

She tossed her long black hair over her left shoulder then reached back with her right hand, she removed the transfer cord from the port on the base of her neck. There was a muffled click as she pulled the cord free and then she shook her head to reposition her hair and handed me the cable end.

“Thanks.” I said as I went to take it from her. Katelyn held on to the cord. “Will you please still come to my party this evening?” She asked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Yes, I’ll be there.” I replied.

“Will you dance one slow dance with me?”

I nodded and gave her a small smile.

She let go of the cord and clapped her hands in joy. Practically jumping out of her chair. “Yeah! I’m so glad. Thank you, thank you.”

I pushed back my chair and stood, signaling that our visit was over and gestured toward my apartment door. “Katelyn, I’m sorry too, my outburst was unnecessary.” She stopped at the door and turned to face me, her hands behind her back.

“Help me to better understand Tim, because you confuse me. I will flirt, flaunt and push myself on you, and you hold back, you resist with all you’ve got. And yet, I’ve noticed at times when you're around Sabrina you’re enamored with her. I’ve caught you two screwing in case you’ve forgotten. That time you scheduled us both for the same date and time? Just help me to understand please. Why Sabrina and not me.” She said tenderly.

“Katelyn! That was work related and you know it!”

“And I’m not? I am a CyGen Companion android, and you're a CyGen employee. I am a part of your job. Does my body not entice you?” Katelyn said with emotion.

I shrugged and rolled my eyes, took a deep breath to gather my thoughts. Of course I needed more than just a few seconds, we stood there staring at each other. She was patient and would wait until I answered her question.

“Alright, alright” I sighed, then continued. “You’re right, for me there is a difference. Everything you see, hear, touch, and experience is translated into 1’s and 0’s and then deciphered according to script that has been written into your programming. It’s the same for Sabrina.” I began to explain as I ran a hand through my hair.

“The difference is…” I paused “ ..the difference is that you are aware of what you are. Whereas Sabrina is not. She’s what we call a sleeper. You know that you’re an android, you’re programmed to act as humanly possible, yet not disclose to anyone your true nature. You’ve got the most amazing personality, and…..” I shifted my weight from one leg to the other and raising my hands out towards her, palms up.

“I guess what I’m saying is, that because you are aware of what you know what you are. Our conversations, ...our interactions are different somehow. Our time together, our conversations, for me they have more’s different with Sabrina …. I see her more as … “ I paused

Katelyn offered a sincere smile. “As what?” She prodded.

“Less real maybe, like an object. I dunno, that’s the wrong word. Because she is real Katelyn, she’s just different than you.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

She nodded, then continued to watch me patiently.

“I guess because you’re running the latest and greatest new Cy-Gen experimental A.I and She’s not.” Another pause from me as I really tried to form the words to what I was thinking and feeling.

“Because of that Katelyn, I do see you differently, this, here, right now, this conversation we’re having. It’s real and not fake. It’s genuine. I see you as my friend.” I finished, looking into her dark brown eyes.

She gave another slow nod and her smile slowly failed.

“Friends? Friends??!!” There was another pause.

“Just friends or like brother and sister friends? Friend zone friends?” She asked teasingly.

“Or like…..” She hugged herself loosely. “..friends with benefits? In the future maybe?” She asked with a wink and batting her eyes.

“You’re a sexy shit you know that? You really are incorrigible!” I rolled my eyes for effect. Get out, out out!” I said sarcastically pointing to the door behind her.

“Fine.” She leaned in and planted a kiss on my forehead, holding it for more than a second. I could smell her perfume as we stood in that moment, savoring it’s sweet aroma.

“Thanks for the explanation.” She spun around, opened the door, and was gone.

Chapter Two

“Alarm off!” I yelled at the Google speaker. I rubbed my eyes then stared up at the ceiling, all the while stretching my toes out along the top of the bed. “The things I’m willing to do and those I get paid to do.” I said to myself. It was after six pm now and it was time to get up and get moving in order to be on time for Katelyn’s party.

My eyes wanted to close, but I knew if I didn’t sit up and get moving I’d never hear the end of it.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I stopped to quickly check my hair in the mirror when the apartment door chime rang. Now what, or more precisely, who could that be? I wondered, I wasn’t expecting anyone.

As I opened the door I was greeted by a familiar happy face. “Sabrina??”

“Hi Tim, I heard you needed a ride.” She said cheerfully.

“Uhm, sure, I’d love one. But who..”

“Katelyn.” She said cutting me off. “She called me and asked me if I’d be willing to help out with a few favors. One was to pick you up.”

I looked over what Sabrina was wearing. Everything was form fitting. Stone washed skinny jeans that tapered at her ankles, and a white t-shirt, one size too small with the words “eyes up” emblazoned right across her tits.

“You know, that’s not what your shirt really says right?” I teased

“Huh? Eyes up Tim.” She sighed. “Duh?”

“No, actually for most men, and even some women, it might actually translate to ‘stare at my boobs,’ they’re amazing.” I said straight faced.

“Yeah, ya think.” She giggled. “They are amazing.” She said as she straightened her posture and pushed her perky breasts up and out.

Rolling my eyes I reached up and grabbed my apartment keys. “Alright, lead the way.” I gestured.

We walked in silence to her car, my eyes admiring the view before me.

“Are you enjoying the view of my ass too?” She asked nonchalantly.

“Very much.” Per my chivalrous upbringing, at the car I caught the driver door for her to enter as she began to reach for it.

“You’re so sweet.”

After getting into my side, I turned to her. “Sabrina, what was the other favor Katelyn asked of you?”

“Mmmm….” she hummed with a huge grin.

“Figures.” I said turning to look out the windshield as we pulled away.

“What’s the matter?”

“Sometimes She should just let things drop.” I mumbled. “I didn’t need a ride you know.” Letting that last sentence out louder.

“I know, but I really don’t mind. You're like my handsome plus one for the party tonight.” She said as she patted my thigh then left her hand there.

I looked over at Sabrina as we drove. She turned and smiled, then back to focus on the road ahead. Sabrina was beautiful, mid-twenties in appearance. Auburn colored hair that fell just below her shoulders. She had it pulled back into a ponytail. Full lips with a petite but athletic build. With hazel colored eyes, she stood at 5’ 4” with a firm 32B cup breasts. I’d let her walk in front of me as we walked from my apartment to the car so I could admire her legs and ass in the tight pair of jeans she wore.

Yeah, Katelyn was correct. I probably was sweet on Sabrina. But she was designed to be eye catching. Sexy and hot. But then, so was Katelyn.

“I thought you’d be more persistent in asking why she asked me to pick you up.” She glanced over at me.

“Really?” I replied.

Her free hand moved ever so slightly up my thigh. “Yeah, I gave her one condition though. I asked for a favor of my own in return.”

I turned my head again to look at her, I was curious but not exactly wanting to play this little game.

“Oh.” Was all I said.

“You know, this isn’t like you, you’re usually more vocal Tim. What’s wrong? Bad day? Did I do something? Did Katelyn?”

“Ask me after I’ve had a few drinks, I’m sure I’ll be more agreeable then.” I laughed.

“God, Tim, relax. Don’t be so serious.” Sabrina gave me a curious look and pulled her hand away and back to the steering wheel.

“I don’t believe there will be near as many people there tonight compared to her last party. Oh! Just so you know, the food will be catered this time. We’ve planned a Mexican themed menu. How’s that sound to you?” She asked excitedly

“Really good actually. I didn’t have much to eat for lunch so that sounds great.” I agreed. “How much alcohol?”

Again Sabrina turned to me momentarily. “About the norm. Tequila of course, Corona’s and some Spanish whiskey, to go along with the theme. Should be really good.”

“Nice!” I said.

“You wanna share a drink or two, maybe find us a room after we mingle awhile? Is that why you asked? Sabrina grinned, batting her eyes.

“Why Miss Sabrina! What are you implying?” My turn to tease, and trying my best to loosen up a little for her.

“I was kidding, geez. Besides….” She laughed, leaving me hanging.

“Besides what?”

She gave me a look and shook her head. “Anyway, I’m guessing that those of us not staying the night won’t drink too much. The rest of us...well...time to party and have some fun!” She said giggling.

“I guess I’m one of the lucky ones staying since I rode with you huh?” I said as I placed my hand on her thigh.

Sabrina looked down, then over to me with a wicked smile. Then licked her lips ever so slowly.

“Oh you have no idea how lucky you are.” She said with a wink. “You make your own luck sweetie. But, yes, to answer your question, you most definitely are staying the night.”

Oh shit, I thought to myself. What have these girls cooked up now? I didn’t have a problem partying and enjoying myself. It’s an added perk to the job. Field testing these units with close direct observation, watching how they interacted with real people. How they adapted to life in general. It was entertaining, and on occasion, two or more independent thinking android AI’s could come up with some pretty wild ideas, even surpassing what some of us crazy humans could think up.

As a handler I was tasked with helping to ensure their realism, help correct any minor programming errors, transfer information packets between them and corporate. Watch for subtle things, improper grammar or phraseology, irregular pauses, weird stuff that would make a person stop and ask questions.

Their realism was impeccable. With the technology progressing at its current rate, cybernetics, robotics, nanotechnology, CyGen Robotics was ahead of the rest. And now with their “pleasuretronics” line. They’ve really been wanting to push boundaries. Social activities such as these were prime testing and learning opportunities.

“Hey look, my preferred parking spot is ready for me.” She said as we pulled up in front of the far left garage door. A reserved no parking sign, large and hard to miss, posted securely to it. A bright red piece of construction paper taped directly above it with her name, written all in caps. Katelyn’s residence had a modest detached three car garage. It was definitely a posh place.

Glancing around, there were more cars than I could count, all lined up along the drive and on front of the street.

“Are you ready for some fun Tim?” She asked enthusiastically, exiting the car.

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