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Story of the week:<br>
Story of the week:<br>
'''Setting Things Straight'''

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Pulling what remained of the fembot’s head out of the water, Carla checked the cavity behind where its face used to be, checking for any insolent blinking light. The job having been done, she threw the limp machine at the wall. Hitting on its back, the machine slumped down to the floor on its padded ass. Brushing hair out of her face, Carla took a look at the irremediably broken-down android. Even though she had messed it up beyond repairs and exposed it for the worthless lump of silicone and latex it was, she felt its statuesque body still taunted her, with its inhumanly thin waist and ludicrously shapely firm breasts. Furious, Carla began kicking the slumped robot, heels piercing and tearing into the latex covering, revealing silicone padding, servos and motherboards, which she gleefully broke into pieces with the heavy front of her platform shoe.
She barged in the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her in one swift movement, not letting the bimbo turn around from her standing at attention pose, staring dumbly at the wall before kneeing her in the back of the leg and dunking her head in the toilet bowl, which she hit with a dull “thunk”. Keeping the now flailing socialite wannabe pinned with a knee on her back and her left hand in her hair, Polly put her unspilled champagne glass down and pulled out a cable out of her purse with her right hand, then brushed of her silky blonde hair, plugging it into a port in her neck. Holding the other end of the cable between her teeth, she pressed down two symmetrical bumps on the bimbo’s neck with her thumb and finger. A click was heard, her luscious black hair rose slightly, and she froze and finally stopped her thrashing. Sliding her fingers under the hair, Polly grabbed onto the wig-like back of the bimbo’s head and pulled it free, revealing a blocky cranium of plastic, cables and computer ports underneath. Carefully discarding the removable part, Polly located a compatible port and plugged the cable in, diving into the bimbot’s systems. As the scans and masked pings she had made during their previous encounters had led her to believe, she was indeed a cybersocialite from the ZN Foundation, and one of their aging model lines as well. An aging line the Jefferson Club had an extensive documentation of backdoors and known issues on, documentation that had been downloaded along with the appropriate tools in Polly’s own plastic head. With millions of operations per second, Polly began rewriting the silicon bimbo’s brain.
<div align="center">'''[[Stories/FaceoffFembot|FaceoffFembot]]''' - ''[[Cybersocialites]]''</div>
With the loathsome machine irremediably damaged, she took a break to catch her breath, and heard the bell ring. After quickly wondering if she should drag the wrecked machine out of sight, she decided against it and headed for the door, making sure her hair hadn’t been tousled in the action. But as she prepared to greet her visitors with a sugary and hypocritical welcome, she stopped.
<div align="center">'''[[Stories/FaceoffFembot|FaceoffFembot]]''' - ''[[Setting Things Straight]]''</div>
View past [[Author of the Month Archive|Author's of the Month]].
View past [[Author of the Month Archive|Author's of the Month]].

Revision as of 22:12, 13 November 2020

Welcome to FembotWiki

MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 12:03 • March 1, 2025 • Users: 356 • Files: 97,340 • Pages: 114,332 • Edits: 196,737

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Author of the Month:

Total # of stories: 5

Story of the week:

She barged in the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her in one swift movement, not letting the bimbo turn around from her standing at attention pose, staring dumbly at the wall before kneeing her in the back of the leg and dunking her head in the toilet bowl, which she hit with a dull “thunk”. Keeping the now flailing socialite wannabe pinned with a knee on her back and her left hand in her hair, Polly put her unspilled champagne glass down and pulled out a cable out of her purse with her right hand, then brushed of her silky blonde hair, plugging it into a port in her neck. Holding the other end of the cable between her teeth, she pressed down two symmetrical bumps on the bimbo’s neck with her thumb and finger. A click was heard, her luscious black hair rose slightly, and she froze and finally stopped her thrashing. Sliding her fingers under the hair, Polly grabbed onto the wig-like back of the bimbo’s head and pulled it free, revealing a blocky cranium of plastic, cables and computer ports underneath. Carefully discarding the removable part, Polly located a compatible port and plugged the cable in, diving into the bimbot’s systems. As the scans and masked pings she had made during their previous encounters had led her to believe, she was indeed a cybersocialite from the ZN Foundation, and one of their aging model lines as well. An aging line the Jefferson Club had an extensive documentation of backdoors and known issues on, documentation that had been downloaded along with the appropriate tools in Polly’s own plastic head. With millions of operations per second, Polly began rewriting the silicon bimbo’s brain.

View past Author's of the Month.

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