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Story of the week:<br>
Story of the week:<br>
'''April Showers'''
'''Bad Sportspersonship'''

'''A fembot tries her new vaginal systems out for the first time.'''</div>
'''A team full of fembots welcomes their newest member.'''</div>
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"That's right. You figured me out, found what what I really was, my secret," April teased. "I'm a 'robot' too," making scare-quotes with her fingers. "With this important difference: I'm an advanced prototype. A unique, cutting-edge unit. Hopefully the first of a brand new line of perfect synthetic companions: the April 3000 series." She curtsied to January, blew her a kiss, and smiled widely, her head titled,resting on a bridge of her fingers, eyelids fluttering.
After the door to the locker room had swung shut, Courtney found Rae and Kat at her side.

Returning to normal, April continued. "A big part of how that dream plays out is riding on today's test. How well will the new April 3000 prototype be able to partner with the new vagitronics system? How well will April synchronize with the Vagitron 700?" April didn't know why she was laying this all out to the totally inert January, but she continued all the same. "The Parent Corporation that created us is eager for the results of today's little test. I'm sure they're watching, so we're going to give them a show. Me, personally -- given how much money the Parent Corporation has spent on me -- not to mention my sex computer -- I'm sure I'm correct in assuming that my Vagitron and I will function exquisitely together."
"Don't listen to that newbie," Rae offered. "She might be really new and really, like, good at volleyball and stuff, and really, um... pretty... uh... She is really pretty, isn't she, Court? She's really pretty... She..."

Just as she reached for the button on January's chest that would turn her on, April interrupted herself. "Wait! What am I thinking!? I can see you're ready, but what I me? I have to get dressed... or, should I say, undressed?" She smirked to herself. "Stay right here, January... not that you're going anywhere, all turned off like a dumb robot. I'll be right back! I want everything to be perfect for when me and my Vagitron totally ace this test."
Courtney and Kat looked first at each other, and then slowly back at Rae.
<div align="center">'''[[Stories/Wjbaines|Wjbaines]]''' - ''[[April Showers]]''</div>
"Jasmine is really pretty... I should read up on her model..." Rae breathed seductively. "I wonder if the Queen Didos can, you know... But she must be able to, right? Especially since she's a Deluxe Edition. Deluxe. Maybe having her on the R-Team won't be so terrible... I mean, think about it... Oh... Just thinking about it... And if there were... more than one of them... oh, god..."
Kat had already stepped behind Rae and pushed up her sports bra a bit in the back so she could access her harmlessly malfunctioning R-Teammate's control panel. Rae was too starry-eyed to even notice anything going on around her. "It's her damn previous life as a lesbian robo-nympho-maniac seeping into her logic circuits again... if you can even call them that... gumming them all up..." Kat muttered with frustration.
<div align="center">'''[[Stories/Wjbaines|Wjbaines]]''' - ''[[Bad Sportspersonship]]''</div>
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Revision as of 21:49, 24 April 2020

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MediaWiki 1.40.0 • 11:42 • March 13, 2025 • 357 users • 97,586 files • 114,597 pages • 197,234 edits

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Author of the Month:

Total # of stories: 9

Story of the week:
Bad Sportspersonship


A team full of fembots welcomes their newest member.

After the door to the locker room had swung shut, Courtney found Rae and Kat at her side.

"Don't listen to that newbie," Rae offered. "She might be really new and really, like, good at volleyball and stuff, and really, um... pretty... uh... She is really pretty, isn't she, Court? She's really pretty... She..."

Courtney and Kat looked first at each other, and then slowly back at Rae.

"Jasmine is really pretty... I should read up on her model..." Rae breathed seductively. "I wonder if the Queen Didos can, you know... But she must be able to, right? Especially since she's a Deluxe Edition. Deluxe. Maybe having her on the R-Team won't be so terrible... I mean, think about it... Oh... Just thinking about it... And if there were... more than one of them... oh, god..."

Kat had already stepped behind Rae and pushed up her sports bra a bit in the back so she could access her harmlessly malfunctioning R-Teammate's control panel. Rae was too starry-eyed to even notice anything going on around her. "It's her damn previous life as a lesbian robo-nympho-maniac seeping into her logic circuits again... if you can even call them that... gumming them all up..." Kat muttered with frustration.

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