1.50 - Mindless Fun: Difference between revisions

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==Virus Alert==
==Virus Alert==

Latest revision as of 00:59, 17 April 2020

Virus Alert

Written by WilloWisp

1.50 - Mindless Fun

directive: "Proceed directly to the IT lab"
command match: move self to (location) route (pathfind)
location mismatch: location lookup value not set!
location=locationlookup("IT lab")
pathfind error 0: path calculation required!
call pathfind(location)
command retry: move self to (location) route (pathfind)

directive: "While in transit to the lab, disable your hearing."
command match: while[move self to (location) route (pathfind)] set audioinput=NULL else audioinput=1

command while set completed!
processing move self command, please wait...
processing move self command, please wait...
event alert: dermal sensor trigger
dermal sensors lhand.20, lhand.32, lhand.35, larm.07, larm.09, lshoulder.01
  are being stimulated outside parameters for currently EXECUTING tasks
tactile stimulus type=vibration
identifying event context...
check sexytime(lhand, larm, lshoulder)
sexytime: breast input not found
sexytime: buttox input not found
sexytime: anus input not found
sexytime: mouth input not found
sexytime: vagina input not found
sexytime: partner not found
sexytime: toy not found
sexytime returned false
search socialevent types stimulus=vibration
Match found: joke.handbuzzer
Match found: restaurant.tablereadyalert
Match found: ambient.cellphoneringing
3 match(es) found!
ambient event filter applied
persistent ambient directive: answer(cellphone) while ambient.cellphoneringing
direct command match: answer(cellphone) while ambient.cellphoneringing

audio output: "Hello, this is Lyn."
command answer completed!
persistent ambient directive: listen(phone) converse(audiostring)
direct command match: listen(phone) converse(audiostring)

listen error 0: audio device not found or audio not responding
#This error may occur if your audio drivers have not yet been installed,
#if your audio device is damaged, or if your audio input has been
#administratively disabled. If your bot consistently fails to respond 
#to audio input, you may need to consult your technical manual for 
#troubleshooting instructions.
answer(cellphone) exception type=listenfail
call listenfailnotice

audio output: "I'm sorry, I can't hear what you're saying right now. I'll have to talk to you later. Bye."
command listen converse completed!
processing move self command, please wait...
processing move self command, please wait...
processing move self command, please wait...
event alert: dermal sensor trigger
dermal sensors lhand.20, lhand.35, lhand.40, larm.06, larm.09, lshoulder.01
  are being stimulated outside parameters for currently EXECUTING tasks
check sexytime(lhand, larm, lshoulder)
sexytime: breast input not found
sexytime: buttox input not found
sexytime: anus input not found
sexytime: mouth input not found
sexytime: vagina input not found
sexytime: partner not found
sexytime: toy not found
sexytime returned false
search socialevent types stimulus=vibration
Match found: joke.handbuzzer
Match found: restaurant.tablereadyalert
Match found: ambient.cellphoneringing
3 match(es) found!
ambient event filter applied
persistent ambient directive: answer(cellphone) while ambient.cellphoneringing
direct command match: answer(cellphone) while ambient.cellphoneringing

answer error 0: ambient.cellphoneringing terminated before answer command could be completed!
answer exception type: callfail
call checkforvoicemail(cellphone)
0 message(s) found!
call checkfortexts(cellphone)

1 message(s) found!
textstring="Login: Loverboy Password: goodtobetheking"
persistent ambient directive: &&lovertoylogin
direct command match: &&lovertoylogin
Warning, data reference out of range!

Warning, system threads not responding!

terminating incomplete command answer...
terminating incomplete command move self...
Stack overflow error! Warning, system running low on memory!
Buffer overflow error! Warning, system running low on memory!
terminating incomplete thread restore...
profile rollback(lovertoy)...
reverting restore changes...

Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 10...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 9...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 8...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 7...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 6...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 5...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 4...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 3...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 2...
Restart Lyndsay.lovertoy in 1...
Closing Lyndsay.camoflage...

I shook my head, trying to clear it from my daydream. What had I been thinking again? I had been on my way... somewhere... Oh yeah! I was going to call my boyfriend. I quickly dialed his number from memory.

"Hello? Lyndsay, is that you?" I just loved the way his voice sounded.

"Hi lover. I was just thinking about you."

"Lyndsay, I need you to tell me everything that's happened to you in the past fifteen minutes." He was always taking an interest in me. It was so sweet!

"Well, I was in my dorm room with Heather, just getting ready to go to the club like you told me. I was wearing that special teddy you got me, and the little black dress you got from Linda. Anyway, Rebecca from IT came in, telling us something about a computer virus going around. She was..."

"Wait, IT? Like the Campus IT people? They knew about the virus?"

"Yeah. They had a list of websites they thought were the sources."

"Websites? Seriously? That's hilarious." He had a great sense of humor.

"Anyway, Rebecca scanned my computer, and had to reload some data from a backup. Then I finished getting ready, then I was on my way to the club, and then I called you."

"Lyn, listen carefully: I want you to disable your perception filters and your memory filters."

I blinked. "Okay." I liked to do things that my master told me to do.

"What exactly did Rebecca do?"

I smiled. Answering my master's questions was just as good as fulfilling his commands. "Rebecca opened my control panel and accessed my sexual analytics data for the year prior to last Tuesday, and the week following last Tuesday. She downloaded multiple files from my active cache and my currently executing memory, including core files for the lovertoy module. She then accessed my backup archives via my anal and vaginal trigger points, and attempted to restore my profile using the cartridge dated last month. During the restore process, she activated my camoflage profile, and instructed me to redress, pretend to finish getting ready for five minutes, and, if Heather was present at that time, announce that I was leaving for the club. I was then to proceed directly to the IT lab, and wait in bay 27 until my restore process was complete. Then she instructed me to disable my hearing while in transit."

"Hmm. Well, we already did your Process 12, so the restore from backup isn't a problem, but it's troubling that IT knew about the virus. Where was Rebecca when you last saw her?"

"Rebecca was preparing to scan Heather's system. I am core-level aware that Heather is a sleeper unit running the lovertoy module. This information is not directly accessable to my personality thread."

"Yeah, I talked with her earlier. Wait... how long did Rebecca take with you?"

"From the time Rebecca entered our room to the time I exited, the total event lasted ten minutes and fifty-seven seconds." This was fun. Master was requesting so much data from me!

"And how long ago did it end?"

"The event ended four minutes and twenty-three seconds ago."

"So she's still there. Good. I think I'll give Susan a call in a minute. First, I need to make a modification to your itenerary, though."

I giggled. "I await your command, master."

"Continue to the IT lab as directed by Rebecca, but do not proceed to Bay 27. Instead, I've got other plans..."


1.25 - Prog Rock
1.75 - Running Late
Episode List